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<br /> — -- � ' < •periacts t1�t Y�nder rPqutres: ',�'bd i�,�san���p�vuf inS '�s..°:I��e��ba c�ie�triby Bmr¢ur��t.subje.�tE t��:en�fZrS� ,..
<br /> . : up�pr�v�w�h sfialt cxti I��easr�abiy Witt►2se�,I��Efl1?�4�� s��,�f��4oYesa„e de�S�Fid a�xive.LGf'�+der may.i� .
<br /> - ' L.Ender�opti�otxuin eo�era8e ta FcMect L�nde��r�ghts in 41�.�C��aRCO�nc�witb p�tagtt 7. . • . •
<br /> u �
<br /> -- � , Alt it�sur�ttoc poliri�es acblt rea�aiais sitall.bt acc�pzahxe c��ers�,°��,��hh�A.mr.Iade a staa�i�rd morEgage claase. l.en�r �.
<br /> ' shat�ha�e t!�rip,�tt ta hutd th�poiisks sad�news�Is„j�f L,ender c�g{:i,r�.,.:.�uwes shal!piamapt�y.gtve to t,ender a!i[�igts " '
<br /> --- --..: . �. of p;us!premilims nad�r,��ral notises. in the evem��f loss.Bu�r�s��r:�tVe prom�t na�ice m t�e�sarance caprier afsd. �
<br /> � " _-- L�:der.Le�dct crt�y Qaaite p�aof of Ios$i�naE an�.�omgt�F.6�.��s�ry.;�. , .
<br /> n ' .
<br /> _ _ ---- , Uniess Lesder�d Bucravrer.ai�wSse age�e i¢wr►t�;,u�"�s��s sAa!!tr�a�pli�d ca resmr�tiun ar tegair of •
<br /> - - - -- �ptapertq�ged.i£the�stu�asxan�;c�epa'sr:�r eco��isalt��€¢a :�a.rsd I�uderr's security is not tessrue�. If.ttte
<br /> v�.�._��.. . .��+��t�.s '4rts �e�tI7�in�,rance s�Q7e
<br /> - �ar��r�e��i�=f�'b�pF e�u�'�5.,:4�. �
<br /> �'�'`Y� � apglied to the sums stxueed by tfn�s S�c+irit�r L�sqzun�e.ut,t,wh�ti�',ut;r�'�,,�d�,�;rh�y�xr�ss�ia.ca so�o��.r� _ _:
<br /> : ' $amo�+er ahaaciuns tiss_Pmge;ty,or due�aot�vet tvithut 3g�,,;z�,a g,�t�f�•i.ender that We msu3a�tce caaier�s ��� �` ---
<br /> °_ offe�s:d ta settle a claim,thea Lcnd�r m�,y caIIest��he insurr.�ce�S r�'�a,;:�may use�the proeeeds to iep�ir or restnie _
<br />-- _= tt�Ptap�ty ar iu pay sums s°cure�d by this.�ocu�ty lnsumnen�vrket�t.Qr uai thea due. The 30�day period,wiU Aegia w�e.Q
<br /> . t�n�is�ivea. �
<br /> - - � Untess[,es�an�Borrower ottte�rwise ag�ee ia writia,;.auX„a��tf�{tiaJF�F�tn priasiFal s6a11 not e�id or
<br /> — -- �stpa�e tae dfie dat�df d�e atoqit�;Y P�Y���fecmd to in�-a��.ti�,l#�Z or chanage the umaant o�th�,ga�f►��s�,Yf . —
<br /> -- _ _ ' . under ParaBraPh 21 the Pmpetty ts 2cquired blt�Leader.gor�Apk��,�'i�W any utstuactce pol�cIes and P�.d�I���,F: . _°--
<br /> -- --- - fmm alamage w the lyroPert3'Pnar to the ac�ui��,os►s6a11 pas,s to!(.e�t�t�r to thc extent of.3he sums secutei�,try��i�,t�',,,,�e�i?��Y'i�•. . _--
<br /> _ - -°--— Insputt�eut immedia�etY p�iar ta the acquisiti.on.;: • . . :_ ::";._ ---
<br /> . � Uccugstn�y> Preservativa, Mainte�-�nce and, Pmi�r��#1�he PropeTty�,8orrawey''s Lnan.,A��r��li���;;, `::;` -
<br /> � 1.epsehotds. Borruwer sl�a1J.acsupy,�tablishl;�ud use the�rqpe�.y,as;Pit��,�rsr's P��P������Y days aRer,'�_: :�_-
<br /> _ , ��,-.�-.-� t6e execuuna of tivs'Securityr InsUritment and��ball cQntr�.Uv o�ttp�rit��I'�rPereY as Boavwgr's pnacipal�sidence for af �,,,�,.
<br /> - = teast �e year after tPce date of occupaac�;,unless Len�r.�o�tR"`,s�.ag� s�ui•wriring, whicb cansatt.shail not be �
<br /> --. - _ utaeasona6ly�vithfleid.os tmless extenumbng���ccumstances e�srt.,s�Itti4¢i ate 6eynud Boaower's cantrol. Hurmwer shall,nat ' .
<br /> _- desuvy.damage or irapair the Pmpetty.allo�;the Propet2.y t�d�i�p3,�.or commit wuste on the Ptoperry.• Bomaarer shall, .�:�._;
<br /> be in de�jf a�y farfeitu�acuon or proc�ding.wheth�r ceqi�4�,cnmiaal.Ls began t2mx in LEaders good faiW judgment.._.._._._.. �,.....
<br /> - _-� covid result in forfeiuue of the Ptope�ty a�othecwise mate�{a�1Y�i[m�??r c�.lien created �sy this Sec�mty Insvutaeat or , . �
<br /> --- -. i.ender's securitp interest. 8ormwer may cai�such a defitWJ�artA,le�Ast�se�as.grovided in paragraph 18.hY causu�g tfie actinn �`--"
<br /> _ or prace�ing to be distuissed cvitb a niling�at,in Leader s guod,faifd detet�imation,Prectades forfeinare o�the�oriovrer's •fic�-
<br /> ----- ---- - - iaterest in tise or other matt�dal unpaim�eat af tt�, cieaLed by.dris.6�urity Insmsment m Lender's security ;4
<br /> - __=--— � intem.st Bmroweres�hall.alsa be ic► defaej[t if Horro�v�;,diu►�,fhe toan applicatiun process. �►ve maredallY f31se or �-���:.�.
<br /> --—_-�� � iaar�cur�te infomiation ox statement�to Len¢gr tor failed ta�Yide,L�enr2sr wi2b any material infomiatian)it�connect[on with $'.
<br /> E�:-�-
<br /> _ � ' the loat�evidenc�ad by the 1�Iot� iactutin�;,.but aot liauit�t,to,�.#rpi�es�sgations cna�enriisg Bom�wer's o+sx.vpancy of the �
<br /> #
<br /> - -�"� Fioperty as a principa!residence. If this Se�riry Insttum�nt is on a teasc�tsi;Borrower shall comply witb atl the provisions
<br /> - of the tease. If Sormwer acquires fee tifle pp the Prvpe!t}',,the,leasehnld and the fee aile shalt not merge unless l.ender agrees � • �r:i,
<br /> ��`�'.--��..*�� tothe merger in writing. � , xf Banvwer faits to rfmm the covenants�and a eats � ^""
<br /> . �� � PretectFoa of LQade�s Ri�6ts:1n t�� P�p�er�r.; Fe g�'n , �_;
<br /> ,`�,,. ;r. : :... contained in this Security InsuarneaE.or.t,here is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Ixnder s rights in the ' %.;
<br /> [3 o p e rt y(s u c t i a s a p t o c e e d i n g ia b a n k r u p�r.p mbate..for.coudemnation or fodeiwre or to enforce tan�s or reguiations�then ' . �°,;'-
<br /> - •i�'�"-�-- Len�r may do and pay for wi�ever is c�sary to proteCt the value af tke Property and Lender�rights in the Pt+oge►ty. `",'",
<br /> over this Seaui Instrument,appeaiin8 � � �
<br /> Le�derk a�xions may iadude PaYmS anY sjtms sau�d.by a lien whic6 has Pn�Y. �Y , �;,�::
<br /> ,�. in conrt.paying reasonable attomeys fees:and enteraug.on the Property to make�epairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> .:�; imder this ParagaDh?,Lender daea not 4av�,to do so_ � ' '
<br /> ' " � ' Any auiourrts,dis6ufied by Leuder ut�d�r this Par,agraPh 7 shaU become additianal debt of Bmrnwer secured by.this
<br /> Security insua�aert� Unless Bmrower and�mder agree to other teims of paynem.these amounts shall 6ear interest fram the ;
<br /> date of dis6u:semeAt at tbe Note rate and SUalt be payable,witb intetest,ugon natice fivm Lender ta Bomower reqnesdng
<br /> i ,
<br /> P��Mastgxtge IusarBUce. If�.ender t�equired mo;4gage insurattce as a condition of making the Ioan secuted by this . •� � '
<br /> a
<br /> Securit}r Tnsuutnen�.Sonower ahall pay the preqtium��equired to maintain the mortgage ias�uance in effect. If.for any �'���;
<br /> <: �,_
<br /> -- reason.the martgage insurance cover�ge iequi�cd 1►y��r.�er laPses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the `. �__;
<br /> piemiums requiied to abtain coverage su6stan,pal��eq�ivai�nt to the mortgage insurance previauly iA►effect,.at a cost � -:..
<br /> sa6staontiaUy equivalent ta the cost to Borrower,n�dte mortgage i�surance pcevrously in effec�from an altemate martgage �:"��.
<br /> iqsum�approved by LeadeF. If substan6aUy ec�uivalent mortgage insuraace coveiage is not available.Borrower shall pay to �y�.
<br /> Lxader each monrh a sum equal to orn-twelfch of�he yearly mortgage insarance premium being paid by Barrower when the
<br /> i�urauce covec�e iapsed rn eeased to 6e in efFeet. i.ender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> -"�$'�'"_��� of tnortgage insuranca. Loss�eserve payments may no.langer be requined,at the option of Lender,if mortgage inswance •
<br /> ,��'u�
<br /> --_-°----- �veiage(in the,�nount and for the percod that Lender requires)pmvided by an insurer approveA by Lender again becomes �
<br /> avaiL161e and is obtained.Bomower shall puy the premiums ce9uired to maiatain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a.
<br /> - r�"- � lass r�eselve.until the requirement for mortgage insurancc ends in accoidance�vith any written aSreeme�►t between Bmmwer
<br /> f�; and.Lender ar applicable luw.. � •
<br /> °=�:;
<br /> 9. Inspectlo� t.endergr its agent may make reasontibte entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shtill
<br /> gve Bormwer notice at tiis ticU,�a�or prior to an inspettion specifying reasoaable cause for the inspection. .
<br /> 10 Coadematttlam 'R2e proceeds of atty award or claim for damages,ditect or consequential,in connection with any ��
<br /> - Sit�i�CFAntilY-�Yim�iR�7�oefilreddkllfaCUIYIFOAM�NSIRU.ti�KP–UnifmmCoveaaa6. 4190 U�t3oj6pagesl r
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