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<br /> "�,�,,,,.��-�_�� , .. ('Hormwer`).'f�etttist�is- IdQ�dSST �B�-NEBHASRA;-Pt9TI0NAL ASSQCIATIOR �-�------�----�---�---�--. .......__.. -- '. .. �j�.�� -_
<br /> -r� � � � . ' . x.rr�rr•_-��,--�
<br /> ���: S . NOHWEST �dNK NEB$ASKA, NATIONAL ASS�CIlfTI0Y3 , . ��-
<br /> ��':`•',�.�'`�t' (•Trastee"}.'Ftie 6eneficiaryr is . . , ' � �."�„�-�
<br /> �
<br /> � ..� �•Y?... ' ' - ' - --.. _ . ._.. . . _ . . =j . _
<br /> '`-` tJNITSD STATES OF AM8RIC4 .and whose n,y���:
<br /> ,:�'',;.' -- whicii is organi�d aad exisdng tmder the•Inws of. f. •4-;:
<br /> � Y_,��� � �. . �� 3kd34 W I3th St GI�A�IfI.ISLADiD, NS 68803 ' $ - -
<br /> �� :�,•�y �` ' � . ' • • ("l.ender'). Borrowar owes Icuder the priucipai sum of, . i�"�_.�=
<br /> �. �,� _: - .. _- =:
<br /> o� , •. • • -
<br /> "-r ��•`f � TEN THt3U5�lIID SIBTY 0.'�IE DOLLAIiS AND 00/00 Dollars N.S.$ 10�Q�I.flO �, ' �,�- ,��
<br /> itt,�,i�'v5ir3:�' 4 ,` : • `�` _---
<br /> . ;. .` <� ' This debt is evict�toed bY Hom�wer's uate dated the same date as..this`Security Instrninent("Note').which pmvidesfar ; ���.....r_
<br /> ,' ���r=;,=�:`�;°:t' monthlY PaY�•�a�rith the futl de6t,,if aot paid earlier.due and payuh(� on 7/13/99 . ��;--_��
<br /> .°-x,.� .;' »� This Secariry lastrumeQt secures to L�ender:(a)the iepayment of the debt evidenced by ehe Nate,witt�i�erest,aud all renewats. "'� �'
<br /> . .�s�;,� ,�y.,..�—`.
<br /> ""`"'.�T�x�.:� extefls�ns attd mndifrc�i o n s o f t h e N a t e: (b)t h e PaYment of aii atha s u m s.w�th iatetest, edvaaced under p a r a g r a gh 7 to ``'. �
<br /> f•:�. ��
<br /> �r. ;;,:;:• .,•� �
<br /> !� '-�,l �..�• pmtect t$e secluity of tlus SeCUrity rnSq�P*!*• aad(c)the�erfoimanc�of Borrawer's covenants and ag�ements..For dus '���;;�,,,�
<br /> ,� '�'`'"=.��'-a�- ' � P�upose, Borrower imvacably grunts a�conveys to Ttustee,ia trusc,with powes of sale, the following described pmperty -'�":"
<br /> HAI.L County,NebrasI�: :," �
<br /> �''�?�,s'��'r ' tocat�d irt .. . . � , �
<br /> �;; .,,.:..�i,'. �f�-
<br /> SIIE A�TACHED ffiiISZT A FOR I.EGAI. DES�CRIPTION , ' . ;,"``x,:.,:`� .�`. �,
<br /> - . ,���
<br /> . , ..,� :�.:' •�.. ,
<br /> t . ���i • � 'Y;,?,'�-`•.•,X,�'•';
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<br /> � '3e�!d'.y.i . . . " .:r��;��c .r
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<br /> %,_�'� . ... . .- , ... .
<br /> y-:..,.% , . .. ,.•, :
<br /> ' �°�°�=� cv3zicis 63s thd addness of 4793 W OLD POTASH GRAND IST.l�ND [scree►,c�ry�. .. ..
<br /> '`ir: N�Ii�Ya" 68803 (��•"Y"ml 11d���s • • � �
<br /> 'f Il•��' .=r'�.�. _t ' r • . t�.lj1CUQC� . . .. . '
<br /> .�.�{.,.• y ' • . ,. ',:.' '
<br /> �R.rl .u..y .i.�� . .. ,� .',
<br /> ' �" ,� � ��. ' � T.00Y�f�W1TH all the impmvemeats now or hereafter et�af.�a�n the pmperty.and aIt�asemcats.aPPurtenancest ancts � ;�,yj�;k�• �.
<br /> , ' � '� '• fi� ttow oF 6eneafter a part of the pmperty. All reptacetneut���tsd attditions shaU also be covered by this Securliy�� ,�;.'�:ti���:-
<br /> , ••�`�:'�N' Ia..�intareni.Al!of the foregoing is referred to in tlus 5eca�rity Insuament as the"Peoperty.• . ;� • ,:';`:'
<br /> ' �. �HORROWER COVENAN'i'S tbat Bnrracver is lawfully seised of the estate�ereby oom�eyed and has the right to�rant and • -`s���, ' � :: . •�
<br /> '• ,:.,. , c�►vey the Properts►aad that the Property is uaencumbered. except fos�of re�cord. Borrower Wrarrants and will '��rli:.. ,.: '', �
<br /> �:,�;�;�;��, defm�d gener�li the till@ to the Property against ail claims and demarTds.subject to any encumbrzrrces of rem:d. . • . .
<br />-;,.. THIS 8��t3RITY 1NSfRUMENT cambims unifatm coveaan�.g•frn nauonal use and norc-cs^.iform covenants with liuiitc� . .
<br /> .��+�� variauonsby j�t�i:�liction to ooastitute a uniform security insaument c�verin real ro . .
<br /> - L1NIFbRM C01/ENAI�STS.Borrower and L�ender covenaat and agrce ags foUaws� . .
<br /> -=..��ra�;�;:;:� - l. Pay�ent of Pttndpal and Inttresl;Ptep�yt�mt und Ltite Ch�es. Borrower shsill Pm�pt1Y Pay when due the .
<br /> s< prIriclIIal of and interest on the dcbt evidenced by the Note and any piepayment and iate charges due under the Note. ' ..
<br />=='���"�^� 2:Ftmds for Taa�:and�nce.Su6ject to applicab2e Iaw or to a written waivcr by lxadcr,Bormwer shall pay to � . ,
<br /> � l.ender on tAe day mouthty payments are dae under tbe Note,nntil the Note is paid in full.a sum t"Funds")for:(a)yearty taxes • '
<br /> �' a�assessments wtucb may attaia prioriry mier this Securiry Insmiment as o lien o�the Pcoperty:(U)Year19 leasehoid paymeRts • . . -
<br /> �. • ,
<br /> _ or�J�und reNS on the E�roperty,if ar►y:(c)YpriY ha�d arpraperry insuraace pr�niums:(d)Ye�riy fload insur•utre preauums. .
<br /> -�i n-'i:tt_4`.' fY�'
<br /> ;�� ;�''� ::a�:.,-�_ . if any:(e)Yearly mortgage insuraace premiums.ef any;and(�any sums payabte 1ry Boirawer to Lender. in asaordanoe with '. ' .
<br /> the provisians of•patagr�ph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuraace preauums.Tt�ese items are calied"Escraw It�tns."
<br /> Ignder may. at.any ti�se.•eolte�and hQld Fufids in�amount trot.to excced the ma:imnm amotmt s Iendet fos tt fedettilly --, . ' - .
<br /> �. reIatod mortgage loaa may requir�for Bormwer's esscow accnunt ander the fedeial Real Estate Settle,ment Procafures Act of . � . .
<br /> '�' . `•�r:�".�'� 1974 as amettded frotn time to time, !2 U.S.C. 5ection 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"). unless enother!aw that applies to the Funds '
<br /> "�?��`�=�'' seLs a tesser aataunt.If so,Leader may, at arry time.collest and hold Furtds in an aamunt mm to exce�t the tesser amount.
<br /> . .,*.. , r • , • , •
<br /> -�,^,.�.... . Le�des may estimat��the untount of Funds dtte on the b�sis of current data and reasonable estimates of espenditures of fuiure • ;.' ' •.
<br /> ��' .'� . • Es4mw Itetps or.otherwise in uaoatdaace with,agplica62e law. .
<br /> :,. .. . -- _ - _ _
<br /> ,� _ .,� . _ .. , . . .. . . .
<br /> � �
<br /> . "`�s�. .�'-... .^� NEBi��SKA-Sin�o f0tnfly-farnJe MeetFnd�s If��INIWAAI U1SYRt/M�NT farm 3Q2S 9fS0 '
<br /> '''',-. '�:"°...^�-� (�'�1�7�a VMDM�RTQAGEFORI'AS-131317938100•1800�5217Z91 vaa,�ma , •
<br /> y:,:. ,. . �� am�aea srs� .
<br /> .;; . . . . , . �
<br />