- -- 4: � ". ,',i. ' . `, ` _ •• , .. . �c � h�L . , �, , ... , . , � ' i
<br /> -- _- —_--- - : .`� `�ayt�ei�ts may g€i I �o��t.iiC res�ixe�i.���s��f�iid�r,i�'�son�aga:aits�.�ri�c:a�e�ge{iu t�►t•att#��{�;fo�S�.e pe,rcot�. :.
<br /> , � t�t Lecxl�r=rat'.ifre.9�F�vided 8y az fnstiq�t�ppr�ved by F:enckr;ag�s be�es•avaziaole,�nal�3s�bEi�:� 'Bai�b�wcs.s�Ca�°p�!}��;,:' ' �`,:
<br /> -- - , , ,. 4�e prr,tuiisms tequired t�maintai�ir�t'Ba�e i�s�s�in�ffe�t,ot�o protdde a 1��r�e�e;�:a��f�e re�ui:+i�..*i�fe,r a.'iia�8�i��
<br /> . .}�su�e�ids in aecarstan��vith pay�ritt���t t�ciw��ii�rov}e'r und�L,et►d�r or a�plicab�a t�w_ ` .,,�,ai%�,,
<br /> ' ��l�.ies�ip�a t.asx2et mr its ageni�ap`mxY�.r�son�la�.nt�i�s c�t+�d in�p�on9:af tbe Property.Len�ci�l��ive,'�:� .
<br /> ' '� Bofrower�otice a:tP�e titne of or prlor ts�.as�ins�etian��#'yi�g�na61"e c�c for t�e.in�pe�tiatr. . '. �: � ..�� .
<br /> - --------- - .IE3.Ca�n�tfo�:'i�e�Sroa�ds o��ip�r,+�d ar s�a�ar�or�c�:dire��r son!��? ir�"ani�ti�a�iih�ng�`� . .
<br /> -- � aas�natiaa ar pther takirg of aiiY F�4f the Prapeity.ar far�conveyanca.i�t lieu of caademnatian.are he�by asi�ar�
<br /> _ — sh�l.l E�e p3ir3 to�Sdes. �•. ,• , ` `�' . •. . ' , � � . .• , , . �'
<br /> ` Ex-�z c re.�;tu.i����a�Mf �z
<br /> - -- �- -� -tn'ttie`e�7eri4 o��tatal t�.k��`af th�i�perty.�ke�praceeds c,�Ii 6�a�sg}icc��t�ta�e-su�ssiatr-�„j.�,�...,.,.,,._:,_..., .r, _
<br /> -- -- _-- ' _ 'whc�ttY�r oi'aoi then da��wiW�yy cxoes.s paid ta Btiranwer.fin tb.e event'of a p�rtiag:taking o€tk�e�ape�ty iri�dich.the fa�s' _ .
<br /> - mnrLet vattt�of t�e Pr ' �eI �befda+e ihe takin u to or er ttaan tae a�n�,of the sums sec�u�i,b�this.� ,
<br /> - �n3' . Y S� �I� 8�
<br /> _ = SesurAty�rit�reat im�ediately t�fare thetaking.:unless Bbr�aaYer a�3 l.e�der ati�erwts�agree in wrl�In�,th�snms secwra4 6p:� .
<br /> _ .th;s 5eGVrity Iastniment sbalf be.reducecl by�ti�e ani�nnt+af ti�e prorc�ds mnttipl��d by�e folla�s�pg fraciiun:;(�?t��uta8� ;' ;:,
<br /> _=- --_ - — � " amount af the:s�uns�imm�i�tY�efarc ti�'tagiag;divide�lry(b)�tis�:fai�ms�er v�fae•of ti�e Propei�tg i�iatel�v,;'..,.:: �.:,
<br /> - _ -_— - , tiefur�,the tatciag.At�y iz�tat�ce sS�all tre��id�ta�omnwer. In the;�,+�st:of a�paztial Lalting of the Fr+ape�ey in�wbich tLe,fa3tiS;:�,�'.; •
<br /> - � . , ma�et va[ae of ths Praperty immr�are�y isefvre the ta�ing is 3�t���e amouttt of tiiC�seai�d:ii�ediateIy i�CfoFe�t����-` ,
<br />_-_ - � tatdu$;unl�ss Bor,�pwer an��dei othecsarise a�ee ia writing oF���:�sable Iaw�the3wir�:, _�avides.,tke praceeds a�;�:. ,
<br />=- i�'apptied�to the s�ms sec�ttpA by this Security�+st�:r�t�etl�:rai;�o�:�ie sums�.�hetrdue... , - ;� . �. :,'°`, . .
<br /> _ If tfie Fropetiy'is abamdoned by Borrower,'�or if-�r�l��+�.'�tra l��-�r.ihaz.the cv�����'tu t�sk,e.� .
<br /> - awa�ar sgttle a cDaim fos damages,�Borrawer fa$s�''�oni!��a,:�«�`�±�:��.dqps`�;•tfie da�e�`��?s��.'
<br /> - Leader is�ari�ed to coliect and appiy tbe prot�eeds.at its aptia�e�'�to'r�,.-��or r".�.crft�#he Pia�e,.�"�1r ta�t�r.K.''',F,
<br /> � sg�ued by this Security tnsmimeat.whe�her or.not thEn due. ' �.. ';::,'�`::.� : L ` . :' , . .
<br /> - _;,� Unless Lendei ar.d Boinawer atlr�vise agre� iu wridng; anY $PP�c�a�<�:�e''uce�ds us ��' .5G`d��':_�it e�d ar �
<br /> _ • '/��tpone the due date of tI�r�iontlilY Payaseats �� tr�.: ,0
<br /> ; ,� .: :.
<br /> :. .�� ... referre�tfl in paragrapbs I and 2 or�ange the amovut o s�:�. .
<br /> -- - . "a. ti�,�±��Plst±E��-:��ra��-�er hoi a Waiver.Extension of thc,amc for�a�tt��r matificanion . . _
<br /> - - - �of artmrtisation of thc snms•secured by this 5ecurity Instmment gramed by I.ender w.arry setccessor ia inter�st of$asrower sball
<br /> - ' not ogeiate to release t6e li2bility of the ariglnal BoFrower or Eprmwer's s¢ocesyors in interest:L.ead�r s1�alt not be re4u�to
<br /> ' aomu�e proce�ngs aga�t any successai in eauecest ar refuse to extend time�ar pajrment or atherwise madify amnrtiTadon. .
<br /> - � of ttl}ee sums s�vred by t�'is Security Insmune�.by reason of any�demaad made by the ariginal �orrawer or�orcower's ,
<br /> '�� . snccessors iu lnt�est. My forbe�raace by Leader in exentising any right or r�medy shall aat be a waiver of or pr�tude the
<br />- e�cercise of�;?�ighht or�medy. . , . .. . • , �
<br /> 12.��rs and A�tgns Bo�d;dofat sud Seve�al ��ftg,Co�siigueis. T�e cavenants and agfeements�of this .
<br /> _ Security I;z�nent shall BiM and 6enefit the saccessors a�sd assigns of Lender and Borcower, si�b,{ect to the provisions of
<br />- , -;�, `. ,._.• paragraph l�..�orrov�er's covenants and a�,aeeR?enu shall be joint and severdJ. My Borrower who casigns this Security -
<br /> = lnstr�nment.�ut�does not eseaite the TTote:(a) is co-signing this Security lnstcumeni onty to mortgage.graax and aonvey that •
<br /> Borrower's:�tere'st in the Propeny under the tenms of tbis Secarity Instrumeat;lbl,is not personally o6ligated to Qay the sams
<br /> secured by tlus Security Instrumem;and(c)agrees th�Lendet arn!any other Ennower may agree to e�ctead,mfldify,fo�or.
<br /> ' make any accnaunodations witit regard to che terms of this Security Instntment or the Note without that Borrower's oonsent.
<br /> . 13.Loae.Charges.�f the loan secured by this Security.Insuument is subject to a law whicb sets maaisnum loan charges,
<br /> and that law is fuially interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to 6e coll�in connectioa wilh the
<br /> - � loan exceed the pemritted Ilmits.thea:'(a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amnunt necessary to r�duce the charge
<br /> ;" . to the permiatcd limit;and•(b)any sums al�eady callected fmm Borrawer whi��h exceeQed pertnitted limits witt be refunded to � .
<br /> • Borrower. L,�er rpay choose W make�,�}'rs refund by reducing the prirtciptil uwed under the Note or by making a direct
<br />-'� Qayment to Bo�trower. If a refund ieduces pi�i,,�'�Ga-tlie re�uction wil! be treated as a�partiaf prepayment without any
<br /> ' ' prepayment charge under t�e Note. �•� � •
<br /> �' 14.Noiices.Any notice to Borrower prnvided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by detivering it or by mailing
<br /> " it try first class mail unless applicable law reqiures use of another method.The notice shalf be directed to the Property Address
<br /> or any ather address Bortower designates by no�i�.to Lender. Any rnotice to Lender shall be given by first cfass mail to
<br /> -. Lender's addres5 stated herein or any other eddress Lra�.�d�ignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this _
<br /> ,� ��';�' Security Instrument sha116e deemed to have been giveu�t►.��armwer or I.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. -
<br /> s' 15.Covernfag Laiv; Severability;. This Securily�instnimeut shaU be govemed by federal la�v and the law of the
<br /> 4 jurisdiction��which the Property is f�ait�d. In the ev�nt that any��ir.ovision or clause of this�curity Insawnent ur the Note
<br /> � �� � y� evnfticts wi�applicable law.such coniTi��shall not affect other pmv6�ions of this Security Iiutrn;�ent or�.he IVote whieh can be ;:
<br /> ;•�';�jven e�ect witliout the wnflicting provision.To thns�end the provisions of this Security Inst�ent and the Note are declared
<br /> - ''to be severable. � '.�.� _
<br /> � 16.8�rower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of tEii�:;5r.curity Instcument. :
<br /> . , ,
<br /> . .,. . � '• ' ' form 8�28 9130
<br /> � . • vagedort! •�� .
<br /> - , , . • �,
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