_ - ^ � ' - � .' � rF <.. r . . .. ( o � i �� .. ._..- °�:�ln n 4 '} ------- ----
<br /> _ — � _ :{th�'�c�c�s"3arehes��y�.tii�fltu�n�S�� �.���sta°ecut��rls�axt$ex'�i�t��s�'t�Prao�b�a a" — -- _
<br /> - - � ..�.13�neYiM�ry�m�td.�sa.�t�r a�.�s trx�st�ct��^.��i���t��er�ti�,efl�e F�ce��.�-�$�e�i�a�3r��c`=�ra'st��►� _ —
<br />_ . .r�u3r�: .- ._ . : . . , , r .. . . ,... . . , . � . �. � ,.. . n . . • .
<br /> . � 6. ��APtC�. Upo�t�equeaF a�?,Bg�ei�r.�asy.;-.at IIene#�ci�.�opt£au,D�or�o .�env�y��t t�e� ;. _ . 4 —
<br /> � .
<br /> . - I�m�irts'to'd`rasfor ne�y[��future gd ance�tp°Fru�ton:S�+�f�,t�u�s�dvaasea:�i��iLaY+ds�tha�eon,�Sell ks.e�eure�i.;
<br /> . �, • < • of �t eva • � • • � t ._ .• � , • : .
<br /> � Bp t�is d3eed �'ra.5 c��s den�d�p �' tI'tt� na�e� �9� .
<br /> � _.� ._.n�uuanxr+�.r:+ r��xneye cr ����17 � � gt�Q4'�c_�':_n,�etmdy,_fcn��flt�_��v�fEtentitistr�n
<br /> ---c.�.s�-�T. • ... • : � .—z.,-a-�-rs�i:ga.,.a..s, ww � . _ -T-- _. .
<br /> 9�S8fi
<br /> ��' ir n xs�V���' ` _. �`• _�-
<br /> -- ' R • aT ,t�a�ei�,�v7��bv�8�q. L^.a,t�C��:T'rl.btbY�2i8t�ti'te�i:i�s(i� . _•���T �%'��I�=—-c �- _ �_ __
<br /> �.� `. . Ib�cateda�tdbyoLkc'rriri�e�aip�yingwif3st�eplroviAioltso�'�tEaPPii�bi9tg'W�i2�$tditDOlrre�ran?rss¢u�?���r�+��" .
<br /> ` a�r•iiuuccaessors to tfie'39�sste+�name�ti¢rein or.ssf�g h�r�cnder. •. . � ` ' ' �
<br />- t:��;{;i:,;��.�' . � 8. l�TG�E9Sa�A1�173 A,.�.SIGPI$. Thi�Q�ed af,�`rust appIies to;snures Lo�t�bLne;ii of an�bia�a�il ga�f���rqtot: � ( -
<br /> ����� .t�eir 6ei�.Ie�atees,ds�vicees,Perao�representadves;��and a�igns. The terat"Beaq�ti�y*°s�al�mean the ,.
<br /> : , �
<br /> , ��,;:,,.�, °",,� ` , `�o�rncir and hdt�s of ihe�e�v%�t�r us�iu�t�ed us 8ett�II�� •
<br /> �. � �-�- . � �p�Q}�_ ' or ita_ aiag�e _ lc eu __ea upnn_and jusg�c�a�v oF E1ie Fto .
<br /> .. -" - - - • � r��son�bte aauss for t�e �:-_ � -_ _ _ ._ _.. .
<br /> '� ` $en�ficf�ury ehall�ive Trastar nQLice at tke tim@ ofor prior Wa��PectZan �
<br /> 4� � -..��. s
<br /> - ,��-+'_-��:_..:�.�_.,:' � '10.`Z`12UsT0�1t2aF�'r.��c�FO1��BARAI�C.�SY BF.��iEF'IG �3t}T A WAiV�B. Exteasi�a of the tame fu�
<br /> � ``r''�-''�' �r•-�-��``" �•PaYment�i madifi�cabion af amart.i�ati�}of the sums secwre8 by�hie Seeu�ity lnsti�uraeaL grnmtQ�tsy Eenefidaiq ta emp
<br />— r.;.r�.,.�.f.`� .
<br /> ��,�; �'su,tcessar in uttezesE dF�ior sha11 uut opeta�tai�elease tke�iab�itY bf t3ae orig'tna'i Ts�tor ar Trustor"s s�cc�ssors� . .
<br /> ��':r�L;�:�;1- untoettiest. Benef s:is#y abalt aot be ieq�red to commence p�oaeedinSs agaiast�Y�ucc�ssorin interest or t�f'use to ext� . .
<br /> ba
<br /> - .fi"'�';%•w'; � ' time far pay�na�nt ar dLberwis�modifp amartizati,oa af.the sams ser�ed bp t�is Secsuity Ins�rnffient 6y rea�an of aay,:
<br /> %.�.`�'�=' �`: demaad made bp the ariginPl�Yustor orTrustor's suooeasors m inte�+est Any foibearance hp BeaeficiQrp in�sereisi�BanR► � ,
<br />- :��� '�"':•`. right,nr re�edp$t►a]i aot be a waiv�r mf or pr�clude the eaercise af any sight or.remedy. '
<br />- . .�::-•� . .
<br /> t�`.;;s�`r,�� � � iL TSANSF�ROFTHEPKOPERTYORABENEPIC�AI.INTERESTINTRUSTOR Ifallors�tgartafthePmparty , .
<br /> �;'�,._''-- " . �;�� 3r in±erest in iE ia sold or tram�'ere�d fas if a 6eae�CCisi in*erest us Txvator is sold"os transferrr=d and Trastor is aat a ' �- -
<br /> :3:_-,'.""'f�' � . � --
<br /> �`�::s::��:�; � . natural perean)withaut Be�eficiary's�rinr writtexi c�asent,$anefieiaiy ma9.at ifs optinn,eeq�rire immed'iate P�
<br /> ex
<br /> -�`�'•�::.-�r-=a3::.�;, infaUofaD seemedbythisSeeantyTnstrumea�,ho�Instrnmeni i Bmefi notb�e �sesemise,thfsd o��on�Be�neSi� s�h-aIl
<br />_ - �:,..�.=��:��;�.;.•�_�
<br /> ,�.'�-.,.,.r� ..�• - � ispm2u"t�ifed yfederallawasoftJiedateofthisSec+n'itY �i9 P �9
<br /> ` .�, „�'�� , ,`� � tade a ud of not�ss than 3Q day8lFinaa tlte date the notice fa. • .
<br /> . give Z7rastor notice of..scelerr1tioa. The natiee�ball P� � P� _
<br /> '`' �,.. . deIivesed vr�1ed�ra�a whic�the Ttustor m�pay aiI sur�cv seeured by•t�is Secusity Instraruen�. if Trustar faits ta
<br /> �+ `;� Pa�these sums prio€4,�t,he espiration of this periad.Bene6eiary map inw�e any remedies peanitte�by tbie Secarity.
<br />- �''� "�.�_.� • , Ir�struraent wit�out�ther notice or demand nn TSru�dnr. �• ` ' • , . . . —
<br /> �'f�<:'� - 12. EVEI�i'�S OF DEFA[JF.T. Auy nf the faIlaiving events ahaII be deemed an event af�efaruIt.hereiaader.• , , _
<br /> � ,,. o
<br />- . ,','�:;���� �- .-- . . ::. Tru.stoi shall bave failed to make p�ent oFany installmeat ofinterest,PriIIC+Pa1,ur principal.and i�te�esL
<br /> "r�•:':�:.�;'�;;,'r''�'�';.� ar any at6:2r.ama seeuied hereby when dae;or � < . , -
<br /> ,r,�. ` , . b.•Tiierc�b�,+`ixurre$a breach of or�tefault nnd�r amy term,cavenaat,agreement,mnditton,g�ovisiog,sePne- "
<br />_ ;�s'�F�':�,: ,,;,.:. :�.� sentaLton ar warraE.'.�i'•arz,atained in eny of the Iaan dnstrumenta �
<br />= w,j;;rs"�,.;,.'.,.-�.. .. 13.�C'EI.�N:REMEDIES. Beneficiary ahall give notice�af defadt to Trustor prior to aocet€catfonfollnwmg . _
<br /> ,,, t��`` � . ., . Tru.gtors breach of a�y oovc3riant or a�eeu�ent in this Tm�st De2c�.Tiie notice sha11 epecifjr:fa)the aef�ul�,(b)the action �_
<br /> ��'�'��� ` ```����'' . required to cure the_defanit;:(c)a data:not lesa Wian 30 daps from the date th�notice ia gnven to�ruator,6q a+hich the •
<br /> - ''����:= ''`;%;''���'��° default m�asL be cnre„t„�'assd(d)EhaE fa�nse to cure the default Gn or.before the date specifred in the nntice may r8sutt in . --
<br /> ����'€�f, �..-"',1:';;�`.D� acceleration of the�.sec�ed by thie 3ecurity Instrnment�aad sale of the,FrnperLy. The riotice aball fiitc�er ndc�m ` _�
<br /> '' � %' ::•• �'r:`' 15rustor ef the ri 4•t�tn,.instate aftes acoe2eraEi¢�and the right to bring a oaurt action to assert the nan-existeno�of a . _
<br />-- <k+,��{J'. •, � .
<br /> .,•,,�Yc,�}k�,... . ._. •
<br /> ..4t�.�. ;��, ..••'�°�.;� defanit or arry o *��''r,�se of Trustor to acceEei��aoa and sale. If the default is not cured on or befor�¢Dze dats�peci6ed
<br /> ,:+.rr'.SE'r..r..; +` t.c'.• . . �
<br /> , ,��✓ .����i?��,,,, in the notice,B��+,'y at its c��'r,on may•x��se immediate paymeat in full of all suins secured_�y tlila Seourlty .
<br /> ,;; ��:''r�;i+"%�:: Tnstrum�tviihotr:.�.�iher dem�tr�d uiay iac;:s�the power of sale andanq ather reme��:�eFmitted by apPlicable law. r-
<br /> ;•r ;,�:.
<br /> • :;�:.';;.'','' t;,r �;�. 'P r n s t y��?�.�1 b e �"`'`''"..t a c o]I e c t a l l'�:a c p e n s e s I a,�i e d i u p.m s�a i a g t h e remediea provided'utt.his g a r x g�a gin l9.inclu�; -
<br /> �. '�..�.,, .
<br /> ''`'�' •but noti�;'_° toi.ti+a-„�s�._able attlizriey'e fees aad;+i��ta of title pvidenca. If goweT of sale is irivoked,,�i'.�iGU�#.�e e6a11 rc�id . • � '
<br /> fii+Y}x!,•,.�� `
<br /> :,;.;,,;�. . •a no t i c e o��2efautt i��'a count y in which aay gsxs:cif the Property.is tocatr�'and shall mail copies e�r:Ui�notice in the `°'f--=-
<br /> . ':�i!k'�,'�•♦.,. . " tnanner prescn'bed��.�pplicable Iaw to Truator and to the other eraons rescribed b a licabte,l�;k:�,�Rer the time ' �.�`-'��
<br /> i ;irs� .. .. • P P Y PP ...�.�a;�.:,
<br />- . required by apglirab2e law,Tn�stee ahall give p u b Hc no t ice 9 f e a te t o t he persons an d.in t he marsaEr�pre s r r i 6 e d b y � .,:�,.;_,�.,�
<br /> - � ., , applicable l�w. Tru.stee,wi t hout deman d on T r u s t or,s h a 1 1 s e�:�t J�e P r o pe rt y u t p u b li c a u c t i o n t o t h e h i g i t e s t b i d d e r a t t h e •_�___
<br /> . • : tlme and piace and under the terms designated in ttne notice:�f sale in one or more parcels and in any ordar Truatee ``:'. �.
<br /> ' d e t e r m i a e s. T r u s t e e m a y p o s t pone eale bf all or an y parcel of the Pro perty by public announcement at the time and place • �• ��,�`
<br /> �". .i;;'.:: —,__--
<br /> " ' of any previously schednled sale. Beneficiary or its designee may puschase ihe Property at any eale.'Ugoa receipt of • ..�;�.----
<br /> •�'"" ' paympnt of the price bad,Trustee shaU deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Progerty. The recitale in the ';_�5_
<br />_ `It`f��;• .:�. : ,: . Trustee•s deed shall he prima farie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Tnistee shall apply the proceeds °_�j�;���__ _.
<br /> r'' ����, ,; of the eale in the foltowing order. fa)to all expen$es of the sale.including,but not limit,�d�r�i;.'£rqstees fees as pe:mitted - -
<br /> • �>;,r,�,.';�,},' bY aPpheable law and reasonable attorney'a fees; (bl to aIi sw2�.��.aecured by this 3ecurit}�L.+,^�s�µment;and(c1 eny exeesa ��
<br /> � �h��;��t,i�' to the person or persons le�aUy entitled to it. - ` ;� ', ,. � ,', ,�
<br /> .. '' + �•.�5�� g
<br />- �,�t;.�,�: , 14. BENEFICIARY IN POSSES3ION. U��saccelera�;:.�under para�raph 13 or�atiandonm�.�r;�•the Pra�x��y. ,;� . .-., _,�.,
<br /> �';�€ir • Beneficiary(in person,by agent or by judicialiy:�,��inted seceiver)ahall be entitled to enter upon,t���g�.�ession c�'�td , �, '�f�.1� ,,
<br /> Y�>�� • ' � �: man e the Pro erty and to co11ect the.rents of tl�:�+operty:�.�lcding those•past due. Any rents coll�cvs���'y Eeitef.�ary ' ''�, ,. . . ,,, '"
<br /> '''�I'',.�`.:.'..• , ' � ... �B P 3!�`�'�,4•;'._:-''.
<br /> �ar the receiver et�all he applied first to payment of the ca�;�s%�f management of the Pmperty and collettion'of i�,ra. .• .'f;� , .
<br /> .,.;;, .� '"`•i�4�-[: .
<br /> ���:,�;� ' • � including,but not limited to,receiver s fees,premiuma on rea:i+�ccs bonds and reasonabte atwmey's fees,and then tit..i;3z�� `,.:. .• •1:��,:,�;�r'. ._.•'
<br /> '�a��'t.�.• ' sums secured by tAi�a 3ecurity Inatrument. , .. _; , . �, :,�y v,+�;.
<br /> >�,.••. ;.:tin�'t{�(tt�.`.; . .
<br /> ;i`(;.��,�. ' ' 15. REMEDIES ieQT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee a�ld Be�Ye6cia'ry,and each.of them,shall be entitled W;'�snforce payinent ;'• , `•,,,�.i��•:�,�. ,.. ;
<br /> �4'#y�;�,�y '' � • ' and performance of;i ts�*indebtedness or obligatians secured hereby and W ta�a,zcise ali rights and pow�undes tlua Deed ��;," ' '
<br /> .,,.: �
<br />_ y;���t;a;�':, . � , of Truat or under aq.�?G'oan Instrument or other agreement os any laws nc:ac�+;r hereafter in farce.notwithat�nding some �� ' '�';.,�.- ` ''
<br /> �•� ��ti � or a l l o f t he suc h in de b t e d neas an d o b lig atio n a secured hereb y ma y noN or heneafter be a;therwise eecured,whether by .. • :t};t�'v;.'• ';
<br /> �,.�..-•..,.
<br /> �;�;'. mortgage,deed of trust,ptedge,lien;ass9gnment or o�heradae. Neither the acoeptance af thie Deed of Trnst nor ita en- -, :; '„47.r;j�•;;• -�
<br /> ,�'. ,�:• . ; ,�,.;:�;; .•..
<br /> . '�t`�i'': ' forcement whether by court action or pursuent to the power os sale or otlier powers here�n.oontained,shall prejudice or ,- • '•'` � '_
<br /> ^": � • � � , in any�anner aff'ect 7Yuetee e or Benefciary's r.�yht to realize upon ar enforce uny othErs�curity now or hereafter held ..
<br /> �wy,�};;.' ' ' by,Trnstee or BeneRciary,it being egreed that'�n?��ee end Beneficitsry,an�each of them,shall be entitIed to enfoRe this � ,. •
<br /> :�i�,.',c�; .; ' ', . Deed of Trust and any other�ecucity now or heceriter held by Beneficiarv��'Trustee in auch order and manner as they . .
<br /> '�rti•..- � :'. •'.• or eith�c af them may in their absoiute discretioin determine. Na retnedy hcr(:��confe�ed.tipon or reserved to Trustee or �� ,
<br /> _ �!:;. _ .f�r;.._r �
<br /> ' • Beaeficiz�y is intended to be exclusive af any other remedy t�ce+ein or by iavr+provided.az pernaitted,but each shall be !r;.;�':. �
<br /> ��, � �. t� ' cumutati�e and ehall be i�addition to�very oiher remedy gic�a l:ereunder c�naw or ken.4f�er existing at,law or in equity � :;'�;;:;t;';7�
<br /> i� '. `. : . ot by statute. Every power or remedy given by any of the Loan Instrumer,.t.�to Trustee or Beneficiary or to which either ' . • ��� �
<br /> - ' • of them may be othenvlse entitled,may be exercised,concurrently or indepc�dently,from tiate to time and as often as may
<br /> �� �~ � � be deemed eapediont 6y Truatee or Beneficiery and either ofthem may pursue inconsistent remediea.NoLhing herein ehall �
<br /> • be mnstsued us prohibiting$eneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgaent against the Trustor to the extent such action .
<br /> - ' ' , ie permitted by law: , _
<br /> � .. ' 16, GOVERN7NG LAVIi. Ti�is Deed of Trust shnll be govemed by the lawa oTthe State of Nebraska In the event that � • �
<br /> • ` .. � nnp pravision ar clnuse of any of the Loan Iastrµments conflicte witb applicable lawe,such conflicta shall not a8'ect other �
<br />_- • p�ovisions of such Loun Instrumenta which can be given efTect without xhe conflicting proviaion,and to thia end the
<br /> .: . . � • provisions of the Loun Ingtrumenta are declnred ta be severable.This.inatrument cannot be waived,chan�ed.discharged � .
<br /> - or termimuted orally,but anly by an instrument in writing signed by the party againat�vhom enfozcement of any waiver, � ,
<br /> r. � • - ' .� � chnpge,discharge ar ternunation ia sought. ' .
<br /> � • 17.�tECQNVEYANCE�.Upon payment of all sums secured by thie Secusity Instrument,Beneficiary shall requeat .
<br /> . ' Truatee to reconvey the Property and shull surronder this 8ecurity Instn�ment and all notes evidencing debt secured by ..
<br /> ' • .< � ttu rity t e s on e withou • rrunty an wit out ch to .. .
<br /> , 's 8ecu Instrumen to Truatee.7'ruste hall rec vey the Prop rty t wa d h arge the ' ,
<br /> _ ;. ' •: _'�,., •., . ,person or persona legally entitled W it.St:ch person ar persons shall pay any recordution wsts. � .
<br /> f�— =- — 38. ftgQi.TES�'I�(3I::L•OTLCB�.TiiI8t8F i'CtiF1FSL�L}f�t COpiC.^,Of LFiC titlLiEf...`^Of tIC�ltIC 8f2��L�9A�L L4 Tt1l9Lfll9 �•---• �
<br /> , �. • uddress which is the Property Addresa:Ttvstos further requeats that wpiea of the notises of default and sale be sent•to �
<br /> ,' • . �. . euch person who is a party hereto nt the address of such parson set torth herein. ' �
<br />