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<br /> � �� .[Sptee,�4Daer�kt l3ae Fat:$tc�udl9t il�t�t$ �.. -- - ��? .�,
<br /> ` �. '. . . � " . _ . � . : . � , ,. . ,�. .
<br /> : � . . : .��"'�.��J. � I�E�I3 4F, 'x`RU�T � ,. . .� ,� : .� � ..
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<br /> �� ( ` ` . � •` ( ° Al2 T t �R lgl�i ' ' .'�!C�NSt�i tS , ,
<br /> . �s��n oF�usa�c s�cy r��}�,�Qn $� .
<br /> � itobest H..italker, Lois.Eo W�7.ker, �1avi,d �. Halker,.De6orah S. AallTc�r . . .` _ < . � � .
<br /> . � ,� . ' � , :. ;�� ' . . . .. . � . .
<br /> r ' a�F{�ee is' Nat�rest Bai�c t�eb' :��'i;��.;r` ��'., , :.: ,AssoCiatina '� .
<br /> ("ESamscve '}.'t� ��`-�.� � �"� :" � ' � . . "''
<br /> " '. '�:. • � . .. • ;: , . , ; , .
<br /> , �. ;,;.
<br /> - . :4�rr,�").'1'�be�eficias�+is � Nozgest Saak Hebra�, Natfonai Saso�iation , , ;,;: • ..
<br /> � � �.wh�cli i�organi�xd and eaistin�under tb�e laws of the�Uaited Stat��o£ A�a+erf ca ,ai�wiiose . • -
<br /> . �.addnss is P.O. Hoa_I768,. Grattd Is2aud, DiS b8�02 . ,�: - . , . � :..,;�.. _
<br /> , . . ' , � ('�ender"):$ort�ver ovres Lenderthe psin�l*�iim o€
<br /> ' � �:`: :.. . . `- ;;.ti • . ,,.,,��:''•
<br /> ONS HONflB� �FOBTQ 1g+i0 �HAUSA�ID FIVE IiUi�DRED Nll�i�'EIC�#'E',;1i22J�,NO/DoUass N.S.$142,598.�- . : ..- ' '� ),
<br /> . ' � 't'his d�bt is evidexicEd lrl Borcower's aote datsd the same date as:titl�:�ecurity Instnunent("Note").whidi piu�tides far.;. :� , i"`"`-"
<br /> morrth3y paynte�.s,}aitD the fall d�t.if�srt paid easlier,due and�PaYa6�e�a.r�:.L�farcli 15, 20Q0� ' -• `..°
<br /> � T'his Sexurity Insaument secures to L.e�er.(a)the.repaY�eat of the d�t evidenced by.the Note,�►itte iate�st,aad all.i�uewals, --
<br /> extc�iG+�s and rnodifications of the Note: (b)ths paymeitt tif all other sums. arith interest. advanced uader gatag'raph ? w
<br /> ' , p�ts�,�t the security. of this Secatiry Iasmament; and (c)die perfonnanve of Boaower's covenants and agreemer'.ts:Far this �,,.�;
<br /> ,,,:Fm�OSe.Bormwex irrevacably gtants and conveys ta TiuEtee.in uas�arith pov�er of s�1e, tRe following descnb�l property �'s;.-:-
<br /> ^'�,' (��� �u . . ' . Caunty;11ie6taska: __-
<br /> '�'.'� ' ,.�. r�. • •=--
<br /> , ' � � �ee Attached Esh��i� oA" , : . �.Q..
<br /> :��; . , :,:<� , �t,
<br /> :�. `;ti:` . . ,. . � :''`, ,. . . -
<br /> . ���- . . . ��.�,
<br /> • . � . . � ���,
<br /> :.>,.'.�>, • . �u°=,
<br /> < k.�:
<br /> �;',`,.;i` . .. . IFi'rr'x-`
<br /> . Si,•.• ;��'..;��� . . -n;.r
<br /> ;�,�'.
<br /> � ''� � wicii3t.has the addcess of 8751 N. Aott� Rd., Graad islaad, Nebraska � F:�.c��rl. -
<br /> . . NCU� `ar�a �� ("Fro�w�ty Addr�s°): 68a03 . • . � .
<br />_ •, ,tz���t � _ , •
<br /> •. •:�,��'.: . , . . �•
<br /> .;
<br /> .:��' `�'FpG�THER VI/jTH all the improvements now or hereufter.erccted aa the property,and al!easements,appurte�ss�.s.and �
<br /> ,`•�.:° ;�ft�t�i�s.aow or hereafter a•part of the propeny. Al� �f�cemeats and additians shall alsa be wvered by thi� SecuritY :; -�..
<br /> `� �I;L`:t�ttmsnt.All of the.foregaing is refermd m in this Sec�utty Ensuvment�s the"Pm�st}+•" . ��
<br /> t
<br /> ,'';,.` ' .. �URROWER COVENANi'TS that Borrower is tawfulY�seis�d of the estate�ereby convey�and Iws the ri�ht t�grant and �'�;}':;
<br /> • � coavey the Pcoperty and that the ProPertY�u���•eacept fot ep,�umbrances of re�ord. Borrower warrants nnd will .�",�'"
<br /> def�nd ger�eralip the tide.to the Pcoperty agaiast all claicns and dema�ads,sublest to any encumbranas of record.
<br /> 11iIS SECt1RITY iNSTRUM�NT caaabines uaiform covenants for nationai ase and non-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> v�riations by jiettsdicdon to aanstitute a uniform secvrity insuument covering rea!p�operty:
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT5.Bortower tutd l�ender rnvet�.vtt sund ugree as foltows: �
<br /> . � i.Paynteot otFriacipKt antl Iatesest; Prepaytnsnt and I.ate eharges. �oaower shall prompdy pay whea dae the
<br /> priaeipa►of and inteccst on the de6t evidcaced�y the Note and any prepayment and Inte charges due uadt:r the iVate.
<br /> . 2.Funds for Taxes und L►surnnce• Subject.to applicable law�or to a writeen waiver by [.ender.8nrrower shall pay to
<br /> ' Leadtr un tR�:d3y matufi�Iy paycnants are dua ander ttie Note.imti!the l�iote is p�id in full,a sum("Funds')for:(a)ye3rly taares
<br /> aad s�ssscssmems which may attaio prforiry over this•Se�curity Instrument us o lieo cm the Property;(b)yearly IeasrJiold paymcnts
<br /> sc
<br /> or�round renis an tI�e Ftoperty.if any:(c)yea�lY�f�zard os progerty iesur�cce pr�emium4.(d)yearly 8aod insiiranee prerruums.
<br /> `if any:(e)Ye;uIY mart�age insurance prem�mns.ii any:aad(�any sums payable�iy Borrowet�to Lender,in accordance with
<br /> the provision�of pa�aph 8.in Iieu of th,e payment of mortgage insurance pr�riuums.These items are called°Escmw Items."
<br /> L.ender may.at an� time.collect and hotd Fuads in an amount not t�exce�d the umximum amnunt a lender for a federally
<br />� related mqrtgage Ioan nnay reguire for Ba�ower's escrow accouat under the feder.ii Rea!Estate Setdement Procedures Act af
<br /> 1974 as am�.nded from time to time;12 lS.S.G Sectian 26�I et seq. ("RESPA").nnless another.la�v th�t applies.sn the fiunds
<br /> s�ts a tesser�raount.If so, �ader m�y. at any time,callect and hoid Funds in an n�nount aot to exceed th�lesser amount.
<br />- Lender may estimate the arrcount of Funds due on the 6asis of cnrrent dva and reasanable estimntes of eapenditures of funue
<br /> . _ ---£�mw-Iir�us�vu�t�iss-iisuiaviiu��ikrittta-�-rSi�'.a'3a.:.-- � • :
<br /> _ .. . - --- ----------- .. _ ... �_.
<br />-- NEBRAStiA•S�gie�arrriN�Farr.rde INael�'raQdie N[ac U11tlfQRM IIVSTRUASEM Form 3028 919d
<br /> ;_ � �l�1912T97 vrnedtoercar�coamts•�aiaizs3-sioo.�aootszi•nst vayo�ms q�s�pndt7d5/91
<br /> . � :
<br />