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<br /> --.u�-���� � . . -�G194 HARTf�Et� ST.� GRANI3 ISLAf�s H�BRASKA' 68843 � . =r: , -• ,
<br />�--�,�;�;,'�ti�.� . .., - , 13�t0Fsrt�t Itddressl � ' . . ` _..� --
<br /> ��,?_`�;;-;�"�;"`.�� bititNESBETli: . . , , , ` ', . ' ^--�
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<br /> �'` <��w'�.'��rF,' �dItlonaf escurIty to tRe�en�dra tasr iR�pay�n�nt o�tRe Nlgte; - . . � � � -_ _--
<br /> ��`'_�- 1� : -_� � .. . . . .. - . ' __' __—
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<br /> �!�b4s^,:..�.�f,�r fr,,:� �airfsl0l34: , .., ----— —
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<br /> 'y �' , ,�i t, Bflrrawerhere�labsolutetyastduncos�ditionaliyaaal�naafl - -- ---
<br /> - t�en4a,, �uaa a�+0 ptofita o�t�sa•Rta ta�eftslary. leader sAal! haue tha r19t►t, pawer an0.autharity durt� Me _
<br /> _I``'�`i r;`^. ``�R; .Y!� c�ntine�ns�ao7 tR�Secau'ily tnstYUmsn4 to cdJE�t tha�ents,�ssu�s art�prdfits o!the�t�petty,�nd oT any pessonal Psa6enli ------.-.-.---
<br /> � � ,. � a� . iocaiGd ttfereon uf9Ue�w3t4ioait ta3�irt�p�tan oi the O�PB�]►atfacted hereDy.Lender.ho�s+aver�here�►y coa�sents t�D,;;; � --- ----------
<br /> �r,..n,';•.._�; �';�.�� �. Sorrawat's Cal�eci�o��9[eiantton of slacA ee�tar j8sues and prot(ts as they a�ctue and became peysble,80[ong ps�crro�re�,{;;•
<br /> -° .����°;}�''-':• la swt,at aualf timOstn 4eht�it MritA�pact to paY�t of any Inde�teMess securesf ftereDy.�intbe pettormance o!any''``� ' - ---°---_-� _
<br /> -" � t���� 8gtee�et�t t�aleU.ndB� . , ` � -
<br /> f �e� ,'f, ..:� 2 AsnaPa�tm�t ot Receivar�tf arsy��aat ot defauti In respect to cha 3asurity tnsfrument shat!have accurred artd bs ' �;t _''_ _--=
<br /> ' �%� '�;z ;�:`�. cantinuing,Lea�er,as a maiter of�tght a�si avEthou!notEce to�ona�aer or anyona cloimtng under 8onanrer.and w�'th�t�j';-;'%.� s�,�w-:;�_ -- -
<br /> `� :'t� f �;h� �a�t�the value o!tl�e 4rust�atate ar the ini:�rest o!the Borrowe�thereln,shatt hava the►tgt�4 to ay�ty to siry cauR t�avtu�g; :..- �
<br /> ._ ,�' �� ti , _ 'lur�sd�atroncoapRoan�areae�ve�otl�ao�oparcy:__._..._ _-�---- --- �-` --- ---- - --. _ ..._.._ . _. _ . � � � -
<br /> _,� �',,�.�i `' 3, 8� ta �aaslon.tn case ot detauit�in the payinent o!the satd principal t�ote or tnterest.o��ny part ihsreot,e9 it � --
<br /> ` `� sRal}matare,or[n the case oi taiture to keep or pertoem er�y of Me caveaants or agresments contatned In the Secur{!y tnstna .
<br /> �'.;.;�:.;�:,,`%.,:'r;:;'�;.��."., •: • ment,then tRe Lender,tts 8uccessot�or assign�,sha916B.and is hereby author�zed and empoweted to take irpmedlat� _ _ -
<br /> - - y- `'' • pwaesaton of the aatd prert�ises theretrt descrtDed erid to cofic�ct the r�ts theretcam,and Eo apRty the praceeda tt�tect to the ^ �
<br />_ •, `.F .. paymen�of the Note _ . . _ , . . . - - , ... . , :,-r .
<br />— _. - 1. �laoticatton a!Rants.lssues and Profits.All rents eoltected Dy i.enAet or the rec�tYer ahait De epplted first to payment � �.,.; �,
<br /> ���,,"`: �i ot tha caste of manane�nent of the pro¢erty art0 colleatton of rente,inctuding�but na��tmited to.receiver'8 tees,ptemiums af� � '�°�
<br /> = '��%• � �° ' ret:etver's hands end reasonabte etQorrtay's tees.and then to the sums sesured by the Securiry l�strumen�LenQar and th0
<br /> . •i:..: , .
<br /> ' �ecetvar sAali be ilaflta to ac�auM onry far�asa renta actuaily receiv�d. • � '� •. �
<br /> _ ..��,. � . : ,,;ty�°:-
<br /> .�, ,,. i _, �,.;".�,.,; ... 5. �onstructton ot Provtstona.EacA otEt�$�rovfsions contalned In this Asstgnment of Rents Riderand the Securiry t�suu� ��..•=^. , _
<br /> ment shafl.unless,otiren�se spectftcali�r�qq�lred,be c6►AStrued io accordance wttb,Nebraska taw.an�in.the event any '
<br /> ., i,3��, prav[sbn Rereln or theseln contained�hati bet'delemeir�ac��iy a courR o!competeni Jurl9dictlon to be unenfarcaatit�,tAa eame �A �� . . �,
<br /> �' ., .,`r�'��.;.. _ . ..,,r, ,•:. • . shall�e canstnied as thoug9�such unentorceabie pravt�ton were not a part hereot or there�f. . , , •
<br /> , .,.e'>>.
<br /> = '•' •• " '�. �:'�� � 6. Eftqct of Rtder.Except aa speclRcalty modtfted by ar in�onsfsten4 with this Assignmen�aa ff��nts Rl9e�or by any oiheT ,� , :�.•ur_.. �
<br /> '�'_��_?,__ _ _ appficabte rtder,a!i of t�e tertns ans provls�mns contained tn the Security lnstrumeni af�aH Ccta�lo tull totce and effe�� �..'�<:��i�`
<br /> .� . . .. 4•.��..��.
<br /> �:. , , } . . . �;��t�„��
<br /> tN WI�[�fESS WHEREOF.Bc!:cur(�ei has executed this Assig men �tents an thg dat �first ooted above. ��:;�;,k�y:
<br /> �::
<br /> � _� ,._ .. r . . ' , , . !i.;�. � >���1-,
<br /> � � , . . ' H LAN SHEFFI �3n° :n: � ''r., . ,:z�:'=�;��`i•
<br /> �. ;;,. , �y;:.: . �,-: . . ,� •;�:.' . �.'�..�; ,
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<br /> � �;= . ,. , .�•�: ��� .. .,-.
<br /> , . ... � y.. ';3� ..�r;�;,
<br /> — BOlfOWBt •'i'' - �. ���'�'S��;: si;�,c.iYr.. .
<br /> • .. ' CI(UDY S. HEFFIELD ;:r;:... ` ,,"�'t' 'R: .;:.:a,:..
<br /> ��:t��•..F�., ..��� ` STA7E OF NEBRASfU) . . . . , ' � �'. �;��r`5�Y
<br /> ��g:. . � . . '� .'
<br /> :,t`�.. ". � ' � : +couanr�FHnu �ss. :`.�.�� � ��.
<br /> .°..�,�::.`�,:..,';: : -,�� . - .
<br /> r:;;;.::: `..'�;I•� an ctUa�BT�!day ot AUGUST �g 94 �}a�rt�e.the undersfIIn� ed.a Nota�r Pubit du�y eommleabned and '�`��. ; �' .
<br /> �':' ����1�,.,�.�,;"-,;s�s. ;� H. ALAI� SHEFFIELO AND CIRiDY S. 5HEFFIEL�, HUSBAND � .
<br /> . ;;:,,,.,j��...;. RUaiffla�4 for esid county.peraonalfy came
<br /> e:
<br /> �•��'��,�;,,, .: AND WIFE .
<br /> . . • ,,;��..,_� .to be the identical peraon(e)wnoae neme(e)talaze suDsc�ihe�1
<br /> : : , to tAe torsaoinp Inatnrment.and helahefthey ackncwtedge tAe executlon thereof to ba hlslher/ihetr vofuntary act and deed. � � ',
<br /> � �� • . 1R�iSnesa my hand an0 Notar�al Sea1 st GRAI1(D�::�S�AND, NEBRASKA . �.. � : .
<br /> .j!- - .:.- .. .�: ':,r.`, n d csem8�t.the d te at �esa .. .,
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<br /> ',� ',.�s�{���, ,,".' :.�:, Nf�t�'�aA'lMI. �Y . .
<br /> 'i:�'�;����'''� -r:�ti My Commtaatcn exptrea: , . . � •
<br /> ,'.�'.�1.f• ,�3�1A' �� .
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