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<br />_�, � • HEI�'fC�R2ES ae acd�t,i!�nel 3atsare���, witch �h�► �o��r�Prca�e�s < . ,
<br /> - , gayable ' 'to t�e p�]at�es. . as:`��eir infierea�a �nay� pppea� .
<br /> . �_ � ; t , � , . he;e8iri8�.. TR�FS'1'QRS .� etgr+ee tA' �s'�ride �SI��FY��1R�S �Tl.ffi ' ---- --
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<br /> �,y ' r.' ' ' the ��rm`oi� this fnd�bte��, whies3� gai#e�es og �nsuzan�a may
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<br /> r..,�:. °-
<br /> _F � paya�erit,.. �either principaE or.inteaest, on �te I�ote sec�ed he�raby ' � �-_-
<br /> _ ,.•i=t�'.� en d �' n . --
<br /> r� .;: . . �-�: tirh ue a�r,, .payable� o� a fai.l�e t� ��.y �rith�.aalr of ths -
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<br />�`-r,:. , �:.�`,':_, of Trus� and' the Note far endosee�¢ent (is� aaes o! �t�I - ---
<br /> �_�� .:, reconveyara�e, for aanceil�tiomm e�ad retentioA�, �� �ith+out .--s -
<br /> • affeet.lAg t�te 13ability oP �ny pereon !or tha pays�nt o! ths
<br /> - - -__;_ , - indeJ�te�reeas, �ltII8T8B may (aj aonsent to ths making oP any tsp _ ` .
<br /> - �. - or piat oP aaid ro �';=
<br />- P Pe�Y; �b) �oisi.in gra��incq any easasamt o� ��--
<br /> t areating any restrictioA thereont (a) io� in auy� �..�_^ _
<br /> � eubordination or atAer agreement afgeating t�is i�ed o! Tsuet r��--�
<br /> _ ' .:`` `� . . . or the 13en or aharge therao�t (d) recoavey thie Oeed ot Trast -_--- -_
<br /> ' ` ' or �te lien or c�arqe thereof; (d) reconvey, without warranty, � - -
<br /> � `` ' all or aay part oP ea3.d property. `� � G
<br /> �:. _:
<br /> . . . `rj.- rt., :
<br /> . .. � _ 8. The grantee in any Deed of Reconneyaace m�y be descsibed as �.;,,: ,•.�
<br /> � � � . "the person or parsons eatitled theretfl�, aitd ths reaitals �}<� :°,,.
<br /> � �:'�� � � therefn of any matters or faats shalY �e conclusive proof of :'`�.,' :.:�.: �
<br />_ ,��;.• . � �e �IL�hfIIlAHSB thel'20P. . '+' �. - :t,i,'� ,
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<br /> ,';'° - . . , � C. $Tpon 8sfau]lt bp TItIISTaI�S in the paylaent o� iaide3ot�aess ' �
<br /> � �'��+ �: secused hereby . or in the performs�ce of any a��-*�A�*+t ':� �'��:.s=�
<br /> �;.r,, .. . , heze�te�r, HENSL�IC3ARSSS may declare a]�.i s�s $ecured �seb . � ������,�.��.
<br /> ;4�t';':y;� . '',., immedf��ely 8us aatnl ��.�le by 8elives�.� TItII8�B8 of sasitten . ;�,:�`� ��n;�,.:'.��
<br /> '� ����;��.'��' �� `;�', ' • declaration of. d2�a���: ZP BENEFICIARIL�e�eaire.sai8 propes�ty . �`f:;�!''�`',:��,��; -
<br /> �;A�,L ";,� �r ,;,,sr� .. ' to be sold, #��>shall deposit with TRII�� t8fs Deed oP Trnst ' �t�` �=G����'a::'-�:,�`w=
<br /> ..r,�: .,.,: . ;���`ii������ � aztd �11 �?:� .....� . ���,::�;
<br /> ` <,f-;�: �r am�s��y notes and doa�ents evidencing expenditures '�_ �::.�-�,,t�r.
<br /> �s�;�';��;. .;i�: , . secureic�:D�ereby, and sl�ll deliver to TR�STES�a wri�ten Notiae � , �� . , . .:'�-�•..,, '
<br /> ���',;� _., �' � � , of Dei�z�cr.71t and ele�tion to cat�se said gr�rperty to bg so18 in . � �« � (•.,•�; %�'
<br /> ,��t; , , .:...� � the �d�m required by lar�, wbieh shali b� duiy filed for record �. . , ,; . ,
<br /> '�`�;' � . • .. �y �S�EE. . ,,. �R� r.�,::.::�.
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<br /> ,,. - . . .:r.��s;,�\,�,:'�'.:' • ,.
<br /> :�.;;:�'- „� � . (1) Z�ter the lapse of suah time ae may be reqnired by law ''�'-�� .�-
<br /> . . . ;�.�: �� .- ���eeently being ane (i) month PolFowfng the recorcr�.3tioa f I � •:;����:; �" .
<br /> :' � ' �
<br /> ��`�� � � • d��said Notice oP OePault), Notiae of Defau9.t and I7o'�iae ' � � �
<br /> � : oP sale hav3ng been given as required by iaw, TRIISTBE, . ��'i;�;5;s,;'.
<br /> ' . , � ta�ithout demand on TRIISTO1tS, ghall.sell said . ''�'''`� ' '' -
<br /> ., property on : .,��.::° .
<br /> � :,r,�:... , . the date aud at the time and pla�a des�gnated in eafd � .
<br />-_ :� ��-��� � Notics oP sale, at publia suatiqn to !he bighest bi8der, �
<br />-- � � '" � the purchase price payable ita lawful m�n�y of the tl�ited � �� �
<br /> � ' States at t3ie time of sale. The person aonduatiag �he �
<br /> - h
<br /> ' �: "� � sale ma for any cause he deema ��� � '�
<br /> Y. eupecaient, post�one t�he
<br /> � ::•�='. �• �•..: � � ' sale from time to. time until it sha11 be compieted aicd �.n . •
<br /> �� � " � � every euc2t aase, notic� of postponement �ha11 lie given by . �;,,��: �
<br /> , � , y
<br /> ,.•J4.:�� �� .,�� .: � . .
<br /> �i . , public d�a2�ration thereof by snch per8on at the ti�e and
<br /> �,,i';`, � -:� ,.,, � . place last appointad �or the eaZet pravided, if the sale .- . - .. .
<br /> . � is postpaaecl for longer than one (ij day beyond the day� � �
<br /> - , � • _ � • � desigtia�sd fn the Notf.ce of Sals, notics thereoP ahall be � .
<br /> ,.�:� � gi,ven in the sama manster as the orfginal Notfce of Sal�. ". . . .;;'. . .
<br /> . 1�"'`'='- � • .`" �tBTEE shali execute and deaivms to the puschaser Iiis � }:..;;�:.:.�.;;'.�;,...
<br /> ;'. � . . ._..;°;�.,=`;•'t,;�;;'•�` .�
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<br /> � ,: ' . � �ovenatit or �arrantY, ex�,a�ess os i.�plie8. ,The reci�a7.s �' .
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