.. —�. ..� .: _�-�a - _..-
<br /> __ _ _ n ' I . • " , � . .C �. ' . . ' � . ,t . Grcc � . . ; . J
<br /> _--_—— L/. . .< ; . . .. •. ,�.� . - ` . � . . iG` - �♦ • . .. � . . .. , ' , s ,
<br /> ____ .t .`� �;C .t . • • , I � . ' . ` <� ���«�� � ' t .
<br /> ` � c'�E�.'fi'l�3E�t_RTI'FI 311 tts�`�lm�reine!!tS flOW��t�r, „St�ct�ct�fl�LhC�:qnd ai�s���.��ex► .
<br />--- - �` � ��•�.,��.��,p� o�� �a�mc�.and adfi€Iocts�s�t aE�a,be;roaa�i�!�s 8tstw�te�
<br /> : ` Lu��ai. AW�af�fa�r8oin�is���o.in ti�s Sc�nnty Instr�ai,�s ttee"PcapE�`� ; � .. .� � •
<br /> �' _ ( <�`-`�.�,r�"�W�R�AiiHI�i�tl!TIS d�a¢�ria'Itwt�i3y scised of,t�e�est�cC�b}��ey�c$s`m�fsas 1�c aaht tv�s� �,. ,� .
<br /> ; �nd c�nvey�Fropercy aad thac t6s Pmpr�ty is oae���fca tincumb�sa�s c�recoM._H�16t����nd_ �
<br /> •
<br /> --- � •w�is�cfendgenei°ait�tR+�titt�.taGl�Y�ity►a�a'srstaiE�L�as�ndd�emsd�suhKrisnany�.�t�aa�
<br /> �ie�;�I, ` � �1�IIS S�C�'gTr+[ I�iS'€'R�T�+IE1�ocmLia�s,imiform aoxea�ts fc��al use�i2d�f���u:�if�cob�ss�YtI� ,
<br /> r
<br />-- -,, IiQ�dtd�'�GAS 6Y jt�SdtCtioll W N3IISi�I�C��S�t�SY�iIIS�[lA7tElt��YYtIIDg�8�P[D�trt`1•
<br />.�_., . �..• ' ' • _�
<br /> � _I�31�?U�t��AII�d'S. Banrow�attd�ade�sovza�t Eud a�e as fo�iu�s:, , `
<br /> '--- - - �-_ --- , . .
<br /> {. .. . � .•, . g,'�rr��dp�Ti a�d��eep�3'a��d�:a�t�= E����i���d�#�: � ---
<br /> < p�cIgsa�af�iat�..�toa t�debtavide�d bzr tI�1�'ote a�!a�€Y F�I+�Y�at snd[a�r�es ci�c�rs t�e t�IM� , _
<br />-:�=� ' 2. ��q tcr Z�srs�i�ae�S�eCt to agplicable law ozta a vni3�ea avaidcs,hy i.eader;�u�rer shaU�ay to �.
<br /> - . L�ader da ths Eay snam�ty payt�uts are d�e uus'!er tlie h�te,aa�t�e Note Ls`�id ifl fnll.o s�(°Fm�ds"}far:.{�1 Y�Y
<br /> � � t�es aud�asse�mnt�s w![ir,�a�aY a�in l�iaari�y nver t�is S�ity►Insn�snt as a tien on tbe Pr�aty:tb)S��Y�
<br /> :.: '. p�yments«�r•gxoumd r�[ts on.tt�Ptopeecy.i��►Y+(c)Ye�Y��'F�Y insuteace �:'(�Y�Y��
<br /> 4 ' � � �d(fl�
<br />-� insua�ace�if�]':t�)}readY�&i8e��F� �Y: ����.�F Baaavre�er us
<br />- Lea�t',in acaa�d�e with t�e ptovisions af paz�g�b S,iu lieu of tt��pap�sent�uf martgagt iasw�nae Fc�a�ts• '�ex
<br />- tc�as at�eal�ed"�sct�w Ioems.° I.�dct¢�ay.at anY time;co�an�ino2d F�mds in 2n a�nuni not to e7�oE!th�ma7n� ---
<br />�. . �mommt a tender for�fe�aaliy celatetl�tc+an may�qaite for Bornowea's eseow ac�nt undot tE�e f�Sa1 Rtal
<br />� Es2�e Setikmeat Pt�Actof I9?4 as�ae�ded fmm tia�e ta c�12 U.S:�§2b01 et seq.`(`RES.P.�'�.�s a�ttser ,
<br /> eud
<br />_ !aw t�at IIppIiES to tt�e Iiimd�5�5 a Iesser aaqunL If s0.iread�'maY.ai aap tia�oniteCi s�d 5old�mds in aa amuuAt n[1�to '
<br />- e�d t�e�a�i�..� 1�may�d�e_a�t af�S dafi,
<br /> an the basss,of r�c'ent da�i an3 zrasonable
<br />" - --.-�-- esti�tes of expe�ivaes a�fanue Estam�r Iteffis ot athezcvis�ia axa:�witA litable laer_ � � --__
<br /> - ; a 7Tse I�imds shaI!be held m au instW�IIOri whoss deposits ate ia�smsd by 1�edt'.ISl a��i�dsG�Y.ot�
<br /> _ _. �
<br /> � ('�g Le�de�if I.e�d�s:�sndi an instiurti�n)�r in azry'�a.al Hosue t.oaa B�k �s�aPPIy t�e.�ds co PaY =
<br /> - : -- tI�a Esraaw Items. ixttdet may uat rh�ge Boaa�for hoT�"utg�app�y�S ti�i�md�,�Y aaalYzi�i�e�crr�+- - -' - --
<br /> ` I acic�m�gz vecifying d�.Fsst�w Itea�s.uNess I.end�t pays B�rnwea�est b��ti��nds:aAd.aFP�Inw p�mits n
<br />� Les�ac tu�14�saci�a c6a�g� Ha�rev�Lender may�J�e H�c�P3Y a an��c�g�for an mdepeudent teal
<br /> _ • • . �state ta�x tepsritipg seivide,ased by Lend�s in oa�on with tlus I4�uul�ss$pPlieable,iaw paaVid�,s ott�et9vi.s� iTnl�ss aa.
<br />- sg,ceement is m�e ar appl'st�bTe!aw requ�es intetest m Iie p�d.Lea�r.�a11 uot 6e c�tned to�:►y C3aicower aay i�t as
<br />- � � �ngs an ti�e�d.�. Ros�re�r�nd Le�er may sg�aa�writing,�owev�that in�st shall be gaid on the Fvntds. LQatder
<br /> a ��.
<br />:� ,s�ail give to Boncoweti wit3t�uf d�ge.an amnnal ac�oa�uag.of the l�sds.shawing ecedits aad debits w ths E�ds a�d t�e :
<br /> ar �t:
<br /> , which�d�bst`q trie F�mGs aras ntade. Tk�Fimds ffie pt�dged as addi6onal secaciry far all sm�os seeuued hy
<br />'�� : ptu;aose for . ';
<br />- � � : this Security��onn�t. .
<br /> � �, . ' if dte F�ands held by.I.sader exc�ed the�amouats permimed oo[se hetd by apptirable law,I.ender s�atl aceouut to !;�
<br /> " �asr�wer for the e�cess�ttrtds m aceordance with the iequ�cem�ents of aPPlicahle law. If tl�ee amaunt of the�nds 1�by �:
<br /> � f_..:`� • �at aay time is.not�s;t�ie�tt to pay the Fsccov�:IDEms when due,Leuder may so aotify Boao�ver in w-atuQ�aad.in i;
<br /> �`f�"�. . s�i3n case B�mwes skallt �i�to.L�ender the amount,a-�s.sa�+to make ap t�e deficieucy. Boaower shaIl mNc��p the
<br /> -_ `t�.�• �r�'• ' ' . defcFiency ur.no mbze th�a.�velve cuontHly payrmenta:at Leactti�s soledisstetion • I �--`_
<br />�„, i�'`;. . , UI�.��!�at in fnll af all sams se�by d�'s S�aaicy IasG�.Lendes sdall pmmptly mfimd to$anawer any --°.
<br />_ ° • _ ' . . Ixnder,pri�c�r to the acqmsition flr � -
<br /> -.* _ , . Fiu�ds�heid ti�f T�ender. If,imdea paragtu�h:��.I.enaer shaII arquc2 or;:A�a1 the Praput}+. -
<br /> sate of dte�nb� shall Fuud�fieid by Leader at the.�vf aoqnisiuon or sate as�ccedit a�.st the sums ! -
<br /> "{ ::k'. �'.�;: F�Y• aFPj9�Y u : E
<br /> - g c��►th15$CCIi[llS/jILSC'I�BIIt. � r'
<br /> ' pj t 'IIDI �.17..
<br /> _ •<_,a�=�r"'„�;.•�: '3. Appl�ation at Pgyments. Unless appticable law pravides athe�wis�� al!payments received by Ixnder under � M-
<br /> e wi �
<br />= ' P�Phs 1�d 2 sbaU Ise appli�:8rst,to aay prepayment charges due ander the Note:secaad.eo ama�ts payable�mder °
<br />° p�agraph Z;thicd,w iniezest dae:fou�tfi,c�r�neipal due;aad last,to�sy late e[iacges due�mder the Notc. :_;��-`�:
<br />` r y' . 4. t�aiges: I.ieas: Bamnwer s�att�paY all taxes,assessments.cba�ges.fines awd impositinms aaribntable to the � �-,,._
<br /> � Ptoperty which ma3+��in PnoritY over this Security Insnument.and teasehold payments orgru�md ceats.if any. B�ower ", . .
<br /> r: j?°�:,
<br /> sh�Jl pay these ablig�tiflns in the m�er pmvidEd in ppi�gaph 2.or if not paid in�tlia�manaer.Bonowa shall pay them on �.---
<br />� , t u�o e�.irectly t o t h e.pets a n c R V t:d p a y c a e n� B m mw e t sh2a4�m r a p t l y fiu�sh to I.ead�t'��@ notioes of amaanm w 6e,�dd�der : �„-
<br />-� this Qata�ph. if Bosrowertta'cQS these.PaYments direc�Y•Bofeo�ier-shall promptty fumish to.L�cl�r�eig�e�idencing ' ► �-!�-
<br /> . �us-
<br /> ' Y�'�. ,.� � , , ,; . . ; ' . �
<br />���:'� •.:. g�s�l � � ,disc�pii b�en whic@ has prioriry aYi�rtttthis Secivity Instramaut uAi�s Bmio;vs:p:(a)agecs
<br /> ,. .�q'6�u=,,e P�"'--P�Y �:' his �-�;.;:-.
<br /> ,• , �. in writin to We t��tb�obiigation secured hy the�lien in a manner acoeptabte m I.ender:t6)cantests in g�td faith the s•'`T:
<br /> �;.�• m IIA
<br /> .-;_�•�=;,,�.,.
<br /> . ' j li�a h �defeads aSainst+�hd'�;r�emen!of the lien in.legal Pioceedings ahich in the.Lendex�opinion operate to ptevent the ..�r;
<br />-,,� �;�?:•;: Y.
<br /> _ ��°�..:,.. eaForcemeai of.the lien;or(c�sectaes fmm the hnidet o.f the lien aa agr�ceme�nt satisfactory to I.eader sabor@inaaing the lien
<br /> • •�'': .%< , to tbis Secnriry Insort�ment tf Lender deter,miae.s that any.Qart'of the Piropeity is subiect to a lie».ivsaich may attaia Qriaiity ;
<br /> .���,., P Y
<br />-; '.�.,��. i�' over this�ity Insuflmerct,Lende�may give.8oimwer a natice identifying the liea. Bmmwer shall satisfy the liea or tak� ��:.:
<br /> �:��': �, o�or mo�of the actians set forth abave witlrin 10 days a�tke Siiving of notioe. , ;,..�
<br /> ' �Y,?`.���=_: _ ' S. H�rd os Pr�Zty I�msn� Boitvwer stinll keep the improvemet}u aow existmg dthereafteK�e�ted on the �i 4�;�<
<br /> '`r4.^..t.-i�:`- p�o�Carty�suc�d t�gainst loss,h�r fue.6azards inctuded svllhin tt►e term"eatended oavecage"aud any other haxard�.ineTudinS ;��lsrrs.
<br /> tToods or Etsading.foz wti►c�Ler.der ceq¢ices insurauce. 'l�is insuuaa�e shall b�e mainram�m the aanount��end for the `
<br /> ,;.
<br />_ 4.. . - � . ,' . .
<br />�a` i QOJ1�1� 9fA (D?3B10)6�gd) • , ;^i.,
<br /> - , ' • '!'�1'��
<br /> . . . . � . n9;f,
<br /> ' � � � � ;lh!^i
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