. . . . -
<br /> - _ •. ; . �'' `�l��B�T "An` ����s�ne�a a����'.3ei1cy. tt, �i��G tsy;'�ssd���a�saong, C�ialt�'�.-'�g�1ti �ed: �.
<br /> _ - ___ '4. ' . dt [
<br /> _ - . 'P��zici�e 2:.SJyan��, .Trustars'���iss���r`8��!c, tdm�.� �LnKicoiup :N�bra�is�xi�r�3tee -'.,_. :. ; ,
<br /> — �� ... ` .. �Qja.���1+.Ti��wZ.�iL�'sarY�...���� - �..Ir�+wr+r+'d� � � �rrJi��w�awo�i.sww ��s4���w.���.`� ) _
<br /> , PARG`33+.;�:" . -• : � � ,' ' r•�$3�". 4h.,�,.�'t �I�I:� E`'�3�� �67£��::���,t�X!_��. .
<br /> - - ..A. �rac�..Af �lar,l" ��mx�rissreg< a� �� p�t� o. ..
<br /> - . Se�rer���� 't���,�; Tqw�sh3� �i�e `�31 ��osY.h: Rasige <Te� il�# We;t o� �5a� ,. _�: _
<br /> S- ��--��i�a s�� '` � . -
<br /> _ _ _ '6t�9t F.,�sa;�� BaII ��SU�pa'.sr�«�� r� t�►��iv-zt�a��*}`� ti�a�:�.�u,`.`-.� `�,_
<br /> . � � fQ�lo�r�Y'< , . <. _ . . � . _ �.- - •- ;--;--' ,; - .._ �--... >� —
<br />- -.�, — — . . . , . .. . . . . • : ,. . . � � . .. -- .°,:. ..:
<br /> at a ai�� on.��te.�tes:t`3,iae af said Bectioa 17: seia paz��':�� �
<br />_ - �eeyi.xt��9 �' � .
<br />_-° " r; � , . b��.�g tr�o �l�ausarr8 seven '�uuslre8 �ient� �our zna �i;teen ]s�d�ec�'Cahs. -
<br /> � -� --_ - �= '
<br /> ^r�-� :_ .n ���fi��:��� - Y�@et"". HiiX`��# 4�'-��3^�qflLi�3�3i !.`t}M!�-. {!�5�3�3.:�P4���AR_���1�•�_ .� _ _�-�:-.
<br /> `• . �- = � _
<br /> . thenc� ruananq a�csrt�aerly along .�be 'u�est�].�►e.Qf szia SecS�Qa.��� .a� ,� -
<br /> . ° dsstance of five hua�8�e@ �if.y �wa anr3 saxteen S��BredfAs t��2.IG).�s.
<br /> feet *o. a point'that s�.t4ao �ot�s�n3 twe2ve (2,OI�.0) �fe�et sc�aati�:�.o� .: .
<br /> tYie ntoz�hwest. cor�er of �ai�T 5�cticen Z�; tbenae �una2aa Ezst�x�.;*.�� . _
<br /> � gaarzllel ta th� �orth' 2sne of $aid W} Sectia�a 2 E a d£s��nce o-� ::�r,o.. � �
<br /> t'h�ousa�a •si� ht�udred ,thix�y�• nirie�aaa �istp si.h�bu��:..edY��: .t�,639.36�. �
<br /> -- - ���� feet ta a pciat dn �tite East �liae o� said S�T� Sec'-�i.on I.7:� tnen�s:�ix�9 � '�-- -
<br /> - 3��� So�therly along the E�s� 13ne o+ �saAd W; Sec_ion 27; a c�stancs �a�. siac
<br /> - '�'°�`°-` hundsea tweu�y ane and sax te�ths 462�.6} =eet; �aence .def3e�ti.nq, ' �.
<br /> -- _=== `rigbt 9T°07`3�°� aacl ru�ui�g wes��rly a-dzstaace o. orae .�ousa��,.seve� �.
<br /> r-b:�:=y- � htu�dr�d �wo an8 seventy ,on� huae3zed=hs f2,702.7I) feeta. ...hence N,1. �
<br /> -""s:����::_' • 8��lecding rigbt. 88° 37' 10° a�e runaing 2v'a�•.aer�v a, diata�ce o� on�e �. —.—
<br /> -;:-,��_" �� ` h�and�ted �wa and twent� s►ine hus�c�red�hs (1a2.29) ; �hence &s�le�.ang.. Q .
<br /> — __ ��_�..�• � ` leot 90°00` aIId,]CUAIIi7Qq Sti3@StaTlv a..dis�ance.o_ �ixEs bnndtec�':t;n�� . � -
<br /> �r �
<br /> _�� _�� f �+,�� i�.inree ancl thizt�._eigb.•,hun3zec3ti�s-• (°�3:38} _est to `•'t�e� po�n.,o�.�
<br /> _ � �`� hsgisu�i�ag. . •
<br /> _� x -��� . .
<br /> — :-r;'�r=� • _..e
<br /> ` ° �.� , . PARGEI. 2: ' . . . —--
<br /> ' _fi _' .
<br /> -����"�_'`" ��-,' � �ae North ' � e 23ori�uwes `Q� (N�Iv�►z1 aad�.tis�,I3ax'�`n ba].a� o� ��.—
<br /> ,--V`..-.'.r $Z..f �_ tb �iu t quar�__ � _
<br /> --�'-"�=ti�`,:��r.--��' i,' tbe. SoVti� balf af :be Nor`,.hwest 4aar�er iN�S;Nt��? of, S�aw�.aa,.Sev�n4�n�
<br /> .�::<.,:. .
<br />=-�?'=�:c..._:, .. . (1?� . ia TewnsAip Nine i9) Naz`•h," Range TeA t10)�,TrYast.,aL,ti�A,�o`..i� ,P •M:: ,
<br /> �;;�:<_� .:. ; excep�in9.haweve= a Tra�t o� �lan3 1}ing, an `�.he�.N4:'''•.IYw,���..,4ua�,e�. v�
<br /> : . . the I3osi•.hwest gu�rter (Nh►'}N��) .-as said ,Sec=ioa"Sen�i�e��.�d�;,t ij7•l:., ��� �
<br /> , . , , vas�3cularlv describe� as {ol2ows: Bsg3nn:.Ag,•at °..as,,NsNt�nwt��w:•cotaex � e--
<br /> ' � of said Section 3?; tbence East Fine Huucsed .Sevsntv'�'�'#���� ��(?�.�;.)���w . .�_-
<br /> �.`�z.�..� �,�. . zlong :b� No�`h`herZy bounczzv of s�i�,S�ctior.: tiisnce��Sisny'ri:;��'ue.0:�: N:=_= _
<br /> - . . hundrec7 �i�ty nine t7�9) .'.eet n��a?1Qu� �.o �ne wes:��3y;�;iacu�aa�,..a�,: �::�
<br /> �.,,�-.--�__ i
<br /> � s�id Section; thQnce west :ive nutxn�ea�sevsaw �;,v�• 15,'7�) fee;.:� . . R,y__-
<br /> " � � marallel to *..he Nortber?y_.boundzi�v o�� s�aa Sec�ioa; ziience Nc_`•.a�'��e*t�a>a:. �'�'�=��—
<br /> htlndred ii=ty ni.ns ('7�9) =eet alon5 �e,�t+�es��s2v bounaary of s�ic '.,.:� ;'�-�°'�"v=_�—
<br /> '�� `�; �.� .a�
<br /> ;.���: .. ,. Section #A tA8 DOl]]� O� DQQ2AI2].IlC�. ' . ;t�t.;�-..;-- Y
<br /> � -r . - 4�
<br /> ^ . . e •yaata • ,:r;ft' _,:-"�
<br /> :..i_;.:_',..; : . � . .sI �rte�.F ?mwnv ::��,�;�.,.�p_-
<br /> .-.��'.t�,..:'<.i't,+ • ecl ,?.�d aues §�l�lg4 � (ls�f�' �- �arhr i m`t..�:-__- _
<br /> '` PARCEL 3: _ (tc%ss _
<br /> `:�-•:_�,�-' _ - ' - _- —
<br /> .,.�., .,:.. �. . ��9;�--_
<br /> �,_:,; �. �: The Soutb half a. the Sournwes� wa_ter (S3SW}) of Se�tion eightesa y1:t_!.- -r-�__.��r
<br /> ..�, . , tl8) . in Township. nine (:9) , N�=`�a� o` Ranoe �en f201 , West o� `�he 6th . �r.�,����.,--,,r
<br /> '�c':�..��:� .,'��. P.K.. Ha?1 Coon��, Nebraska. `'';;r� J,;�.. •�"^.
<br /> n,atr�t:.es':�, . � __ :�_'��.�;�+_-
<br /> ' sq- ; . _ nARCF.L e. . • . __=��`'l=
<br /> ; 2v'or:.�'twes� cu$rt�= (Ntna} o_. Ssc�ioa �wentv-fcuz {24? , in Township . .:
<br /> �ho ...
<br /> � ' �a�ne (9) North. Rano� tQn EIO) Wes= oi '-•.ne 6:.� P.TM. , Hall Coun�y, . . .
<br /> -;'� '�'�' ' �ebrask�, exceu�ing theret+om �be =03?owing descr:bed �ract of lan8, a . '
<br /> , .,.. . _ ^
<br /> �sact o� lana romprising a� par �: tns tv'or'--hwest Quarter tNW}) of .
<br />- �:,�, �'%. '�� Section twen��-:ous. t 2 a? . Township r.ine �9) I�or�r*�, �anqe Ten t 10) t�est . ' .
<br /> _ � �,; ,.,;;:: � � + e r= e ; ,.�t .
<br /> �'::-.::'�;�,.�. .. . , o,. ..he 6�In P.N.., Hz13 Caunt�, ,Nebrasi�a, mor_ nar--cs'a._..y described as ;.:.',
<br /> ``�� ,�""' .. . �vl�aws: begin:iing et � poin: 4� i�� ;Jor:h 3ine _f sai8 Northwest �.,, .
<br /> i� ��.,�. . �.;;,...
<br /> ��:t`'•'�'Nw�;�j��" c,�¢iarter (NW�) , szic aoi.-,t aeina 3��2.00 £est t�iest of the Nortlzeast • .�:'>'�� � .
<br /> ",; ',;�';'`�`t:. ':P`'f�`; � � cornez of s.ein No_.nwes.. ruart_r ,tNr1�) : thencs r��^.r._�g Southerly, . :;",�`��{:� ;
<br /> ..a• t o i �! :'i;?:
<br /> k'� :"�'-�-.'.�,�'':' _ , ara�l�s to �ns Ez�t line of said Noz:hwps� .auart�r 1NW}) a d.is�ance �.:, . •
<br /> .t;� ,:.�.-�.. p `
<br /> � ''�� '� `%?� ' oi 24�.OQ fee_: then�e runaing Wes�erly Fara:�°: =� the North 2ine vf �
<br /> t��'�1,'zd��'�r.{N�i•y ' .. .. r, e F �7f� PI` Fao
<br />_ ,.,;.:�}:l;r:,;.,��,,,. . .� s�i� rio-tawes� cua_t�_ fAr•�) a distanc_ o_ . t: tlnence rnrming
<br />- .;�`c';,.,,�;.�:;,';�ri� ,� Ivor'��es3s�, aaralle? �o �ne East lire eL saic :aa�_rrest Qu�tes �NW$) a ••. � ..
<br /> ,; � ..„�. •.:�' � .
<br />-�� �"- "} "'" ���'••' Gj.S�`.BAC° Q� ZAs�.�� +°-°� 'C7 a DOIAt OA �e Nc�t:! _'_::e ef said Northwest ��_ �
<br /> _�;�,:•`:.• ;.,�{:�;':,, cinarrQ_ ' (NW�) : �eACe rsannina East�rlv a2onc _:_ .'�r�lz line of said .
<br /> . � �:�a.. N'o:.-`�awe.st'quaster (tJ�r:$) � a1S�anCP of Z30.U0 =�e= _^ the poin� of . � _
<br /> - . � beginning. . . . . .
<br /> � 1y-� :-h'. . � .
<br /> . . .D��''rL �: � ' . � . .- - . . • .
<br /> - ' The East ha3= (E}l a� ��F� ���.:=:ea�� �vaY��: .__ . �r Section thirty . � . � .
<br /> . . -...,_ ., .,_
<br /> � I30); in Totonshig nine t°) i�artz, range t�:� �_v� . :iest of tlze 6th � ;,
<br /> � `� '` � � � �. _ - - - -'• • • - = -----==� Pa �pe . .
<br /> : � � N+:_, in HaI]. Cvunty. Ne�^r" �� .s�rre�`i �c �'r:=•,-� - ^� that rt c�nv d . � ,.
<br /> _.-___•-='- ..,_.�- - -
<br /> :���:.. � - . to School �istric� ITo: ?�. �Qa�? C�tiaic_�, Nesir��Ka . �v ►7a�taZity IIeet� - _ --
<br /> , ... recordea in 800k�24, Pa�� : ?' ^� rhe -�cos�~ .= y3=1 County, � , .
<br /> �
<br /> . . ,� � , Nen�aska. . . .
<br /> � , •., � . . � .
<br /> . ` . , ,
<br />