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<br /> -- _- 1�__ _ � ,,_. ,:x�.i: _ � _ _ - _1:�e `.. . `- - ...: �.' _
<br /> - f � `` ` ' � ' �i��'L5�(!I��1W�C���Z�'�l'AA��O'f�'��'��.OI'�3k�'�"`yttYlwac it12�'��'t :
<br /> --- --` ;:. a�.�r�r.Qs`t��r�.�F��� � . . .. �
<br /> __ . .__:_ _�
<br /> -- - 'is s�ic��r tra�frrr�d tar .a tt�fi:ia,1 eiextst�a rrs��cr is sa4d or transferred zu�8c��rnwer�3�i�a r��isf w�tl�:� '.:� r
<br /> ' •1�r4dEr'�gsias vri�tteQ oan�, t.�.�r�. at it��ap�ag: r�u�,i�lia!�pqyc�a�i�fo11 q�al� s�tms sec►�ct by t�us ` f
<br /> - - : S e c u a s't y I�t�nt.�aurever��this r u p�on`shal}�be exerc7se�8y F��ler af eaercrs�ts�mhi6ilee�.by.Q'eriep�f ta�as o�tlfe�af+e • ' .
<br /> of itsi9 Sec�riEy IosUUiaitxmt �. � ' ` � " ' sf�31 �ivi � �i�d c���sGt� •
<br /> ___ __ ` ` I�I. ��' .�e.*.��t�s a�t�a�,!.�n�kr�.h�li give�nnarcr unt�ce ef�I�ian.'F'ne�� , t�. �
<br /> .a Yw �r,t�ra°�o i.,y'C,�' '.S!��'�.lV�.�!!.r-��Wlll�in iSt�flCYf.r�SQrffi�CL "�Da][�5�����s� `
<br /> -- �- 'tE's:s�''r4ii a`��—�"a-u•]� - -,
<br /> . Securiry Inssrntnsii;..df�or,c�wer��i�s io ay tS�se swms.pnc►r t�s�Se expisatisSn af'shis perlud.�Lend,ir i�ty.?nYa-k�.any�ies .
<br /> _ , �ermiitod t�y tltLq�ity$ � t w3�#`c�it�r�rii�asr dsmaad c►n BpT¢�wer. � ,;. � k �
<br /> < .l8. B�rrn�scr's.��;�Ref�ta If&sriowar�eets ��ain condlsions...B�ircawcr sh�l`i�ve the r��t �o hav�` .
<br /> - -_-_- , �n�urceu�ent,o�tt33s.�ecurity Iat�ir�rt ci'sscoteliu�ed at a�,y tima prias to t3�e varliar of:�a}5 days Emr'susi�other pErioit�s
<br /> � _ , . rar� Q �
<br /> - "� to.ntsY�er_af saia n t�►. .
<br /> _� �I�-lat+u:.m�y���'y-fcst'rr�s��t�-�►Hit� [st:fo��e af�Prest_�+•Purst�t.
<br /> - .' Secut�cY It�sttum.•nsu;.ar�►3 entry af ayudgnaent enfatsing this, ' tnstrnme�#�;ITirase camdi�ons�ar�tt�iso7in�rer.�ai Fa�+b�;.:'
<br /> I.ender atl,svass tivbich�.sar�itl�6�d¢e und��this 5�vrity I���f'ehe Nule�s:nf a�acce�aati�a i�ad a�u�(b) .
<br /> - . cures any defaislt af aa►y oNer cavenants ar.a�;(c)Fays.alZ exPeas�s;in� in eufcsrcing:this 5e�ity Ins ;+� _;. ;.
<br /> :., incl�efing,but'1�t liihitec!to,�easanable attorasys'f�as:a�i�t�)takes;sut�acgoa as I.ender�y,rpsonabl9�°i�a to auure
<br /> �itat ttFe hee of thi�6ecurity Sn�E�umeat,Lanrt�r's riguts�in.�e anid Bozc�wer's o�3igation�o paq�s�s stc�¢ed b�: � ..
<br /> . u q oz
<br /> ___ ;:"_':. �this �vritY cIn¢ria*�it nt.SItaII CDiH[D1I6 tmshangecE- Up�:�.' 11L by '$o�'towe�, this S`e�+tri4j►.'�nE' a� �ttte �
<br /> ����`.'�`� •;i:, _�. atsligaa�ons serured hereb�s6a11 remaiA fatty effectiv�as�if mmo aa�eter�.tion h��d•Howeyer,diis ri�t ta.�taris�te shaft � ' .
<br /> � npta�giy in theca`seof ac�celerdrion�nder paaugraph 1"�:.:'` • `. ' � ' ' �` � " ' ,
<br /> ce
<br /> _____�__ ' �9: �aIe of Nar�f6�t�ge ai Loa�[Servi�:.1Y�•�ote or.a partial�in:�t ia Rhs l�imte (poget�� ��is �w�h� .
<br /> -- ,,--—.._-_ .. " - : '� �sua�n:?ma.y�sold one oa m4re�witltoni pracr r,�tice w Borro�ver.A s���,may sesnit in a c�an���entity(l�awn'.. -�
<br /> - m
<br /> as the tLoan Seivicer°)that aofiecss mamlily PaYmects dne uad�tha Note sud t9t�s�ecaritY Ia�ent�=�aLs�s�g b�orie
<br /> — or m�re th�ges�th�Laan SPSVioer un�ted w a sa4e a€tt�e.11:uT$,If there is.�,�e of¢�e�n ServIcer,,Borrower.w,�'�.�.be
<br /> g�ven wriuem.notice of the d�aage in a�izfanae with�a�aph.A�#�ve�aad�S�?c�:'�ta�r:.'B�te Botic�e c��l st�t�u�e,�nri .
<br /> -_����`=�:�•� , � a�ress of the ttzw Loan Servioer aatt the a.ddi+�ss t�z��tcb p�ym.��shonI�.b�,'�::�:.���v�!a�so caRta�any�r• _� ,
<br /> � — inforu�auon requiraa by apprirah2e law. . � : . .. . .. .;...:��:;:., . � �, .
<br /> _ ��� ,�sal.,sta fit t�iease�of
<br /> - � 20 Ha�trBous Sui�noes.Borrower sliall t�3i'ozus�o�gr�mis.the�pr�ce,�,�.�'�'. �a�`w � � . .
<br /> - — Ra�riious Snbstanc±es on or in the�tupe�ty. Borrawer sflaU on¢do: nar a12ow zaya.�:t�y.�:;�.do,•di�y�ng affe��th+e.
<br /> -----= Propeity t6at is ia�riofation of any Epvironmental Law:7`�e preceding twn sente�c�e.s �'� t�ti apply w,the piese�oe::�ar � ` ,
<br /> - _.�"----= storage on the Property of smalf quantities of Hazazdaus�ubstanoes t�at are generally rea��to be agptvptiatc w�� .
<br /> e�ideatial tues�ud to maintenanoe of the Property. • � � `�
<br /> -- ==- Barrower sh�dil prompdy�ive L�nd�wntten notice of azry aavestigation,c1�im.c�nd..l�wsaif ato.ttier activn by�aay. � °,',:
<br /> -�_._-.��°__ _ governmental or regulamry+ageuc.y oF priwate party invoiving the Pmperty.and any`Hazatdous Substande fls Eavimnm�al Iaw• . ��,
<br /> _�-:;;:,�?� of whicti'�arrom�r Uas actual knowledge.If Borrovr�r tearns.c�r is nodfied bY aay'gavepnmecu�l°or regulatory authbn .,tbat:' ;..���';::.
<br /> =�:,� ' any remnval or ather remediation of any Hazardous Sabstanoe affe�ting tde Pmperty is neoess�ry,Sorrower shalt�pmm�Y take ; •;:.�'
<br />_ _-_ -.'�_� all n�saryr remr�ial astions en accardaace with F�vironncental Law. .� . � . � �
<br /> --=_='�`'"� As used 'm.@iis pa�a�ap�20.°Ha7ardous�Substanc�es"are thase substa�a�s d�as wxic or ha�dous su6stances bY� ;�;f°;`!
<br /> - =_= Ec►vimnmeutal l.aw ant► ttie follotving sabstanses:.�gasotine. kerosene. oth�r flammablc or toxic petmYaun prodnctg, to�..;%;�::4:;�:;,�,.
<br /> _:•,^;���-`�;� . pzstirides.and herbicides,volatile soivents,materi�s containing as6estos or fotmaldehyde.an�radioaMive ntazerEals.As u�d i��.'•<,:;:.,;;.,;:
<br />~��-�.�,aa«:s�:.� � this paragraph?A. °�miron�entaf I.aw° means federai laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lorai�?t�:,;���`:°'�
<br />-�.Y4�ar_ r . . . ..'.�'���. . '
<br /> ���.;«;:�,�_ ;=• • relaie to health,safety or eavimnmen+�!�tection. . ,
<br /> ��--�''==_':?"��; � NON-[3I�11FORM COVENAN'�_�orrower and L�der funher vovenant and agree as foltows: • • ' �
<br /> =���";����;=:' Zl.Ao�leratIon;tiemedies.I.�nder sheil gtvt notjce to Barrawer psios to aocetetut[on foIIowang Barrower's bre�e'�
<br /> :n
<br /> -�1,�;,;�:�.:� af an9 aovwant ar agr+ee.�en� dn t�Is Seauity Iiasi�umPat tbnt nat prtor W ar�et�raiton cmdes parageap6'17 ualess
<br /> =°;;�;r....'� , �., aPPtica3�le lawprovides otherwlse).T�e notice sl�a�l speeiPy: ta)the defanit.(b)4he adIoa regatred to cune the dgtauU; �
<br /> J:��;;�.:;;x�a�;: , (c)a date.mt Cess tban 30 days from the date the aotice is given to.Borrow�,by�vhtch the�efunit must he cure�;aad
<br />-':'- , .,• :, �„;,,rt (�t8at t�iiur2 to care tbe defanit on or befose tIu dtite spe�ced�in tae nottce may �esnit iaae�tcrntion of tHe sums
<br /> ,��;=;.,��_..„�,
<br />�Y-»-.•.:.�:�%;:�.� secare�6y tbis S�Ia�Qat and saM oi the Property.'I�e nolice s}�all fhrther infarm Bc;sro�er ot the Nght bo
<br /> =_�%-���'�'� r�iastate after aoceterat�on and the'right to b�iag a eonrt u�io�to a�ert the nou�a�stenoe o!a defantt or ac�y ather
<br /> -�}�;�:x t.��'?l�;, detense of Borrower to acaeteranon and sa2�Ii the defanit ts nnt cured oa or betore the daie s�if�ed tn t[�e nntke. '
<br /> n
<br /> -°.'`.,,, ''' , Lender,at its opttoa.r�ay neqWre imm�iate paymeni in fu1)of a11 st�s sec�d by t6is Se�rity Instnunent wttLout
<br /> _ �..,:.,
<br /> :�`�� �.� fnrthcr demand and may i�oke ttce puwer oi sate anA any oth�raa�es pe�itted by appitcable faw.Leudcr sd�U be
<br /> t eatiitied t�cofled aD expenses fnc�ra�s�ta puisuing tde remedI�provided tn thEs paragra�►L 21.inclndinS,bat not limited
<br /> - ea
<br /> ..��"'- :.:;�"`' , t o,r e a s a�t�ie atto r n e y s'fec5 aad�rnsts of tttle evid�ce. '
<br />-�.:'"�,�... .-/.y "
<br /> .;.:�,:,.:�.�.;' " . If the power of,sale 1s invo�ed.Trastee shafl recard a aoitce.of defaWt in eacli wunty in whie�a� pazt ot We
<br /> `.�..t`,. . • • Property is Iocate�us�st�aD mail copie4 of suc6 aalice in t�e manner pmscrihed by applicu6le Ia�v to BorroRer and to
<br /> a
<br /> _�'`�'•'' '• ��' :,. the other peisons p.�ca'IDed 6y applIrab2e la�v.Affter the tfine required by applirabie[aw,T�attee sLall gi�e pnbllc antioe
<br />-= - . 09 sale to t�e persons�and in the m.�nner prescri6ed Dy appllcable law.Trastee,�stthout demaxid on Borto�er,shaU se11
<br />:=;;, y., the Pt+aperty at pnblic auctfon 4o ttbirT��hest bidder at the tieae and ptace and'under t@e terms desig�naterl in the aati�of
<br /> _ . - . . sate In one os more pa�efs and in�.uit�order Trustee deter�.Tn�stee maY postpoae saie o!all or aoy.p a m e t o t t l ie
<br /> —= pca�e�ty bY Pm6fie att�ounoCmerlt �3 IIhe time.aad place of any psevfousdy scheduled sa[e. Leader or its designee may
<br />._` ., pur�ase the l�ro�ertg:uC any sale..' . . � .
<br /> •r, , .
<br /> ,, :St`�L�;ir . .
<br /> �., 1''��?"',�1 Form 3028 9190
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