_ —__----' ..._;�.�.e.�..----"'�—i"__ . .. — _ _ _' - _ .: ' _. .4.
<br /> _ —_— '___ �' , . . . '� 5�. k.
<br /> ��� — C/ C. c-... '_ . "' � . ." ' �C . � , � '��'�'�r,����� �•4'�• • .
<br /> -- — . . ' � ��' � � �.; ( ^ C�C <
<br /> � "�t7�3£�R.R�1�'�r!`'ut1 cfi�i��ats�n�or�ar�ift�ret�oct�oi�t�e�m�rty.�a"r�P���.��ea�;.��itt��s�x�s.�n�� ----
<br /> - — - - — - �fixt,uie�now ar}�er�er.�garF.af t�e_pzop�iy. Al� �pl"a"�et�tzt� �.�'s�ian�s�al�_aL,����w's��e� ���t���s;��:r;�y�
<br /> • � - In�titu�'a�:A1t ct�t�e.foregoing�r;,ft�a1 xa in t�is�:iy?�.���r as the.•F�Yoperty:' ':: . � . �. . � . _` ,.- _ .�`
<br /> - •_� BURRt��Y�:�t CCC,��i�EN�I3�'S that Bqrr�nvor is l�wf�tly�acisp8-of thc�.statt i�retr,�:r�nvey�s��ias tIYe ri�8t t�r�ra�'s�d : .
<br /> - — 'i�aae�s��.'.P�&""�I}`•.�L._ a1'thP IIr��e►�r�+�»t� �mt,�rr,���a fnr.e�cumbra�s�o€k�..'�'.�;�ar�wcr�vvarraz�ts A�d wiil_ :� _
<br /> . , aieferd gerkrafly�t�ti�t�to tbs Pjrape�ty against all slair�,azsd demands�sin$ject t�a�y em�m���ts of ra:arci. ` .`. , ., -_
<br /> .. `. 'i i�S,SECURi'TY INSTRYTfi+lE2V't'-c4mbines usiifarm cavenants foi n�fionst�use aitd rta�rtrrlf��cairenants with�ix�itc� , ' .
<br /> - -------- . .vs�nio�s by guresdiqbn to consu��e uaifaim se�airi�y a���rn,�x�avering s��l p�czty. �. `' ` • . . . .
<br /> - --- -- uN1FORM�YEI�AN'TS.$ormvvcr a.�d�enBer cov�ant sirtd�,rree€s.fnilax�s� - �, . .
<br /> - = l. P�yaxe��o�Prine��l a�c!�ritt�P'repaycncnt aa�Hafe Gt�rg�v.�Bn�rawer.shu�P��Y PpY w��n�ur t1� '
<br /> ��°. ' t�icci�:1�Y��#et�t t�E�e dr.����5�t��.l�+r aL������a,y�icrtt�nd_Iasc��c�c ur�YCS.ti2c Nc�2n.. ,--- -,--- :' _ . -- -._ --- -_
<br /> _ � ' � 2.�Fituds t�a�r Tascs aR�i insar�c�5ubject 2o upPiir�.tste Ia�or.to n i�,nit�n.wsdvcr b�r It�n�ic.�, �3a�ratv�r shatt�ay 30. , .
<br /> _ — � �Leuder an thc day mn�uhlY P33+ri%enfs iue dae u�u�er ttic Notc.qntil the Plote is pnut ui fi�!!.��u��°Fw�xls°1 far.(a?YearIy taJCeg
<br /> - IIIIl'�FtSSCS51tiCtitS WIt�CPi R41y AtI@IEl QI1t�flt�i'OYCf E�9$BSiiPiijl IqS[ftlYf3LtllR aS�U�071 t�1C�dQ[TCIljr:tb)YeattY_l�o3ti�ryan�nts . �
<br /> .ar groaad renu cat tiie Prap�rty.if any:f a)Ycariy h�rnrd or property insu�ancC premiums;td}yesrly ftcso�4 insurance�tmv�ss.
<br /> , � ..if anY�.<e)Yeatjy m��tguge Insur.u►ce pr�m�ums, If any;aud(t�nny sums payabte by 8��ao�rer�w L�uGer.in acr�z�ancc wim .
<br /> -- ` th�p:avisIc�ns of�ar.�mph 8,in liev of the payarent of mongage insu�ce pzemiums.�ese i��s ar�called"�scrow Ic:ms." .
<br /> l�ender muy.at any tL�e.collect and fmtd Fuads in an amount rcot w exce�d iDe•n���+-ncri�nr_.a lend�r fos a fe�alty
<br /> ret�te4 ffiort�age loan may require for Borrower'�escrow ar.cnura under the fieQrra!Rcai E�t� �ettir��Prac�dores Act of.� .
<br /> - — �197�as�mc�cded fmm tim�to ti�e, 12 U.S.C.Sectiaa 2601 et seq.(`RESPA°).unless aIIat�er taw thsi a�plies t�a ttSe FundS..
<br /> sets•a lesser.emunm_if so; Leader may,at msy time,coliect an@ hold Fwods in aa ama�mt.nnt fo enct�d the lesser amotlnt. � •
<br /> ' I.ender may estimate the amaunt of Fwtds dne on We bas�s of cue�+eent data aad masonahle c�ti�ates of�npendit�es of�'udire
<br /> _ --_"�_°��'� Qscraw ItC�ms or othenvise ira ar a��evith apglicable law. . . •
<br /> ---- _=— The Funds sbalt 6e held in an instiiutfon whase deposits are:insfued hy a fedecal agel�y,iasimmemality.`or entiry •
<br /> --��-_� (iaduding��i�I,e�es is�t�an is�stiutt'svn3 or in any.Fe�etaL Ham�Loan Bank.Lendec sh�li a�ly the Fund.4 to pay tAe . _
<br /> ---- . Escra�r Items.I.ender may�t ctr�e B�rnwer for hoiding aad applying ti�e Funds.atmualbY aualYzipg ttce esciaw asc�nat.or
<br /> -_—____---= veri�,q t�e Escrow Items,unless l�et�?ays Bormwer i��st on the Funds and apgtc��e!aw peQnits Lea�r t�make such -
<br /> - - a ebarge.Hdwever,I�nder may c�.cice fi�aroa�r to pay�ane-time ci�fo;an iade�eadr�t neat e,.�t,�e taa r�ng setvice �
<br /> �N�!�� usSd by LeAdert in coimecxion �Ea t�s Eaea.:an2ess appl�ca6le !aw g�+cn�ides othernise. Untess�agr+eem�nt is msde or '
<br /> �:�� a�firabte law reqaires�interest m be.p�;f�der shall not be recN���PaY Banowef any interesc c�eamings on the Funds. ••
<br /> - ----= Borta�ver aad I.ender may ag�ec n��avciting,however,that interest shall be gaid Qn the Fuads.i.ender s6all�give ta Boirower.
<br /> "°'�' ��� � withant ch�ge. an annual acooi�itir�of the Funds,showing cre�its and debits uu the�Faads aud the pmpase far wbicb each
<br /> debit to the Funds was mude.T�;�tinds a�pladged as addi6onal security for all snms�cur�by th's Sec�ity Instrument. �
<br /> � ' If tbe Funds held by I.snder execed the amflunts permiued to be hetd Ety appJicahle�anr.Lendec shail acoaairt to Bomrwer
<br /> "•�: •r 'for the exeess Funds in aaordance with tt�e requirements of applicable I�..�r:�[�th�amount of the Fuc�ds held hy i,ender ai atry - -
<br /> � time is nat sufficieat ta pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrat��'.,an miting,and,in sucb ca�Boirower
<br /> �. , H--=--
<br /> ��-''��� shal�pay to Lender the amoum necessary to make up the de�ciency.Bosiower shal4�aic��e up the deficiency in.min:�or+e than _
<br /> - ,;;�•:�'� . twehx monthly payments.at Lender's sale discretion. . :`:•�. ,�,`;�;::�•`.� �� _
<br /> � Upan payme�t in fall of all sams sec►aed by this Seeuriry Insuument, Lensier shall pm�pdy,•�.�,i?��irower any .' �
<br /> � N,hti,.�k;• Funds held by Lender.If,under paia�aph 21.Lender shall acgnire or sell the Property,L,ender,pria�:nx ci?:�ttisition or sale ��-�A�.
<br /> �: ..� of��Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of aoquisitian or sale�s a cr�dit ag�:.�tY�e sums s�cuned by �['�,`�
<br /> �t:�.-r;�� ! �C'"��;
<br /> . ;r:a,� this�ecutity Instrumeat. ::°' ' � _
<br /> �.;.. � �,:==-_-
<br /> " � 3.Appf�rstfion of Pay��.Unless applicable law provides othernise,all p�yp�+.�'mxived by Lender under paragrephs � �=
<br /> • 1 an8 2 shaU Be applied:first,to any pregayment charges due under tt�e�+:.e;secoad;jb amounts payable under paragraph 2;. I��`✓
<br /> .t -j:,i Y''�'=-
<br /> $� thi:d.to interest da�;�ourth.to principa!due,and tast.to any late charg���t;nder the Note. : __ -- -_
<br /> 4.Charg�:Liea3.B��+ut�r shall pay all taxes.assessmenu,charges,finos.a�.;i�isitEons amiliutable W,the Property °-�--
<br /> � ...�_. wQ�ir�r.nay attain priority ov�st'sis Security Instnunen� an3 leasediold payments or�ruu�rents.if.any. Borca��r shall pay � ----
<br /> '�s�`"� � theseobligations an the manner�r�vided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Fuc.vwer shall pay them ori cime directly - _
<br /> f.��••:�.,;• ..___---___
<br /> �'��'��''�•'�:�''� to the person owed payment.Borrower sl�afA•�mmptty fumish to Lender all aoGces of amounts to b��:a.id under this patagiaph. �E:-_"=�_
<br /> r'��"�` '���'' If BorroweT makes these payments directly,R�:er�wer shall promptly fumish ta I.ender receipts eviu�r°"'a�?�;the payments. 'I�
<br /> ' � Borcower shall rom t! disch e an sien which has riori over this Securit I nt urless fl��san-er: a e rees in ��~r
<br /> �r•• . P P Y azS Y P tY Y ��� ( ) S '�:y;�:i.r:-.,, ' -_
<br /> '�'� "��.,''�� °� . writing to the payment of the a�l�ii�ation secured by the tien in a manner acseptable tu L;xu;.�;(b)contests in gva�falth the fien c:•,`t;?`L•.��_'-�;r-�,+n+��•
<br /> �:y;:.'t� � ; ',;,,�.,,,� :s-,.,'.,,..:�. ;;,�-.
<br /> _ ,�,:..�,:, . 6y, or defends against enforc�,ent of the lien in. legal prooeedings which in the L.�cnier's c�.r on operate to prevent the ,�.,.�,4,,� �� ;S': •
<br /> �'� • • enforaement of ti�ct lien;or(c)�secures from th�hotdec of the lien an agreement sausf�stury to T�a3�subordinatin�the tien to -,,X,='.�� ��t�� '
<br /> ` ., • .. •":'$'r�t?r,�f�`
<br /> �:;�,�k h•��;.��_ `.' : �his Security In�strern.�°�'�•If Lender determnr�:s that any part of the Property is subject to a lien wttich may attain priority over ;�,�,. . ,
<br /> �����' ' ��� •�° this Seauity Instrnr�ie�t,f�erc3�may giva Burro�ver a notice identifying the liea. Borra�,er shal l satisfy the lien or take one or . �� `'
<br /> s �,'�: -�;.;,•;; ,
<br /> {�;�:;�. '"'-'` more oi the actions set Evptfi a�.x e within 10 da s of the ivin of notice. . . � "�` ' ,
<br /> ;�: :�r.;. Y �'� � ::'v>�.
<br /> �f�'l�lfq•.2,' ;�+•.ri � ' FOflll�d� 0�� ;•Si{1: . .�
<br /> �f I�'rtos••.�-'L . � , . . � .
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