. ._ , ;� . , , . `o' ..si.�t"!',�',�'y!''yfi�.'��C'�.�.t �'"'•'.t C . - '
<br /> : : a- ',�`,'.r'w...-.1 ., I �' f'_�C%��`"�� '� �`�f'4; .,� ��.t�.r �'x= _ - _- .
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<br /> �_.-___- �_
<br /> ��»S' . .-_e._..��
<br /> .___-_"�_ ...��_ uvvvar_-. _- ._ - .
<br /> -_'-_.""...___-__" M!?4Y41TX4'!G _ - - .
<br /> __'._ -.�.�-.�__ _ :a .r.��.���:�� �_��____-.�__.____.__ ' _
<br /> ..ir �=_W.Y.v_W��.____�_��___�_,v�_ _-_. ___ -_.L
<br /> -__--_ - - _ . �.--,- ..�.�- ... _`. .._ _ .._.-`�� ��_ ' '." _ _ ___
<br /> - _ .>_ - .- ._..... .. _...�� .. . r��i
<br /> __ I�Hanaffi�< ." ' . ,. . _ _ ; `` ' ' ` . ` . . •��� ���� ' � 1 � '-_
<br /> _ - b�t3�tJ. • • . •. • . . --
<br /> --�__.��a�: � . . (. . . . . .. . � -
<br /> --��____-- periods t�i lcn�er t�ui�,,�'it��.s►u�ance canier pravidjng the imsa�nce sYtali be fhaseu by�arnawer sub,#xt to$.er�r�:, ..
<br /> _ -- �."�uv���+rflis�shzll ac�1�:��""�','�;r��h1y�vilh�,et�. If 8agmn�er faifs to a�intnin coverage d�esc�it�ecl r�bave.Le�dsa m��.as ; , -- ----___
<br /> —_�-..�-�'�°�°: . � �der s.a�rm.obt�n cavcrage taprotest�.eiic�r's rigkts in ttse�cop�cty Tn a�rd�.nce�vitl��rsmgragm 7 , �
<br />- - - AII IRSilY111CC�O�CifS►'��EOLV�IS&I13I1 DC i�CC4gL7b�Id LCIIde����s6�i instude a�sta�rd dnmt�e cL�suse. Lea¢er :
<br /> - -�� sRal!�ave ihe ag�t co hald the�lirces,akd c�wats. !�l�rtdet'e�quires.B+axcovre�sh�ll promPdY�ive to l.e�er el1�eccip� ,� —
<br /> �� � .
<br /> .Y. _ �of p�p�naiums and�netval rmiices. In th�ev�t of�sss.Borcv�er shatl pve�oipt aotice to the ins�ce carater�nd
<br /> � L�nd�a Len6er�ay mak��S►bof o?tass if abi made pmm�ily by Bor4atret �-
<br /> : �, r r �ahR.:,; Cfate�L'eader cuc�Bnrrawrr atittrwLsc agec in cvqiting,inssuunce pmce�ds�ha�i D�3pgi;ed tg restorat�n or e�epalr of . _
<br /> ��,.,;,:ti1';;�;-.,� . . ,. •
<br /> ;�ea�� �,�,�.�__ .. : the F'�operty da��a�d,�f tita cestemuan or r�pa�is ec�mn�calty�'easieie and Lecnder� ser�nty�s aat te�seded. If tt�.e �_
<br /> ' ° ` 2 �� # res�satiou ar��r is nat e�o�tuintCaI(y feas�te ar Lender's secutttq wat�Id�iss's�r�.thx�imvrancc pt�t�sh�S3 t� � _---�-
<br /> "�.. �, . �.�. . _-----
<br /> s=�r��;=�:-�-. s applied�tQ ttse sums seouced by_this Scc�triry Insuuzttent,«�rther or aot thQn due,.vrith�►y exaess paid ta fiasro�ver. If ` __--_.-
<br /> •���_�r. ;- Bcjrorres abaado�tLe Prnperty.or dbes nct�answer within 30�ays u a6tioe fmm Lea�s that th��R�r„mace canier[ta.c '
<br /> offesed w seNe a clainm.then Lender tinay rnlie�•thti insu�e prvc�eds. 4eadet rns�y nse the pmceeds ta tepa�r or restare � —
<br /> th�Property ur tu p:ay sums sectircd by tliis Security Instrumeitt.vrh2th€r nr aot then due. 'i'he 3tW�y perind�uil!begin ivhea -
<br /> '�"°�••�`�:�.- '� th°aorise is gi�en. ,
<br /> �'';`�i��� � 1t
<br /> �e;`;,��:,�,�; UnIess Leadec�d Harm�ver at�arixise..gree in writing.anY ffFP'r:uioa of pavc�eds m prirrcigai shait ant eatend or
<br /> �-v� •�,t�z� Postpone th�du�da�of th�mmnht�r P�Yments teftaed ta iu I�B�FIis I�ad 2 or chang�the amout�t of the payms�u� Yf
<br /> �s�:� ; ? . w-�f�Zr �i th2 Ptao is by Lenda��orrotiver�right to 2ng insumuce pulicies aad praceeds resWdng --
<br /> ,.•�; �, :�t�,; F��P�'� �Y aaiuired
<br /> --�```���p7-�: ��• frc�m damage 2o th:Pruperty prior to tM acquisition shali pass to L.euder tv tt�e ext�at of the sums secured 6y this Seeurityt • � --
<br /> -�� -��; • . .
<br /> J,,,�-�w� Insuumzat imme�iatety priur to the asqaisitinn.
<br /> --- -�-•.;y��: 6. Oc�ancY. �vatloa. Mafntenance Bad Pralecbtnn af the Paa�per4g: ,Borra�es's Laa� APP�� .
<br /> ---�:=�`�S�,s��� Leasehald� Bnrro�er sha[�occ�upy.establi�h.and nse the Progerry as Borrower�pmicipal residedce adtliin sixtY c�aYs after
<br /> -- .;�. , . the eaecntian of this Security Instn►ment artd sdall can�e t�accupy the Property as Bor�o�rer's psinciQal cesidenee fm at.. .v,�.� ���r:
<br /> j i ��� `� < < Ieast oae yeaz after'the date of occupmncy. �mless l.ender ot6�twise agees in �vfi�ing. tvhicb canseni shat� not de _ _--
<br /> -;'��_-:.L r;: . ' un�asonabty aithhetd.or anless extenuating cimuasta�ces exist�vhich ate 6eyornd Bnma�rer's con�l. Soncower sha11�sot , --- - --
<br /> ; � `"" :' ._...._...-.---.--, desttoy,.damage or_impair the Pra�ty_.aflow the Ptoperty to deteiiorat�.or cammit a+aste on Qte Pro . Borrower s6�ll
<br /> �
<br /> ''^ `� . be in defanit if any farfeituie acaon or pioceedimg,wheifier civai or cmiiulal:-is tiegua thai bl"t.�ader's goad 6it�judemeut --- ..__._..
<br /> �--- _.�:'�',='�k'•� �awid�eiti in forfeiture of the•ProPertY or otker�vise mueriatly i�gair tRe Gen c�ea�ed by this Sec�uity� Insu�e�or -- —
<br /> �:`'�;:"{:",,;. �,�-�` l.ender's securitj�inrerest. Borra�rer c�ay cuie such a defauIt aud ceinstate.as pmvided in P�P�Pb 18,by causing the astion
<br /> �._ jY".. i�}":".:�y i�' .t.. ---_
<br /> -,:-.r�-.. ,,. ..
<br /> _ _. : .-• :,: ;.,::., or pmoeeding to be dismissed witb a niltng tfiat,iu L.eader's gaod faith determimtion.p�ctudes fmfeiture uf the Baimwet�s
<br />--�''�:�:�..� � �. '°`� inteiest in the Property or other materiai impaitment af the G�created by tLis 5�cuiity�nSr.�TM��*ar Leader's security _-
<br /> ...�.:,.:.:. .. . --. . —
<br /> `...: .... :. .:.:f.'�'. -- i�iast Bona�ver shall-a!s"o be in•defaul[ if Boirocvef-daring the taan- lication rocess. gave m3ierialty faLse or
<br /> ,.. „
<br /> :•,:,s , „ ..:
<br /> �;�,f��;':�: ;.,;;5•:,� ' inaccmase infoimation or statements to Lender(or fa�ed to provide l.ender�xith any material iuffomiation)in camiaction with --
<br /> �,.,.:.,_.,..�, ;•, . ,� die loan evidenced by the Note.inctuding. but n�t limited to. repmsentations coaceming Borm�ver's aecapaiccy of the
<br /> �.�'. ._. . .., '' Praperty as a principal-residence. If this Security t��am�t is on a leasehoid.Bmsower shal!comply tivith all ttte prov�scons.
<br /> �..•:,:• ;•� ,�,�',.:`i�,;.;..� of t!�tease. If Bomower arqiiices fee tiHe to tiie Pcoperty.the Ieaschotd and the fee title shall not meige unless Leader agnees
<br /> •• . �;�..,:;�;:,.-. . to�he merger ia writwg. .
<br /> :.,. ._ ,..,,;;:,. 7. Prot�ectton of I.ender's Rights in the Prolsesty. I:f Bomnwer faiLs to pe�faim the covenants and ag�eeuieats
<br /> ;;,;;�;,,: �' : . contained in this Sec�uity InsWmen�or ihete is a 1ega1 proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> - �(�:�:;d' - Pnc�perty(such as a pmceeding in bank�uptey,pm6ate.for candemnation ur forfeiture or to enforce ta�vs or regulations),then '
<br /> '''•`''�' ' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary t�a protect the value of[he Properry ssnd Lende�r�s rightc in the Prope�ty. .
<br /> 's:;;•�;:,::: . •�
<br /> � �� �'� I,ertdec�actions may inetude paying any swas seca�d by a lien which has priority over this Sec�uity Insuumen�appeari�i;:
<br /> '' � ��"'' in court.paymg reasonabie auomeys'fees and entering on the Pcoperty to make ccpairs.A[thaugh Lender may take�ction 9�'���'-��; ..._
<br /> ' ` ` ' • under this paragrdph 7.Lendet does not have to do so. ' �.�':r�!��
<br /> :.sr..:.': '�_�� ...,� - ';t..a�-
<br /> Any amounu disbursed by Lender under efirs patagrupb 7 shall 6ecome additionul debt of Borro�ver secm�ed by this , r .,�%�� .•
<br /> ';'°�. .' °�,��� ' Seciirity inswmecu. Unless Bo:rower and Lendes to other tem►s of a ment.these amouncs shaU bear uiterest from the .. `"F� _. r
<br /> � � P Y �jE-.r•
<br /> �^ _,,, . a�,.
<br /> `�(`.;'"'�'�;' ;;"� ' date of disburseme�t�th�Note rate ar,�i sliail6e gayable.with intet�est,upon no6ce from L.ender to Sotrocver iequestittg ' : .
<br /> t.1 ..• .•. ,. ..t. . . e.;.�.,+.N;/j[�' :��'�-
<br /> � ' � ��^4t.t'�' ���-. .. .. , +`,_-_�;;:r -_
<br /> '. �h"C`-,t�!»rf:l:i}l�ti.:�\ti . . -� r �`� _
<br /> • ti.....�•-< ..•.,�1�:�: .. 8. ;;fl�.artgag�e Insisranc� If f.:#�u�er requited mortgage insurance as a condiRon of making the toan secuied by this ;,='fr,�"�""�r, --�
<br /> :#� "
<br /> ` �����:"� '#-,;��wr�a Secisity,t.�ment,•�orrower shaSi��c�y the premum�s req�ired to maintain the.mvrtgage ir�urance in effect (f.for au�r .
<br /> .��s� ' �� reason, 1fie mortg�.^��i�s�srnnce wverage requi� by Lender lapses or ceases to be in'�ect..Bonower shall pay the �._.��� `=
<br /> ��. 1`' , ' premiums requiied��:otain coverage substana�y equivatent to the mortgage insmarcee pcevioasfy in effect. at a rnst ,.. �, ,�:�� � _
<br /> �:;:...
<br /> :, ,r•• � .,• .: .'; �' � substandally eqmvalent to the cost to Barrower o f t he mongage insurance previous iy in e ff e C t,f m m an attemate mo rt g a gq .. :.. : -..=�
<br /> , - insuter appmv e d by L e nder. If substantially equivaieat mortgage insurance coverage is aa��vailabie.Barrower sha!!pay to ��`�f:�; - ,;'��
<br /> �' "�� , ' Lender eac6 montti a sum equal to one-twelftb of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium 8eing paid'by Bormwer wh�ni.ihe :��;,�;":;r�., ��,•'
<br /> ,�70.''�'.�`'t'"�`. • insurance criverage tapsed or ceased to be iq effec� Lender will accept.use and retain these paymenu as a toss resetve in�iieu . •. �.:,�'�r -
<br /> �;; :;• � �� ' • . , ' . of mortgage insuraIIC� Loss reserve payments may no tonger be required.at fhe option of Lender.if mortg�e iitise�rance � ,:�`�';
<br /> ���� ��� coverage(in the a�r�.v.nd for ihe period that lxader requires)provtded by an insurer approved by Lend'er a;ain 6�omes
<br /> ���r•,: • '.:.' availa6te and is ob�a�.�3orrower shall pay the premiums rrquired to maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or to�cavide a , . •� . .
<br /> • toss resa��.eu�61 fhe re�+�s�emer.S fia�mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any writs�ag�eement between BarrtlW�r . . .
<br /> � ;4;�` r"s�'.'::� � and Ler.�7�r or applicable iaw: ' • .; .- ,` `:. :, , . � .
<br /> •�� � . �sr� a'•. � 9. Inspecttoa. �.Cndet�r.ii�.::�-:nt may make reasanable entries upon and.ins,�s�qft�aa of the Araperty. Lender sfi�11
<br /> ,.�'��>a. .nn
<br /> :5.. S��, .. ,
<br /> ;,��;�;;::� give Bormwer notic��k'�e t�c�'ar prior to an inspecaon specifyin�reason;tft�caase'Fc�tP�e inspection: ,_
<br /> i 4=:�'�' •�,N«i.d -� .'�:,. . .
<br /> ;±r..: ,:,.'��;�4�,�., • 1 0.'C on de m n.�".,.�'� T h e p i t s C e e d S o f a i s pa;w a r d o r c l a i m f o r d a m a g e s,.d i�c t o r c m.t s e.;,u e n ti a l,s»c v t i n�c t i o n w i t h a n y
<br /> ��. �,� ,
<br /> -r' . r'r���i� ": SingfeFi¢�il;��—Fmw�e:VL�e,'FreAafehtacUrIIFOAMINSTRUMENT--�ni'fr:rnc��v.cm:is'9s`Uti.(page3nJ6pages) ".;: � - .
<br /> t
<br /> • '�.ii���!1,f?'n�, , • . .- .. . , ,. ,�...
<br /> ` i�'r.�,.�.�,., ,(�i.4tlaaf,�r�Fa�Int.� .
<br /> � ;;.;' ,:!t},;�.,�,�, ' 4a Ga�tR f.ak t�F:�1�390 O PAII 81&791-!13f "'"{,j��L.
<br /> ' -.l. . .1, `qf}-�•6,., . . .
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