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V . — C ��yA.!— - - - . <br /> - ��� �'� I UII'7R;A�`.C�` .i�3.YlWk6F73Y a �g!������ ��"�"7�CSc�4.3�`wt°.��- . <br /> ��� <br /> _ .�,_,n�,f_ - _ - _ — — — - _ <br />_'�ileFJ►8S17F9#'���"°-___ '_ -_—_-—'- °-- _ _ _ _ <br />_-�,�,s�`�.sea _ . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . -__ <br /> �_��-�k�� � , � � � � � � _ � � � � � : ��4���i����� ` � � � << _ - -- <br />=- ------- � `,sppI;c�6te i�ma�r sp�ify fQr�cinsmtem�ns)befoz�a sale af iIEe.Pmre�►'�►t ln.mry�power'of s�te ctrntaiaea,in thfa ---�� <br /> -- -= ' �S�tIlit}t IIlSSt�CIIi:OF{�b�CIItl�►Of 3 jSiAgtJIE13i CIIfOItIIIg'tI13S$��1liity Tnatmimen .�i4SC COSd1tIOI18 Ai�t$�I B4AOWBr (8)' • , .. <br />_" ----------- ' . pay&Lgad�r a1i s�kms which t�ea wquld be due uader tl�s Sec�rTty Ins�nt aitd.the Not�r2s if aa ssse2sratioa�&ad. <br /> —_ - accim�d:�a�ariy defmilt a�f tiny..ot�a c(�e�ss or�taants.(c)Qays aU�enses incuiie�in enf oicin$tbis S�urify� .� . . ��_ - <br /> -- _ . ` Inspr��IncUng,�nt not IImtted to.reasonable sivarn�ys'fces:antl(d?takes suc�aciian as Lender may teas�nabiy � ��- <br />- -- - - ' •' �quire Eo assut+�that the F�en o��is Security Instra�aetu.t�rtder'�'rights€a t�te pmgerty ahd Bamroweta obligatfo�'to pay t� � . e�.— -- <br /> _ ..a. �su�s seeused 6y �lus._��ctu�tty Wstnm�nt shatI conttnue uuchangec� Upoa ceinstaremmt 6y:Bor►�'wer, tbss Security --_____----- <br />-- - �-��� ,. � � Fust�tent amm�tlte obllgations secuced hereby shat!�emain faliy efff�tive as if ua acceleratioa had occurced. Kowever.thia . ____--- <br /> - �T"� '�'° sigltt t�a rth�st�,a6t a�g�y i�r the c�af acce2eiaoion emder paragraph i?. ' ._ -- <br /> a�.��.�� . �. ,� �Sjt-�aT�p��`qie;CE�?�of_I.�n Se�icer. Tf��N6te or a p�ttial inrerzst in c�ie Nate(cogethez aritPi this Sec�nity �� - <br /> ���'t�a` '�,• Insu�.ent�.�a��ise;so��'4ne or more times�vishont piior nnlice to Eorrower. A sals may resnit in�cbange ia t6s eatity �,i <br /> ,^`�,:� �' • C�gr�a as�;b�,`l.oaQ,�e��t'�thai coliects most6IY Fayments due uader ti�e Note aad tbis Secuary Instiameat 'T[iece also • __ ---- �. <br /> � � may be oae ar more ckanges of the Lo�Servic�r anreiaied w a sale of the Note: If ihere is a chaage of ihe Loan Servicer, ��.��,..;: <br />-- � Bomawer wiII bs given ardtten uotice of the chan$e in accardaace with patagtapb 14 abuve and agplicaMe law 'ilfe aotise e,e.-.,;�..�.�,:<<�. <br /> � witl state the r�e sad addsess o£die aeuv Laan Serncer an�l.the address ta which payments shonld tie made. The notice w�l =__---=_—__:_- <br /> - also cantaia any other infn�arion requiied by apglisa6Ie 1a¢r;. �='��.����� <br /> ?A:,Fa�irdaas Su�tadue� Borrawer shall aot qu�or pc�mit tl�se preseuce,use.disPosal,stoiage,or ielease of auy ;;�.���- <br />-- Hx�dous Subsiaaces a�ar iQ tfle Prnpeny. Bo�cower shal}not da�aor ailovi anyane else to do.anythin�affecting the ���y-_. <br />- ' �: ''' Fropeity tt�at is in violatian of anq Endiioam�tal Law. The precedibg.two senteaces sbafl not aPPiY to the preseace.ase,or '��i""�"�'R�..� = <br /> - �•�� storage an the T'mpemy af smalt quameties of I3a�dous Snbstances that ase geaetally teoognezed to he appropriate to nomnal ��� �,� — �: <br /> residential�ses and w maintenance of the FiapertY•• � ___=-=--.---- -__-- <br />- Bmmwer shall pnimpti9 Sive Lender wriuen uuti�of aay iavestigation,cIaua,deman4 tawsuit or other a.ction by any �`�-`;..__--=_- <br />_ "' gav�or regulatnry agem}�or private Qarty iavolving the Ptogecty and any I�azardoms Substance ar F�visommeatal �"���F ,.� <br /> � <br /> -..;<= ��;'- , Iaw af t�hich Barrower has acwal knaw2edge. If Boaawer leams, or is no'trfi'ied bY �Y Sovemmental or r�gatatoiy .- ,�..���.`.: <br /> --���-;�";;..,',"""'�' ' anthari'ty,that any remaval ar otlser remediation of any Haz2..zio�us Substanre affecting the Ptoperty is necessary>Bormwer . .<��. ��� <br />-" r`„ �s�`' shnlZ pYOmpttY take aIl Aecessazy temedial actions in acCOrdart�e ivith Envuoamental Law. _ <br /> • �''°�.,,uy� 'r ---.-..--_=.-.---As��fii.s.paragrap��.Q'H�9us Substaaces"are dtose sabspaces deFiaed as touc or hazaideus sabstances by �---- a - <br /> �, - << —,��ar�� <br /> ., �. . ._._ ...----- --�- - - - - -----._.. , y ,��_�,W,,.. <br /> ..",�.;�',�.;� .Envitonmental Law and the folIowing sabstances: �gasolin�.keivsenP,o�fiammaL4r or toxic peuoleum pro3¢c�ioiuc._ ;. � ��' <br /> ��',�:`:�-s,.�:�:...� ,� <br /> . �,��",. , p�sricides aad hezbici8as.volat�e solveau.materiats cantaining as6estos or formal�.-�and radioactive materiaLs. As ::~ � r�°��.-�.�+ <br /> . tr�,;� '�•r --- <br /> ' y '`�:�� used in this patagraph 20,"EnvimnmentaT Law"meaas federal laws and laws of the� on where the Propecty is locazed ,€�-.- <br /> ;af _>�;, ..-. ,: ; , � �:;�: <br /> -. ,, r <br /> „ <br /> -•�;.,. ;.�; ', L�0� 0�1�+7F .`' • <br /> ,. : 'y • f : <br /> ,,. ... ... . .; � .... . � - <br /> T�r, �',,..: . � RM C��VENAYNTS. Boaowe�and der futthe't ,... and�as follows: " _- <br /> ._.:..,y <br /> tLat relate to healtb,s -::. <br /> ;...�, ,r-:,. ( .. . NO1�I UN1F0- -_ -- -- , ... . _ , - <br /> ..�.,.. _ <br /> --- <br /> - - - <br /> f . , , y 21. AcaeferaLton;Iiemedie9. Lenlder shaD gtve Botie,e�f�Bor��er prio�tr���cceteiaVan foIlowiag Borruwer's- Ar;:�� �:=�:�, <br /> ;�.�;;;;<�:r3,��:;�:�.; brea�fi af aq�wvenant or ageeesnent in tbis Secartty Ia�t(bnt not pri�r'�acoeleratton an�ier p�agrap817 �� `.. � — <br /> x, - ,-' a eca • : <br /> "r,;.•,�r . }.i - , <br /> -.i� `'� ualtss aPPitca6ls iaw,prnvfd+es otherwtse). T[ae notic�e shaD spedf� (a}ttte d�ifaautS;�(b)the ac�Ion�eqnired to care We ''r ';�� <br /> ��^:�'- an�� - .;v�-�.;.e,..�.. <br /> ��;:, :,-;;�,�„�..-.x:,- � t;(c)a date,n6t tess thae�30 days frmu the date We notice Ls g�ven to Bormwer,by wbich the defaait mast be ;;;��_,,;:;,,'��`� <br /> � .,+�;?���,:.:;•-:''r:- , cared;end(d)t6at��to aue the detanit on or hefore the date ed ia the nolice may re!iuI2 ia acxetesation of . - .'-'_': <br /> V'.�174 � <br /> , , . °�• � the s�s se�c��+ed Dy Wfs Sec�ity Iashvment and sale of the Prope�The not[ce s�II fartl�,�r fa.44rm Borrower of .�..::.� '-'��_ . .`. , <br /> ?.Y�::i:�'� ^`i i"`.':�i'.' . <br />- ��� -. ., 4Le rlgj�t to reins�ate aftet at�oederaatiton and the right to bring a caurt act[on to assert the noa�oY a def�a[t or ��' .`��� «���r :' <br /> , . � oe er <br />- �fl�`'�:;->;;';;�.;;,',:;:,��, rsng+athsr ddense af Sa�rinwer ta acfeierattoa and sal�:�.�i the.defanit is aot cqre�r�n or 6efore the date sp�edHai in �., ; ..,�;.f• <br /> ,:�: ;;.. <br /> .�.:.,- .-�<:_,.::; ,� immediate ent in faD of aII sm�s�by thts Secorlty Ita���ent �,`�'t ' ' <br /> l ..��,.�,:;;.�...;.,;; ; ��c�Lender atits og�io�a m3Y.e+eqnire �!�d <br /> r.Sik��hl,+i2:;tS"r`.i.f����.?� � �.. ..�� .�.�4�: . <br /> ' s,�. 1,,.�r;..., ,•:,', , _ wi��u3 further demsiinr�.aa�,may.tnvoge the power bf'sale aa� azry other r'�yrr�".mes Per�t�bY aPBlic�Te�taw �..�; .�y�;x, :,�• '� <br /> �;��1,� •t��,r � . ' . � <br /> :�,°;.., ;..,,, Lender s�all b���ntit�td ta coQed sll eapYnscs tncdrred in pnrsuIng the remeaFes pravided!a tRis FasagraPh 21, ,-.�� <br /> tndudimg,bnt tz�tiiaittr2d Oo*t+easonabie attomevn'fees and cus�of tftle evideace. "�',. • "'f;,'� <br /> =�-?7•e:i�'.:s:7�.�.:i:., ! .l" . , _ _... <br /> .. . . . • : Tf the power oisaTe t�invalcetL,lticrstee s�aIl recoad a not'rce of defauIt tu eacb cotmty in whtcL any part of the ' •:�,�r;`hs". <br /> - •`'�e`�:";T,:;�:;•:'�`� : Peoperty Is tocated and shaA mai!wpieq of such notice tn the maAner prescribe�l�y.appl��ble law to Borrawer and to : _�:`•: v <br /> ir(I::'�.!,."..,'�• r, . . !' <br />_ � .Y';:;a;.+r,,. ":, tLe other petsrons prescribed by appI[ca6te taw After the�me nired by ap�tFi�ie 1aw.1�si�aU ve pnbt�C ���-. <br /> '. .ra, �1 � , �i�o:;:,.�,..: <br />- �?ikn . . ,_ . :•.�' . �': <br />- #,,: �>,,Y.,t�•.,;,., noBoe ot sate to t?ce petsons and in the manaer prescri6ed Dy applicabie Iaw. 'Iir�4ee.withunt demaad on Bosrower, ����"� <br /> � � �; '����'`'�l shal!seII fhe PcopeKy st pn6t�c 9�act�n to t�e highest 62dder at We time altd plaoe aad ander the terms desf in . ���./;��� ' <br /> c �� ����:; <br /> s� We a�Ise oi�Ie ia one or more parcels and in a�y order'il�astee det�erimiaes 1�astee may postpone s�e of aD or any . `" �:�`.�,:.`.;"� <br /> ' ��' p�arrxl ot the PropeK9 bY Pa68c a�wnceme�pt st fhe tiuie aud ptaoe oisuny prevlously schednLed sat� I.ender or itg . � �."._�"�� <br /> t,.•,_ . <br />' ��� '"'� .���;� . d�fgaee maY Pnrchase the Prap�ssty at any salc. � ',. - i�-�,_ . <br /> ' ,,-_ P y .. <br /> . - :��;;�.: :;:� Upun receipt o!payment ot tHe price bid,Z1n�stee shaD deUvee to tlte pnrchaser'ilrostee's deed ounveptng the ! • <br /> `?�,-.=`., Pro The redtaLa in the 7�vstee's dee�st�a�t!6x p�3mo�acte evid�nce of the traW aY ffie statements made themin. , �:���;�;` �<:.� <br />-�r��, �;,.i,- '.j. P�'� � ; ... , <br /> '°` '��Y 'i f a s t e e s h a l I app iy t h e p m a e e d s o!t h e s a i e i n t h e[o II o w i n g a r d e r. (a)t o e II c o s f s a n d e s�e n s e s o f e a e r c t s i n g t he p ower -•;;; <br />-`ri; .�,r�'!:;. <br /> 'a4s �;. _ �_.: .:rr _, .. <br /> _ - t. —.-- - � . --;�.�. : _ r'.. <br /> .�t' • ' . ' :'�;%cspfn': <br /> .. .. .1�1i�\i. <br /> ;; ��;;' -. . ;st,�y,-: .. . . . <br /> ..,, _ : . . <br />_ : . � -�, � . . . <br /> - �'y f#''.,„�'.._��;�:•� , - <br /> �ir"•~',�;;_ :'.'�� . <br /> - 'a f,!:t:���,",�:�' . • . <br /> �,t ���• " ' , . <br /> `, <br /> ` �' :r::�';"=ir^>i� . - � _ . �. <br />_- �y7.5:c�����:s�=:_. • � '.'-., . . .. <br /> `�'�{`'�'. �� . `''A;,..�' <br />� �4��+2:f��t. . ,.: . , :'F'�';:. . . � � �:,;:i':`;. .. <br /> _. y,.� •.: . ;• . T • ..� .i .,. .: ' :� . , , . <br /> �;: g <br />��.: ..tiY i�d; . . . . . '•t. � ,�y �•d�.,. _ -�i -,a±lx';.���a�-'. '�fi�;,i'_i: .. , � , � ,. ' . <br /> ,�, . 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