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<br /> s�a�nsn�te�.vt dRer t�ag o�ad�p�p�;t�ttt�Prapast�i."•�f��oct�rey�ca in.iieci a€c�la�aat�itre tit�b��ss�ig+�d�.��. , . —
<br /> . .. s3satl$�p�f.t�Lst�r: -`�,�.;::. . :'. -. .. .� . -,. _. : :. �.. . . .
<br /> < ::
<br /> ., r1a tlte..evemt a#,a�d�i:ing�a�t��P�esty,tb� ��sha11-Ue'.u�plieffi to th� s:�ass sccur�.�y i�i; 5ecn"rlt3� .
<br /> `;--- ;- �s��s�I�4RR vrT�,�C►S Qt�C*�vil�i ar►�6�eiiCi"�5�to�BJr�wtr,'�n��Ve.�f`u-us.a�s�.0 waw''s'�*�.'i'"-�� - .-- ;
<br /> �fiic#:�he�'air�s ira�t�;��.�he PciypenY i�ediau29 h�f'acs the taYing�s cqic�9 ea er ge�iee tIe�ii 4hea�eunt a€tha 3wms, ,�.
<br /> t�c�d lsy:thts,Se�ric3!'. ,�t i�p�ed�ately bet'os+�ehc taking,e�mtass B�wcr,au�Ixztdr,�other+Nis�e.agnec in.wr�t�, ..
<br /> tF�Etm�s�ecbst�a3 M!t�is�eeqrir�r In'str�r`�3 chhall 6e��St�e�.9r,�t�e araQtuca of riae p�ocz�ds muIti�' -�l€�t��s fullowi�$�. �
<br /> as:
<br />' . • � frasti�n:. tn}'tTte t�ta1 amncmt o�trie s�uns secuaed imm�di�isiy�refar�t�s iaking,�iiKi��Dy @Ti�¢�ir ma�et valssc ae tf�c' .
<br /> . P4»Fen�ic�u�a:�iq 8�fnre tt�ta.ki�tg. Any 6alaace str�dl he pa:�ta►�arrmver.' tn tne event af a�(ia��t'tabuag of the �
<br />- ,-�.��.hi�it».+�-i�:�p�u��!�.t�€tt�grn�.i��tediateiy 6ef�it�:�ikit�ia l�ss lh�n't�e.itlxt�tiRt�t�t�sutns,, � _�
<br /> ���muicdiatelp befare Uce cakiags�C53 SOiId�4'ET 3Af�LPlI+�E!OZIICIWISS II$,RC�!D tVtlllll�QI fllt�".SS QjSp�1S�I�� . •- -
<br /> a�the�pmv�ct�.tbe pr�e`eds s�19 be�gp3ied ta tta�smns secuned by this Secusity Instrameat�vis:lPrr a4 not t�e sus�s are�. �
<br /> �. Elisn due. . , ,
<br /> . , 3f tlsa�crcy is abandnned t+y Bar�aaer.or if.aft�aorice Dy Lender io Eor�wer that the condem�r offeis to maYe
<br /> ' , ua award�segte a clai�n Yar.�mag�:s:8e�owes faits m aespoad to i�ender witfiia 30 days sRer H;e date tI�e e.otiae�is gleea; .
<br /> �is aut�rized to cal2�ct ma�J agpSy she pc�nceeds,�t ite opuan,eit�er to r�st�tion or tepair o€ttie l�tapert�t at to t�e
<br />; � �strrr�;�,b3r?�hi.s Sew:itY Ins�cn�,cvHerh�r or nat tto-en duQ. . . . , - �
<br /> ' L�r and,Bairower o�agr�e in wri�ng,zny a�p3ic�aa of Pmc�s to princijx�#stiall aos exrend or , ,
<br /> ' p�qcg�,��d�e date of t�e�oiuh3q paym�niss tefcaed 2o in patagapbs 1 a�2 ar ch�e ths affioant of sxuh payraents. ' --
<br /> 1�,. Bon�a�t.h�t �ietmsed; Farh�raac$ By �:Qndec Dtot i! Waiver; E��.sion of the tim� ftrr'payancriC�r `
<br /> .; , ..• �.fication of annortizazioa af the sums�d by tbis S�Ins�ent pa�J by.Lead�t�any.sucoessar[n iraer�t
<br /> � - of�ir�ovrer sha11,aot operatc to�lea5e the tiab�ity of t�e ariginal Earmwer br Baauwer's s+��sors iq iriteses�.Lcader•
<br /> . sha�i not be rxquired Yo comraeace p�viceedings a8znnst anY srsccessor�int�est or refvse to extead time taj payment or
<br /> oti�efwisc madify a��n of[he s�mts se�d by ti7is Security Is�strument tsy�son of any demaad made iry tI�arigival . -_
<br /> � Horruare�r as.Eaa�wer's succ�sots in intete�l. Aay forbearaace by l.ender in exerc��ing aay rig.,�t os�isedy shal aot 6e a
<br /> • �• vvuive�oforprecWde tbe exenctse of any rigiu or iariedy. •
<br /> it. S�s aa�Assigp�s.$amd9,Ioiat aad Sever�4laaGffi6y;Co�iguer� ltie cavenanls attd agt�tnetits of�is �
<br /> Sec�ity Iasttnmant sl�all Qind aad 6enefit the saccessu;s and assigns of Lacdeer and Bmra�ver,subject ta�tt�pmvisiuns of
<br /> p��.:17.Bammver'�covenants aad agteemenis s6ai16e jaini and severat.Any Bomawer who co-sigt�tdis Seciidiy
<br /> �eui ts�i does aot execute tbe lVote::.�4a)is co.sigra�g this S�ty 1n�tmme�t onty co mortSab�e.gr�t as;d cottYeY�
<br /> �brs�sc�er�innecest in ti�e Pmperty�ttader the terms af this Ser�uity�en� (b)is aoi persona[ly o6ligated w pay t�sums . -
<br /> secored by this Seav[ty Instrmven�and(c)agrees tLat l.ender aad aay other Boimwer may ag�ee w extend,madify,foibear �
<br /> �. or make any accoruamdasvans with iegard to the tem�s,of this Secruity Insuvmetu or,the Note widtout that Bartower.'s �
<br /> ct�senr. . . • ' . . --
<br /> � 13. Luan Cf�g�. I£We loan secused by this Secutity iastromeaR is su6jecx to a law which seu a�aximum loaa' _
<br /> cLazges.aad tLat law is finallY inurp��so that tite inu�rest or orher loan charges coUected or to be collected�cormecdsm =
<br /> with the loan exc.�d the pemuued limiis,then: (a)an}r sucd�loan chargt sh�ll be radur,ed by ttte amoant�sary to reduce
<br /> the charge to the pemutted timi�and.(b)aaY sums alreadY collected fram Borrower wfuch exaeeeded permitied limits will be �`_
<br /> eefunded to.Bor�uwer. Leuder may choose,m inake this refund by redacing thc principal owed+mder the Note or by makin$a
<br /> di�eet payment to B�aower. If a iefuud�educes pfincipal,the reduction will i�ueated as a P�P�PaYme�t withoat az►y , �'J,L`
<br /> PRPaYm�i cha�ge�mder tUe Note. . -_
<br /> 14. Natice� Any natise w Bmmwer pmvided fur in this Secv�ity L�soiument shall be given by delivering it ar by �:��-V
<br /> ma�7ing it try fust class mail unZess applir�ie Iaw requires use of auother method.The norice shall ire directed to the Prope�ty • ;.,
<br /> Address or any odur address Bvrrower desigiates by aotice to Lenr�er. �►ny nouce to Lender shall 6�e given by.ftst class
<br /> mail.to I.ender's address stai�d henein or any other address I.ender designates by rtotice to Bmrower. Any norice pmvided for �''y�
<br /> u�this Seauity Insuuarent shaU be deemed to have been given to Borrowe.3 or Lende,r ��hen given as pravided in this �.
<br /> P�P� • •''''k°�
<br /> 15. Go�eenit��a.aw;Severabillty 7bis SecuJity dnsoniment shall be govessted by federal taw and the law of the _�_
<br /> , iuiisdictiop in wfiich the pmperty is la�ted. In the eve�t that any proyision or clause of this Seearity Instramem or the Note
<br /> co�}licts witb applicabte Iaw,suc6 conflict shall noi affect ather pravisim�s of this S,zcurity Inswment or the Note whicb can =
<br /> .be�ve�effect without the conflict�ng pr4vision. To this ead'the provisions of tfis Security lns4rument and the Note sie `,
<br /> .:i�C1�to be sevetabie. . ' w'
<br /> • • I� BcKrower's Copp.BarrowershaU be pven ane:confonned copy of.the Nate and of this Securiry Insmunent. Y���
<br /> 17 iUaa�es ot ttre Propesty or u�Qenefida�lnterest in Ba�awer. If a11 or any part of the Ptopetty or any imterest in �•;=:�;
<br /> , it is sold or VansfeRed(or if a ber��cipl�interest in Bomower is sald�or_transfer�ed and Bomawer is not a natural person) .
<br /> witha�1.�er�s prior written consen�.,Lcnder may,at its opdon,r�ttfre immediate payment in fuA of all sums secured by _ =.
<br /> � this Security Inst�ument� Howevet.this'ar�tion shall not b�e exercised by I.ender if eaercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> the date of this Security Inswmen�
<br /> � If Lemder exenises tbis option.Lender shall give Boriower notice of acceleration. ;R�e notice sl�all grovide a period.of
<br /> not less than��daya fmm the daic the reoldce is deliveied or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this •
<br /> � • SecutitSr�ntntment If Baaower fail�t�pay these sums prior to the expiration of this Qeriad,Lender may imoke any .
<br /> mhiediea�cstini�ted hy this Security(itsttument without fwthet notice ar demand on Botrower. .
<br /> !S.Q�e�cv�ser's Rlgbt to Rein�Ye.,If Bolmwer meets certain conditians, Borrower'shall have the right to have
<br /> . enfofieme�:of this,SecurltX�osuwttent discontinued at any time prior to the ea�fiar of• (a)5 days{m such other periad as
<br /> Siugie F�mi1Y�['0nnk MadFYeddle Mae IINIFORM 1NS'fRtJR1I3NPf"-Unifoim�ova�t's 9190 (FvRe I aJb pvgta! ;'.o
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