� .� _-. . _ _ . ,
<br /> �.�,.�_� r-----f�--� . .
<br /> .
<br /> - � � . , __ , _ _ - -
<br /> _- — . . _ . . _ _ ,. , . _—
<br /> - — - - _ - - — - - - __,��. . - . '. . � . - -- ., - - -
<br /> �.��� . � � , . ` . . , . . < ` � �.�,�i3i��a� ' ' .0 . , --
<br /> �
<br />� _ � �= 5. �ad os E'rup�#y In�ur�.�a�rbvr�r s�at'!,k�t th�i�sg�c�.rms now e�iswg�b�fie�t:cr� �n ��`��
<br /> --_ _— -- . • �nY iasured e�ist tass by firc.haxa.�ls u�ciudcd witfiis�the terhY°extend�d caverage"��tt�rsy.othe�s hazaads,;�ii�t3�g` . :• ,
<br />�� 44u�ds nr tk�ading,t'or�vh�h I�d�reqnir�s insur5nc�.��la�nxuru►x�e s�all be��sint�in t�am�unts.u�d#'or thc�gerf�ds ��. . . �
<br />-� .: t�nt 9.�tnd�r�equirC3.Tbe i�rance currier pmv�cfing tRo��tsum�sh�!!be shasen 6y Btnrowea sub,�ect t�.1,ct'��s's appYabval�... '
<br />�- --_ � ' �hfch shai#nsn 6e unrt�sa�hly wlthAt!s!. :P E�tras��r ftii�te'r�.�.int;t��o:���8�crit�3 aEove. 6.en3er��t..at �.��a"v = --=- _ - _
<br />�� aptlon.obtai�wvrsuge to pmuct Lcnder's rig�in the Pro�e�y in�c�ordar�w�ith paragn�g�7: � , ` � � -
<br />-. ----- �
<br />__•- - ,
<br />�. _. � , ;: : A1!i�snsahc�p�licies au�r�t�uts sh�13 he eccegtab2c w&end:s aris�stra!!ir�3ude'a st�ndard'�itga �au�.�1.e�er:. °
<br /> : sIr ! ge
<br /> ' sDall h�ve ths stghi t�r hot�the policies aud rea�wals.�f Lende�r�.Hamswgr s�alC ptomptiy�g'eve to L`end�fr all rc�cefpts af
<br /> ` .�-�-w!;;:r=�° �prami�u�a ss��n.-waf aotices.Yn tt�event�g loss,Banowe:sha!!give pms�pt nottse ta the�u:anc�.carrier and L�tr.�. . . --
<br /> •°__ _ . � .. . .._._ __ _ __.._
<br /> _ � -_ ..._ �: : � . . _: �
<br /> - _ .I.�dgrYtrmy�fce pmuFaf tass il ut3't t,�e Pronp�Y t�q.�-�:�. . . _ _
<br /> V���� ,�.; .. . , � �. ;
<br /> } � �=�.�: Un�ess I�sr a�s9 Horroc+�er c�artv�se agr�i�wsit�g,in�tu�auee g�uce�s�hall be agplie�tg resroFa3ion�r repair o�t�,e . :. .
<br /> � �Pe�3+�C�.if 4ite restaraE�om ar regair is econa�ica�Iy feasible arLd L'ender's sscnrity is nat,Ie�sa�aed.If th�reswzatfon or� : . �
<br />= repair is nsi�o�micalty feasibte or Irender's seciuity.wwtiQ be3�.tY�e inst�e gm�s sbadl be�pglied t�t1f�sums �
<br />=- s�d dy ti�is S�s�ity tastnw�at.wheitcer or riot t�n due,.witlsangr�a�cess paid to Bc�rmwer. I�"�nni�artr rtbaniions.� '
<br /> Fcaperry.or dc�es no�answer widun 30 days a ac�ce fcaan Len�er tt�t the��s�aace'carris�r Gas�offered to setEie a dain},tt�sa.
<br /> � T�nder ntay eoll�x the insuc�ce proaeeds. Lecder may,sise the prbcesc's ta tepair br resta�the Prope�tyr�or t4 pay sa�s,
<br /> _ securad by this Sgcurity Iast�ume�t�w6etDex or not then du�.The 30day periad wIl!6e�n when ttte�iicx is givea�. . . .
<br /> - M Untess I�Isr aud Borrower othervrise a�ree in wi'�;.aaY�rtica4ian of praceeds io psiucipa! shall�t e�teut or --
<br /> � gostpone dce cduE d92e of the monihty payme�ts referred to in patagr�hs�1 aad.2 or r7�ge the am�t af the paytkxuts:If.: � .
<br /> ander paragap�21 the I�roperty is asqniied by Iend�r,Bornuwe�'s ri�ht Y,o aay inswaaae Polia,es aa�proceala rasat�8��` �
<br /> . damage to th$Pmpa�4y prior to the aoqnisition shall pass to Leader to t8te�atent of tht�siuns secu�by this 5ecasitq I�rameat ,�
<br /> - `,�.,.•l:,�ir:�-r��-i ��PnOT40theac�uisitioII. � . ' � , • ' • . � , .
<br /> = - _ ' - 6.Oocupan�9,�reservation.Maintdoance amd Frate�don og tI�e Pra�ty;l�on+owds I�nnaa Appiis�nn;L�. ,
<br /> ...�' Bormwer shall oowpy,cstablisb,and use the Prapeity as Bonawer's priacipal t�deuce wftBin suuy days a�ftar ttte e�ceeat�oaof -
<br /> ��.�
<br /> ��;'-;::: .'-- ------- this Seaizi � Instm�eSt and shall uontin¢e to occapy the as Bmrrocver's ci al residence for ai teasi age year adtct ,
<br /> 4��:> ;-,1,;. ty PrapertY I�riri p re
<br /> - r_.;_;,-..,_.. -�; An
<br />_ :;��,,,�;::�;�r h � the date of o�ey,natess Lender otherwise agrees in wriring,which caasent shali not be unreasona6ly wit�hetd,or anYc�s .
<br /> -.<��;:;�,;`;�{.� .
<br /> �..i4:..r. .�r.�+�a;-a;'. ' exteauating circumstances extst whic6'SiE bCJ/OIId BOIfbW$!�S COII$QZ. BOlY4W2f S� IIOL.(j�SlilS�Is�$C Ui IID�I�P. .
<br /> r•'•
<br /> ;.�,.;'".-`a ...,°:.` property, allow the Pmpemr to deteriorate, or commit waste on ttiee Property. Eorrower s6a11 be�ia defanIt if at►y forfeIdue
<br /> _ .,.t,:�,:. „�,. suxton ur pmcxading,whether civil vr criminal.is begam t6at in I;eader's good faith judgmeat could arsutt�iit fo�of tfle ` —
<br /> ,., ��, _ .
<br /> �•�:,::.; Property or e�rwiss materially impair the lien created by this Secauity Instramern os Leader's security iut�st.Bonnwer way
<br /> :: �,.'^:'; .�., .. . cure sach a d�faut!and neinstate.as provided in paragcaph 18.by�using the,a�xion or pma�d'm�to be dis�nisred wiih a�
<br /> , ,��•�•: . • .� �. ' that, in LendEPs good.fai1�deteimiaatian, pieci�des forfeitore of ttie Bornnwer's interest in the Fr+nperty or other�atef�at .
<br /> -rt::� ��y'�=:j' _' •f`, � .iiaa�aiiment of th$lien#�by tbis Se�uity In�xnt or I eadeti's,secauity;interest. Boirower shali also be in defanit if
<br /> , ''' , �:``1�irrower.during the laa��licaSon proc;ess.gaY:.ti�iiaially falss ar�*+a�,*�G�prmat�on or statements w Lender(or fail�d ,
<br /> . • .w pmvide Lender wiW an}Y fiaterial i�.°rt�a�}��onnection with the loan e�-f�by the,Note,iactuding,bnt na3lim�ted _
<br /> .�;,: , ' ,:�;i�.� to,representatioas concerning Borraw�"��cy of the Property as a principa��sidcnce.�'t�is Security Jnstrumeut�`�:�a a
<br />=;dtY � • leasehold, Barrower shat��'compiy wiih•at4�`the proTi�y,ions of the lease. If$cn�wer�equir�s•ffee tltle to the Pmger�y;`tt� - -�
<br />- .`��'�.�,-..;;.� ' . . leasebotd aad ths fes tid�'atili not merge uNess I.en�'agcees to We merger in.u�m3ng. � .
<br /> ;:��:,,. ,
<br />__ ?''{'?''• :.' �.• . � ' 7.Protedion af Y�ider's Rtghts in the Property.If Borrower f�ils to.p�uf'rcm the covenants and agreements ooritained ia
<br />_ � ''` ���� •� ttris Security Insdvment,or t6ere is a le al roceedin that ma si�cautl 'affed Lender's ri in the Pio _
<br /> 8 P 8 Y Y 8�� P�Y(�$s a
<br />_ � ;:�:.•:._ • '� �'' • proceeding in.6�uptcy.Probate. for condemnation or forfeiwre rr..*�enforce laws.or regulations),then Leader may dtr.se;d
<br /> ' ` pay for what�r is neoessar� tp pmtect the value of the Property�aal Lender's tlghts in the Property.Leader's action,�i�r.Ey, .. , _-
<br />_ ,;4�:;t�:.' � . ., :i���
<br /> . c,.,:� ...• . �• . �i..clude paying any su�3�sued by a lien which has priority over this Sa-s�tlty Instiument, apPeari����za wnrt, PaY�� ,. -- ---
<br /> .:y��.�... .. . . . __
<br /> , ,-. .::' '� ;,�, m�sonable attomeys'fees:�rt�+�sttering on the Property to make repairs.Althou�is Lsnder may tafce ac,tion u�rir�',�Wis paraBraPL ���,;� _._.
<br /> . : -;. . � � '?.Lender does not have to do so. , ; : . •� `. . ., , -
<br /> ' ' ' �;�%�;�' ' Any amwnts disbussed by.L.e�:,��under this paragraph 7 s$all beoome u¢ditional tfebE�of Borrower secured U�.t?�is _
<br /> - , . . ��t.;��
<br /> Secuaty Insuument. tlnless Botrower�d Lender agree to other t�of pay�s, these�o�ts shall bear interest�i�a ttte
<br /> � . date of disbursement at t��1�ote r�te and shall 6e payable. with interest, apo�r,i�tice from I.ender Yo 8orrower requesting -- _
<br /> �,;.�;-�;�.; • payment. •..• �. ; '. .� �.> .
<br /> ~ - • .� 8:Mortgage 1��If I,e�s�er required mortgage insurauce as a contiition of making the loaa seaued by this S�ty �`==_
<br /> #� ^.:. .:.,�.. . Insirument� Smrmwer s�f.gay the prc�aums required to maintain the mortgage insutanee in effect. If. for any reasa�,cl'.�z 4-a;�.*;e�.-_-.
<br /> =¢���...' . � , mortgage i�.a�.�ce.co��er,y:s�equired Es3*t,ender lapses or ceases t�t�e in effect. Borrowet shall pay tho premiums regiura�."to , �r�s��u• ---- `�'=
<br /> . f-�i?�•.
<br />_ , �'�' . ' � ." � ' obtain coverage substaza•si.[Y:equivateat io the mortgage insutance previously aa�ffffest.at.a cast substantially equivatent to the •,'�i:rp,�-;�:,;:;:�...�.,.:
<br /> gage insurer approved by Lender. If � �`''� '
<br /> : _ • ,. .� � cvst'to Boaower of the ar.rr.�age i*+n„�nce previa�asLy in effeet, �m an alteccsate mort � >�j�•i� �h���`'t'.�... •' :�
<br /> •_ substandaliy equivalent mortgage ir�x oovetage is not availabte,Borrower shall pay to Lender eash month a sum equal W• 't���;:��•'�1#�+,t,:'�:
<br /> �.,{
<br /> - , ,. , one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage i�,.�za�ce pnemium being paid I�y�3orrower ahen the insurance coverage lapsed or ce�e¢to ,'}�'y,5�;;�1!X'�i�' .
<br /> .. , � • . Ee in effect.Leader will i,use and retain these a ents as a�ess reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss a�ve '. ` ,.:• �:�,:�,�`;��''S;;s ;'.�,
<br /> � , a� P Yn► , �,�! •7i�:
<br /> , }:�;'; 'j•r�:ttc:1' •
<br /> _ � ,. .. . " Farm 3023 �150 , • °,:;�.'' . ,
<br /> . , . . vego3o�s •� . ' �.�' .
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