��. .
<br />��..�— -_------ , . � . ,,. _ v
<br />� '," ,. ` , - � . - , . . . �.Q�;�6-. . � . _----
<br /> � � --
<br />_- ,�: , �� , � . ____._.-__-
<br /> .
<br /> � � .
<br /> . �S .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . �s
<br /> _ __ • . � ra¢dcmna3ion�orot6e�tf 1na$af aay�p�of the Fmgerty,ar fQxwnve7�ssce m�eu�d�naas�o��tiu+e�..n�y ass�gped a�t6 �
<br /> - - _ - . sha�t be paf�S�o Lcndec , , ` —
<br /> � � fn the�art`af a-sata4 2a�g of die Ftopeitp,ths p�eds sbali be appl�ed"to Yhe sum's secn�ed 6g this Security' • " • -------
<br /> � . - Inst��t�#,Wh�the�•ar aot then.d�e.witt�amy czcess gai�La�Bosac�er, In 4tt�event of a ptszti&1 taking of tii��'ropelty in�. � - -
<br /> - . , �vhici�the fai�t market vulue of tlte Property imme8iasely befo:e ttte te}�ing is�qual to or gceaser than the antountof the sn�nss� __ --�-- ---
<br />°- ' � secur�by this Sccnrity¢Instrum�ur�mra�ane}�r�efan tt�mkidg,uaIess�oraowas urtd.Leader etherwise a�in wcim►g, . .
<br />_ • ` �.;�� ; � the su�s s�Ery�this�ecttti4�r�Instrumen3 shafl be redus+ed b}f.the amaont of th;pmc�ds muuiPlied 6y.the follovv�ng ��
<br />- "`:�}; ; � ' �fractio�i: (a)tb�e total amdnnt of ti�sums secvred immediatel�beiFo�e th�talnng.divided by @3 the fair market vai¢e o�the , _M__--- -
<br /> � t�°�-�•: ���'y. A+a �mraediatety 6efor�t��.takia� Any IraIanoe shall�be paid m Hm�wer. In the eve'nt of a par�al taldizg af the
<br /> `° ti s t ' .PcsgertY ur cvhich the fair masket vatue oF the Properry'smmP�li:R w befare the takiug is tess shaa the ammim of the sums ,� �
<br /> �`--- � -.�-F .' s��Iy bef'aze t?te t3king, ;mtess Bcirratvec aac�I.cadcr ath�ar��ia v�titms.or�tntcss�agpli�b!�law ' �� --- -
<br /> •, r� ,-, < '° othetwise Fm'vides.the pmneeds shail T�e applied rQ the sums�d bY tWs S�urity�t wt�ther or aot t�e soms are : , �k�'��_----- ---
<br /> •:`•F:•z..-•. ` tb�u due. . . : � _'-"=�� =-
<br /> n,iztix�:�:;1"�:'�_.
<br /> , �,y ,.�:.�. '°. � If the Pmpetty is.abandaned by Bonower.or if.aftcr notice 6y Lender to Ho;rnwer thai the coademnar offe�s to maka . !'�"'-�_---
<br /> �..., ..�..
<br /> '��.. an awaad or seule a ctatm fa�damage4,Boaower faits to resgand to Lender witbin 30 days�r tt�date tfie notice is giv,eu.. _ --
<br /> `�'` "` i�ender is authurized to co3leot aud agpjy th$proceeeds,at its aprioa,eitSer m resinration or iepair of the Praperty or to tt� . -
<br /> eds,
<br /> ��, sums sectued Esy this Sectuity Ins�um�whether or nnt t3r�du� . � . : ` ; �� -
<br /> '''`'�'�-� Un}ess y.ender � �;.�Y�PPUcatio of p'roceeds to princi�al sha11 aot extead ar
<br /> � 'f,:: „45.,-'.• astd Borrocver othe�wise in � �__----- -
<br /> � ;� -----
<br /> _.���,�'`..��' �,`��.� pnstpaae the 8ue d�te Qf.tlte monthly paymen�ts refe�reci to in paYagraphs 1 and 2 ar chaage the amnnn�of sach papme�ts. ; -__---
<br /> } �` �� '`� �1. Bor�ow�r Not Ytetxased> klorsDea�ranoe By Lendcr Noi a Watv�� Extension of th� t�ae for �r ,, �`�-�"-�" _ _
<br /> �Y�t,
<br /> ` c,' maditicaaon of amom�tina of dce sums seemed by tbis S�miry•Inssrum�t g�ante�by L.�nder m any saccessa�ia nitere�i � �`�°"= -- -� -
<br /> "�--'��'�=��.��` of Boirawer sl�all not ogerate bn tetease the Ga6ility of the mig�al Bni�mwer or�orrower�s sacoess�rs in interest.Ltnd�ss ' �._- _
<br /> `"��`�'�r`�� sbali nut be zrqUfa�d to�pr�ceedmgs against anY successor in mtesest or refase to exo�d tince for payment or' °-- ==-_-
<br />- ...�'.,��i:rr ':i'
<br />' i��: �. r�r . - ' . ��x=��..�
<br /> ., _ _. �vd�e�w-ise modify amarti7atian of the smns secared by this Scrulitl►tnst�ument by reason of aay demand made by the origina� �:�;;--�-;�;;:;u.
<br /> _:�• t �;` �Hosrower or Boaower's s�accssors in inte�est. Any focbeaiance b}r.�nder in exe�isin8 anY rigui or remedy ahall not be a,. �F , ,, --�..._ =-
<br /> .�.� , ; ,,.. ._.� --
<br /> - : .� �,' 'c�aiver of or prect�de the exesrise of any right pr iemedy. � - • �' --�-�= -
<br /> _ Y=:;�f.:.,..� �%--:�.:,;" ' 12 Saase�ors sead A�ns Bouud:doint su�Se�erat Lia��ity,Co-ssgaers. 'Ihe covenants and agre�zsents of rlsis�..�.. _����+-:-__--_---
<br /> ,:
<br /> :.,.=,_ �. . , , ,�- -- -�- -,S�utity in�m.��rshall 6ind and benefit the�successocs�d-assigas-of Lead�r agd-Borrower�sub�ect'to the�as of--�-'.---,-- tf����f --
<br /> _ = :•-,:t:�; _ y�rsgraph t7. BormwerTS covenants and agceeme�ts �sall tre joint and several.Any Borrower who co-sigds .Securiry � _
<br /> �'r;, g �,-;�-_
<br /> . . ••. • Iicsuause�but does not exerute the Not�(a).is c�s�gaing this Security Instnament only to mortgage,grant and comey that .:�;._-=-_=
<br /> p',i�,•` � . �t• ��� inctnnn n 1 �'��:`�
<br /> Borrower's in m the underthe terms of this Sec�uity ,.s__fi (b}�s no[personally obligated ta pay the su�ns• ';r,,i..;; �_'
<br /> , . '` secuced hy t#iis Secwcity Insdwnen�and(c)agcees that Lendet and arty other Botrower may agc�e w extend,modify,forbear, . ; ' �"'`•��--
<br />. , ��•:.,:,:=" `,' .-.,r �.�
<br /> ' � •:...::. � .
<br /> ....,.. "
<br /> . ...`�,..,. - 'or make any aaomraodatiuns with tegatd to the femss af-this Secarity-U�sCtucaent.or�the Nate without ihat Bom�wer's .. A.:;-a---_
<br /> ., , consene. ,:.,:. _.__ . . 4. .rt,. .��rar
<br /> �r `'::,�p.,:.. �. " 13, l,oan Chargeg. I€the loan se�vred by d�i��ecuriry ia�stiument is subject ro a law which sefs maximwa toan �>f�;, -____
<br />- . . • charges.and that law is fi�iatty interp�so that the��t or other toan charges collected or to 6e collectEd in crnmectian .. '- ..:'"_�='�_,,
<br /> ' � witD the toaa eaceed the permitted lunits,then: (a}any suc6 taan charge shail De reduced by ti�e amount necessary to reduce � L''"�`"`=�' "'�-
<br /> r.- ,r�?�,r-==-_
<br />�'�:� � ' the charge to the Qermitoed 19mig and(b)any swas alzeady coAected from Barrower wtuch excePded pemvtted�li�nits wiil be � �-.�.�.:s°'�'--
<br /> .. .:.:�-•::._
<br /> ` ' k, • `� . - s�efunded to Bonower. Lec�r�may choose to make t€u�aefund by reducing the pritzcipal owed under the Note qr by making a� • s���� �: . �T�:;r'�"�'-
<br /> LCI
<br /> ;.'.i�:,:,.i.. .
<br /> - �L::.�T�:�j..h.;:.-. ; d i�e c t P a y r a e n t t o H o r r o w e'r._.,t f a r e f u n d r e d n c e s p i�t a+��a t,t h e r e d u c t i o n w i l l b e m y-.�t e d a s a p a rt i a l p r e p a y m e,n t w ithout an y , '���5.: �ti�:a�..
<br /> itect ,.
<br /> - �••�• . prepayment charge under t@e•Note. • . ;:::., , . Y •`•.
<br /> .:'�. ,.�__.
<br /> ' � 14. Not�es. Any noiice to Borrower provided'�or in this Securiry Instrument shall 6e given by delivermg it or by �
<br />- ` mailin it by first class mail unless li�able law aires use of anotfier mdhbd:The norice shaA 6e dimcted to the PropetRy .-�j'�'�..-�
<br /> g aPP �I .. . .,:,.,��r�:-
<br /> ;�:', , . Addre,ss qr any pther aiddress Bomuwer desigaat�s by nodce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fust class ;, :.•..�;�,_:.
<br /> - � mail to Lend�r's address stated herein or any other address Lender desigaates hy natice to Borrower. Any nouce provided for � : r`� ���_.
<br /> � • in tlris Secority Inswmeat�shall be deemed to have been given to$orrower or Lender when given as provided ia this : -� ''
<br /> `�`fa
<br /> t,, � �:?;; . •
<br /> 5. '>�,:,
<br /> � p�lS Governfio Law;Seve�abnity. This Securi Instnunent shall be overned b federal law and the law of the • • �� °"f�'``
<br /> g tY � Y '.�:�4;�.`�
<br /> - '. jurisdiction in whiz6 the Property is located. In the event that any prorrision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Notee - �.v.
<br /> . -_. ' ' ' eonflicts with applieabls la,w,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Inst�ument or the Nbte which can • `� "�` ':; . ,
<br /> - i'�;,�r,�;•� be givet►effect without tlYt�'�onflic[ing provision. Tb this end the pmvisions of chis Se�.-urity Iastrumene atte3 i�e Note are , �:�.}_., � .:r:,;.; _
<br /> <`.�zir�U;���,. �:'' ..:' � � s�:tared to be sevelable: � . ' . -
<br /> �;�; . �,��.t�r�. . ' . -"-' : -
<br /> ;...��;;�.,.• ,�;, :• � ,, � 16. Borrower's Ca�y. Bormwer shall be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this Security Ins�ment . ;.,;;`:.::.
<br /> ���:� • � ' 17. '[taaesPer of the Propesty or a Benern3al Ynterest in Borrower. If all or any part of tf�Property or any interest in . . "_ :_'",:�� .'
<br /> . . >,,; •: ,_,;,
<br /> ;��=;;"�� . . .;,�;_� it is sold or uansfemd(ar if a beneficial interest in Bo�rowec is sotd or dansfesed and Boaai��r is not a natural person) .��. :*;�,,,:;��:.�,
<br /> ` •. �a�'=,.° ._ �1 `� without l.�nder�s prior�vritten consent,L en der m�.y:at its option.require immediate paymeat u;fiill of aU sums secuted b y _ _ : :r: ': , ,
<br /> � • •' ���: this 5ecurity Insuument fi;�wever.ilus option shall'ttot be esercised by Leader if eaercise is prohibited by fedesal law as of , -� �.�='-=�
<br /> � l::;t",., ' .�, the date of t�is Security ta:t�certt. ' , � �. . _' .
<br /> - �� �"� : ' ' ' If Lender.exercises ti:is'oprion.Lender shall pve Botrower aodce of accelerarion. The notice sAall provlde a period of • ••
<br /> � �� : '�:°j s not lecs than 3Q days from the date the rto6ce is delive�ed or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this ' ,, :
<br /> Security.InsstmtienG lf Boaower fails to pay these sums priar �o the exp9ration of this period,Lendei may invoke any . . ,
<br /> ' remedies penrritted by this Seciuity Instrument wiihout further notice or demand an.Bosrower. � ��.� • ,
<br /> � .'' 18. Bonrower's R►y�i¢!o Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain condit�ar,�,, Borrower shall have the right to have •�{�•� • .��� .:
<br /> ,. '7,J,�.•�::. ,
<br /> ;'�rt;{; •. `ei�forcement of this Securit5s�nsWment discontinued at any time prior to the earlii�of: (a)S days(or such othet period as. �rL:;:4
<br /> �;tjt;�. . ' ; Siagle FamiJy—Fanafe Mae/iYedNe Mac UNIFOAM INST�UMElYP—Unifmm Covrnants 9/90 IVaRe 4 oJ6 pageal �.�i; '. � :r:;.l
<br /> • i;�y.�::
<br /> '°'• ' • , ' `j7si),j'nt.;, •
<br /> . • ` " •. •':,r,,�;:
<br /> ..`�',.' . 7 :�,.. . .
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