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<br /> , � g�G��$,V�-����'r c��c�ec�un t�ae�,and a12�c�.�'es,` '' ; ,
<br /> - ` � Sae!€utCcirc�nnv�os fx�fteir a'p�s bf t�e:�ty.. !�t'repl3�csm�ieets�ar3�siacs sball.alitq ba asareie��r�,ttus Socwu�t. = �m. :
<br /> .�-� . ,. , a ..rmn4 :re„n,s�l�e�i•.a�tft�. " e — �:�-----:-- ==-�_c:�.—. _ � -- _ _ —
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<br /> . ` 0�4`OdYCj�Q10. d8�i��11.'�F LB t3RC�� �i;6��tl�tGrCO[�. �'Wf�[[�fS ffi��-` �. J"
<br />-�;— -- -- . . Wl��:fCIId�E����iti�C�tfl 11IC�jlClEy H�d.IlSI?.'�'C�SII��St�Aj�CL C!7 3ny�t Cl�IEC�" • :. ' . . '
<br />_— -------- � � 'TI�S fik:C�JR1TY�iNS'7'RU11��Nr comhitus 'nt�if�i oavea;�tt�.far natitrnal,ti�e�aad noa-uaifa�m c€rvenants ait�t�.. . .. -
<br /> -- "�`� tI�ted vats�{#caas by j�ction m.00n�imie a�ifoYm�ty iasql�S�ent caveriug reat pivpp�t�. , . < .
<br /> . , , . , ,
<br /> �-- � �_�- - - _-._ . _ - - -. -
<br /> z: � UtQi�Ui2lYit;Efi�Ai�'i�. �to�ow'cra�d����a�.a��'�r��-. - � a�ffi. tt�` : � .
<br /> �tJ �8��tan�!Lsie C�+a�. Bo�wex sha2t pmm�IY.�Y !�
<br /> - � � f' `��� and Iate cd�g�s�y unite�t�e Notq. ,. ` . —
<br /> , ' '.�ae,ti alof at�d iamresi�tho de$tevi�nced by the Nqte ai�d any P�P�� �� . -
<br />- � Fiva�sfor'Iirap�s�L�Snls�ect to apgl�r�ble taw ac to.a wriutu�aiver by�BaabYVeer�d p�fo"'`' " . .
<br />� — � ���a�y�r�►�%�a���x���.xo�e;��a�r�a�c�'��t�y�. ` � . . ..
<br />'S^ _ . tait�s and ass�s�whis�may sst�n priarity.avert�is Secusiry Instrmm�at as a li�on►�se Pmpeny;Sb)Y�y,;�� �
<br />°- pagrments a�gr�un'tl tenis�the Fcop�cat�►, if 2ny:.(c)Y�Y. ��I�P�Y i.asurance�*(�Y�Y flood .
<br />- ins�pte�ums.if a�r,�(e)'Y�Y�,8���F��'any;aasi(i�anY S�s Pa►�a�1�bp Boaawer tu
<br /> ' Ls:�d�r,in c�rdance�xitb tke�cairisions of parag4ap�8.ia lien of t�e payitnmt o�mortgage�pme�ms• ��se' •
<br /> � iiems nre c�1Fed°Esciow It�sns.° Lender may.ai any�e.coli�and ttold E�m6s in an��t aot tu e�ttic.m�m ..
<br />_ , amamt a teader fgr a fiad�aitg+ce�ated m�t8�8���Y�i��for Ba�we�s.�cnow aocaun aadES s�fadeaal R�1
<br /><. �rS4ArA Settfemcni Fia�mes Att of 1974 as a�&nm time to tim�12 U.S.C.§2601 d seq.(°R�SP?►9.unLess:a�,' -
<br />- law tbat applies to tizeAmds sr�a tessec amauat. If so.Leuder may,at aaY tim�collect a�d hatd l�ds in an�n�t to� .
<br />- - ; ,F� eRr�ed t�e Iesser maoimL Lend�r cuay,estImate the ama�t of Fuads due�the basis of cuaeut data�sad reasal�able ,'
<br />_ • estimairs of expe¢ditutes of f�e I'iscmw IDems or ar�rxwise ia acco�daace with app3icable tavr.
<br /> 'ITt��us�s sha�Ise�h2Id m aa instituLian whase d�g�sits su��by a fedezal a�:ncy.instr�alicY.o��
<br /> q'�ncI�ag tx�er.i£I.enaer is su�b��j ar�n suy�ederal i�ome L+oan Bank. t�naer snau app1�u�e F�s b pay � .
<br /> me F�sCrow[rem9.� tenaer.may noi.cirarge Souower for tsa3�sa�apgIyiag tDe Fu�d.fi,a�nalty a�aty��.�o�v
<br /> eo�u�� or Xeiifyis�S the Esc�aw Items.aaIess Lender pays Boaower intet�st on We Fi�ads�d app��•F;�vr penmits ,
<br /> - ' L�des to m�Ye sach a�cdarg��Hawever._L�der maY�equne$oimwet to pay a one-time cbarge fur un�dem neal
<br /> esiate taa repartiag scavice us�bY lender ia comtection.whh this loau.anless applipble Iaw piuvides uEt�awis� Untess�n . �
<br />- - , agceementis made m appticable law�qui�intecest to be paid.I.eader sdatl not be ieq�red�o pay 8orrower asry in�si qr ,
<br /> .� ��� eamings on the Tamds. Sa�drer aad L�eader may agree in wridng,hawever,3hat intemst shaIl be paid on die Fimds. i,ender � .-
<br /> sball give ta Boaawer,witb.out cb.ug�an am�usl acconmmg a�r We�'uads.shawing ccediss aad debits to the�uads aad the �_
<br /> �=r�;,�:a pmpose for wbis6 each debit to tAe Funds was made. T6e�§mds�e pledge�l as addrtional secmity for aIl snms s�d'by . , . -
<br />- `��:�'�*',° � thisSecarity�nsu�t Iu�1e`law.I.e�der sbaII avcuunt tn
<br /> �' -" . If the�ids,hetd by Lender exceed We�[ouuts P�mitted to be hetd by app' _
<br /> - "�`�.. '• Hamawer for the excess Fnmds in accar�aare wit8 the�++;*��•r�of applicab2e iaw. If the amuunt of th�E§�is I�d by .
<br /> -,.,:�•;:-�:,-c;
<br /> . .,�;,. . �:�,�,. Le.n�er at�n}+time is not"suficient ta pay the$scmw Items wdien dv.e.Lender m�y so aotify Boao�rer in writiag;:�td.in
<br /> = ;�,�.�-:;;=`�r;.,� such case Bouower sh�ll pa<y to Leatdea the amoimt necessary ta maTse u�the de$ciencSr. Boimwer shall m�i�the __°----
<br /> ;:
<br /> - �ne;c.��,l_, defrcien�r in no more thau twelve monthlY FaYmeats.at Len�er's sole discreiion. . _
<br /> :•��;,,.::, ; :. � _
<br /> `��r�:?�;,.'�� Upon paym�eeut ia fiill of all�ms secund by this Seauiry In.stnmmea�LenBer shall promptIy n�tu�ct to Baaower aay _
<br /> '��.-`5'�_'��:",. F�d�held try Lead�r. I�ut�r Ps�ag�aPb 21,L,ender s�haII.sxlu'u�ar seU the Propaty,Lender.prIor w dte acqui�,�'�un or = _--_
<br /> ..,�,:. ' ------
<br /> +��:�:Y:- � sale of ihe Pbperty.siiall aPi►!y any Fimds betd by Leader at the time of acqnisitioa ar sate.as a ciedit against dri sums _
<br /> �'�r:�;,:,: :, ,, P � --_-_
<br />