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<br />�'�b_ �'Y'i S�- �• . . . � '. � . ` . ` .. a . z,—_ -'-'_ _ . _ 'r � ' ` � r, � _ - ` ._. ..
<br /> ��-;`�"S�-h ,:�� � � . ' ` • . . `� ` ' ; � � , � � ,. , ��y`�.����,� � �
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<br /> � � ir._.� ��t� � ' :: . a � � , . . , . _ -_- ."_.
<br />-���.��� -- . . - Tf�CiETFIER 4VTi'H ul}t�e improvement�mow or�s�ea€isr es�cte�on�te�gerty.ead a1!sase�aeucs.agF�rte�an�ees� _ -
<br /> _�.,� •
<br /> ,��.u.� ' . aa�}fia�es unw orhereafl�er a part o�the prapetiy. AI!replt��tgattis nud additiops shulx�o be cavese�by this Seau�tj► . --
<br /> = x .-r f � Ynsi�ument AIl af the fore�a#ag�s refeind tn ia thIs Srcuridy Inst4umrs�t a�the"Ftopesty."� � '� ., .
<br /> :y� �Y�•� '4<'� � BURRO�tER C�V�NAASS7 S that Bomorver is iawf�tlY seised of the estai�0�seby,sunve;�sis�2��s t�a�g�t to grant � . -_ - _- ,_---
<br /> x , .a..�Y';r . . S.
<br /> ��.�, ..,-:� • and coavey the�perCy and that the Fropetiy cs uaencutnbered,eartpt for eacua►bmnces of recor@. Hoaower a+aaa�ts and ;• ` . ,
<br /> -�= � �':.�`�`` . will A�fend geaerally the tide ta the�mpe,fty aguinsc fill etaIms aud cka7�nds.subJece to an}c ettcvmB�of recor� - -
<br /> -:�,.�,.�., `.<_ :_��: � ' � -_--_-�-----
<br /> �y y ' � .'THI� SECilitt'I'Y INST�UNlL�NT cambines unifoan covenants far aatfvs+at uss an�,noa-unifomi�r,aveua�ts avith . -_ � _
<br /> .s v �• 3 limi�ed variations by jurisdiction to comstin�t�a uniform secudry in.stitlgncnt cavcring real pmpesty. .
<br /> ' i�Ng'ORM GY�VENANis. Sorrower utcc3 Lender covenant and a�eeC ds faitativs:� - ` �'���'�
<br /> '}�, ° - , . L Fay�atent o4PNadgal�trtere�ti Pt�gaytaen!mr�sl I���. Horrawer s9aI1 P���Y PaY vri�n dae t�e . ' , �r��,,�.���,�
<br /> �� , - Principal of and,'uuerest on the debt evIQeaced by t�e Note�snd onY P�PaytnG�t and late citarges due under theNot+e. ���rt��r�_ ,:
<br />-_ �.=�•,., .:� _ � a... ., .. +r�: .:.
<br /> , ,, , 2>. FuurLs ter R�seg an�Insnra�.ce. Subjecr ca op�ticubte tu�Y or tp a cvrittrn w�ivcr by l:ender,Boaot�er siiai}pay to -
<br /> , Fa
<br /> ;r- �`#`',i : Leadei azt the day moIIW1Y P�Ym� P � ° .�„i;��a���t
<br /> ts aTe due under the Notc,unNl!he NQto is �d i n fi�ll.a sam("Fimds�for::(a)Y�Y
<br /> ' ��� ? taxes aad assess�eats wlnc6 may attain�ion uver this 3ecurity Insmrment as a lien on the Pro ,(b �.•�� -
<br /> �',. �� � `;, ty �Y' ).Y�yleasehoid �,,,,,,,'
<br /> �` , :� ,, .. p a y m e n u o r g m u n d z e n t s o n t h e P e n p e r t y. i f a o y�f c)Y c a r l Y h�z a r d o r`p m p e r ty i n s u r u n c e p r e m��s;{d}j+�...���d �.
<br /> . � r oz
<br /> . t.; ,r, i�` insiaaace piemimns,if any;te)YearlY mortgage insursace Premium9.if any:'nnd(�uny'svms:payaD2e by Bo�F�ta
<br /> � � r : � �r'�� . Lender.ia accoi�dance with the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieo af the paymenc of mortgage insurance premiums.�'Fhese � �,�,�-�� -}'•
<br /> �,�. � . "�Yay� :. items ate oaIled"Esctaw Ioems." Lender may,at any time,coltect and hotd Funds in un amount not to exceefl the maximt�m '��`"°-�, - _
<br /> �` z ��_�
<br /> ��,;�,t;�,; ,• F�=. , ,.,' ama�►t a tendEr far a fedeialIy related mortgage toaz�may require fot Baaowess escrow Qccaunt�er the federal Real � r%��`�•
<br /> �'�,��, �� . � . . 'F�tate Settiement�ivicediues Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,12 U.5.C.�260t et.seq.("RESPA"),Wtiess anotuer ' - ----
<br /> ; s rr„ r, .;.�--'�'��',; � . . laBr that app�es to the I3�nds sets a lesses asnot�t If so,I.Qnder m�y.at aay dme.co�lect tsnd!told Faads ta an amoimi not to . . ��.-�---
<br />=_,� � f ' �ti'�r��: ' exceed ttce lesser amounr. l.eader may estirnate the amount of PWnds due an the basis of current data aad reasonable; � ,�.��:..
<br />-.;�� .. - , � t��,• • , estimates oF expendidues of futlu�Escr+ow Items ar otiieiwise in accordance wlth appliruble lttw. ... •, '''�� � a_
<br /> t �
<br /> �,? T6e F§�nds shall be he2d in an instimtion whase deposits are i�ured by a fedeml a;Rnay. instrumentality.or entaty, , •",�;, ,�a��,. t.��_
<br />� �,�s� .� �,� (including Leader.if I.eader is sach art iastitution?or in any Federal Home l.oasi Banfc. Lender ahall agPty the Funds w pay �: ; �_�x�-
<br />�{, �,:��,' ,. •'.�' -----, _.'t_he�Esemw Items'_Lender maa�i not cAarge Boirower for ho2din�end qpplying ihe Mtadg,annually analyziag the escm�r , .�--E= _ -�
<br /> •. '�,� acc�urit,or verifyirig theZscrow rems.wnless Lender pays Boaower�inte�si o�tf��Furttls-nnd�applicabia-IaN-peiau'is---.---- , _�.�•
<br /> . � , Lender to make such a charge. Howe�er.Lender may require_Borrower to pay o one-time charge for ssa iadependent.,t�a! ., }: ,...�, -
<br />_ � . estate tax reporting service used by I.ender in connection witli this toan.unless opplicub{e!uw provides otherwise. Un2esszia •.. �z;���."�'"��--
<br /> , ' agreement is m�de or applicabte law reguices iatenest to be paid�nder shali not be required to pny Borrower aay inteiest+oi , • .�-��y:�
<br /> �. •,;:�.._;__:..;�;`:...� �gs an the Funds. Botrower and Lender mny agree in wtiting,howevcr.thut[ntemst shal!be pald on ttte Punds.�Lender�. . . •�•�;;;,,��c.�•-
<br /> _ ; . ...., � • - - ' - -
<br />- • • � � shaU pve-to Bor�nwei,;arithout chaige:an anrival accounting oY the Funds.shawing credits uad dcbits to che FLnds sud d�: = - -_ ,,. :.,..
<br /> •� .1' .
<br /> . � purgose for w6ich each de6it ta the l�nds was made. The�5utds are pledged as add6tional security for a11 sums secured by- i:;:;Y
<br />-- :�:?� ' tlusSecurityIastrumen� � . • �.
<br /> _ �. ;.`�; .. If the Fands held by Lender exceed the amounts pemutted to be.held by Applicabtc luw. Lcndcr shall account to ',�. ` ��
<br /> - . .� .,.';.: �• . Borrower for the excess Fimds in accordance with the requiremenu.of appficable;I�w. .it the umount.oF thc Funds held by
<br /> ` ' ��,ender at any wne is not sufficient to pay the Esecow Items when due,Lender may so notity Barmwer in wdting,artd,in • . � .
<br /> �;,,.r`?.:�.,°•_ � ;;,,,. �. sucb•case Borrower shail pay to Lender the amount necessfsrry to mnke'up the de�ciency. Burrower hiwll make ap ti�e ' _ -;.;��?�� ; '
<br /> �. •• . • ..defcciency in no more tYian twelve montlily payments,at Lender s sole discretion., � � :
<br /> ` � ' • Upon paymenc in ful!of all sums secured by this Securicy Ins�uumen�Lender�shall pmmptly rcCund to 8orrower any � . , � • �-� .^ �,:.,
<br /> ' � ���;;�;,:. Funds held by Leader. Tf,under paragiaph 21.Lender shaU�cquire or sell the Property.l.ender.prior to the acqulsiuon or ' ;.
<br /> ' � <s���°• sale of the Praperty;shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time'of acquisltion or sulc ati a credit against thc aums . : � ,_�;.. . ;,
<br /> � ' �;i�:';- . sectued by this Security InstmmenG �. ;,f, :
<br /> _ ;t�":,u��: 3 Appticatton oY Pmyments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all paymeots receivcd by Lender urtder �:�;�i,;•�;�;
<br /> � � � '��t�� garag�aphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any pmpayment charges due under the Note:�econd.to tunounts payabte under . � • . ' .,:�;:�:a-
<br /> : .,,,. :. �,•.: ---
<br /> h 2; ''"��
<br /> • ;: ,,..�s:;.:� p�p third,w interest due;fourlh.to principal due:and las�ta any late chttrges due undcr the Nnta � . , : � .,���;,
<br /> • ,:•v>•. 4. Char�e.s;I.Tens. Borrower sha!! pay aU taues.assessments,charge:j, fines and imgoaidans aitributabie to We .� ;i�%� .
<br /> ` �' :''�` P r ope rt y w i uc b may a u a i n p ri o r i ry over this Securi ty Instrum en�and teasehotd pa ymcnts or g round rent�.ii nn y. Borrower � �� � .
<br /> . . �r,'.• . . , .,'
<br /> ' • sha11 pay these obligations in�he manner provided in para�ph 2.or if not paid in lhat manncr.Bnrrc►wer�hail pay them on �� �•,�,••�;. •;
<br /> ' ` . �ime directly to the person awed Qaymr.n� Borrower shall prompUy fumish ta LonQcr a1i nuticcs of amounts to 6e pald under • =::�t;���,. .
<br /> . shis paragrapb.•If Borrower makes these payment�directly.Borrower shnll promptly(umish to l.cndcr icceip�s evideacing ��'- -,.
<br /> ....,... .. the payments. • •: �'.: ' �
<br /> ._..,• ._: .:
<br /> Horrower shall pmmptly discharge any tien which has�priority over this Security Insuumcnt unles9 Borrowcr.(a)ugrees • � " '`� �'
<br /> , 'r.: ..' . . . . . .
<br /> `k '�_ .:.• ' . - , in.writing cv the payment of the obligatton secured by the lien in u manner accepmbte to Lender.(b)contests in good f�ith the , ,•;•;�i: �,�;,,;-•;�
<br /> . � �ien by:or defends against enforcement of tlie IIen in,tegal proceedings which in the LcnQcr s npinion operate to provcnt the : �_,:L?;��;:,• :%-'� :
<br /> _ ' enfor¢ement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the tien an ageement satisfactory to Lertdct�subordinating the lien •��;t; � � "."',�,��
<br /> '• �' � �� � ' to dus Secnrity Instrument If Lender detem�ines that any part of the Ptoperty is subjcct to a Iten which may attain priority ::. .-.
<br /> �=-1� . � over this Security tnstrument,Lender may give Boaower a notice identitying the lien. Buno�ver sh�l1 Rntisiy thc licn or ts�kke. ':':f:;:`,:.;�� ,_ .
<br /> ;';�_'_ ;._..,1„ .`4•. one or more of the ac6ons.set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. • �::,,;i;i;;;;�• .,�� ,.,•
<br /> • S. Nazard os Properiy Igsurnac� Bonower shal!keep the improvements no�v caistin�ar hereaftcr erccted on the ..:-;.'::-::���•
<br /> `'�`�"�_': � Property insia�¢d against loss by fite,hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"ond any uther h:�zurdy,including • �.�'�'��' ' . �'`
<br /> ,�;•-%;;�'. ' '' � � fIoods or tlaodiag,for which Lcader requires i�surance. 77iis insurance shall he mnintaincd in thc amounts und for the .
<br /> �.�' `�' �,y '':l,`:_ . . . '
<br /> • :..: i'arm3028 4AU 1{x�Kel�fnpug�ei . .
<br /> ���, ,�... ;;:1:" � . .
<br /> t.;�.
<br /> �',:, . • . , .
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