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<br /> -.`�.�.�: .�.. �a-. rtnn�osa taeabd tt�ere¢n cr�n enywfae Pe�nir9g�hereta:sridtt�a r�sis►i�aad pra84�rev+arslonaeei4 re�rtainde�a 8ror�snd
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<br /> . v.:.. ,�,. :
<br /> �`,;;; �,:A � ,�,�,�' conting equipment and tage�er witl�the home�d or maritat iroter�s,if siry,whtch itR�rasta are hereby�ateased aad�ratve� __-
<br /> _:`�:�'_����` '� .�, ' aRwfttpfi.inciadingrepl8a�menteandeddlUo�sther+etn�iaitp��gdec3aredtobeapartoiffio,�ealesta�sec�uedbyt!►etaanolMds =--- -
<br /> --_ -";:s'��'•� . QBe;�eiTtust ettdefi�f th9toreg¢Sng bsirtg retem�f to�tate[rt&�ffie"Propetry�',- . _ _
<br /> ; r4r�;. , , rz�„`�.,,: s
<br /> ' J - - This t3eeQ 8t Tntst ahatl aeaire(a)ttse p�yme�ot the prtaciDal sum and Interest svidenced.dS►a�tomtasary no6a or cr�dit ,-- � .=. .
<br /> ztit� R �i��""°��-=-
<br /> r ��� '
<br /> 's�` `"r�d��, �t�� July l6th .1994 havtng a maturity c9ata oi July 26th i'�9 . . -�
<br /> '�;�.4'iia� . . . • , ����F A��-
<br /> ''t;,���b+y�` -- in Ute Inat r�n amaunt a!3 1T,364.0@ .and any ena eit madfffc�tiana e�nstons and renewats ►�;�� L- -
<br /> � ati9 P ndAa1: f� ..
<br /> ,�' ; �;�; �� fherepl or Merelo;a�d any and ail tuture adva�arM readvances to Barrower(or sny ot them i1.rt�are than orte)here�mder *3= _
<br /> • . , purbuaMto ane artfiat�pramtasary notes or c�G3agreeme�(Aerein calted"NOte"}:(b)ihe PaYmastt�WhHr suma advanced by ' I y' ��
<br /> • Lendertoprot�c#4��curHyoiMeNote�(c�thepeAormanceolallcavenantsandagreementqafTrusios�4t,farthherein:and(d)a!! n,� � ��� �, �
<br /> ,���i*�� preS�illL.cand 4uture lndebtedtt�s artd abfigs�ons ot 6anovt�r�Qr eny oithem if more than one)tQ t.ender wAether direc�indirec; «,� ,ti_ �
<br />- .:°;i�;s•h',,. . at�atutit•or cont[ngent and whsthsr arisirtg hy note.9uaramy,a�c�rdradt or otherwise.The Nct�tnls Oeed of Tiusta�sd a�r►y and aq �� � ��`t��,��.X-
<br /> .'�T�St.J . . M � 91�t.Y� _.
<br /> o8��eqentstl�atsecuretReNoteorott�erwfseexecutedin.c�p�secttontherewitt►.inclad"cn�v�ithcutHmitatlonguaras�tsa�security st;,. �
<br /> � agresmerds and assfgnments ot teases and renta,shatl he c�fc�red to henQtn as the Loan Oocuments". ` '�'�s
<br />_— . � Truamr covenants and a g r e e s with Lender as foitow� �' � " �-_
<br /> ;,.. .: . �.�.
<br /> — � ° • ',,, 1,paymmt ot tn�ess.AII tndebtedness secured hereby shall 6e paid when dua �:: �•: ��.`''--
<br /> _ . . ". �•' `•, ' 2.TiB�'�nisror fs the owrter o!Ute Property, . �:
<br /> � h a s t h e r i g h t s n d a u t h a r i t y t o c o m r e y t h e P ro p e r t y.a n d w a r r a nts that the Iten ' ;.;<<•'.� :�';;�.,l.v.
<br /> _ -..•I: .., . .'�- :.•/:. . y .a;.;7'_°..
<br /> .— •. ,�, . . . created AerebY ia a flrat and prtar lisn on the PraAeriy.exc�p!tor 1[ens snd encumbrances set toM by 7rustor fn wrtittng end : :..i;:1;;.,•;..: ; . , .
<br /> ���`� " �� `• : delivered to I.endBr bebre executtoR ot thfs Deed at Tius�and ihe execuutlan and del(very ot this Oeed ot Trust does notviotate ar►y �',:;?�i�?�,ti.;� 's`` ,=
<br /> — '. . A, .. . e� ���.;.
<br /> .-:. ,, , , contrect or attte�obllgatio�a to,whfcri Trustor is subject '
<br /> — �,��;:;°•, . ;� - 3.T�..As�e�.To pay before d�',ir�enay ali taxes.speciel ac�s�ssments and atl other charqes agains4 fhe P�oDeK!! . •,_ ., ,,-�n��;�;'.".`:
<br /> � •�1,;.�...::,-�, �.. ����:t r,::
<br /> :�':>'.,;. �',.':�-:,_ now or hereafter taximtl. ' •�
<br /> � T t�;�:� : .�. ..,r . .. ,. ., .. ...
<br /> � ��.. -i.::,,-.:r
<br /> ,.. _. 4.tnwr�It�cwl�vePtAePro�ertytnsuredagainstdamagsbY��a.hazatdslncludedwNnint�etertro"'cntsndsdcoves�.and ;: �%�:; °. �
<br /> �`��,�'" :�� �`' ' such oih+6r harards.�Lertder may require.io amounts and v�t1Pa torr+Pantes ac�cePta4le to Lender,naming Lender as ait�addiUor+at i,....::_ r._.. ,
<br /> �=.r?r:' . _ . � ::....
<br /> �, � . . : . namedl�reQw�s[cssp�ayabla�b.the�ender.tnc�seottan�a�ndersucP�poLcies.theterid�risauthorizedtoadjr�4co11ectand '�,.�;.;_�-,.:�,�. : .,�:.
<br /> � .,. compro�se��dmttc�sthereur.�lc�esndshailhavetheopUono4apPlylagallorpartottheirtsur�r�ceproce,eds(�toanYindabtednesa "`;.::'.. .. _
<br /> ,,.}� .
<br /> Fl
<br /> secured herefDy�ttd its guch orQer as Lender may deYertnlne,(in W the Truscor to be used tor the repair�or�estpratlon ot the Property ���'�,;��
<br /> ��i�=.� �-.. ' � or(iii)tatanyother�rpuseorobjectsatisfactorytoLenQerwithautaifectlrtgthalienotthisCsaOofTe�tfi�ih�tullamount&�aured , L . �`_:�T: �-
<br /> .;�ti. here�y beiore suoh payment ever teok place.Arry appltcaUOn uf proaeeds to indebfedness SAail rtot es�and or postpone ti�e due {5
<br /> ;S.''•.:` ' '� • . ):.•;'.Tk-"' �••. � �."' .i �.
<br /> '{AV '�}�°•��• " date of any payments urtder the(�ote..or cure any default thereunder or hereunde� .. }����•;,• • ,
<br /> "Y'.}?/(i.'.i�:•� i�%i',
<br /> � °s.,.y.:, .. 5.Hccov�:Upon vrritten tlemand by Lender.Tiusto►ahail paytv Lender.in sucA rt�arfR�as Lsn4er may designate.suftlate�ri `.iJ�,�;,��si,. . �`•,, :�.: ..
<br /> �� �'+"� •• `.' ��� sumstoenableLenQertopayastheybecomsdueorteormoreofthefollowtng:(i)all��¢u,a�sessmertbandotherchargesagainst '-`,����r'�:•:� .��,;;� . , . .
<br /> .. .:�.,,.
<br /> , ,• ' ..: the Property,p�thep►emiums an the property,{nsuranco requlred hereunder,and pi731;a premtum.�an any mortgage Insurance , .
<br /> ; ... � • ..',', . �utred by Len4tir., •. . , : . :
<br /> ��- ` e.lYla�+r.'R�pt{n and Campft�nc�ettfi Laws.Trustor shatl keep tt�e Ptoperty In gaad eonditton and repair.shait � . •
<br /> * '`'a ' pro�tty►.�epair.o►repface any Improvament which may b�dam3ged or destroyed shall nat commi!or pem�it any waste or '• -`�`"� - •,
<br /> :.::�::;. _ shall not •'� . ..
<br /> '��� r det8�ratian ot t�9 Pra�eRy.shell noi remwa,damotisb ar aulzsffint�ally atter any of tt�impr�vemeMa on the Pro�[Stry; .-.;��;,1'.�:.. ; .
<br /> .��; •� " •`:
<br /> ,�,',i1�4`>i��t�,. •�'....•..�.: commiLsuRe►orperm(ter►yacttabedaneinorupoi�ltrePra�r¢'�yinvtclat�onotanytaw.ucdlnence.orreguiatton:and�h�tlpayand ., .,,.�' . . �
<br /> ;;..,r;:. • prumptty dfischarpe at TrustoPs cast and expense all Uens.e�'ticumbranCe�•end charges Ievted.Impose0 or a�ssessed againat the .
<br /> � Propery ar arry part theraoL "
<br /> � '"�:-`;?;:'•�" �•. :�� 7.Emte�et Qamatm Lender ia hereby assiQned alt compansatlon,awaida damages end oiher paymennts or reftef(hereinafter . .. .
<br /> � ��... m e
<br /> '4:;���?7f'�,S!.�'� ' ' "ProCeed�"1lneannectlonwifheandemnatlonorothertaWngol�ePropeatyorparttherenf.erforcorneyancetnlleuotcondemna- ,... :
<br /> '"'1s�1.;�". ' •• t[�n.l.ender Ehall be entltied at its Optton to commence app3Ar in and prosecute in fis owro name arry actlon or proceedinga►and �'.�s_l;;''
<br /> .� :;�'.� st�atl atso ba entJUed to mak9 arry cumpramis9 or setttertient In connectlon wiU�sueh taktng or damaga tn the evern any Portlon o1 ,�:.•;.
<br /> ��.-.. • ' - tlts Prop�rty i�so takan ar dama�Len�er ahall have the opt�on,In ib sote and absotute eiscretior�to appiy ail sucA ProceeQ�. •
<br /> '�:,'.. . `�" a}I�daductlngti�eraltomaUc�s�andexpense�incurredbyitinconnecatonwit�suohProceeds,upo�sarrytrtdeb0ednes�aecure0 .
<br /> hereby end i�sucb order as Lender may determ(n�or to appry ell such Proceed��after auah deduettans�to the restora8on o1 fhe
<br /> ..�:,. ��� PropMyuponsuchaondlt�naesLendermay6e�rmina.AnYePAlicatlanatP�oceedatotnd�btedrtessMallnatexoertderpeatpone .
<br /> • .. ihe due da�ot arry paymenLs unde►tRe Note�or cure any Qafautt tnereunder ar hereunder.llny unappited turtd�shall bs pffid to � .
<br /> ' T�usOOr. . • � . . .
<br /> � '.�„�� • � @ P�[oe�eaae�E�►l�ndK Upon tAe accurrerres at an Event u!�efau�i hereundet.or i1 amt ect is taken or(egat proeeed(n8 � � � •
<br /> - . confm�fcedwhtchma6e�iattyatiacbt�ender•'slnf�estinthsPtopaty.lendermsYinitsawndiscrotian.butwithofAQ6U�iantndo ` • •
<br /> . . a0.and wittfout notleeto ar demsnd upan Trusiar er+A withotrt refeastng Trus�or irom any o�IiQatfcrti do arry act wf�clr Tn�smr has ` �' �-: �
<br /> � � epiesd bu!taifs t�do and may eLso do any oth$r aet it deems necessary�to proLect tha aecu8ty hereoL Tnrs�r shaU.tmmedia�efy �• � • .
<br /> ,� upon de�nartd t�serntar by LardEU.PaY C�Ler[der eU easts and expensesirtcprrad and sum�enpenQeA by Lender in�nrtec�en with •
<br /> � • MeeotetCtlsby�.endetaitltefaregoin�rfgM�taQetRerwiUlintete3ttttereonattl�ede�tratepmvtdedinthe[�tate��erhiMahaUEe �. 1 •
<br /> m
<br /> � ._ ea�d co ms y�eomaness.r.�cu�ee�eay.�enaar snau a�e incur a�y��u�y ascauss or a��r���ay ao ar amte m eo ; . � �:: . .
<br /> _.. '- �_--.:_= :.---::.:: �
<br /> � � . . t�=—===--
<br /> ;
<br /> � ,� . �+ ;, - . �. . � : �
<br /> ' :`a`;. ..' . , � : � �
<br />