<br /> ; _�..- �.;. _ �b��.—: �. . . : . ".
<br /> - �� ' . , . . ,.},.' _ - � " 4- . , �, � . , ' . �' r � — < .�:-F _ -_..
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<br />_= . ' . ' Y' ' �a:i+a+�,-- , .
<br />_-- - � �.' �� � '� �`�:��� aS'�k .<..:d9X a��et�, i994;�"�i�r azi���snoa�� �tQ$�,�:��,�`l`, —_
<br /> �� �� ?�U�'� _.�.-� .. . �
<br /> -. .-- --�����`�.�"a�'��,��i3in�i.�3��#t�°����:��_�-�`-�'�.'--!�?S_-`_�:�=-�--=- == -
<br />�r � < �r.mor�,Wh�se maili�lg a�dces�is 5Q�'6.i�flat.Aiibott Ro:�l,Gfi�d���,1���'�Q3;�'�E S'X`!�1"1� , '
<br />= �'=rT • $a�K�F��t?,a FTs�sasita ���ir���rpozatiau,�ero�na�a Yefera�d ta as a'�Cwrt�;•`wii�ose.ti�ui�irig`° • ,
<br />�° ,:�:�''�-���Y:��- ad�dress a� �p Nsbrxa�s 688Z4;a�TSE ST�7�E BAN�a�C�EtO, a 1��bi�s�����
<br /> �a y �CJ AiV���i0� 4i4�Vf .
<br /> ___ � y���P� Carg�o��ion,�ere3nafte;referred to �s�'B���y;" c��a;e �g�ddnasa is�Soa� C�irir,NeBra�fc�i ,� „
<br /> ; � �, , ��. � .68524. � _ . . ... ' ; , < �, � :� � - . . � . . r . . � ., . . T �
<br /> ,-� �=� ;.�:��' For valuaiite cansideration,Trustors•'vrrevoca6ly gr�tik tra�.sfer,�co�y aud assigu to:Tn�St�,''m 4rust�.
<br />-. .���s.�,�`r';
<br /> �. �d:� :: wit�pov�rer of sal�,for the b�adt aud se�uity of BeIIeficiary,under aad su�e�t sa.the t�rms�a�nd cand'ttian's�cif,
<br /> -�+ ` `:,���= ��'. • �. dns#}eed of Triist,'the following descrc�ied ieal PmPa�►lqca�ed`�n HAId:Cou�ty,Ne�traska: . : . .
<br /> �,. .� 'n ��.
<br /> . {����,>�-- _ ' ��A�� . . : � , . .. � : � �.
<br /> ,�f.L. SEE ATfAC�Al�NT , . . . . ..
<br /> - �•��.r�.�:'.a. 'F�':�C+� � . .` • � ,. " . . . . . � —
<br /> .4'.'' •J,,':'-.:��� � � �p�}� }�a��p�/� �---� $�Q��@�S
<br /> r��r`•r ,- � - � Yagether wiih aif b�din�s,i�roueme�f�es,streeYs, "J"z Y`�""��"7h�'CB1Ii�tft. -(� �� .
<br /> �'�::���iL-i:= • - �,
<br /> � �G�,. =��°�;-.:- aPpurteuaIICes I�c�ed thereon,and all pe�o�al progerty th�t may be or heueafter hecome an imegat part af s�c�.
<br /> "�`'�'�'�� ' '"� bu�dings aitd�i�provements,all crops raised�thereon, and all water rigt�ss,aIl af whicl�inclu�iag r�glacsments •
<br /> . . ,;�.
<br /> �`;�'�,.,•:' , . and addi4ians t��reto,are herel�r dectare�.to be a gart of tti�reat estate comr�yed in tx�r�ereby;iE being a� � . -
<br /> $• - ' '�` .� that all of the foregoing sba]I be hereina�er referre�to as the"Prap�rty." ' . � : ``�: �
<br /> . �
<br /> , �;��':>: ,
<br /> .. . _ ..
<br /> . _ ._. .. ..- - �-----�------ ---�--- -.__....- --�- - - - �
<br /> , ,. . ., . ----- —.._...---------_.-�---._,_..... ..... � . --
<br /> .;:,, , �
<br /> ,: - - . F�R��PUItPOS]E OF SECUR�4�r:.
<br /> .�,.: •.:.. . . . �
<br /> . � �;�:::� �
<br />-- - _�..°>-= �a: P�ymeat of indebtedness evidenced hyr Trustor�-aote of ev�u date herewit� m�the prina�al sum of�.
<br /> �.� ��.� �. . � � Q5 together with interest at the rate or rates provided thetem, aad any aad ali renewais,
<br /> ', •:�:�i.. ,� mod"afications and extensions of such aote, bot6 pri.ncipal and imerest on the no2e being Paya6Ie in accordaace
<br /> = . with the terms set fortli therein,which by this refene�e is hereby.made a part hereo�. - . .. . .
<br /> . , � � � b. The�nmance of each agree��it and covenaAt of Tn�rs bereia co�sined;aucl .� '�,.:;.�.
<br /> ,:i.
<br />.. .�,;.:... . ,�:�:�.
<br /> � , . , c. The payment of all sums adyauc� by Beneficiary under the terms of this ID��.:i�f Trust,tagether ,:.,::,,:
<br />- � � interest thereon at the rate provided in the note. .-. . .�� �`;';,:;
<br /> , , .
<br /> . ,';i;iixf� :.- �: �.. d. The above�amaunt is secwed even,thougti afl ar part of it may not yest��e�.dva�se.�Future advances ua��; : . _
<br />'?;:� ., �:-_;- the agreemert are contemptated and w��e secured to the same�extent as if made on t�+date,tbis deed oftn�i�:`� �
<br /> '�.1��hSi ��. . � � �1 . 1..:�.
<br /> 4�.
<br />- '.``�;. :'. L. To pay when�d�e,the principal o�and tY►e iniecest on. the indebtednes3 evidenced by the.aoi�,charges,fee��end taU caft,�r
<br />_?�'� _ svms as psovided in the Ioaa instruments. •
<br /> - : , . �. 2. Trustors are the�eis of the praaerty and have the rigbt_and aWhoriry to execute this deed of Tmst in respeci to tHe
<br /> .' . . �. � property"• � be�ore ihe s�ae become
<br /> -;{,.; ,•' ' : . . ..,, , 3. To pay:a�en due, a11�ta�ces. special assessments and all other charges aga�the pmgerty. .
<br /> :•;%� . :�� delaaquem. T�shall pay all taxes anc�a�ents wbich may be Ievied apon Beneficiaty's intemst hereut at upon this De�of .
<br />_",,,� �', ��1 '���� Trast or the dd��ed here6y.withaut regard to any law tLat may be enacted imposing payment of the whol�or aay part th�+�tf
<br /> ��. �
<br /> . �� ' • .. � �We Beneficiary.
<br /> � . �, .,.�:: �'o k�p the improvemenrs now or hereafter tocated oa the pmperty ins�ued against damage by fire and such ei�er h�zards as
<br />_ - „_ .� , '.
<br /> . • : ' ttt�L�i,�eficiary may'recluire•in amouats and wmpanies acceptable to the Bene6ciary,Such ins�rance poliry sball or��n a staaadard
<br /> �`�r� claus e�n f�vor of Beneficiaty. Tmstor sball promptty repair,mai�tain and lace the property or aay part thereaf so _
<br /> _ . . .. ��� idoitgage reP h
<br /> _ . • : :1�• .. that,except for d�uary�vear and te�r.the prapetty shall not deteriorate. i_`_
<br />- . - . � •� � ' S.� In the e��em the pmperiy,or anY Part thereo�shall 6e takea by enqinem domain.the Bcnefciazy is entitled to ooite�x�d
<br />