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<br /> � .#ra��n:��t�y rxi tong�c��bc c�q�.s�r�,;�th����tar��f 8.en�:s.i�c��rt��g��insaaaatt�.c�.te��(y�tE�rat�ct:`n�.�}�or��tEtti� . �
<br /> ��LcsWei�,t��s�V�vid�s!�y,�uir,sa�ce,agg�oi�'eii by€.rnc'er a`g��b���?�vaids�E��.*�u:�?a��.�rc��tx i,C�ii't_�y
<br /> ..'�� �Elac.pte�tt��rrt�s re�tti�xl tc��iitt�irt{t�ort�a�G in�ure�c�in e�ri�,,cfr ta pr+�vi�is a 8�sg rc�cnre..nrit'rE�he�t�sr�fc�j�rn�sr'.g� � '
<br /> :imurs�o�s in e�t�rda��.�w i4`�at�j�w�itt�t�ageeet�nt L�et�vice�i�orcrsc��r at:d L�cnder 4�cc�plieatcYe�law. .::: � �`;�, . ' �
<br /> . . . :_ : .5:�:#���.�ds-����:�e:l�.�.hr�;'��€�t��ca�E.�tla�nf.th�Fr4�e�i1+�'t.�es�e�`��,�v�:,: ,
<br /> .. �crrawtir t�xI�a�'�tt�d�e of dr p�ior.io n��nspefi�i�n kp�cifylA,g[lA5G11L+abf4 c�11t5=f6prt11C.�1T!(�Cti�t9. ;. _ ^ ;�
<br /> . ,>� �.
<br /> � �X�:Ceqd���ti��a�e�e�4s of soy awr�rd pr cff,aint f�r�n�ges,d'ufx�:ar�ns�q�euti�l�I�i�can�ectfon�vit��r. -,
<br /> �� �tul�mna?lar�o;bthcr Y • °c�€.siiy;�€t o�tfia FraFe�,��r foa con�reya�in�P:u:ciY.�e�tiotr.�r��icr�+:as�s�i3 aix�` .
<br /> �.: . • ; ,
<br /> ' �ct�;t bc pa�d m I.��Cr: .- . , . . . ..
<br /> In�e 8vent of a t+DdP3 taYin�af 1hC��erty.t�Ze pa�le8c�s S�1i F�tip�Jt�ed tm the sams se�6y S3�is SCCVr'siy Instr��i� �
<br /> ,_;. . �.
<br /> ._ . _ .. • . .�. �a-�s�t�€�.-_-_�°'- -_
<br /> _ .wIt��er�R�uot�ihez►du�.w�th a�y��s p�c��raatvec:tu�t�e ev�eat af a p��l tak.i�ogi�.itts;�ty
<br /> ' YiLYi�Ct V�llt�0�tFiw.Pi,�ljl�fiy ISttrii6t�laSeS}►$¢�}i'�th2 taitiYt;iS�Qt13![t�.QF�t'�lIOY tt[a11 t�t��StAffWfE 0$�t3�&litL9 S�CUZtd by t�li3 ,_
<br /> Sac.��ity t�stczus�.°at imm�diateiy ti�fa�.the.Eatcutg�unles.s H�mvrer a�3 L�ade�a2h.rcvise a�e in writing.tt�c sw�s sccurcd bp , , ;
<br /> �ttns Stcrarify Instat�ment bhal!tx recitcsxd by th$amnanL�ofrthe,pmceeds mulE'splied by�ttEe t'o�lowing fl��n:{��tPw tar�al ' .
<br /> anpauat af�t8�.sums saaue�immediatefy�forc th�taking�•divis�i Oy l���t�e fajr mariret vatae of m�Pi�ger�y u�atciy�.
<br /> �efnse t�e taf�ng. Any,6alaace s�all be paid to Borrow�r. In Ehe eveut of a paruat taki�sg of the�'tagecty�in wluch the fair.:
<br /> �ke�va�ue of the Fmperty iramcdi�telY befo�the takiug is less t�aa.r�e zmount of tt�sums secured ifuraediatety befose tire.
<br /> ta6ciag,einlsss&,rmwar an�Lender othera+ise agree Ia vaiting or unles�sppllsabte iav�r atlhetwis�pFavides,t�pm�cccds s�li'
<br /> be aPpli�d to the sums seenred by�this Sr.c�ity Instruutehi wfletfl�r or raot the su�s at+a then due, ' '
<br /> If the Fmpettyis atraadoned by Bormwer,or if,aftec notice by[.eudes tQ 8onnwer et�at tbe onade�ur ofFers to r�tie�an'.
<br /> award a�settte a claim for dstnages,Bosrower fra�s to ce�ond to i,euder within 30 aays afte�tIw dute tt�e aotice;is given,.
<br /> Le�r is autfinrized to coitect a�sd apply the pmcee�s,at its opaon,either ta r�scorstion ar rep�.er of the Property or w the su.ms
<br /> sectu�ed 6p tt�s�ecusity IRSt�uent.wheth�r or nai then due. ,
<br /> .. Uniess Le�der at�3 Bormwet atheiariss a„�e in rmRing; anY ag�ticatton of pmreEds w piiaci�al_st�atl�aot extend ot
<br /> �::,pattpoua the.dite.date of tfie marrtfily paymeuts referred tv in ParagraPhs 1 atrd 2 or c1�ge the amnimt of sach paymenFs: :
<br /> 11.Boi�i��2r Noi�te3eased;Forbearuuce By Lcader Nat a Wciif�Extensinn of the�me for Qayment ar�8s�i4n
<br /> , .`pf,�ra�a�.of the s�ms sectued by this�eauity Instsument granted by Lender to any suocessor in interes3 of Horm�shal�
<br /> � m�i:apetaie to retease tt�e liability of the originai Boirower or Borrower's sueces.sors in'interest.Lender shap not be n¢qpire�ii to .
<br /> ° �c�punence proce�ings agaisut a:ry suc�essor in inierest or refisse ta extead time for payment or othetarise mncHfy amortjzatioa
<br /> of ihe su�s�secar�d 6y tbis Seauity In'smunent by reason of any dEmaiQd made by the original Borrowei"or 8orc�nwer's� ' •
<br /> suocessois in interest. Ray for6earance 6y Leadet in exercising atty rigiu or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude the
<br /> exe�ise of�any right or 1�Y• . � `� ` • � ' . ,
<br /> lt.Sa�sors arid�I�.signs Boun�:Join!aad Severa! Ua6iIfly, Co�sigac�s. The ouvenants atW �ements of this ,
<br /> :`':�Ctuity Instrument sha7i bilar�.�benefit the successa�s aad a�sig�s of I.endera�Borro�ver. subject fo tt�.piaviuoas of -
<br /> patagraph 17. Borrower's s�*tc�aats and agraements shall 6e joint aad'sever,�.;t�.ny Eormwe�who co-sigas this Security
<br /> ' Insuumeat bui does not exeM:t:the Note: (a)is co-signing ihis S�y,xnsuumeni only to mortgage..g�ant and cotrvey that
<br /> Smmwer's inieQ+ESt ia the Property nnder thc tenns of this Sec.urity[�ur�.'nt;(b)is not perso�ally obligated w pay the stuQS.�.
<br /> � sewred by tbis Sectuity It�stnraient;aud(c)agrces that l.ender and anq�Yer Borrower may agree�to eatend.maiifY,forhear oi.
<br /> ri�ce aap acoommodations with regard to the terms of this SecntIty Insunment or the Note without thai Borro�'��costseat.
<br /> • � 13.Laan Chaigcs.If the loan secured by this Security Instnunent is subject to a la�v which sets max�u.i,�i luan cbarges. -
<br /> and that taw is finaliy interpreted so that she inierest or other toan charges wllected or to be collected in connection with 4he _
<br /> loan exceed the permitc�d limits,ther►: (a)a�such loan charge shalt be reduced by the amount a:.a�ssary to rednce We charge -
<br /> t4 the pemdued timit;and(b)any sums a:m�.;y co}��d from Borrower which exceeded perm9tted limiu will be refunded to
<br /> :.t��rrvtiver. Lender raay cicaose to mflke this 'refund�i��;,na�ueing the principal owed under the Notc or ti}.;�alang a direct _-
<br /> payment to Barrower. If a.�fund reduces principal,:•r3�:.�ieducdon will be treated as a partial p�epay� without any
<br /> PrePayme�a�harge amder the Note. . � , : -
<br /> 14.Nat��es.Any aotice to Hornower provide4 for in this Seau���nstnunent sh�ll be given by delivering it or by maili�g =
<br /> � it by first class mai}untess applicabte law requires use.a�anothGr�he�'zad.The notice shall be di�w.,cted to the Qroperty Address -_
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice ta b gnder. Any notice to Lender shall be�given by faYttt.class mail to
<br />