� r:r,i."�9�a-m�.%4,� Ec' -1-- u a - - ----
<br /> Sk�,�'^-_.F _ _
<br /> ' ," .. . ;- - . , .. „ . _:-.. . . . � . .. , i . `: . ' ` ; ..`( ' ' ' ,
<br /> ._ ' . ' �� ��S�U! . ����y 0�i1{�t�ii}� �f `
<br /> � - �"I.'�811SY8TOS'E�BPN�����HE'�E�I�I�LCT�4 ��• �Y� .
<br /> €s SOId.or tr�sfer�d Coi itf a �i�t i��orro�ve�is.sojd or tlisnsfe� �Boraaxcr is aot a�'nat�at Re�ti�)withoni .
<br /> : - ,I�nder's paus writtest cc�n5enb m�Y:ttt,its ap6ata, require tma�d�m�Pa�me�in fulI oi`t�sams�eeu�by tlils
<br /> S..�ty Eastr+l�nt HQ�cv:ver,this og�tion.s�ll not be exsKCised by Lender if��cerci�e Is p�9ibited by,feed�ral ta�v as af tfls date ` �
<br /> � of tbis Se�uity Iastr�met�i.� . . . . .
<br /> If Lender exe�tisss tnis opiiun.d�e�e[�a�i gfive B�ra�r natica o�asaeleration.The notiae shall provii3e s p°�Qf m�t�, --
<br /> -----t�ss'�ar�r 343-�ays�m tItw d�te-tRe ag*ice u da'sv�+�m�'led wit'tdn whtch.•&urower�ust Pay, aU sums�sea}red�y td�s� _.
<br /> : Security Iastrum�nf.If�arrovrer fa�s ta psy th�e su�imor to the�xpi�ation of this petiod.I.ender maY mvoks an}►��s . .
<br /> �r�it�d 6y this Se�ity in�rmm�rt withotat fnrther notioe or d�m�nd an Boxmwer. �
<br /> 18. Ba�iawer's.Ri�t to R�tute: if $urr�xer mret.s cert�??a �°�drtia�s, Borrower sbail have the right to'Aave
<br /> � ti�[ie or tu tt�earlier:pf:(aj 5 days(or sac�ath�r period as '-�,
<br /> er�€�r�in�at o�th'ss�ity-i�ti:eeni�t�.� Y� Pl�
<br />' � appticabte lasv ma}� sp�ify for esiastat�mrnt)•1�, r�,sate of t6e YroP�Y Pu�uant t° aaY Foarer�of sate contained tn tbi§ _
<br /> Seeurityr la�uu�wt:ar @)entry�of a,y�idgardnt...,�.otCin�.th'LS SeWtrty Inctni*�ent-T$t1SE CoAditlonS 3TC th3t B�iowCT:(8)Q�Yff
<br /> I.euder all sums.whic.h ti�wontd be due tan�ei4hls�Sec�x►h+Hnstrument and th�Note aa i€uo aceeIeratioa t�d occunred;(1�?
<br /> cums any de�aaIt of any.otbra cove.aa�os �si..(�)PaYs ai3 exgenses rncurred an enfonwg th;s.�ec.vrity,tnstrumeat,
<br /> inctudia°,bnt�nnt limit�t t�reasn�e�1�7.and(d)taI�es such a�tion�s Y.ender may t+easonabty rcq�uxe to assnre
<br /> t�at the lien a€this 3��usU�umem`Le��i''s ri�kf�an ths Proa�e►tJF a�$u�wer's abti�tinn to pay t&�s�s secared 6y ;: .. ;::
<br /> ? � an�isn , an neins * n't-'.F.Yv;�.�?ower�.tbis Secnnty I�ent asr� the �
<br /> tius Secanty Instr+u�p�ii'n,'J�ts,� �;' �•,.{`�..��if ao zc;a�.��� �.-this right ta�..�tatel�:;;;::;';;;;,;;.�.
<br /> Obligauo�ssecau�d:t�b`�: >.7�'£`��:i`�"�!. � ,� ' :; ,. r`.
<br /> r. • .. � � � - :u,•..:�
<br /> noia�spty u�.�.���� ..� ...: � � �;i�a`�h�;�fi�. � . ..;....` � ��'�'t�og� �' :f
<br /> 19 �::�:���Se��� ��',.����fe2:��-.����•� w�irE�ch;s�c�rr
<br /> :.:�.F�.?�'��tt�,i�Qrinor�timcs v�ithoaApt�'��aa ti��i�rer_�c s��y re�t ia a ehaage i�t�ee�tity(tc�w� ..
<br /> ;.';;�.r��;°�r�uz�'r�?e�u twlleas ntor►thl�,payrtt�;�e uu�deriYz�Note ar.�t�is Secunty�a.,arament:.'[�a1sv may be one
<br /> . :;�::';�,�,�„�c�ges of the iaan Seivicer unrelatfld tn;g safe of tii.Not�.lf there is a cbange of tiie Loan Serwcer,Borrower arill�be ,
<br /> •.::�v�t v�rittea uotice of the cbange in a�co�h�wi�'paragraPh 14 a6ove and agplicable law.'fhe notice will state the ffime and F_
<br /> -_—.`�s of the nert I.oan 3eivicer and the.�ldt�td,whicfi paymeuts shbuid be made. The uotice wi11 also contain:any other
<br /> infosmatioa requi�eci by applicahle Iaw. :;. � . , . _
<br /> Z�.H�ardous Sahs�9ncFS.Barrawpj`.shuU��ot cswse ar permit the presente,use.disposai, storage, or release of any. �
<br /> Harardous Substanoes on or in the Ptops�ty:�orrnwei si�al!nof�da;�aor ailo�t��ycst����lse to do:-�h�ng-affecti� �he- --- - - -
<br /> Praperty that is in vloltsrion of arry Envirox�ment�i�.aw• T6e preceding two sentences s5ali not apply to tiie presence.use. or _
<br /> storuge on the Pto�rty af small quantities•bf Narardous Substances that arc genernily re,�op�ized to be qppropnut�to nom�al __
<br /> cesidential uses and to ms�ntenano�of the Piiapemy . :_.
<br /> Borrower shall pramptty give Lendcr written.aotice of any invesugation.z1�im.demarid.lav�suit os other actton by any ;•;_:
<br /> govemtnenta!or regulatory ugcncy or privAto Qarey involving the Property s�nd ut►y 1�a7ardous Sabstance ar Bnvironmental Law ...-.. .. �
<br /> of which Barrawer has actual knowiedge.!If 8ur,t�wer leams.or is notified by uny governmentnl or re&ulatory authorlty.that 4�
<br /> any removnl or other remadiation of any l�arasduus_Substance aff�xting tbe Property�s nec�sary,Borrower shall promptty take
<br /> al!necessary remediat actions in accordamS�with�Er►vimmnental Iuw. . , �;'
<br /> As used in this paragraph Z0. "Haz�rdans�Substartces"are Siiase su6stances de6aed as toxic or hazardous substana�s by ��_
<br /> Environmental,Law arni the fallowing sttbEtanc�: gasoline. kec�sene. other flammable oi toxic petrolewn�ruducts. toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicidea,vola6le solventiti,:mtU.erial�containing asbestos or facmaldehyde.and radioactive m�tenals.As used in .
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Envimnmental Law'�•mean�fe<1era1 laws and lav�s of the jurisdictio�r where the Property ia lacated that �
<br /> relate to healt�,safery.or environmeattal pratectiaa:�
<br /> rror�-ux�o�r�r cbv�vnrrrs.Bnrrawer and I.eniler fiuther covenant and agtee a�foItows:
<br /> 21.Accei�attnn;�med�es.LQnd�ir�9hs��ive nottce to Bosrowes pstor to arcrieration following Bo'rcowe�'s breath
<br /> of any wvenaat or egr�enaen4 in tt�3si8esa�'1Lp Insttoment (b�t not prior to acceterBtlon nade�r para�'apb 1? anless '.
<br /> ap�lt��abie taw roa[des ather�rise).Ttse�:natL:e s�aaU specify: (a?the defam�4;(b)the actton r¢qra�tb c.are the deFautt;
<br /> p b whtt6 the aeff�m�st De c�ed•an� �'
<br /> (c)a daLe,not te�s t[aap 34 days fmm t�e date�tE�nottce is given to Sorro�r, y. •• �
<br /> (d)t6s�fa�tuc�e to•cm�e the defuait on•�4r�6efoce the date specified dn t�e natice may �edt ia ao��attan og tl��ms _ �;,
<br /> secared by.tGi�Serurity l�sh�mn�t and sale,of the Property.The notFce sltafl further�.�'�sas 16cr�u��r of tPze c�l'�;to
<br /> ' retnstate after aocele,s�.��n aad tke d�L W��riTag a coust action to ass�3..#he non-ezistence o8 a r��it o�aa�r;�er �:.
<br /> defease oi Boramrer oi�;�oei�an aut�;sale�-��dhe default is not c�ed�o�a�or.beYore ttie date�ca�.ced in the notice, . �.
<br /> ' • Leader,at its optfon;�cciuy��U�`.IF+��ent in i1il1 of all sa�tts«. . 6y this Se�rit3'.�strament without E:
<br /> � further demua8 und may favotce the�acr�r esf'.e,�dle and any othRr remedie��ftted by applicabte law.Lender shall be ' ;:�
<br /> eatitled ta mUe,tt all e�tpenses iac�c�red in.pnisadn�the remedies pmvided ir��-5.paragra�5 21;dndading.but nat limited � �;
<br /> to,reasonable attora�ys'�ees acid a�sts oY�tHa evtdence. .. : � �
<br /> Ip the pmser o��s�ii�is invoked,Tra�+tee shall record a notice of defi:�:i�eac6 caanty in which any part of We�� ;,
<br /> prop�My is lorated.u�ui�t3�ai1 inail oopte�oY sadi notice in the manner pe¢�'bed by appltcabte law to Bor�ower tind to� ;:_
<br /> the oiher persons gc�f;se�t by appifcaWi�la�p.A4'ter the t[me reqaired bq a.�licabte law,Trustee shaU give pu6ftc nottee� _
<br /> oY sale Cii I�e ge�sQB��rttd in t6e manaer.�ptYCSCribed by applica6le law.Tnsstee,�v�thout demand on Borro�ver,s4a11 seil�� _
<br /> the p9�v�cy a�t p�liS`auctton'to the 6Ig1i�t bIddec at the tune aad piace and undes the terms deslgnated in the rpcsr5, of�� _
<br /> sate ia oae�ar mor�Q�c�ls and in any an�er Tevstee dMerraincs.Trastee may pastpone sale of uU or any paro��the•- :.
<br /> Froperty by pu6t€c�dacto�inoement at the�timo and�lace of any previously schedWed sale. Lendet ar its desigreee may ��
<br /> pncchasc the Ftv�.�any sale. . .
<br /> ' Fprm 3d28 9/90
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