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<br /> S�r = -:�,.,:.. - ---
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<br /> -ptr�tx�3hst.i eadst��quires: � r Frovidieg�'!A�i�i5urm�CO.et�&]1 bC clzosen by,�stiowtrsubja�l to I:endcr�
<br /> �` * .�. �mva1 wItieA c�Za4!nat h�uareasanab�r w Id. 1P�o�pwCr fait�to s�cdirerega�c�'Ses�a�soi+e.Let�'a�ry+at' `. ' ` ,
<br /> . * L�n�ers avtE�cqtain,rm�ec��g�, �p�sF�t t�r�Cer'a rig��s in t'�o F��eny.�n accaidans�with par�7_ . .
<br />--_ � A4I�isurance�palieiC�aitd i+eaewa�s a1�.De erC�i ht�E�Ler�atr�i s3ii�i iaicIc�sa s�ard�auT��a�ct�.r€.�r ,
<br /> -- ,.�.<`� &�SA�I I1.3YQ'IIIE:�YI$�1f d0�i�[�C gOIICIE9 8tli.FTCflCW8L4:�'if"r Ltndett��it��Ba��;rer s�all�Ig�,rrtrsI��tal#re�i�s _ . - .
<br /> _ � . �. ..���a�a�emx��ua�wat a�i�es..,in the�enti c�toss,�row�r.ahal!��ivo gmm"pt�tiee ca the�ns�carri+es aast _
<br /> • I.ender. Lsn�er m�y mago�aoF4f loss if[so4 madaprom�tty by�4sruwe� � , .
<br /> m
<br /> ' � 'Unt�s,s Lea�er r��crmwer at�erwisc cigxee tn w�tistng.insuaar�ce gcncecds shall t��plied w�st�ra�ion ar repai�c af�,
<br />__— , ,
<br /> - ` '��p��ged..I��Se[�St�i'd�R dF.�pa�s is c�nnQmlc�lly fe�ibio un¢Lead°,�'s sec�ri2p i�aat lessenea�. Tf tIie-- -
<br /> _� . restorauon ar repa�s�nc���6;t�Eca33y fe�sib.d aT i,r�tdcr's�y wu�i�#�t�x�ted,tt�insur'a��n�s.s�t� . � .
<br /> . aPPlied to tE�e sums sectusd by this Securiey I�mstttent.w&cit;ea ar not tli:ss du�.wit4��ay ear,e�s paid w Borro�rrer.If
<br /> Borr�o�ver a8aadans t1?,c Y�o$rrt5+�,ar doe.s aot aa�swer w[thltj 30�days o ttt�ite from,i.,en�dzr th�t the:�.c�uie�has , .
<br /> . offemd to seute a�R.then Lendu ruay co�lect tfftt im9urareem pmceeds. trend2`r tt��Y use the Procee�t�repair or restnie ,
<br /> � . rha Prop�erry or to gay seims secured by ttils Secarity lnmttt�ent,wtt�ther or t�st then d�. The 30�day�c��,3�.be��+tn� ,
<br /> , ` PEte�iice is giYen. _ . : ; . .:;.,'�.r;;°:�:... .
<br /> Qnless I�nder and Borrower.o�hpcwtse agee in wridng,a�Y aPClic�tiar��f proceeds ta priiik'�pa1 shaS�i���nd�r`
<br /> , :��:�:�:.,
<br /> - - pastpone tlte�due clate ot the monthly pay�eras referr�d ta in pat�gra{shs 1 and 2 or cha�a t�amam4t of the�i�al'm�mS::.If`, '�:''r�t,'.;;;.
<br /> _.-_� under pamgcaph Zi ttte Propem�is acquired by LRnder.Botrower�righs to any is�s�rartCe poIicIes attd pr�ceeds:reswlung� ,: ' .
<br /> . . fmat damage to.the Fioperty grcor to the asquis�tion shal!pass to 4.ender to th0 eatent of the sums sec�ied by tlus,Serauity
<br /> rnsnumentimmedi�iy ptior w the scq�isition. .. �
<br /> — • �. �Efcclsps�.y,�rvetioa, MaEate�nce a�c! t'rafe�tlon o! I�c Property: 8aaq'awe*'s i�oaa Applira�lian; .
<br /> � - T P91ClIt1IIdQ_ HOSIOwCj��CC•UII�,esta�lisb,aad use Ne Propec�p IIs Bmrowcrh prtncipnl resideqct�within su�days <:;,., .
<br /> _'=:,� ' the execarion of this S�curity Instnunern and stiail cantInae to acevpy th�Property aq�oarower�principal residence,f�:;.::;_.
<br /> ,...
<br /> -- -- . teast ana �e ar aRer the date of occupanc}�.,ualess i.ender othcrwise agrces Cn wdting, whicb consent sbatl.•.�qx�;�'t:�'f.. . _
<br />--- u�easonahty ucith�teld.or wntess extenuating c�t+cwnstmtces e�ist wluch are bcyprtd 0orio�rer�s c�ntrol. Bosrawer s1��'ii:�;''� . .
<br /> hE
<br /> - . d�suay,cta.maSe ar�the.Property.altow the Property to deterlaJate.or commit wasia on the�aoperty. Saauw�r�'�.ail .
<br /> -_ ' :. . be in dsfault if any forfeiture actian or praceeding,whether civil or crimittat.is begtm thstt to Lendcr�s gaod faith h����►t
<br /> ���-- • coutd resuit in furfeiaue oF tAe Pmp�rtq•or athenvise materially impalt ttte lten crcuted by�this Secunty Ins�a�'or
<br /> ' t,ender'�secuiity utteiesf. Borrowe=may cure such o defuu(t and reinstate.as providcd in paft�mph 1$�lry causi�.ti�,�oa .
<br />- -= or pioc�ng to be dismissed with tt niltn�thss�in I.enderb gaod faith�ter�inatfon.pmcla4ea fatfeiture of thg B���S -
<br /> = interest in tbe prop�ty or othes material impairment of the Itep crent�d by this Security Instrument or LenderS ';1.s�r
<br /> --- . utteres� Horrower shalt � itx in defautt ii Horrower. during tho tnaa applicaiion pmcesy.'gave materially �'�;i�r �
<br /> - � inacauate infasnaation or stntemenis to f.endar(ar fBiled to piov�de Lender with at�y matetta)information)in connecua*�.+�irb
<br /> — �. the'laan evIdenced by [he Note. inctuding.but not IimIted to� represenwtians cencemLig Barrowcrb occ�paacy dG;�e '
<br />`E"'— . Ptoperty as a priacipal.r�sidence. If this Security insuument ia on a leasehald.�olrower shul!compDy wtth all the p�ovisions
<br />