�: :'"A� . , t < Sh .. t '.' � :i{��}��� �_.:U.� !�
<br /> � i� ��+a�_ � 1P�tlL+!'HIf��-Y.I(_ _ _ __ — .
<br />. �,' t l�Z.a�,� — _�_ — _ _ —' —_ _'_ � ___—__--'-- _—_'
<br /> ,'�;�'V�., _� _ -
<br /> _____ ��:�x�ea—-__-- ..___ �—._._—___—____. ___�_
<br />-�a�a*a�i.ffi _ .�������������.�����v�������..a���.� wu�.�a�r�..�.-��... - -_ --_— — j. —
<br /> � _ lA].-¢T`Lit�l . , - . _ .
<br /> --.—
<br /> __.__ — — - .— _. — " . — . �- ' :'j�.(.:'- .. . � l�. _ . l , i _
<br /> — — l• i' . . l, ' . . . , . , . .,
<br /> . r� .. . _� ' _ ______..._ ,.r ..—....__
<br /> ...�- '—_— ' • " .. �l.r ., r . ' ... � . � . � - s -...
<br />"» _vs�srla••'��—. � .. . ' . . . . . .�
<br /> _ _ - �- . . .. : t. - �. -1 � �.
<br /> ----_ — ` j1Syt�'AL9►V�1E�.BIC:f�'1i�50,111'�lI'ii gI'd �dT C�i$8�e�t3Ul1L Q�6IIC�1 Q��IIESl2ff• l�.l�87[C�S3 j3i�4�Vdf�B• <.
<br />- - --_—___ , . �t t�tt�$U p3}�III�QiStSislt,t�fg liEdC�S Q4�Iuz 1�[�AIld ti119 S�CiII$t�/�L3II3�6�:j1aL�d0411C��y� ' . —
<br /> �� ` ` ,t"�S.�Feq. LeiWe � � , , . � . . . � .
<br />_ r t�a� lir�st fees and charges etIIh�r�d by t�s Stct'�tsty:� �� • .. , .
<br />=— __= _ ` `<9�ad.sfar A��otBebt� . . . . .
<br />_ •�aj D�9'anS� Lender tn�y.except.as limit��i��fra��ss�ed�tiie.Sxretsry in the casa of��.`
<br />_- , — . ce�ira iffimct4aa;e payma�tt in fvll c►f sIi awns s�xureA tsy thfs Sectmty t��uat�ut i� . � ._ .
<br />_ _ �"— ' (e)8oaower defavlts�failing to.pay��f�ar�Y�o�t➢'��t�?��Y��'n'�A Q� .
<br />.. .�f.;: . , . ' • . .
<br /> f�a�=t� `�-� to'as on thz �af ttte ntxrt monthiy paymrn�� . .
<br /> � �,,.-,� r 3 ' . �� �s �,f ,daYs��t�peifa3ue�ny�tiies abl�gations cantgisset�itt tms _
<br />__�_ � ��� . , - : ��T•,;,:,��,,,�,, •�Y f�arg*fc�r b pe�iad 8at : _ , „ _ _ _..._
<br /> � W .+�'f�vy`�4 4_� �• ` �(••�uw�a.�'. � < � ' :. —
<br /> (b)Sale Withant Ct�dit Appra�.�. Lend..nlrshall,`af permitted bY aFFlicabt�iaw a¢d wit�ihe prigr apgiaval ofthe
<br /> ' . ` S�r�e immediate payment in fnll of allthe s�s�by tt�is Secuziry Yasdv�aanri� .
<br /> _ �) as part af the Property.or a 6�eneficial ir¢e�nesi ia a uast awmn�alt az paYt of the P�+operty.is soYd ar ..
<br /> - . � ottieraisc�ene8(oth�t�aa bp devisr a�desceat)by tise Bamwer.and ` � '
<br /> (u7�]se pcopmty is aot occup3xd 6y the purc�aser a��rantce as his ar�terpiinia�a!�sid�ce.or�th��!uehases ' .
<br /> , or gsantee does so occupy tt� Pt�penq 6� his or_her.ccedit has nat beea appmve8 in.,� ,
<br /> �it�t�e teq�temetits af t�e SecreRasy.. �
<br /> _ � ' (c)No�Vatver. If c�es acaa that waufd pe�imit G�ader ta requue isnmed'iate payiae�in full.lrut Exndei
<br /> , ` does aot�surh gaya�ents,i.�der doxs not waive its dg6ts with�ct w spbseqaent events. _
<br /> � id)R�orts af HUD SecremrF• In maaY ci�nrstaaces negutstians�ed by the Se�r will IimitLetad�
<br /> � - • rights;i�the case of payateirt defanits,m r�uize ur�e8iate QaYmeut in fvll and fo�lose�f notp 'Ii�s - -
<br /> _� -' ' • S�Insnument dces aot authorize accelerattan oz fo�tosare if not perrniued bYieB�utatioas af tt�S��taTY-•
<br />-�=�'�,. : (e)Mar�gage Noi Ia�nre�. Borrower agce�s that should thia Sec�ity I�so�um�t and ths note seca:ed ttteFeby nat -__-
<br />�;�'r"``"'""':'-�'''`�:�::;` 6e �Ie fos intivrance�der the Nationat�Hoiising Ast witfin 8 �OD$11s� fi�a�the �._----
<br /> � _' ;,�;•....�. ' g Y�g� pacagsaPh 9 im�uediat� �•. -
<br /> �-�`�'•�.�- ,. date hereof,Lender may.,at its option and ao3wid�st�n aa �a a ,re4uue p�Y�
<br />�.�.T�.y��:e� ....--.----�-------.-fnD of all sums seau�ed by this Sec�uit�+tn.��A.wriuen�tatcm�%t of.any authmiz���it.of 8�S�5► . ' --
<br /> `f`="?�'�}�•. dated su'�sequeait m � 8 �11ths ' fmm the date heceo�declimng tt�insu�this&eccaity ,
<br /> �� '" �ent auc�the note secu�ed thecreby,sLall be deemed conclusive praof of§uch ineli���7ity. Nottviffi.�ding
<br /> �;��;:;�-� ' y -
<br /> �;���,;,,�„r:_..:,,.:..., �the foiegomg,this option may nat be exe�ised by Len�eer when the unava�7ab�7ity of�ce is so2eS c'his to. _-
<br /> "`°°°` �1`�- Le�der`s failu:e to re�mt a arurtgage insaraiu;e premi�m to the Se¢setaiy. -_---- ' �
<br /> �''.-~.a.`.J;•�� _ 1Q Re�instatemen� Sarmwer 6�a right ro be reinstait�if Lender has�equ'ased immediate payment ui fuD bec�se _ -
<br /> yi.s;��;J',.. _c='��_�,�:. + _�Y
<br /> ,_,_,,�:..;:.�.,.,, : of Borrowers f�7are m gay an amount due under the-Nate or this Seiauity Inss�tent T�is right ap�lies even aftcr ���---
<br /> - • . fareclosas�e p�Sg aie mstituted. To reinstate tlie Se�wity Inswment, B�rro:a�,shall tender in a Iump sum all _
<br /> �".�,.`. •: amoimts required ui{sring BoTrower,'s acca�mt a�mei►t�iacIuding,to the eatent they aie�bligatians of Boirower under this' --- —
<br /> ::`���.•�,°'�, .. •`..`;>�, Secauity Inst�umea�foieelosure costs rmd ce�asonable and aistomafy attameys`fe�s aad eapenses propealy associated with ---- ;;
<br /> S
<br /> .:�,''.:a�:.: .;•�;.:� the foreclosur�pmce�dia8- UPo�ceinstaDement bY Barmwet,this S e c u ri t y .Insaumeni and the otrligations that it secme� ...
<br /> .�� •" shall re�nain in effect as if i.ender had aot ' isnm�ate ent tts Hoa . n d e r
<br /> .,. full Pe�
<br /> �4� PaS+m ever i.e is�i z e t r e q+i u e�t o �t 't,,:
<br /> � . . .
<br /> : .r -- ., - - �eiasratemeat if: (i)Lender has accepted reinstaiement after the comsa�nrmens of foreclosu:e�rs�eedmgs vvitinn two , �, r.
<br /> 4 y . -- - • - ,
<br />- . . . . � ��y-p�ng�he commeaie�mear af a ca�rent-foraclasure�.;�:�g:t�����at�:�l:-p.+�.ede - : '°
<br /> � `' foreclosuie on di�'etetn gmmmds m the future.or(iii)r�mst�ment will adve�sely affect the pttority di the lien c�eated by "'' �•
<br /> . `�
<br /> • :' � •• this Securi IasCnunent.
<br /> '�.w . .` � 1L �orrawer Niot Released; For6earance by I.eadPr Not a �Vaiver. EMension of the time of paymem or _ . . �
<br /> ' 1� � modificasion of aiaortization nf the sums secared by this Seturity Instrument granted by i.ender to a�g arscessor m mterest '.'`�,�.,:. ,
<br /> . ,:`f'{;�4 �'1
<br /> � • . ' 'of Bomnwer shall aot operate m telease the liability of the original Boirower or HonoNer's suce�..�i�i�inteiest. Lender . ,. ,
<br /> " ' shall pot be requised to cwnmence pmceedings against any successoz in interes�or refuse to ext�f5me for payment os �.�,�g_;, t
<br /> '�i� � �. otherwLse madify amorti�ation of the sums secu:ed by this Security Insuument by��of any dema�made by the �.`�yYK���;,�`°`=_�
<br /> •;'"=°",`;`� . originaJ�Bormwer or Sorrower's succ�ssors in intecest. Any fotbea:ance by i.ender in ex�,�ising any right or remedy sl�all ,��r'� , r
<br /> �` nat be a aaiver of or preclude the eaercise of any right or�emedy. �?'�� ����
<br />- �Y"� " `�r �° '''i 1L. Saocessors and Asdgas Boand;Joint aad Sevesal Liabflity;Co-Slgners 'ilie oovesr�ts and agreements of .,o�,�„��
<br /> :�'-• ` ; �'�. tbis Sec�rity[nst�ument shall buid and 6enefit the successors and assigns of Leader aad Boaower.suhjact to the provisions � •�:::=
<br /> ,..:_t�'�+
<br /> �,,.,..,.'..�'. . ...� af Faragaap6 9.b. Borrowe�'s covenants and agreemenu shall be jomt and several. Any Bormti++� who Co-sigils[his ,, .r. n�cnr.�
<br /> ' ' '.:;::•:,. •.:.. Sec�uiry Iastnuuent bat does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Inswment only to mortgage.grant a�►d . , _.;:- �--_
<br /> a
<br /> • ���, canv�y that Haimwer�s interest in the Property ander the terms of this Security instramen�(b)is not personally oblisated to ,
<br /> - . ,�;�;'�:�li�'. �t ' a the s�uns secured this Securi Instrnmen�and(c)agrees that Lender and sin�+other Bam�wer may agiee to extend. , _ .���
<br /> ..1�� ;,:•: � pY, bY tY ,�"T
<br /> . ,:���,; ;. mod�fy.forbemr or make any accommodations with regard to the tersns of this Security Instrament or the Note without that • . � ' ^... �_
<br /> - '' � • � Bormwer�s consent � . L..`-,"a-�-''``?``'-
<br /> �`� ' ` 13 Niotices. Any notice to Barrower pinvided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivecing it or by : ��T��,,;,
<br /> � '''"' � . mailing it by first class mail un�ess applicable Iaw reqwres use of another method. 'Ihe aotice shall be dirEded to the .. - �;q;ti:: .�_'
<br /> �:�t� x'';: �"� Property Address or any oiher address Bmroarer designates by notice to Lender. Ahy notiee to Lender shall be given bY • ,
<br />- n� .r�:11ri_; .; :� . .
<br /> p�' '-'��,�1 t,�".,_ ..• ' .. fi�st class mail w Lender's address stated hecein or any address I.ender desisnates hy nadce co Boftower. Any notice . ..
<br /> n.a es
<br />_=�'; � ., , . pmvided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bomuwer or Lender when given as provided • •
<br /> in ttus paragraph..
<br /> , ,. .. •. ...: gra
<br /> • �:: :: .�.'•,•�;. ;. �: , �� 14. Govesctuig l.aw;SeveraDilttq. This Securiry instrument shall De govemed by Federa!law and the law of th� . •
<br /> '>?�;":; ' � sdiction in which the Pcaperty is located. In the event that any pro�+ision or clause af this Securpty inswment or the ., • ,
<br /> , t!� . ,� ",• ,
<br /> .:,n�•,�s�. .; N wnflicts with applical'i}e,law:such conflict shaU nm affect other prdvifiions of this Security Ittstrument ar the Note • , � .. .
<br /> .:.�i?�'�i`.•:" wjilch can be given effect'<vtfitout the conflictin�provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the . .
<br /> � ' '' � •��iot�aie decla,�co be sevetable. � '
<br /> .'�.•'..,• ; �
<br /> ' � � 15. Bo�m�''s Copp. Harmwer shall be given one confonned copy of this Secutiry Instrument. ' ,
<br />- � �, ''r �'I ' 1�. Assi�tnent oT Reats. Burrowcr unconditionally assigns and trAnsfers to Lender all the rents�arid ievenues of the •• . . '
<br /> �'' '� ' �,� ' P►operty. Botrower autharius Lender or Lender�s agents to coliect the rems and revenues and hereby ifir+ects each tenant of � . . � �.+��`. ,
<br /> ��;,...,� ,. : . . .
<br /> - _}�-`:;.:,�,:,'�;.: `.., tfle Property to pay the rcnts to Lertder or Lender�agents, Howcver.prlor to.Lender's notice to Bomower of Bolrowet�s :�:, . , , •
<br /> �.,. ,;,��s _ b r e a c h o f atty covenant or agneeme�in t he S e c w i ry[n s tr u m�m t:B o r c o w e r s h a l l c o l l e c t a n d r e c eive sill mnts and ievenues of `�•'�•
<br /> •' 1 �
<br /> - N;�:.,-:.. .:;� .``�.'�, ' 1Pte Ytoperty s,ut�sstee for tlte lienefit of L.euder and Borro�vcr. Tfiis assignment of rems constitutes an ubsolute assi�nment .
<br /> Y:,' �j'�'r•':•' •.:: � and not an assi�nncent for additianai security oniy. . .
<br />°�>i;.' ,� .. .. � • .. ��.
<br /> ,y �y•'>...:a.,.,�.r.�:� If Lentlet':�ives notice of breach to Bmro�ver. (a)aU nents receivec9 byn Bomnwer shall be held by Bmrower as trustee
<br /> =,'�:Yr;:�,�'•,: for benefit of l.emier oniy,to be applted to the sums secu:ed by the SetwYty Instrumen�(b)Let►der shall be enutleA to �
<br /> ` ��`�`;: ' eollect and m.ceive all os the rents of the Fiaperty:and(c)each tenant of the Ropeay shall pay all rents due amd unpaid to � •:
<br /> • ' ' Lcnder or I.ender'c a�ent on Lender�s written demand to the tenan� f � . ,.
<br /> -, _----- =-- �arrowcr Has nos executecl any ptior�ssigrcaent of tPte aeats sind has dot and wiil not perform any act that would C_,...�..!�_ •'. .� ' .' •
<br /> � . . prevent Lender from exercising its rights aadet Wis Paragraph 16. -.----- ' •
<br /> ��. Lender sha!!not be required w enter upon,take control of or maintain the Ptoperty before dr nfter pving notice of ,
<br /> • - •'�.``�°�; ,' • � breach to Borrower. However.Lender ar a judicmliy ap�ointed receiver maY do so at any time there is a 6reach. My � .
<br /> . apglication of ients st�all not cure ar tiwaive any default ar mvalIdate any other right or rertied�r of Lender. 71iis assignment ..
<br /> . ;. � of rents of the Ptoperty shall tetminate when the debt secured by the Secnriry tnsm�ment is pa�d in fulf. . .. . • .
<br /> _ —�—. _ _— -- ... . . _ . u i.T ,�i. � - - -.
<br /> � , IPa8t3o�4 pagnl • . ', ' .
<br /> .., 'f�� . .� ' . . ' .�
<br /> . • . •
<br /> . . . ..
<br /> .
<br /> .,.
<br /> - �t�,�-T�.< _ •
<br />