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<br /> ' .. s�►�ZCablc taw.may sg�Ify fmr rtins�t�tit�nt)hc�urc�aF tfie Pto�eny pvYSUant to any pn.��af.sat,°cunf�incd��n`ii�s ��
<br /> �� .� 5ec�ty Inst�uner�t:.or(b?e�Y of a j�dgm�nt e�fo�irsg t�is 8e�w�itp�n.fitru��nt Thos:cs��S��uu�ar�t�at Bo�ro�e�: ta} ' ,
<br /> --_--- p�rs L.endea�l�sutc5s w�ictt t�em wts�il��b�dt�e undcr tk�fs S�tttt�ty.�utupent.a�d she N��,q as if ao�ccetera�aa.t� . �,'
<br /> oocyried;(b)cures aay dafa�It of as�.othee co�ants ar a�eements:t�)Bays rsll e�cpeases in�;z»d.in ea�orcigg titis��c�
<br /> , �pt,3nelud�ag,bu��ot limited,to.t�asonabl�aua�cys'fees;and E�takes:such ar�Fqn,as Len�er a�aY'�son�ily. . :
<br /> ------ r?9uire cc+nssiire that tAe liea af tt�s Sc�ai�j►Ins��a�.�.ecudcr's ri�ts ia tbe Pc�peity an��a�ver`s pl�ligati.oa tv pajr thc ,
<br /> - ____-_ , s�s s�sured by thi.s Se�uity instsvutent sIu� cont�nue �nci�att�d. Upan r�IIIStat�ut,b;t Barra�w�� t2uF �eceuv�,'� ` .
<br /> -----___- � . Instn:meui an4 tt�ahl�g�tia�ts seeu�d he�ehy sli�II remain fu21y effc�tive�s if eo ucceIeratian��tc1 accurred. Huwe'v,e�.thIs •
<br /> �1 '`-�' , d�+t ta rel�tats shaal nat a�Sy i��he cas�af�r�rian under parngaph I7. : • . .
<br /> t�--�,��� .. ,.. . � is� �c�t`:.xt,.������ 'I't�N�t�ur a F����a t�l�to�:(to�et�.wicb`thL-q S�cvrtc�r _
<br /> _ Ins�uAteatc)maY�k�sold one:or mo�times witiraut pritor nntice to Sorta�ves A sale.tuay�suli in a change irs t&s e�itY .�
<br /> ==-�-�°`-=�"� .(tmavm as tac"�.uan Serv�sea"')tt�at co�ECts�monthlY PaY�ttts due under tflc Nace aad this S�uity Iit�n� TY�rz also � _
<br /> _���----- maY 6e Qi��r ffiore'chang,.°s of the L�an SeAViczr wue2at$d tn a sate.of the Note. If tliere is��hange�f the I.Qan Secv�c�r.
<br /> — �"—_ . Hoao�rer�►IlI'be givea wFittea uatice of the.ch.wge in axa:daace with paragrnph 14 ahave�.uFFlit�tble law.•'tt�uotive < .
<br /> ___.__.�.- . , arilZ ss�te t�aaaae�nd address of the new Loaa Sr.ivicet aad thc add.cc.ss to svHic�paymeats s�uid.be�. '�fee not�c�.�rill
<br /> — : ,atso coptain any a4ter infornta�iun,tecNined bY agplicab2�taw. � ,
<br /> ---__----= � 14 H�udfles Sv.bsmu�. Hoauwer s�all aat cause or.permit the presencs,nse.dis�asal.star,�Se,er.reiease of aay .
<br /> --- - Hazardovs Substances oa ar�n the F�seny. Boaower shal!not do.aoz allow anyone e1�tn do,anYthiaS�ffecting the . .
<br /> ___-_-_-_--_- p�opetty that is in violaaon oY any Enirimnmental Law. Tfze p�eceding two sent�nces shali aqt apgl}�m the pm.ssace,ns�,oz
<br /> -- -_-- = sio�g�e oa the�COpeity o€small qaamiries of I�ar.ardaus Sabstana;s tbat are generalty recogai�ed w be appmPrtare u�na�al. '
<br /> - — nsideatial.nses.anc�to mainteaance of.tfle Pivperty. • ` '
<br /> --- - . Bonm�ver shall pmm�tIY give Lender cvriuen notice of any investigati�n.cl�im,d�aad..lawsuit or other actioss by any
<br /> ':�j`',_ �=' := • P,ovemmemtal ot regulas+�ry aQEncy oz private party urvolving the Pmperty and aay Hazandoua 5ubsiance,or Euvimnmentttl • � �
<br /> - �=-���� • Law of wtnch Borrower �as aCwai know2edge. ff Bormwer tearas. or is notifced by anyr govemmeatal or cegotatory -
<br /> --_..r`�"����=�°=�� anthmity;mat�any remaval or otHer te�di,ation of any Hatandnus Substance affecting the FropeatY is necessar�►.�orrower
<br /> _..,
<br /> y����
<br /> ---- '-" shall P�tly taYe all necessaTY ceiueclial actions m accordaace with Favaonuneatai�acv. � _
<br /> - -- -
<br /> -.o.�..._�
<br /> _...__,�..,,�� '-._.---- ._-.--. -As used ia this pa:agiagii ZQ"tIazatdo�s Snbsia�tces are thosc substances defined as tqxia or ba^�dau�snbstamces h �
<br /> -- v - - � F�vironmental Law and the foIIowiag substances: gasoline�kervsene.other flammable or tQxic peuoteum proe�cts,ta�c .. .
<br /> --_--- --_�--= Pe�icides and herbiddes.volatite sotvents,mat�rials contaiaing asGestos or furmaldehyde.'aad ra,dioactive materiaTs.. •/�.
<br /> --- .�;� ' ased inthis guagraph 20,"Enviranmeniall�w"mrzns fede�al laws and jaws.of the jurisdicaou.whete t�e Property is located
<br /> `�°�" ��. tt�t ielate to hea3tl�,safety or envimnmental protection � •
<br /> _�'a..��`�T,'� NON UNIFORM COVENAN�['S: Bormvrer and Lender fvrthes covenant and agcee as fvItuws: '
<br /> =-`�=��'� 21. As�ceterati�on;Remedle9. i.ender sba�1�1 give na�to Bosrov�er prIor fo acoeleratin;a faIIoWIng Boteower'�
<br /> �.-�� � 6rFacb oYany ooy�nt or�fn t�Ls Serurity Itt�'umeilt(hut uut prIor to acceter�taa au�r p�ph 1'f
<br />- _��,��,.��r�� �mT�ss apgS�caLie law prav[des ot6erwi�?• 'lYnz notise sd�ll specify: (a)the default;(b).t�e actlpn rg4u[�ed to eure the
<br />_--�-,,,�,�.�;�. d�i�(c)a+lat�rnQi[�shan 3Q days fram ttce date the nnxtce Ls gtven ta Bnzmwe�Dyr wbich the default naust be .
<br />.y.;';�_;�'�•;:'�"�'�:.. ' an�d;anrl(d)tbat faIIure to cune the dctantt an or before the da�spectQed in the nqttce�ay resuit in aceeierattou oY'_
<br /> -�'�"''=�'r��'�"-`•, the su�s secared by tLis Seeai�ity Iastr�cnt und sale of t8e Pr�perty. Ttie uotIoe.sl�aD;ffiartlter i�orm Borrower ot
<br /> �,� ;x,rt��,.. 'the�dght to mtustate after acoeIcratfon aad t�slgLt to br[n�a coust�cttan to assert the no�o�a defauIt or -
<br /> y��������,_-'' a er r
<br />_=::�;�,�o:�F�;: ' an�otuer ilefense af Sorraw�r:to acceteiattoa aad sasl� R the defaa�it Ls Qot�ed on or 6eiu�e the date sges�iC�itr
<br /> ��,�r-� �' the aat#�Leuder a!tts aptic►�.�ay requtre tmme�iat��ay�ent tn faD of aD soms secau�ed.6F t6is Se�witY I�6rt�eni
<br />- � 7�.K�" withv�rt'fart�r dQma�a��p invo&�t�po�ves�ag saTe aw�auy ottier remedies Perm�tt�d by agNi�►Dle taw
<br /> �.�,�`�" � W :
<br /> r ^ L�d�i•s6aI1 bQ e�tTtlRd 4o coDect aD e�tnwrr+ed In pursain.g th�e c+emedicg prnvided in Ws pataP,raPb 2I,
<br /> �.;�"' � inctadt�g,6ut not timitPd Eu,t�asbnaBle e�b�r�eys'fees and cosGs oY t[t[e evideucG -
<br /> �,'y„ �w;'r1r �, . ,.
<br /> --==m.� If the power of safe is involce�'dlra.st�s�iall�cord a aat�ce oY defmnit in eacL camaRy in�c6 any part�of fhe
<br />=:,-�rr�3,;;;.,_ Pro��y is[oc�ted and s�all ta�11 eupfes of snsb notfce ia t2m ma�er pr�cribed 6y aPPlfcabi�law to Sosroaer�d to _
<br /> '�"��.""'� tA�atLer Pe�sons�re�ibe�t�u�ptiwble taw Attec the tirne regnlse�l by apgli�te taw.ZY�ostee shaTi gtve pab�Ic .
<br /> : e��`` notice of sale to the peraons atid in 4he mannsr pre�crl6ed Dy.ag�licabl�Iaw �us7�,+�vlt3�nut demand on Borrawer, -
<br /> ��,�.'y�'."�`�S,;=� .slmD sell.the Pt+o�rdy at pnblk sucdEon ta We hlgpest 6tdder at We time and plQce r.�#uadcr the tqrms desiguated in �_
<br /> �'`-•`���-°'� tAe aottce af sa�e in�dne or more pArcets end ia anp�rdcr 1lrastee detesmines. '�rt�may post�rone sate of aIl or any -
<br /> r�— ::��:_��� , par�t of the ProP�Y�P��ana�cement at the tia�e and p2ace oY any prev�o�g,schedaled sat� Lendee os its __
<br /> �t� ds�g��may p�+cdase the Ym�e�ty at a�sale. ' --
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<br /> ptv . �7ie recitals In the'l�i�stee's dee�!s1�alt be Pade evideace of We trut#of 4tae smtemem�madR:fi�+eia. !
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