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<br />` <. 7�u5R�e shsil apply the p�."s of�Fse sale ta tEcs fofE,��osder:(a!to a�!�sts su�expetts�oi�xa�ising the pa�rer;o�. �� .� '�
<br /> -, ,- .-�.�it�.:�inr� it�n �t►p�;a,.g�Q�t�the�Yusces's fees setual3v fnsup3esL aoi to exce� . - rp� , _
<br /> o�the�ac,�Pal a�Cat oi�aale at ttm ttme of t�e�atk€n ai�nit.s�d r�asaua�te attns�eys'i�es pe�rmit�l � ,
<br /> • � !sg�[aw;@}ta�1t su�s s�d 6�thts Sea�rity Iasteamenk m�(e)say�t�tl�persnxt or�ons t�y�itieti<to , .
<br /> . � �2.Reonmeyante. Upon pa3�e�i of aU sums scxured 6y thi� �rity __�__� I.ender shaU request Trus+xe to
<br />= Incttntr� »t
<br />- teconv�y ti�e,gri�erty �td�sha![ surlr�nder t6is Securi3y I��m aud�Il notes evtd�� debt �ecared by this.Seiutiry • -
<br />!' Insmiffir.at'ta Tcus3�e.'I'mst�shall r�onvey the Ps�o mthaut wananty aad without e�arge to the p�snn or pe�sa�u i�g�liY
<br />' ' 'ettiitted to it:S�.*c�Fersoa ar pe�sons shall Pay a�s r�tian cas�s: � ' ; -
<br />" - L�:Snb�iiie TcU�e�I.euder,ai its optian,may fi�m time tu dme retttove Tivstee�.d appoirit�succe�sor trnstee to ` . _:
<br />: . a��`rnste�apgoiatc�hemunder 6y an instrain�at recorded in the cuunty�n which this Seauity Instrnment is rCco�dad.lNit�out.
<br /> i�N oameyance af el�e Pruperty.the sucs�or�nts3ee shaU suaxed w a1F the title,gower and duties coufermd upna Trustee hecein � -
<br /> azet!Isy a,pplica�Zte ta►v:. - •• -
<br /> , .. 7A.Reqnest Por 11tmt�es.Borma�r�quests that copies af the aotices of defaoit and sate be sent to 8oaovrei s addr�s
<br /> ' � . i�hir�is tke F�operty Address. . -�'•`� '
<br />::;• 7S.R�d�s ta tLLs S�y Ia�eat.If.o�:or mom.riders are exeait�6y�orrower and recorded.together wit@�"s
<br /> Securicy Tastxu�t.th�sovenants and r�ieeme�s of each sue6.rider shalt be incos�orat�i�a�.nd shall amend aad supple�
<br /> ' the cosreOaaSS�,agrees�nts of this SeairFry Instrument as if the r.�es(s�.were a patt af this S�aa�ity Instruuten� _
<br /> � [C$eck ap�Ii`c�7��6bx(es)j ' - ' . , .
<br /> ` . , Adjusrabte Rare Rider 0 Cvndominium Rider' .,� f Q 1�1 Famity Ridea , .
<br /> ' Gt�uated Paymeni Rider �Ptanned Uait Developmeac�tider �t�itveekty Payntent Rider =
<br /> Balloon Rider . Rate Impruvement Rider � �Sepond Home Ridea � -
<br /> 0 V.A.Ridc-� Q Othertsl[SP�9I
<br /> . BY SIGNING HE[AW.Bormw-�r�ccxpts and agrees to the t�ss and oov�nts containad in this Security Insmmiem�ti ,.. -
<br /> _. . ___ :. :-. . -- _. _..-.. . . .... .
<br /> � in arry rider(s)exeeuted by Borrower aa�#`recard�d witti it.-- . .. , .
<br /> Witaesses: ' • ' • . • ;,:--
<br /> : ' � /R:+::`� t�-��'- (S�a,>
<br /> , . � ,: . Danrey Halvaersos� . �r� ,-
<br /> �'.�' ' , . .
<br />-- . ;,��,; • ll'Y) � �. �l/A�. . ��) ,. -
<br /> . ' -- -- L.aResn M. Halversnn -Ba� .' '� -
<br /> :.I , , ,.. � . . .. r:,,
<br /> -r` -1�•; �_
<br /> . �>:. � . (Seal) .�' S,,R�*�,.'�7���,`. .i,.: _
<br /> ' -Emmncr. , .�:�;: _
<br /> � -Bormwer , • --
<br /> . �. , . ':',:
<br /> ' ., ' . =.
<br /> 6'�ATE OF NEBRASKA.' .. Hsl]. Gi�ty ss: . -
<br /> . Tfie fon�oing ins�t was acknowtedged befare me this 14th �y of July � :1994 ' ,
<br /> bY Danrry !.. Flalverson and LaBeen M. Halversan, hus6and artd wife, � . • �
<br /> wmess my hand and notaria�seal at . Grand Island, Nebrsske in said Coumy,the date aforesaid.
<br />