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<br /> --- — _ -- , ur.d fixttires uaw an c�reafter�ga�t of t1�PmPirtY• AII rc�Iac�nment�a�ld�dditi�ns s�aII:a2sa`be`cvvesed bq�a�S�uitg t
<br /> - in +m L AI�OY thC�(S.i2$4�IJg�8 t'v��f0�II tb�S S2¢�fit}f�ItiSi'cIIIItEA18S t�ie"Pt0�14�t•°. ' , ' • `' ; , __.'
<br /> �� - � � B�RR13�tER.GOiI`�NI�I�j'�S t�a4:Honarsrer is tawfutiy sei'sed of itts�tat�t�by r.oaveyed a�i has s�e r��st ta�gra.nt , .
<br />�' � �and c�nvesy the Ptagaty aad that�the i�aop�rty is unence�b�r�er1,excepi fas cacambr�es'of c��. 8arxo�ei watr�wi�a�id � _..-
<br />=:= wc�I defe�d gen��ralty t1�s tittC to the�aP�►�ainst all�laims a�demaads,s�it�'�to any eacnmbr�s,ufx�:ord. - �.
<br /> ��* � ,�° ;�;-. . � ` TfIIS�ECiJRITY 1l�f55TRt1�td�'wmbines um�fozca�coveasnts fo€ natioffat use �imn-anifaim save�ts�v�itd� --
<br /> ;: - `',.�;�- - timited varia�ans by jurjsdicx�on w canstidste a auiform secwitlr insavaa�nt coveri�g resr�progerty. , -, . ,
<br /> ��'�` £ 4��Y z iJMFO32M CDVEN/#1�i1"5. 8oimwerand LeAdercove�na.nt�s�g�ze as foltows: .' ' . . . . —
<br /> _- . ._ . .. . .._
<br /> r`� � w' .`_ < <1. Aa, t`mlYrtndlpai a�I�ter¢s��I�3nae�rt�td�S.a#e C',saige� $orirawexshat��y�y ts�e tbie Ltt� - ---
<br /> - �F1� ��.:': . principal of a�inteaest on dis de6t evIdenced fsy the Note'and anY F�PaYment aa81�e c�rges dne uader tSe Note. �. ,
<br /> ' :��..,,�,a_:.,•
<br /> ��•a r r-j.:�. . � 2. �ds fqr'��Iasar�Sab,{�ct w agplica62e la+r�or w.��iuen waiver by Leade�8uauw�r s3�all�y�to . ,
<br /> �` `` '.` � ` ° I.end�on.t�e day maa�iily payme�s�due v��er the NoAe.u�til tt�e Note is paid ia fnll,a sam("Flmds"?far.fa�Y�Y
<br />- r ': .'� - taaes amd assess�naents vvhich may�s prioriry over this Security�t.a�at ris a tiea a�t6e Pcapec�►:tb}yearly teasehqld: , .
<br /> s
<br /> P���r.�nund�ats ah @ie I'�opeaty. if�y;(e)7t�Y��P.mP'�4' in3�ance P�: (� !'���
<br /> iastaaace piemiams.�f aay,(e?Y�Y�����PT��if�y;aad(Q anY sams PaYa6Ic bq Boriaw+Cr to: .
<br /> ' - � Leader,ia ac.oardam�wtth tPte provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage i�uaace preYnimns. '1i�ese
<br /> �r;,i-��;:;:.;�;�:�.�,= itsms are caIIed"Fscmw I�ms.° I:eader maY,at any time,caIte�t aud hotd�nds ia aa amouat not w e�cceed the ma�imum
<br /> '���'�r,'''�`°`�!-' �• amoara a Ieuder for a fedezally related mortgdge loaa may ceqaite far Boreawer's esc�ow account uader the fed�al.N�at � .
<br /> - F�te Sei�tementPma�dur�s Act of I974 ac am�nde�from tm�to time.l2 U.S.�§Z64I et seg("R�SP11�7.ualess�o�r , .
<br /> ' ' Iaw that appfies to the Fvnds s�a le�er amouat. If so,I.ender may,at aay tim�colt�ct and Im�d l�mds iu�amuunt not ta —
<br /> �� �.r+� '�,,-, exceed the tesser amovn� Lender may estimate the amaunt of F�mds due an the basis�of caaent data and�easonabte ,
<br /> :.�, _,,•.:',.,; .' ' esfimates of exge�didues of fu�Fscraw Items or othe�wise in accordaace aritn applic�ble law. . , ��� -_-
<br />- • ��-�;v:.. �:� • . Ttie Funds shall'he held ID.su instituHon airose depcssits are'snstued!sy a fedeial agency,�,tmentality,ar entlty� ___
<br /> ':1.�.���:r�k�"z�.;•' . (imcluding Lend�r,if Lender is such an iustitution)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lender sha'#.�ly.the Fuads ta pay . - ---
<br /> ,,.,:x,.:�,: .;'.-,,: -- ._....----the Fscmw,ILems.�.Lender may not chatge Bormwer far hotding aad�applying the��nds.�y,��S the escrow ,
<br /> ;�.�.: '• a�tiunt,oi v the Escrow�Items`.imless Lendei"Pay�Borrovner-intexpstun the�mds��nd� ' is law per�its
<br /> � e�g B�ruwer to a a one-time c e far au in udent teat --
<br /> -�Y:��' �`��4;.�•�'� � E.endea t,o make such a chazge. Howevec.Lr�tier maY c�ire P Y � � --_---
<br /> „�.�-�`"�r�`;�:��'.°��' esta;e tax repoiting service used by Lessd�u�ia'r✓nnection with this doan,,untess applicable law provitl�s��nthe�wise. UNess ar, _
<br /> ;��'':`':�'-;:''.,: i''_ `• agreement is made or applicable Iaw reqairr.'�i3�erest to be paid,Lender shall not be cequired to paq�..i�+oweruny inte�st or , _ _.
<br /> � _ �• :. eamings oa the�Amds. Hoaawer and Lender may�gcee in writing,howevet,that interest sbail be�un,the Fuads. Lead'er . � , ___
<br /> ' ' , gree st�
<br /> V,�„�-�_ shall�ive to�o�rawer,withoat c6arge,an a�ual accaunting of the Prinds,showing c�es.�''Ls and debits to the I�mds and the ----- --
<br /> - :'',.,::'. �' for smns secm'ed �
<br />_ :�•<;{��-:;�;�. • pu►pase for v�hich easb debit to the Puuds was made. The Fimds are pledged as ad�oPi;�,�uiry all , bY� . .
<br /> . . . this Secv�ity tnst�ment - `: ,::;: , . —
<br /> ; � , If tHe Ftimds held_by Lender exceed the amo�ts permiued w be[zeld by a�p:�zcab2e Iaw.L.ender shaII aceount to _
<br /> -r.,,. . ::�, ' - Borrower for the excess Fuads in a�cordance with die tequ�rements of applicable Ta�..;��ffiount of tHe Funds held�}r ,
<br /> ;� co
<br /> .•"•r ' Lender ai aay time is aot s�Scient W pay the Fscmw Item.g when due,Leader map'swmotify Bomnwer in writing,.atid,in
<br /> • sach case Borrowet shall pay to.Leader the amount necessary to make up tl�e cte�`n«�ry. Borrower"s4all nuake�p the _ __
<br /> ,� >..',., :•; :� deficiency ia no more thaa twelve montWY 1�Y�nu+a�Leader�s sote discretion. ' ' • � � -.
<br /> . . Qpon payment in fu11 of alt sums secured by tlus Secariry tnstrumient,l-ender s't�F PrompsIy�fund to Borrower any ' __ _
<br />- '�`..'� � . . ''� . - fimds held by Lender. 1f,nuder paragcap�'2t,Lendes shall acqnire or sell the Propeatyr.Lend�i;t�e�to the acquisiuon or --- —
<br /> . ' . `(t � �.. �� ' � sale of the Property.shail app2y any Funds.h�td by Lendsr at the tune of acquisition or sate.���aeliit against the sams - -
<br /> . `� s • secured by tbis Secuciry lnsuumen� • -
<br /> 'r;','.. . 3 Apgllcation oY Paymentq. Unte�s applicable taw provides otherarlse, all payments received by I.ender aader �'��.,'+! �:
<br />- �• : patag�aphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,tn any piepayment charges due wcder the Note:second.to amounts payable vader -._-. _
<br /> •-,�.. •: : Paragrdph 2:ehird,to intemst due;fourth.to princ►pal due:and last,to any late charges dae under the Note. � �-�f_ •
<br /> •:..:. 4. C6a�'ges;Ifens Baaower sUall pay all taaes, assessments.chazges. fines and impositions attri6wa61e to the � ' �_--
<br /> : •�%, ' Froperty wIuc6 may auain paority over this Security Insuument,and leasehold payments ar ground rents,if any. Botmwec : �=°
<br /> ` .{'' �''.''``. � sh�U Pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that maaner.Borrower sLall pay them on =----- --
<br /> ,:; -�,.,'.� '; ;.,:,,�,.:: q�directly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall promptly fumish w Lender all notices of amonnts to be.�aid under ==-�-=-.-
<br /> '. , .. . .; : t�s paragfaPh. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrowet shaU proruptly fumish to Lcnder.receip�s�v�i'c�tcin� �r.s���.=
<br /> °;; .�., . '.� , the gayarents. '•� : , , ., ;,.., :.;,r �-- --
<br /> ;�: ;. .. ,, . ;; . Borrower snall pmmptly disc6arge an;�!r►�which has priority over tdis Securiry Inswment imtesst���.�ak�r(a)agrees �+'��•.-�—
<br /> i�1��,`�' :A�; :.. � °'� 7�: in writing to We payment of,the obllgation's•�ared by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)o�:.'sts iq Soad faith the ',�''��, ? ..cr�'�r�
<br /> � •'�'1;,�.�t'•' •���! ' • lien b or defeads nst enforcement af the lien in.legal proccedin$s which in the Lender's opinion opeiate W psevent the �r•.'r��,,.:..�
<br /> rr;�:,, y, �;, �-�:;, `a
<br /> ., ,;�;,�,{<� r .��:.� ��.,:=--
<br /> :::ry;,�s;�;^;. �'�� enfaseement of the lien;or(c)se�uces from the holder of the lien an ageement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien {�,,`}:,•:::,-�.��
<br /> - ��+�Efb< W ttns Security Tnsuumeni. If Lender determines that any part of the Ftoperty is snbject to a lien which may attain priority ,,y;�����y .... ,�;,,.
<br /> .�;'-.��' � � �r. . over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Bormwer a nodce identi�ying the lien. Borrawer shall satisfy the tien or take � �: •
<br /> �%�'''�i���'''�• ' � aae or more aEd�e actions set forth above withia 10 days of the giving of nodce. ., . .� :.:'-�ti.i..`�:�:
<br /> , :..'�''": • $, Ha�a�rd or prog¢rty In,garatte� Boiiower shall keep the unprovements uay e�sting or hereafter erected oa tfie � • ,
<br /> � ..:` ;���:;#` . . . . .
<br /> . ..;��:�. :� ,. , � .� � �
<br /> - ;. ., i�COperty insured against loss b}c fire.hazards inetuded wir�m the term 'extended wc�e and any other hazands.'raxciuding . ;;:;;i;�i ,
<br /> • , tT;�srcds or flooding,for which Lender requires insuia�: This insurance shall 6e maintained in the amounts�for the :;. �,i���.'� . .
<br /> . ,:
<br /> � . . � � Fosta:�`3 9N0 IDaSe�oJ6 poges) � ' •. • �.� . .
<br /> � , �t�,: ,
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