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<br /> . �t .� =i� ' . . ' � ` ' •'.,� j�-!^S�„�` .l-3__.
<br /> � � 5. �ADl3PER C�TK&PR�PERTY:ASSUt1PT�ON.I�d�Gi ttl�I QJI!09 Ut0 BIO�QTISt O?hd�iESt�tEi8171�3 60+�.QBliS�St[Rt�O� , � £t4'�'-'�`,;
<br /> , . ` `: s�narn�tse cbmreye0 by Tn�sior a3�out Eenc��ym prtsr�n arn�ent mcdudfn9(�the c�3ttc�of e txn a�encumbrer�� � � �.,�, .' .. �
<br /> � ',, .`� , suDordtnais tc tt�is D�d ot TnuL N)tb�n at a parehasa rnenay aeaudy inieraat tar,B�sehod eypL'etr►�.fo)a trns�sYer py - •
<br /> 'F`. _ "�
<br /> , r __,,.,
<br /> r . .. devtaa.descant or by op�rdton a!faw upan tlu dudh ot a jolnttaner�t or(tn tM BrnrB o7arry f�assha9m Gs�ntt�tffiras yaars or[�s w• . � - , ,. r�_:
<br /> � .. "not eontatotegen eptEo�to giueeAas�.ai�s�lan�a bnaeA ottRfe agnsm��and Bsnafidery may.at Barte!t�i�►optian.6a�tan � . � ` .'< < `'
<br /> � ' eD ihs eums as�uad try tDt�D�et T�u�'t ta tr,s imm�'s�iy dua and payahGa ar�o tAo truste�to Ui�a natfoo o!d�E�. .�:.;' . X`.`' .:
<br /> ` . • Baa��etetY.shg9 hsvs watv�d au�op�.lAO t4�S�raOr i�Dr(a�m th!sa�.trertsftt a!cat»ysnd Hia�9�y artd the p��n to r. �
<br /> 'F , • ♦` .. , .l,' f„_..
<br /> 7
<br /> � �..,� . . W410(111h!PmP�nY i3 tQ @��0�01�tt1{�f1sd flf6h LQINfif111 Uf Wlt�itlQ tltGt lRY GIYd301 QlCfi�Ii011 b ft�I�t[0�f1�9C�L1y � • t..�.�� . , `•�t{r:—
<br /> • . . . , end�hattho hdare�4 payabS�on tR�aum�t ite�aod Dy fhf�CssA ot7�4slIIhafl 0��c�efi reee as BamSeteuy sha9 reqSnst . �
<br />- : .s � . - . , . �
<br /> « . � . , • e. AOCELEEiATiOPI UPON DEFiAU6T:REMEQIES 8ALE Ths faEtum Cy tho Trtc�or to mnSa�anY RsYrtu�or to pe�farm a�ot � ��;�.Y�„ '`,��' .,.., ,'` . ....
<br /> 5 ..
<br /> _„ , tha tertns and wrtdEtoaa ntth�Aotw ar erry�r►rxa��sodt5eettans ar exen�ns tAareot orths Raym�sn af a�y othsr tnE�btsdre4ss � �
<br /> . ,._ , ,_ µ Y. ' -
<br /> ..... _.. ,. aaaure0 A�rab�t ot i�lDSe psrfamsnnee W mry ot the eavonnnts ar a�teomeMa heiemderch�6e a�t�aet�'of H�b agraemes�t arid the �. . -
<br /> �. i
<br /> . ' . � Br�ne&tazy►may d��ara e detau$ttrtd ma1►deetara aa suma�aau�d hareisy immed�aSeIy Q�e attd paya�!s tmd the amna shaB�Q - < --:
<br /> � � thereupon bewms dua artd payabfs withaut ptese�eai dem�cd.prote3tor no4tas oi any(dnd ThereaBer,�erte8cta�/may defcver : . •
<br /> no
<br /> . . � to Tmstee a wr�llen dedar�Eon of defnuH end demsn6 far eato.Tmator agcaae end lieroby�ania that ffie trusine st�aD he�va the � �.. ��
<br /> - _ "._'_ .. powar of snls af ffie Property and B Bsnatxtary dael��s ffi's Propsrty�to b9 soSd�sheD depcsd wd��Trusit�th�Qead of Tnui ettd O _,�.,,,:=•'•.; : •'t •' :_.
<br /> � , -�---- - the Natv or notes and acry bthor dorvmnMs ovldmang expand�nes aaauod hewby,and sha0 d�tnnrto Trt�ataa a w�dten RoSir�ot � . , ..,� % ,,.
<br /> - , ?.,.-<< " .. deim�8 and sfedien to causs.t he P i op�r t y t o 6e so i d:�d T�u�tr u n�st�a�pre p E S r e a aimQar no�es in ttis form r e quued b y taw -- ,-.'����. .. ....°,. r.�.
<br /> ' , ' whfch sAaU bedufy Qed for rewrd 6y Tnesta�. • .
<br /> � . - . ` �� ' (aj ASer fhe lapse of auefi time�may.ba requ¢�Dy(aw Pot�wing fhs reeotda4ion af Mot�af Oetau�an6 K�o!Qelau@ , � .. � ,..: .a
<br /> .,.. erM Hatice a!SaTs having Eean givan as requirad by fnxr.Tr�sffie.aeho�d demand onTrualar,ahaD aeDths Property tr�ane '�• ' ''. ` '. � '
<br /> � ar more pereeb and in eu�arQor ab TnuLor may detarmine on fhe daSs and7ha thnt end p!ace designated in saId Not�e � `
<br /> ' • ,.`• - af 8Nri.at pubGc aud'mn tc tha higAesl bIdder,ffis purehnse pdoa p�te in cash in tawfu!monsy attlts Unaed SffiSes at �`.: _ _. 'I :.'j
<br /> 8N ,..'�`
<br /> . .. • thm time o!sate.Ths person eandueffi�UU�e se�may,for nny cause he or sha deems a�ed��,postpona the saIe fiom _ , ` :��`•�
<br /> . -- tune W GmA until it ehnU be eompletad and.u�evety►sur�ceas,notiee a!posfyonemtni st�nlf 6s 9���Y Pu6�deei�rfYen
<br /> ,;. � •• . . : .
<br /> -f�. � . , thereof by sud�pereon at the time and ptsos tast eppointed tor the saG�PmviEed,dtlts sats is pos�oned tor ton er�rmn . . %<``
<br /> : . , cn.a�'1}dey 6eyond the day dasfgnated'm the Ntatiee o!Snte,ncti�tf:eseof 8he0 bs given in ihe seme mamisr es tha � ' Y,, t�3��
<br /> ;;. ' ' c�jir�{C.^�se a!SaSe.Tnistea sfiaA ex�uto and defiver to ths purrh�t ds Deed mmreying the PraRer4y so sold.6ut �`�. ,. .,�,�,� 1 t.--
<br /> �-� :, _ . ` .�•:.,.: �� , � . av'c":c�t�:ry oovenant or warrenty.ex�res�or impQed.The ree7tals in the Deed o!arty man�sers or fads aisa�J 6s mn�s"sve " —
<br /> -._.: -_-...,.�:. ;..�. :. ,: .:.__._._ ._..... _ .:... •- - -.pmatalfhe�uuNlt�Oness.thereotA�sy�ersor+.Ineiudin��utl'un�diosl_�eRB�lorTrustee,maypurcftaseatthe.snle.. . � . .. . _
<br /> �
<br /> � . .�y�iF�'' .
<br /> ^_ . , (GI 4Yhen TrasOee selt�Qursuarit to the powers herein,Trustee sheA ap➢N tfie praceeda of Uta eal0 to payment of the co„ts • �'�`;�=='°� �f; , ,L:�
<br /> `. � � • . and expenses oi ezereisfng fhe power ot sde and of thA sa�,indufimg,w3hout Gm�tion.the paymerd af T�a a Fees ';��.�:�
<br /> � ' , ineurred.whish Tnistse a Fees shaU rtot in the nggregaDS�ssd the fodowing amounb based uyon the amaunt sewrad . ;; .
<br /> .. _ � :.� .>.. , hereby and remaintng unpaid:5 peroerrtum on ths�Ience thereo�end then tothe dems in subparngreph(e)in fhe order _�.�,�;....!��
<br />_ y �. _ . . .. : . theresGeted.- �. ' _ ,�,xz:r�•`�:N i_ .
<br /> ��`:Y;'i;y;,._ ,
<br /> , . ." (c) After paying tha aema speafied in subparagnspfi(b),it tha sale ia by T�e,or the �a er couR end other east9 oi � '�` ''
<br /> P P -t:r;�'''`s';`+.;:, .
<br /> � . • �bredo�ure and sate it the sa[s is pursuant W judicial torerdosure,the proeeeda ot eala shaU be epp6ed in the order stated .%;;?;.,�.•'::;' `
<br /> ' ' ,� ,' � tretawtotRepaymartat. , . l
<br /> � `� � (1)Atmmsyafeosandex�oteoQeatfon:
<br /> . , . (2)Cost o!eny evidence eEtiBe pma:rod iri connection with sueh sale e►�4 eletny reventle required Lo be pntd: _ � : �.„ � ;r; ; .
<br /> � • (9)AD obficge8ons sea[ed by thb Tnusdead; ` `
<br />- ' (4)The remeinder,if any.to the pwson tegaayt eMitled thoreto. ' � �'S � .
<br /> . �';,;;•, •� -'
<br /> ��,.,',;;,• .�� . 7_ ADDfTIONAL SECURtT1f INSTRUMEMB.Trustar,�ca Esqense,wU mceaGe and deGve►to the Benefrciary.PromD�S►�B� �� .�. '����`
<br /> .. . L . . �� � �.���ij.�.
<br /> .��: . . demattd.suefi saa�iy;nstrumer�as may 6e wquired by Benefraaqt,in fortn end substanea sattsfaetory to Berte{..dary.eovaring � : •.= : .
<br /> - ,�:::;:_1':. . ���--- - -- �t _.
<br /> �. ,i;` � � • � any o}Ne Pioye�g cariu�yed by thie Qaed aF TwL whieA seeu6ty instrumer.�s.�a�he additlonal seairity ic�Tmstafs farthfld �..r-: : -L,,r�1r ,
<br /> pertormanes ot all tse tenna eovenents aed cond�ns ot thts Deed af TNSt tr�a Czvmtssory notea seeurod hereby,and any atfisr , . '`}
<br /> � � searity instrumenb�oea�tcd in conneGfon wit�this transaetion.3u�fi instrumor.*�shall be rewrded or filad at Trustors expense. � �
<br /> ' , �. • . :i.-
<br /> . 8. APPOINTMERR OF BUGCE5SOR TRU87EE.Beneficiaryr eRey.8cm tir.+a t�timo.by a wriGen mstrume�rt executed�d . .: ,.. 1>'>-
<br /> .. �i���
<br /> adatow�dgad by Bene�tdary,.Tr..�a+i to TrusDOt end reeorded in ifa}cx:it�y aT covrdies in wh�tho Property b facefleA and by �. � . `,`-r ••�. ,-:
<br /> ,.� otharwlae oomP�YU'S"�Ah th4�+.a:ans of the npplirah(e tawa of the Stata ct�;e�ke aubstitute e suaessor or suaessara to ttre � ; • ':��'��..f` �.
<br />_ � . � TrusOe�named he;�ar aetmg har6undec �` . . , , � �.
<br /> �
<br /> � • � � 8. INSPECTtON8.B�rtafrdaey.or ib ag�nm.rrpresantativss or waflvrten.e�suthorized to enter at nny roasonabte timo upon f ..,'., jr"
<br /> - or in mry part of th�Prop�rty for G:o puryose ot inspaeting the sr.�e c�d tar the purpore of peAorming nny of the acta i!is nuthaNzod � ' , .•" `.
<br /> . . �-- - - ���;"� to ps(torm undsr the torma o1 the 0eed of Treist . ; , 's}�. • „ -
<br /> � � 10. OPTION TO FOAECLOSE Upon the oxurrenae ot any breaeh and upon the Qectamtfon of detauR heteuMer,Benefi 'a�ry � � , . ' ''
<br /> .. ' ' sha➢have the optton to toreelose tht�Oeed M Trust in the mpnner provtded by(aw for the foredoEUre of mortgagea ete�eal propeAy. � • ::y_ ,,'4��'
<br />-� � � 14. FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFtCIARY OR TFIUST�NOT R WAiVER.Any forobsaranoe Ay Benofletmy or Tnistee in �' `
<br /> � exereisUeg any dght or rameCy hateunQer,w othanivfse atforded by epp�irab(e(aw,shaU nat ba a waiver ot or pteclud0 the exerdse y ;. ;•,::.
<br /> -.. .., . . •. ;:.,..� JIYS
<br /> , - - •"'��'`�,;�: " : ' of arry cueh right or rem�dy horeunda.Uluwlss,tho weiver by BsnoBdery ar Truotas ot anyr defauft of Trustor under this Oeed of , !� �;�+;•� . : ` '•
<br /> ;�i:;, %'�;.:;,.`�'....
<br /> ` j.;. •�•�•�.;. . Trust sheQ not bs desme0 W bs e waiwr of arry otheror simitar detauRs aubs�quaraly oxurting.
<br /> � 12. TRUSTCR KOT RELEA8W.Extensian aE ffie tim�for.paymiqtat i�o'SitfE�aS�il,of'FUflortiza�on of tfie sums sewred by this� 1 �
<br /> . . . Oaed ot Trust granted by Benefreisry to eny sueeesaor fi inteTqs9 QtTiuSWi�RC!O�LS 1D(EIEaS9,in any mennet,the GaDdiry ot � ' •�, ' '�_,,
<br /> � . � ths arigU�al Ttus�or and Truttofo�uaassor in interest�itwfteiary ehall,qq� �c�rff�to oommene�prooeedingo againat sueb i , .
<br /> • �" � �r or ntua to�xbnd tlm�tor paymmt ar othatwln ntaddy amorlinNan of th�aums secured by thb Deed oi Truat by j �•; ;i r:•. �
<br /> , teaton of any dsmand maQe by the ori�inal Ttustar and TrusDOts auaaetsora in inierost � '" �'�.
<br /> � , � , 19. BENEFlCWFiY'8 POWER3.Wdhaut aff�t�inp at nhasinp ffi�IiabUity►ot ths Trustor or eny cthsr persan Iinble tor the �. .
<br /> . � paym�nt o1 a►ry obCgation herain menUon�d,and wehout aft�ting th�lim or chmge of this Qaed ot Trust uyon eny portlon of U►e ! . , ,
<br /> � ' �+�� . • � ProFert�r rtot than or theretnfor�rolensad ea seeurdy tor th�iu0 amflimt of all unpald ob�ns.BenefleFnryr may,from time to time ! �
<br /> -- and withhout notk�at ths requeat of ons or mors Trustars n at�ete arty puson so IiabtR(�axtsnd or renew the matrir�ty ar dter nrry
<br /> � , t�. ef tM t�m�s of etry s�a�obligations,(�)grnnt athsr inQui��nas,(�l)atsas�or ne�rrv�y,ar cauas to As rotaassa or naonvoyod et �,. �
<br /> . j,.. : • . arry tlm�at Ben�fldaq/a optiom any pu+�l.pardon or e0 of ths Prop�fty.M tatu or nMass ury otAer or addRional aeeurity tor eny .
<br /> , ,fi� .._ • • , ob'.tpet�on hsnin mentian�A:(vi)mnia wmpositlons or othor arrartg�rmnts wiU�d�htoro irt rolaflon thereto.M Trustnra shall be '
<br /> . ja(Mry end ssvsreQy obli�ebd and bound by th�aG�na o!th�Benstic�y cr eny trusDor aa hereln s��. �
<br /> � ` - . f4. A7TORNEY FEES.CCSTS AND r�fPENSES.lf tAs Benr6elnty ot thb Deed ot Truat ia a 6ank ea define�i by Nabraske law, ; , .
<br /> .. ,_..� :.•._ •..
<br /> , . .:. ,.: . , ,,: ; ... .
<br /> � ,4 � ernt suUmuR eoniairted in erry oth�r s�3ian W this d�id ntitwahstnndtng,ths Beri�fretnry efie11 notD�intiWd W nphr�ar teks and
<br /> � •�. : ; . . . • Q�htm ehell not b�obiiget�d to pay or give;any cront�aslan of�udgmar t Down of ettom�y to cantu��udgmar�t,poxrer of aSomoy to ��
<br /> 1 ;- . _. • ayyeu tar e trortowst In a(udtdnl0reoadl�g or ngresm�nt to pay thi aosts ot caVas�an ar the atmmsys fesa untesa ths interost . .
<br /> i,�_-_. . Peyabb by thr tums o1 th�Nai�r�temAd to in th}s dNd i�1696 p�r ennum at tts�,or th�rtot�M�md to in this d�ad is rapayabte�n
<br /> i ' � two or mor�aquel av unequel inatattrnont�and over a petatd ot more than on�hundnd fortydnra(145)months.Pravtded,howevor. .
<br /> }' _. ,, � thel thb section doea not apDN to ths bust�fee rsfertad to in PnregrapA 8.6�).Provl6ed fuMer Mat tl+b Paragrnph 8.14 sfinU not
<br /> eppy to this O�Md of Tniat,HtA�B�n�ft�ary h�r��b not e banh. .
<br /> f .�. . � '. '
<br /> .+•', ` ____:�.� � . .
<br /> . , Attitlfllp) , �
<br /> �'. , cofe�+aEV.sa H�cnun BOitROVYER COPY(1) ` ao�s2e , ,
<br /> . , , • .. � R97EMIOHCOAY(1) � a
<br /> , i, . . �
<br />