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<br /> -r � ,��� u-q,�..µ ,.r_ , •• py� T�,�P..�{pjjapjj�'$}�$(�p.�I�0��T CIIC�III0112�P8c Sll1SiCQiE�}.t0'
<br /> SC� t� r � .A �4;'����iiii�y�YIItGUi QiVCb�,��Y��i�gf�p��S��r�{{�k[Q M
<br />_ �.Src��`��r;� {,s +,� � `ou�-ti�s�1 af t�s�jt�y;���t�ag�insuranQC pte��efng Pazd�y�orta�¢r whe�t3►a i�sw�snce�ve�,e l�gs�.i�oe�t��
<br /> t
<br /> _ 3,°:r�.::�_��- � � ' be�n effe�"����.r �-t;�sa artd r�in tiiese paymenis as u lo�� resesvrs i� iieu�af caartguge:ir�sur�are. i.vss tesel^v$< . _
<br /> ��-,��,-�:,� � pajtsneats�ria ft'ri�f6u��i��.ut the optian o€Lender�if mortgage`�tsurance c�over�(in th�ut�auut�fi�r tt�e gcrlacg .. _- —
<br /> ,Y._..��-°::-- q��� �i�}provi ay an 9nsuter a�rav�l by Lender ngaiai 6�cames ave�abl�ead Is obtasned.Borro�rex sYt�it� ,
<br /> e;,..,,. . . �;'��. � the premiums requir�d w m�tnt�in iavrt�e i�uianae iu.effect`T o�to provffde a loss resarve.uatii.ttte requi�s�;far ffiort�' �
<br />-.� %c #.r � , .
<br /> s - �'�`��" ' iusu�e ec�s in�ueor�lam.�with.:..•ry�:�itse�a��la�tw���o�Qaer�u1 I.�nd�s ur. ' 'la�a► _ < < , _
<br /> _ ��" ���;�."�:: . . 9.Iaspec�on.Lendex oi its ag�nt msy tn�k�seasonabla�nUrles u�na�i�sper�o�s o��f�Ftoper�y:Lensters�ali�$ive; •�
<br /> .:�.�..-�.-��,r_°.�. Bosrower aattce at the tia�e of or gtior.tc�an in5g�ct�an spc�ifyin8 teasanab�e�.rau�e far t4��spectTon. `
<br /> "��.�F� �•� .. - 10,C.�andemaaiP�a.'The pmr.ee�af any acr�or ctaim.far dunages,dircx�or coi�seqae�; ia caavection witti anp
<br /> ,.`� '.`.. . � . • wn�emaatian or ot�er taldn�of�nny p�rt of the.Propeity.or far conveynnse�in liete of dandemnation.are h�by�ssigaed a�� .
<br /> - ',�-;:.4 ., , 5 " , .; . , ",
<br /> . . . sbafl De paid eo Lender. . . .
<br /> '. 4 . t �� � In the event af a total takiag of the Pcaperty.the proceeds sh�l1 be appl[ed to the suffis sec�u�t by ti�s 8ecurity 1ns�rusnent.
<br /> - � wltether oz aat tfte�}¢ue.�vitb any excess paid�to$�ruwer. #rt t�te eveai af a partial "t�.*�in8-of ttse P�.in vs�ii�.�he�r. . -. -.__� -
<br /> � � nsarket value of the Pro�erty immediaz.eiy before the takiwg is equal to Ar greater thaa th�amount af the sums secumd by ttis � .-�
<br /> Security Insuvffient immediatetj�6efare We te&ing�unlesa�orrower IIad�der otherwv�is��in writing,the su�s s�are�by �
<br /> :,�::;: • . ` this SECUrit3r Insmiat�t�s�tl,.be,reduoed by tha amaunt�af the prooeeds mu[tipliQd by th$faltowing f�Ction: (a) the total '
<br /> - �'%�_�?�` �' . '. , o amounrof ths�s�ms s�xueQ immer�iat�1Y beforetha�ta�g,��Ivided by(bj the fa�r marYset vaiue of.the Pmp�rty immediatety
<br />- � �J.,:°, .� . ,
<br /> f � . !�` 6efare the tal�ing. Ar�}e�baTano�sha116e paid w Bat�oret.,Xn the eireat of a part9al taN3Ag of the PmpercY.ia w4�ich the faar _
<br /> `` `�' �muket valne of the Property immediatcly 6efore the taktug is te�thaa ttiie amount of dle sums sewred�teiY befoie.fhe�
<br /> :,:: �':',• ��. y! p�ac�eds shall
<br /> .. .�. ,... :`• .. pro 'des•the sh
<br /> �;.:
<br /> :. ....�- �� : � tek�g.�untess Bonawer and Lenden ot�etwise�ee iu writing or anless applicamle law atbemise
<br /> � .<�..;�._:-°;--_ .-.;.. e;�. ha applied w the sums secured try ti�ei�Seceuity Instrume►u v,hethe�c ar.nbt the�ums are theii due.. .T_�__.-- �_-
<br />- r. ��; l,.'`'�: ,..'' �; If the YropertK is abaudon�d by Borrawer,or af�ai�r notiee by I�nder w Bomawer that ttie cond�mnar offers w�atce�
<br /> ' �.;� ,'...,.;. . award or seule a cl�m for danoages,Boriawer faite?ta�respoud ta Lender aii6in 30 days after the date tlte aotice is pven.
<br /> - _. Le�er is authoriied�to eolIec�and appty the praceads,at its option;either ta restoration or cepair of the Propeity or'to the sums
<br /> _�. ::5`�. � secured hy this Sec�uity Instrument,�vhether ar aot rhea dae. � , ,
<br />' * Untess Ixnder and Borrower otherwise agree in wtiiing, aaY aPFlicat�ios of proce�fs to prmcipal shall iaQt extend or
<br /> ��.� �`,�,�_. . : ' P o s t g a n e t h e d u e d a t e u f t h e m u a t h l.y P a y�e u t s�ferred to in pa r a g r a Phs 9 and.2 or cHang�We amouat of sach payatents. �`_-�a-- T
<br /> •€t.�;;�;.'•: ' 11.Bon�w�1�Iot Rei4ased:For�srau�e�y Leader Nat a Waiver.Eatension of t6e time fo;payment or tnodific�ri� ___-_-
<br /> . nw
<br /> - ° :`� of am�irtization of the sums sesvre�b th�s 5ecurity IastrumeIIt gisnted by I.ender w aa}r suocessor in interest of Bnnowea shall ,
<br /> ... .. _. . :_. .
<br /> , y . . . . . •
<br />�:�.;:"•:° .°:.-.:�.�;�; -._.----- ---uot opetate to release the liability-of-the ong�ual Borrowet or.Borrovvers_successurs�uitet�st,Lender.shatl_not be�to _,� _
<br /> - wm�enoe proceedings agains;anY successar in iaterest or re�nse to extend time for paymeat or othsrwise maLfy amortizauon • �_�
<br /> of the su�s seaued by this Secunty Iasttumeai by reason of any deinand made by the original Bortawer or Som�vuer's =__
<br /> . , suoeessors ia iuterest. Any forbearaace by I.ender in eaenising aay ri,g ht or remedy shall aot be a waiver of or prut¢de the -- ,
<br />� . . ..
<br /> . • .•,��, •.
<br /> . ... .., . . -
<br /> �-. , , 'exercis�e osa�t nr�p•
<br />= r:�: .::..'.: : :,� � of� __-_ __-.
<br /> . , rs an�. gas BouQd;.dofnt.a�l_Several Liability; Co-sign�e. The covenanEs ans�ag►�ments, this
<br />- . .' , - -Secvrity inswmenl shafl bind and benefit ihe successoss and essigns of L.ender and Borrower, subject tv tbe provistons of o:=-_
<br /> - . , �.: ' paragrapb 17. Botrower's covenants and agreements shatl be joint and several. Any Bormwer.who oo-sigas this Secarity _
<br /> • . instn�ent but does not:execute the N�te:(a)is co-signing this Seauity Iastrument only to martgage,.�ant and convep that M�_
<br /> . , . Bomower's irterest in the Property under the tertns of this Security I�strumem; (b)is nos personally obligated to pay the sums __ _
<br /> - . . -� se�vred by this Security Insuument;a�d(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrawer may agcee w enteud:modify,fortiear or ---
<br /> ' � � make any accommndations with regacd to the tecros of th�s Security Insuutnent or the Note w�thout thaII$aam�wer's consent. _-_-— :
<br /> ' 13.Loan C6arge9.If the loan secured By this Security Instrument is subject w a!aw which sets nna�loan eharges. p, „
<br /> •, ' • • aad thac_I�H is.finally interpreted so thai the interest or other loan charges collected or to be callected in aaaneetion nrith the �,,,�%'�`�
<br /> . • - "'•':: Ioaa eiei�tfie petmitted limits.th�:(a)siry such loan charge sball be re8aced by t�e amount necessary to reduce t�shacge _
<br /> .I.n/yn� ��..
<br /> ' • .�'t'�':., .' to the�'iitted l;mit:and(b)anY smns alr�eadY coltected from Borrower wtrich exceeded pe�mitted limiu will be i�;�ius�ied to _-
<br /> , ��,. Botrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by redacing the principal owed ander the Note or by making'a dit�t �Y_---_-- -
<br /> � , paymem to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,•the reducann will be treated as a partial Prepayment withont arry �
<br /> ' •. ' � piepayment charge under the Note. a�-:*�-
<br /> ' � � ' 14.Nottces.An}+notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instmment shall be given by deGvering it or by mailing =__ _
<br /> - • .� � it by fiist ctass mail unless applicabie!aw requires use of another method. The noti�e shall be directe�to the Properry Address -------
<br /> . � ' or aay other address Borrower desigaates by notite to Lender. My notiea to Lender shaU be given by first class mai1.¢o =
<br /> ' ' ' ' Leader's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this �=- �
<br /> `{'.``' ,��` �. • Security Inm�ument shall be deemed tv have been given to Borrower or I.ender when given as provide�in this patagraph. - '
<br /> �`���'� � ' 15.Governing Law; Severa6itity. 'i'his Security Instn�ment shall be govemed by federaf taw and the law of the ---
<br /> � . ��.,•.': : �� . jurisdiction in which the Presperty is located. ln the event that any pwvision or clause of this Security Instrumeirt or the Note -=:--__
<br /> •�`� � conflicts��ith applicabte law.such eanflict shall nat affect other grovisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which cua be "°'" _
<br /> �,,.�:.:...
<br /> � ���`��`F� � given eff¢ct without the conflicting•pmvision.To this end the gn�.isions of this Security Insuument and the Note are�lared -
<br /> • � �?:,,��: .� . . � � _ -_
<br /> •� - � • � ,� ' to be severable. r ` - -
<br /> ��' '. 16.Borr�wePs Copy.Borrower shall be given one confoaned copy of t[:�Yote and of this Security Insuument '�}'����"��'
<br /> , � 17.Transfer of the Ptoperty or a Bene�Ict�Dnterest in 8oreower.If atC or any part of the Property or any intetest in it �` �'
<br /> . ,:,:'--
<br /> • �°� � - � is�sotd or transfertetl(er if a beneficia.l intere.t in,8orrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natutal person)without �•`'z':.•�--:.-_
<br /> .�::i�;`. Lender's prior written consent, Ler,d�:r may. at its option. require immediate payment in fult of all sums secured by this ����t:�'�;'•,-•' �"""-:
<br /> _ � ' Secuiity Insttument. However.this a�t:an shall not be exercised by Lepder if exerc��e�s prohibited by federal law as of the date :-,.;.:;�:.:' ' �
<br /> " • • of ihis Security Instrument. . ' •.
<br /> , � if Lender exercises this option,Lender si;Jt give Borrower nouce of acodc-aation. The notice shall provide a periad of not . �
<br /> tess than 30 days from the datc the notice is deiivered or mailed within w•Y,sch Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> ,: •; �- � ���;:',. _ Security Insuument. If Borrower faits to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any�mcdies .
<br /> :'.1,�,,,,'1.
<br /> perntittea by this Securiry Instrucaer,z+�ithout further notic�or.demand on Boaower. , . . .
<br />_•� IS. Borrower's R�ght to L�eirstate. If Borrowet n�s�et.s certain conditions, Borrower shall have the ri�Gx t� have • . . •
<br /> :�.::c,i `. .
<br /> enfotcement of this Security Instrt:�ent discontic:�i at any�irne prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other petiod as .. .
<br /> . ' � applicable law may specify for reipstatement)befnre sate of the Property pursuant to any power of s�!e mn'tained in this . , . - . •
<br /> �- , ''. ` �' Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment en�arcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are tFat Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> ' Lender all sums which then would_L-e due under this 5ecurity Instrument and the Note as if no acceteration had occurred:(b) �r. � .
<br /> �;;.� - cures aa default of an other cover,:�nts or a eements: c)pa s all ex enses incurred in enforcin this Securit lnstrument, � � ���`�''
<br /> �;,<, •
<br /> y y 8r l Y P �_ Y � .`,.�,,,, ..
<br /> � ' � including,but not limited co,reasonable attorneys'fees:and(dy takes s�ch action as Lender may reasonably require to assun .,,�;t�'���'
<br />- ` '"'` ' that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the�'lroperty and Bonower's obligation to pay thc sums secured by ' , ,
<br /> �� � ;�: ' • this Securiry lnstniment shall continue unchanged. Upon, cezGStatement by Borrower. this Secunty fnstrument and the
<br /> ,, - � . obligations secured tiereby shall remain fully etfective as if ao"�x.ielerariEn l:ad occumxl. However,this right td reinstate shall .
<br /> � '. ;;':,- .. .` , � not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. . '
<br /> t'� �' �. : ` � 19. Sate of Note; Change of Loan Setvtcer. Tbc Note ar a partial interest in the Note(together with this Security .
<br /> = i,' ' � � Insttument)may be sotd one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known .
<br /> t, ��,'• - � � ' su the"Loan Servicer")that collectc monthly p�yments due under the Note and this Security(astrument.There also may be one '. . ,
<br /> -�` or more changes of the l:oan 5ervicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be � . .
<br /> f ; .. � given written notice of the change in arcordance with paragrapb 14 above and applicable latv.'fhe notice will state the name and � � .
<br />- i: ': �•' ' ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other '
<br /> . , y°,', . information required bY appticable law. ' ` . '
<br /> •';' • 20. Hbu�rdous Snbstanees. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.use, disposal, storage, or.rcieasc of any �
<br /> �' ' r �' Hazardous Substances on or in the PropeRy. Borrower shail nat do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br />--- � �-_ --.='---� Pcopesiy ihat is is iiolation oF aisS Eneet�inmenta!Lsuw_T1�e preceding two sentcncec chall nnt��ly to the presence. use. or
<br /> � • ' � storage on the Property of small yuantities af Hazarclous Substances that are generally recognized to be:�ppr�priate t��normat ��� ��� �
<br /> , . residential uses and to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> - ' ' va90 3 of a Fortn 3028 9/90 �� I
<br /> . �. .
<br /> , ' �' _
<br />