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FILE: 04 -40711 <br />200405483 200409842 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Parcel 1: (a) A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), part of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SWI /4), part of the Northwest Quarter (NWi /4), and a part of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NEI /4), all being in Section Twenty Four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4); thence running southerly, along <br />and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance of Nine Hundred Fifty Six and <br />Forty Nine Hundredths (956.49) feet; thence deflecting right 90° 05' 05" and running westerly, a distance <br />of Three Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Six and Forty One Hundredths (3,436.41) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 89° 59' 45" and running northerly, a distance of One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Three <br />and Forty Five Hundredths (1,653.45) feet; thence deflecting right 890 59' 15" and running easterly, a <br />distance of Three Thousand Two Hundred Four and Ninety Six Hundredths (3,204.96) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 90° 02' 05" and running northerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NE1 /4), a distance of One and Eighty Nine Hundredths (1.89) feet; thence deflecting right 90° 02' 05" <br />and running easterly, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Nine and Fifty Four Hundredths (229.54) feet <br />to a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4); thence deflecting right 89° 57' 55" and <br />running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of Six <br />Hundred Ninety Nine and Eighty Six Hundredths (699.86) feet to the point of beginning. <br />(b) A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) and a part of the Southwest <br />Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Twenty Four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West <br />of the 6th P.M., and a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) and a part of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NEI /4) of Section Twenty Five (25), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th <br />P.M., all being in Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) of said Section Twenty Four (24); <br />thence running northerly, along and upon the east line of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) of said Section <br />Twenty Four (24), a distance of One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Nine (1,689.0) feet; thence deflecting <br />left 89° 54' 55" and running westerly, a distance of Three Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Six and Forty <br />One Hundredths (3,436.41) feet; thence deflecting left 90° 00, 15" and running southerly, a distance of <br />Sixty Five and Four Tenths (65.40) feet; thence deflecting right 29° 52' 20" and running southwesterly, <br />a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Nine and Sixty Four Hundredths (429.64) feet; thence deflecting left <br />29° 51' 55" and running southerly, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred. Twenty Nine and Twenty <br />Eight Hundredths (1,529.28) feet; thence deflecting left 90° oi' 12" and running easterly, a distance of <br />Three Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Three and Forty Two Hundredths (3,653.42) feet to a point on the <br />east line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of said Section Twenty Five (25); thence deflecting left 90° <br />03' 40" and running northerly, along and upon the east line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of said <br />Section Twenty Five (25), a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Seven and Sixty Two Hundredths (277.62) <br />feet to the point of beginning <br />(c) A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWI /4), a part of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NWI /4), a part of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), and a part of the Southeast Quarter <br />(SEI /4), all being in Section Nineteen (19), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the <br />Page 4 Title Software by Automated Real Estate Services, Inc. 1 -900 -730 -1295 <br />04 -0070 <br />