<br />200410158
<br />Exhibit "A"
<br />PARCEL 1: A tract of land eaaprisiag all of the Notthwat Quarter (NW1 /4) and part of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (N$1 /4) of Section Six (Q,1b*wsbip perm (11) Noah, hoop Tsa (10) West of tie 6tk P.At,
<br />Hall Coaaly, Nebraska, and store pgrdc lady described as fun@=
<br />Segtaab g at the aatkwed cwuer of acid Nortkwuxt Quarter (M/4); t6moe rwoning easterly, along
<br />and upon the north Use of said Northwest Quarter (NWI /4). a dlstmeg at 7�m •lye Five Hundred
<br />Men and Semdy Seven Hundredths (2,S1S.77) feet to the aorO went cornar of said Northad Quarter
<br />(NE1 /4); thence aeeeeting left W 09' Or and runabig easterly Mort and upon the north line of said
<br />Northeast Qamta OWW406 a distance of Five Hundred Fftiy Six and Sho Etgld Hundrdths (556.65)
<br />fah thence deflecting right W 04' 02' and ruoah:g souti mter%& a drstsaee of Two Thousand Tian
<br />Hundred Seventy and Ekbt Hundredths (2,31M fat; d wsm ddtedlog rigtt 01• ST 50' and running
<br />soodwasta*, + dfstaum of Thras Hundred Thirteen ad Fifty One Hadr+r00'. (313.SI) feet to a point
<br />oa the south lies of said Nnd ad Quarto (NEI /4); theaee dewed hig sight, 94' W 46' ad �
<br />westerly, along and upon the south tlae of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 f4 and aloft and upon the
<br />asnth bar of said Notffiwrat Quarter QM /4, a distaua of Three nods nd Five Hundred Twa ty
<br />Few and Six Hundredths (3,12406) fed to the soathwud coma of said Nerthwat Quarter ([�if�f►I / {)t
<br />thence de0eetiwg rIOK W 5V 29' and raaatsg aorthenfy, along and upon the wrst line of sefil (N thwsst
<br />Qwctw OM/4), a dune of TWO Tkaaaod She Hundred My one and Sk Hundredths (2,6S1.16)
<br />feet to the point of begiraig.
<br />PARM 2: A grad of land eaarprtafsg a part of the sosthad Quarter (SEl/4 of Seriion Sbc (6),
<br />Tewwaidp Ekuea 01) North, Raagu Ts (to) wed of eke ifh FAL, Hag Cauoq, Ndrasica, sad more
<br />Particularly desatbed as follows:
<br />BgOuuh% at the sowthad rawer of said Sovibew Quarter OW /4: theme ruesiug west ely, along
<br />and open the south flue of sold Sowehast Quarter OM /46 a d6ftme of One Thousand She Hw"
<br />Forty Nine and Tway Few Readre+Ris (1,649.24 tech thence deflecting rJOd JW 4T Sr and rwulag
<br />northerly, a dfatnaoe of Two itieusawd Two Hundred Thirty Nine and Eighty Five Hundredths
<br />tat; dwIm datiecfog 1011 d7' 4S' W and running northerly, a Aftnot of Fear Hwdeed Fowft
<br />Five Hundredths (414AS) tat to : pNot OR the mW& line of tall Sou dmd Quarter (SFa /n; thence
<br />dig d& 97' 5V 46' and raaatwg =do*, alawg and upon the north one of said Snobs" Quarter
<br />MW4), a distance of Owe 'ILouwd Six Hundred Sevanly S, ten and ft Hundrdths OA77AQ fat
<br />to hie northeast eoraor of acid Southall Qaarkr (SCl/4), thane ieBeclsg right g9' IW 37' and
<br />and upon the east Use of said Southeast Quarter (SEi /4, a Mstanoe et Two
<br />" None sad r&V tam Hundredths (2,649.59) fat to the plat of begtaaiag,
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter and a part of the Southwest Quarter,
<br />all being in Section 12, Township 11 North, Range 11 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of
<br />said Southwest Quarter; thence running northerly, along and upon the west line of said
<br />Southwest Quarter, a distance of 2,644.60 feet to the southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter
<br />; thence deflecting right 00 000'25" and running northerly, along and upon the west line of said
<br />Northwest Quarter, a distance of 2,647.88 feet to the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter;
<br />thence deflecting right 90 011'05" and running easterly, along and upon the north line of said
<br />Northwest Quarter, a distance of 2,044.66 feet; thence deflecting right 89 °40'50" and running
<br />southerly, a distance of 3,268.85 feet; thence deflecting left 90 004'47" and running easterly, a
<br />distance of 155.76 feet; thence deflecting left 90 006'00" and running southerly, a distance of
<br />2,030.30 feet to a point on the south lien of said Southwest Quarter; thence deflecting right
<br />90 026'43" and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southwest Quarter, a
<br />distance of 2,211.75 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />A tract of land comprising all of the Northeast Quarter, part of the Southeast Quarter, part of the
<br />Southwest Quarter, and a part of the Northwest Quarter, all being in Section 12, Township 11
<br />North, Range 11 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, and more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter;
<br />thence running southerly along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of
<br />2,653.80 feet to the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence deflecting left 00 °05' 12"
<br />and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of
<br />592.51 feet; thence deflecting right 89 055'48" and running westerly, a distance of 3,218.97 feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 90 °04'47" and running northerly, a distance of 3,268.85 feet to a point on
<br />the north line of said Northwest Quarter; thence deflecting right 90° 19' 10" and running easterly,
<br />