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<br /> .������ ; � , . �. , _ ' ,. . . ��au =$�$�` ' G � � ,
<br />_-- — gtentxis th�t�.enikr�gaucs.�'�e ir.�nanse ea�er�g�t2�e i�s�aa�e skai�.6C�hv�n#� �;� �'�t��,f�t�sr�C�s . .
<br /> � appFn�rt{t'wi}ish st�a�l noa be unreasoi��ily wit�id.,u Bena�e;fails tu sns�nta�n c�s+erdga desc�4ed ati�vt;:i.ea�sr t�a}r,at.� •�,,.�. .,,
<br /> #�nder�s epti�i�ob�ai�tcaversge c�prote�Zender�righia in tRc Property'.in.acc,oidancs ev€t�parag�p�r 7. �.� <: � �
<br /> , • . Ait 3��s�uacYgaIicics�rc"�uats sbai�Qe aCSepts�te to Leis,de�'tutd sl�l!Snciu�e�a etaztda.Pd�#tar�ag�e.�s1s�.�� -
<br /> _ — • :.`s3�li�ave tIIo tight'�o 1ioTd iite'paTicics:�tenew�..[f Lcndei teqn"ires,'i�3a�av✓ar sha��i�'riptiy gtve�4�r all`rax�pts. .
<br /> — - - � , -o�paid pmniums:aa�cene�ra!uotista. Tnth�ua!emt•aF Iu�.s.B�tro�r�s2+at�givc ptomptaat}�ct ta,shc insur�e c�ier,aad, � . �
<br />- �p a.���y�.��io�.4������y��,�� . . _ � �: � � . : : . . ; f
<br />- •:�,;k`��'•. �itICS3�.C'd,QCT&��PsSOWL°T Oi�1�IWL''i$ 3��`Ct�t4 C�SIO'1�OA QT
<br /> �''.�I2'W!l1t1t��IR..r�Y3IiC6 Y3IifCC8t�3 SYi32��Xi TC�*181T Or'. ` <
<br /> �. .�:.:,,.�.•:: ,;�_;�;:.. pro dats�aged if the rastoraticn��air ise�on ' feasib2e aad i.eaBer�s�i is nax t�seue�d. If the . ,
<br /> ` ' the Pert9 . , , . amr� �Y
<br /> _ t, a. , . .
<br /> :_ ��- . cQSforat�on or�e�tair �s aoi ec��c±�IY::�?'fsi�ars I.ender�secusity 1�!ou"d 6�Iesseaed,tRe a�?s�tsattr�e gr�e,eed�shall,.tse..
<br /> _ � r . � -�, �applied.ta�su�ms securc$6y�is,�e,ca�ry I�°�urne�.whetfrez.ar acti tisen du�,i�itii`any¢xeess paic�:to Bo�o�r�.; If^� , -
<br />- � �,.:�_�
<br /> �� ....�, , 8mmwer ab�ufm�s t�te�Progecty;or t�aas�scver withio 30 days.s ucrtica fmm L.euder t�a�t1t�.�.�.sivartce,emTi�Itas , .
<br /> - '�i��'`- , , �affeted m seute a cl�im,shca Latc�'cna�!collect che insurauce p�aeeeds. �ender m�ry trse the proceects tu re��ir at rest�nz� � . .- ,
<br /> �m,
<br /> �. t�e Ptoperty oa 2o paY sums secured Dy ttus Secnrity�eat.wt�etfler or uot t2t�dae. 'Che 3U-c�ary.pesiod wisi ricgin cahs+i` .
<br /> � • t#�aouca es ge�n.. , . = :,.
<br />- . -Unle�s I;e�zd�s and l�orm�w��e���-Q{�herwisa uge�,in writiag,,any appii�atioa of psoceeds t�principa�sA�1.not e�tenSl.p�',.;, . .
<br /> • , pastpane the due dafe af tke m�u�F�ri�aaYaients r�feaed to i.n Par�g�P}is t and 2 or chazi�.�he amouriR of tt�.paxmeaiisT,;T� , .
<br /> �
<br /> un�r pazagraph 21 the Pmperty I��c.qpI�bg Ixader,8anrower�;.rigf�ta any��+,��.go�a�}srnceed,R r�ttt�g. , � •
<br />_ - &�damage m th�,PtopeRy<pnnr ta�,r�cqu�sittoa sha3!pass ttr Lende€ta the ext�m af t�te.�tc�secure�.bY thns S.s�tY, ,
<br />_ - . Ibs�ng ir�utcdiatety prior to tk8 aoquis,ition. ` : . ' ` . ''. .
<br />_ ' � 1�� �BRC�,'�s�ECQif!(�A�.M3��� ffid �Og t�! �f0(1!ltyi BO�tCOWti'i4 IA�Q A�;
<br /> �-:=-- Lc�settotds. Borrower si�all oocapy.,estab]isT�,aad use the Pmpetty.as Borrower's�rincipal resideaee wit3iitt siuy�tays after �. .
<br />��,��S`� the execn�ion of this Secority lnsnvmsnt su�sirall co�inue Lo occap�r the P�roperty as Bar.veuer's prut�ip�!nsid�nce:foc a�. .
<br /> �,: , �,�` • IeasY vpe Y�t a8er.th� daie of occ�aacy. unt�s i ertder uthenxis� a�..�s 1n writing,.tubich cvnsent s�iall t►dt be• � • .
<br /> --���� - .� ¢.
<br /> imm,�soaably wi;hheld.or nnies�.extenuating c'st�us�stanoes exist which�ate Ise�r�hnd•Sort�wer'�c on�aL �imwer sl�li n4t�
<br /> —_ _=�-=y=�.����� �in defanit'i!'$r �P�feiwYe,aca�an o�r.;aito�dt� �r c�or c�a�.is��th�at�th��.�fi;:,�B�u'�sY,ali` `.
<br /> __ :�y�;�j�-- , �Y ��8•� air.the lien� d.. ihis 3 � � N S� .
<br /> canl�t��It.in forfeiture�of the,Pnnperty or otherwisc,mat.esialJY.�P. S�. �P �� �41E,A
<br /> �•.• �.y�� L�adeY�;�ity�L Bmmw-er may cure sush a defat�It�arid:�einstase,as proyided ir��p�g��hh�18:by causin�tiut;4�R�
<br /> - ��` � or pioc�iag�W be dismisse�wit6 a mling that,�in Y,,ender's.goad,faiih dcterminatton���qd�F fcrfeitme of the Bnci�t��
<br /> -� `�t�#� �.� in�cest in t�e Frcrp�rry or ather materiat ' {,Af the lien created by this S�y,; brtimen�bt lkndex's secxt�ity :
<br /> �3t's�mi ; f(1�
<br /> •u�,_�;�_�r,a,f_ . inte�est Borrawer•.shal! also 6e in de€aQ�t„ Bo;iuprrer, during the laaza�rpIIcati�p�ss;g'avo maierially€eLse or .
<br /> - ' ' ,�i � s.'`r inaccivat�infomoabion os stai�me�1�jP,�?d�(or faiied to provide Leader witA any material,�tiformatian)in ccinnection wi4h
<br />_ ''�'s��r�3 ,s� the toa�evidenced by the Nate.;jric�� �.�isut nat�,t�l..mdx�sentations coa�m�g�<�omawes's ascupancy of tIie •
<br />_ �.x�Y: ,`,:�c'r�,;,� property as a pancipal residence.,�€�,�ecuiitY 4•i�,aa a teasei�4ld.9oimwer st}�l,'FA�PIy witli al1 ihe.gmvisians '
<br /> - �:;`' _�'� �::;,r � . of the tease. If Borrower acqnues fee,tide w the Property�, ,t��eag�hold and tbe fee 6t2e sha���itpt.merge unIess Le►tder ag�es
<br /> �`{F.�;; �`` co the me�ger in ariting. � .
<br /> ;`r�^. , ' ., 7. Protectfofl oY l.eadee's Rtgbts in t�e Propertyt If Bormwer fat�s to gerfdrm the covenan�s;and ag2emears
<br /> �':,;, "�; conta�ed in this Security I�osmiment, or thes� is a lega3.ptope,ediag that may §ignifccandy affaSt Lea��;'s ri�hrs in the
<br />- :•�s,.'�,;•: ':� . Ptoperty(such as a pruceeding ia��tey,pmbate,for cos�on.or forfeiture os to eufo�ce.laws ur reguladoAS?,,t�^MA �
<br /> ..' ��:,;',,.,.._
<br /> . ,• , - , L.eudG�;�qay.do�pay for whate,vp,s is aecessary to protect,t;i:,value of the Properry and I,eitder�s rights i��e:�.
<br /> �-��:.`.::�.:.�. �':'��'y;; Lxndet�actions may include payang aay sums secureA.by��i3:Whick has prioriry over Wis Secutity Insbrament,app�un� �
<br /> _�::�.• . in canst.�PaYing reasonable.attomeys'fezs and.e�{t�g on the prdpetty tio make cepair$.Although I.ender may take'action
<br /> ;:'.;::.��:, � _,;-�f under this paz�agcaph 7,Lendes does noi have m dtx�r.: .
<br />- � •� ' � Any amounts disbwsed by Lender ander tti��r�ragraph 7 shall besome additional debi of Bouower secured by this
<br /> ' �., . Securiry Inswrnen� Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to othei terms of paymen�,these amounts sha116ear interest�ram the
<br /> ��_�. '��" date of disbursement at the Note rat�and shall be payable.with intens�uQon notice from L.eader to Bmcower�questing
<br /> - ', �,., payrnent •
<br /> � � 8�. Mortgage Ltsvrance. If 4,e+ider zeqai��mortgage insuiance as a condition of mauing the lo�zt sec�d by tlria
<br /> ,. : � � a m
<br /> �; :,: ,_o�,nt;:���::: � 5ecnriry L�strument, Borrowc�s shal4.P3Y the��;�s-required to••�a;++*�;••We mortgage insurance in r�z�, If,far any �
<br /> �"•�;,. ��.�; '"f``, � reason, the mortgage insurance coti�etage.rer,c�r�z�,by Lemier laps�s ar ceases to be in effect, Bormwi:r shall pay thF �
<br /> .'" '�" pnmiums ceqaued to obtain caver�g+e substanc�aUy equivalent ta the mortgage insurance previously�izt e�'ect, at a vost•
<br /> . -'R�Ki�,. 7 subsaancia)��equivatent to the cost ta:�q�rower of the maagage insurance pieviously in effect,from an aLtetaate atqrt��e
<br /> ' ; • .:•f;.>,�,•,.i� . insiuer�ved by,l.ender.�If su6s�rmalIy equivalent�ortgage insur�ce wvetage is not availabie,Borcuwer shall�tx.to
<br /> �' =y'��-r :":j,ii;;�'•'� ! „r �
<br /> v,z:. . �;• Lender ea,,n manth a,�.un equai to one-t�veifth af the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Sattvwer w�hest the
<br />- �".';°��� : . insurance coverage l,u-�.sed or ceased to be in effece..Lender will a _
<br /> "`�=�'?;��,`�`�::`'; � � of mor� e insurance: Loss reserve a ents a� no.lon er be��uued, at the o aon of l.�ende,f m rts a�ura�ce
<br /> .� ' ..�.,. : . ;' ..: . . �g P Yr►i "Y S Te9 � P� g $
<br /> ; ';:,;:;;3;,,�;.�•� cove�,.�(in the aznouat and for�he period that i.ender requires)provided by nn insurer approved by I.ender again becomes -
<br /> "�' << • availa�'e and is abtained.Borrower shall pay the premiams tequired to malntain mortgage insir.�ance in effect,or m provide a
<br /> - � ..:,. ,:p,;�.,�..�, •
<br /> � .�:+�; .: ..::i;,:��;•.
<br /> ;�•..•. • i loss reserv,:,uncil the mquirerqent for mortgage i,sutance ends in accordance witH any written agieement between Borrower
<br /> _. . . .. . and Lender or applic�!e law.
<br /> - • ''' �� . .' � 9 Iaspectiedri;.,�.ender or its�gent may nr��reasonab2e entries upon artd inspecdons of the Property. Ler�der shall .
<br /> give Bomower notice at the time of qr prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. _
<br /> 10..�ondemnalton. The pro�..Qs of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential,in connection with any _
<br /> .� '.. , " ' ' , . Single Family—6Annk�'�lndFY+cdA1e R4uc M'IFORM INST6UAfENT—Unifm:x I'.nveoaptc 9l90 /page 3 af6 WF.rs)
<br /> p' ' . . �'.�� ' �o�ev r�.aa te�o�,-���a a�ei�e•as�
<br /> �. . � � . 1 .
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