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<br /> - - W���A3. [[
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<br /> —�S.�_f.:.•,.,4�'. 4� .� . , . . . . ____ _.
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<br /> —'°"`r'�'"�'`Nx;�-��' Y NGW,tHI"eREFOR�,itt�aareedthaitheSeauritylnsWrt�enLslialiDeamendsdhare�randdeemedEolnctudatRetatio�tap - �
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<br /> —_•-�-'^{�P''.�.`-:'°���.3i. . . . , . —
<br /> N �:°.�}Q•;,�:*";� 1. �sfanmsnt of Rents artd Lender Renta{CoitecttQ� iartts.6orroxer here0y a�sotuteJy an0 ancondtttcnatfy ssslQna alt
<br /> �'«�+ss-�-:...,';,.
<br /> __=-=;x;;±��r�_�:;�;,:� �+enta� tsaue9 and roftts bf tha praperEy to �eneftcfary_ Lendes•sl�ait hava ttse righ�.pavrer and �tharity durtrt�Me
<br /> �;���j<:�'�`'`�'� � 4 � cdntimia�r.e ot ths�ecurity lastrumen!to cctteet the[�nts�Iss�aes and prof�ts ot ttie property arcd of any person�t pra�etty ____
<br /> =-''�``:,`.`:,��•��;�` tc►cated�thereob witA�ar withaut ta�tr�g pnssesston ot ttie prQDeriy aftected hareby.Eender.howaYer..he�64y con�ents to =e_-
<br /> �� "�_ '�� ' Hatrowet's calteatit�n and cat�ntlan ot auch rents,tasue�artd p�ofits as they accnaaantf beeoma payaqle,�a long aa 8orrower :'
<br /> -�4� }°;' "" [s nat,at aush ti�st in de#auit wttf��asDe��R�Yment af anY tndebtedRes9 securect hereDy.oi In the partomnance of any� � � - -
<br /> � � ::�-�.f
<br /> ;� � '��•;;r.c,�- agreemen!hsteuntiar. �- , , � • —
<br /> r . 2 /to�atntmeM oi Ra�etver.it any avent oi defauit iri �espect to if�Secutity t�str�men4 stlali have a�urred ari�t he ��„ �
<br /> `j .�'� =• continuln� nder�as a matter of rl�ht and wtthot�t aattce tn eoaower or�am►one ctatmtng urtder Barcc��-R�aad without . �'""';:�_ _ -- -
<br /> ` �-= L r�p�ud to tt��R af ttta ttust eatate ot the itttesest ot 4he 6onowei thereln.shall have the tlsht to appty tc�s�^��ourt hav}n� �
<br /> , -. Jur[sdiationta�¢�ointa.receiveroftheproperty:----�--------�-----�----------�----.. .-------- -�--..._,..---- . ._. ._ . . �f,�.�;_.„
<br /> ' :•, �� r�--
<br /> �'�. ' �_•' .;j , �:� 3. RtflM to sesslon.in case of�eiaalt In the payment of the satd.piincipat Nate or in�t,or any part.t�ereaf.�as it �
<br /> - shall rtratute�ot tn tAe case ot taitute to keep or perlorm any,ot the covslv�cci�er ageeements�C�lned in th�Securityr Instru- �'�� ;.
<br /> ,.�' . �ent�ihen the lender,lta auccessars or assigns,shati be and fs herec�i�s��a��;�=sf'c-�powared to talce immediate ,wx.�
<br /> .;
<br /> - _-- °��--� possesstanctti�esa[dpremtsestheretndescrfi�edaRdtocottac4tharentsthereic�r,>�d�o�fytheprocesdstl�ereottot�e , �,. �:,.�:'-`�
<br /> ,::, . '< ` payment ot the Note. . `:,
<br /> ' :. ' �'• • _�
<br /> � � , � ,`.:•, 4. Apa�icatton of Res►ta fssues and Ptof(te.Ail rents cotlected 6y leader or the recetver shatl�e applted itrsi to payment .,.'�.`:�,.
<br /> • � , - �at the�costa ot management of the proporly and coltectian of renta;inc�hiding�bpt not Ilmited to,receive�'s faea,premtums on :,;:•�,".
<br /> - �':;;'-�,::. � receivec's�onds an0 reasanaDte attamay's tees.and then to the surtss ascured tc�the Security tostrument.Lencter and ths - '� '�
<br /> t
<br /> — ''�. �� r�cei�rer sha!!be 1labte to account onty tor those renta actualty recelved. , _ '���';��'�
<br /> � � . 5. Conatru�tlan of Provlatons.Each ot the provislcns containe0 in tQ3s A�signment of Renta RIQe�and the Security Instru- . , '
<br /> • , �: ' ' • ' ' mecet shall,u'nt�atherw[ss spec[ficaily requlred.�o constnied ia'r�:COrdance with NetirasE�,a.law� and in tha eYent,anY . ° 3
<br /> — �•` � ' �.'`+� = �` �s6an hereituar:thereln cqntafined snmtl.be Qetemrttned Dy a cour�c�coinpetent juriodtctton tx�a unenforceabte,the sra�r� � . ��'I' �
<br /> — ' , ' ..�i.f�be canstrr�ad�s thousA suaA unentotceabie proviaton were rroi a part hereof or theresG:�• . ',�_ • � .f
<br /> '. . � ` '•Si: �Nec�ot Rtder.Exc�at�r3speciflcalJy modifted by or inconsistent witA thls Asaignment of Ren4s Rfder or hy any other �• , •�•.r��
<br /> ..;:, � appficaste rtder�s11�f the terss�s and prcvisiorts contained In the Security Inst�ument shall continus in full torce and effect. .F�.••.••��;;�;�' :.
<br /> � : ` : �.;::��.�.-
<br /> .;,,`1°�• . IN WiTNESS WHEREOF.Bartower has executed thls Asslgnment ot Rente RlcSer on the d2tce firet noted above. ` '�`•�?'='
<br />_ :t.Y; .,l �j G � � :.�,%�l�`�.:
<br /> _ ,:.,. ..O �:.
<br /> �;�;,,�t�; �. , .. , _ 6RIAN K AG nower . : :�_..
<br /> � .�c,P�'��!:'t': :: ;;�'. .
<br /> :�'':,` ' `�i�)? ' �� , • ' •'.�:�.'�::
<br /> �; - :;: SHE . W E eorr .. .'�_ -
<br /> . .:r'M+:�,...
<br /> , . ::,<:>� . . .. , .�.: „ . :.
<br /> ��°��`°,�:'' .-.:-- 8'PA'fE�F NE6iiA8[iA) ,' �"-�-����J
<br /> ?�#`>'�, � ...' (ss: J.• • ''� :•{.
<br /> �� ;;,.�� �: �:,,_�� � coUNTY OF HALL ) . , . ;V',:,�;;,. .
<br /> `'^i::.'', . `:•..,;t. _ ;�r�i,��,r,�, .
<br /> 'Y� F : :` ;:i;':c:l� ar� �y r� tL • h•:;•r•. '
<br /> �' f. �,• On this�day ot 1�LY ,1g�4._.,betore me.th�understgn�d e Not G�ublto Au co mtaelo eA and -,�'•�;�.:�;�} ,
<br /> • °'�i.•�;;�! :' � ; BRIAN K. WRAGGE AND SHELLY d. WRAGGE, HUSBAND AND WIFE , . : '.�'�t,'�,
<br /> .:,>,�:;;;.; . . qua�..}IAd�OT 88Id C0iI01Yr RdLS'GOQS11y C8tR9 ,, ..
<br /> �-t`� '�'�� '� � . � .to be tha Identtcal parsan(s)whase nama(s)tslare eubscdbed, . � �, �� • .
<br /> ; .�,•:
<br /> ` to the foreactrq�f.r.�trume��t;and helahelihay soknowto,d�4 the exa�tton thereo!to bo hlalt�eNtAelr voluntary aot and daed. - . � `,. . -
<br /> � . . � . . . -
<br /> :,, Witnessmyt�. 4endKc�eNalSealat C-!3Atlp IS�ANO, NEBRASKA ' : �
<br /> d'county,the date fo iQ. ' "
<br /> �.{i'''.i ..' :. ' ' . yl.�Cr "�/' . ., .
<br /> i . '`"� �.��C. N�
<br /> � .�;:%'�s�:� �N►°C��na��tf�.23l.�is9S cran,R�cou�, •, , -,:::',
<br /> � . . �.,ij:t� . . . . ., ��`.;r;t,��
<br /> ���` • My ConlmJnst�n exptres:
<br /> ,,.. _ . . _ , , ,
<br /> �;'�', ' . : . .. ec�oaop+m . ' ' .
<br /> ;�::_ �: • �
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