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<br /> s` '�:+�.,rr �: • ..` . . � - �` � ., iL'�Ei.a"7�s..ti'� — - -- —
<br />�,� : �c��;,.,rr ,�-,�._ `F�GETHEtt�ViTH all tite imp�av ��:asts nsrnsr or Ite�ea�tet�rected oa ttts p�cy,.r�all ras�in�Ata,�� .. - -
<br /> e :as
<br /> . '_�.�=• n:��:.:;�=�4�� fixwr�s nosv or licmafter a p�ct af tfie pra�erty AU repls�r�s=nts tind �stdit�ons t,halt a�so!r� cav�,.rs�t~by �iii� �rl�y* ---
<br />-- •;� ""-'.. , ' t�islr��.�All of the foregain�is referce0 ta ia this�ur�ty Sns�m�,nt as t�te"Praopecty." " �'• ' '
<br />-� r *�.. ,.. �1RRQVYER COVENAN3'S th�Borrower is layvl'ulty seiseil of th�estcttte h�re4Fy conveyrd rui�i�as the rigtit tu grsnt az�d •
<br /> .. :,�;.,..�
<br />- �=*==���;. � a�i ttr�t�e u cmeacuan6ered,exc�:t for.enc�m�m.ases of reaord.Barraa�re�w�anil.�i�F '
<br /> Y%�
<br />- . '�`� �`��' t.-.: �CQttV�j/ul@ p[0�.'ft}! �[OpCIf}I_� .
<br />—.,,"�"''-: .---- Q�°*��Q,t,�' I3�IY t1l8[!t�@��P�'O�ILY'IIS''�13Si ii�t C�31UL5�QCU'�S�511�3��Q t0 tffl}t dRCIlId1tlY�'Iii�G�i"cCOFaj. ' �' . _._�__—__�-�_
<br /> .; .. . �
<br /> • '��" •,THIS SECiJI�ITbt II�STRUMENT connbiae5 uaiform caveo�ats�for aatiqna!tt�unQ noa-t�nifa�rr►covgnantsti cvi[it 3icttltt� . ' -
<br /> _ y�:x;�:�:�-��: �iariatioas by jarisdic�iaa w canstitute s unifarm.�ec�rity is�smim�nt covering rev property- . . —
<br /> __� ,�:<:;;s`r; :��.`,;F.;,:,�_ .UNIFORM,GDVENANTS:Horroiver and Lender covenant and agri�us Folla�vsi . � t' ----
<br /> , . ;:�"� ���°. • i. Faymeea�ii of Prindpal na� Int�t:l�e'�PsS�t ea�E.ate Chnr��. Sorro�ver sh�ll promptly p�y�vben due� -
<br /> �� �_-:— `; � prdnapal of and in#er�sr on the.debt evidencea by the.Note aud any,prepayment aud l�e ch�es due ancEer t�e�tnt�. ' , - .-- .. .
<br /> _ �� � �'.'•.::;:., Z.Fuirds�or Taa¢s snd Ias�cG Su6ject to applicabte ta�v or co a wri[tcn waives tsy Lendei; �orrowe:shali�t� � -
<br /> � '-'�- `° ... ` � I.eader ua the day�at�tIy payments ar�e due under th�Nate.w�til the Note is paid ia fuU,a•sum f"Ftu�,s"}for.(a)yeax t Y taR�s . _
<br /> �•Z_r:,.••'�-'..3.�� •;•��t� ` and assessmeats whicli may athain priorityr aves tbis Secutity Iastrumt�t�,tis��i�t on the Property;(G)Yeatiy teasehnid pay�ents
<br /> -,:�;; .�� . . y P P�, r�ecniuras;id?Y�Y�Aaad insurauce pzemiums,,�,
<br />_ "`�""��•..`=:_-� or•groued�e�s on the Qroperty.if an ,(c}yc�dy haTard os m ttY.ttls�#�P ecni •
<br /> • i^;,.•�'•,,.,- .:;:t
<br /> .:���;�',. ;• if aay:(e?Y�Y mortga�°e?�urance pm�niums, if any:and�{�apY.s�rns.payab3e 6�Bareower co t.cnder.in acsoidance widi
<br /> ==zy�? `,,.��� .�.. the sovisi�ns of ara 8 P Ym� —
<br /> ,�. , p grapl�; ,ia lieu of she a of tn� 'susurarece ttms.T[�ese items are c31Ied"Fsccow Items.'
<br /> „�..;-.�. P �� P�
<br />- „�:'.t:.��;,:_<.•',: ;=•`�y i.e�der may, ac aayf.tim�„colle�t.and�hnld Fw�in an.am�out�t�aoi.ta exoced the ma�cimum amnunt a lendes for a feder�ily. .
<br /> ,7,,;; -f_�. .
<br /> - ' ` - reiated mortgage laan:ma3►,re9uitG far Bomower's escroav a.�annt�under tJ�e f�deial,Renl Enate Settlement Pruoedur�s Act of ----
<br /> ;�-°�:' `- �� �":="j 1974 as amended 5+ou�time ta time. 12 U.S.C.S�ion 260I et seq. ("RFSPA").iuiless aao4�et taw that appli�.s to che FuRds �--�.�___ --
<br /> :�:,�:..�::.�_�':,.::;�;;
<br /> �`.�•.;.:. ,, sets a lasser a�uuunt.If so. Lender may,at aay,time,collect aad hold Funds in an emounE nat to exoead the lesser ataouttx: . •
<br /> u
<br /> '-�F�:� '��. `� LeiWer may estimate the amount of FwMs due on the hasis of curr�nt data aad reasonabte,�stimates of�acpeeditures.of fature ' .
<br /> Facrow ttems or otherwise in acoordance wiW appJicabl�law. - ==_-
<br /> � ' . The Funds shall 6e held in an institution whose depasits a�iusttred by a federa!agenry, instiumeNality. or ent}ty °°�---
<br /> �;.,�: . .;'., (includiug I,ettdec,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fedeial Home Loan Bank:l�nder shal�aPPtS+ttie Furtds to pay tP�e � _ -
<br /> � -�- •,. ..<<••
<br />-:.� -:--�;,�;,� � a theescrowac�,.or . -
<br /> -:. _. � .., . . .:<;-.:• -.-- �---Fscrow Items.-Le{►der may.QOt charge.$orrowerfor.Jiflldin„and aPPlring the Foiids.�umallX aaalYzing-.----..----.-- --
<br />�,,` _. _" _
<br /> •��.�,'<�.,``., ; .,:::�l'.. verifying the Escmw Items,unl�ss Lender�ays Eam�►wer uRzrest an ths Fu�ds an�a�plicable taw imits bender to make sucti.
<br /> P�
<br /> �::''„:• `' ' ' �` a charge.However,Leudes uray require Bonower ta pay a ane-time charge for.an.iu��eadeat.rea!estate tax.rEpurting servFee
<br /> `�'i��';'�.�`-,•.� ,.;�r.,'_;7, � u�,d by Lender in connectian with this loan. unl�s ag�iica6le !aw provides otherwise. Unle� an ag�ee�ne�t is made or ' ---
<br /> .. .. , ; ; , ,. �r,_ _
<br /> • ' :�--..r:--:-�.�s=:, applica6le law coquices intetest to be pa.�d;-Lender shall aot be requued to pay Borroaer any interest ot eamings on tt�e Fands. -��
<br /> . . . . � .,,?:,�, �
<br /> . • � �� ',';�;•;:.��; Borrower and�iider may agcee ia writing,hotivev�r,thar interest shatl be paid on the Funds. Leader s5a11 give to Borrower,
<br /> ;� =���� � � without charge, an annual accounting of[he Fu�s, showing credits and debits to the Frmds and We purpose for whic$each
<br /> .``S�A"��t".;.;:"` :'�,!•: debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additiomal•security for all sums secuned by this Serurity Instrumen� ----
<br /> ,; E�s���,� ;. .
<br /> •: , ..; � � 4 �,.� • If the Fuuds hetd by Lender eac�ed t6e amounes permiued to 6e held by applicable la�v;L.ender shaaU account to Bonower
<br />;.i?� < .,t,:t���'. for the exc�s.£unds in accordance with the requimments of applicable law. If the amount of t�e Fands hetd by.Leader at any _ _
<br /> {,s'. ' S'{^Y,�' tia)e is not s,tffr"cient to pay the Fsccow It�ms when due.Lender may so aotify Baaower in writitt�aad,in such case BomsvrFr ' �' -�' �
<br /> �`� �� . "'"' shall pay to Lender the arnoum necessary to'make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up tire deficiency in Ro rao�thsa , � ` -=
<br /> , '?s.;��,, ; ` _
<br /> �•'�'•. '•� �• tvu�3ve monthly paymenu,at I.ender's sole discretion_ �. � � "
<br />_ -°,,,m�:,;,• , �'•��°
<br /> ' . x:�,:'. „
<br /> _ :°;i.s�1r,.: . . Upon payment in full of all sutns secumd 6y this S�ecurity Instrument. Lertder.shall pmmptty refund to Barrower any �����
<br /> �.: .�-,s,.....�--
<br /> � � .'`���,,• Funds held by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.Lende�sFi�!acquire or sel!the Properry,L.ender.prior to the arquisition or sale ..:.;-• �;,_
<br /> �''��. . �. of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit against tf�e sums secur�by� . �. ''--
<br /> . , ' this Security instrument. , � ` � .�;, � , -�_
<br /> � ��, 3.A Ikation of Puy�e�ts.Unless licable!aw rovides othemise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs {'"� ��
<br /> pp aPP P <a,,. "�=qr-�=
<br /> • : � 1 and 2 shall be appGed: fi�,to any prepayment charges dae under the Note;secand,to amour+ts a ble under h 2; �a�'�,," F '�'<-
<br /> P J� P�P �,o��.
<br /> � � •� third to interest dae:fourth.to}��ncipal due:and last.to any late charges due under the Note. ' '�.'��}� `--
<br /> . C -.'�..� �R..��.
<br /> . �4.C{targc.w;Lieas.Borrower spall P.�y all taxes.assessments,cF�es.fines and impositiaas attributable to the ProPeny � � •'�a�f�'�---�- -
<br /> ,. ' which may attaia priority over this Security Instrume4t. and leasehel�i a enu or ro�and rents, if an . Borrower shalt. `��..-. y�'�
<br /> P Ya► S Y F�Y ._'�-'�'::
<br /> :'- these obligatian:in the mattner provided in paragrap'z�.:or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shafl pay them an time direcUy �'` :Y���'�"F`
<br /> %"',, t •' . io the persan o�ed payment,i�oaower sftall protnptEy.fu�nish to Lender all notices of amounts ta 6e paid accdertf!is paragrapfi. .�. � ."� ?'�a.
<br /> �`� � • If Boaower ma�:es these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipu evidencing the{ray�nenu. � 's'
<br /> '"�;�.;:
<br /> � �.. ' � Borrower s.�all prompUy discharge any lien which h�s prioriry over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower: (aa agrees in ' � r,.�
<br /> " • • ;, writing te the payment of the obligation secured by lhe lien in a manner acceptable to Lcnder.{h)rantests in�ood faith the lien � . --
<br /> � '�_':}>';�';rt�'� . � by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, le�al praceedings which in tfie.I,ender's opinion operate to prevent the • :• • . . . �
<br /> �`�''•`���;�•� • � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the halder of the lien an agreemenc�ad�f�c4ory to'Ixnder subordinating the lien to ;r,:,::'�'_� • . •:...
<br /> _. :�''t�-':�:�. .
<br /> � � • this Security lnstrument. [f Lender deterr.iines that any part of the Property is sutssect to a lierr.ivhich may attain priority over � •
<br />- ' - �`E�1;t-. ' this Security tnstrument.Lender may give Boaower a notice identify�inb tho lien.Borrower<frall satisfy thc lien or take one na , ��,.. � .
<br /> ' : :.,,�.. , . . ..
<br /> '�-`��`� '�-�' � �, mare of the at�ions set forth above within IO days of the giving of notice. , . �
<br /> � {s�ZiUt`,. ' � . � � Form 3028 9/96. . �; •. - .
<br /> t;; . '.,:
<br /> :�`.cr,�:�' ' . Degp Z ol 6 - � , �„ . ' . , _
<br /> �-�i•:;' . •. �� ' ' ' ' • . .
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