__ - '- 1( ( f , • , (. ` (� ' .. �Y. . S �. � . . . � . ��.�` . � ' ' .. ( _ _
<br /> __ __ . , • � �. . r � . . " . 'C �[+,M^�4�a.9 . �
<br /> _ .-�- �� . � . . , . . ---_
<br /> =�"�"°� � p�.rfads th�Len�der�et�.utos. 7�f�vr•tt�CC+�ie��zavidtng4�e�n�•:�,,•�shaII��e.c�ases�by�Barmi�et�.'�j+x�t u?I:ett�er°$ ,. �.
<br /> _ - - �irawa�whis8e s��et(�tmceas�bIy�t2�cld. if Bt�v,�r fa�s 4�maintgin c�soearage describ�i�uve;.�mxy,at' .
<br /> � � L�BQr's apsioa,bbsuin oavarage ta prattscE t�dsr's rigt�in.dis r�acz�daac�vufsh jpu�a�'�.7:, ' .. . � . ' �� .
<br /> ____.- ._�._= , -¢.�3s�att��..�<���r��ents sh?��ane}�1�t4���[sha1Y Inclut�`a�s�,�ta-��s clattse:..�nd�f.. — _ —
<br /> _ — � , shaid 6ave ti�e rtght to hald.ds�paficies and renewa�s:.Yf Gs�r nt�.B�raiver sliall p�mpEYy give ta I.s�r a�f�:�e}pts _ `-
<br /> -- -__ =_= of pa;d,pre�Iua`��4�aI.aetice�. in t�event of tussr Bonawer sh�D}�ive,pc�mgt a�aee'to t2fe����nancc ca�rice�sr�3 - ;:. .
<br />-�;', . t�eader. 3.�i may maicc pmof�f iass if aot n�ads�romptiy Csy Borlawer: .` . . -.
<br />�- Ualess t�euder aad 8nmawer os2�swiss agre�fcs waiting;_insqirs�c�pTac�ds shaIl 6e sppfie¢'to iestor.itida'cr�te}sa�tif -
<br /> -•4- • �dte Properry damaged,if Yhe cesto�t�an or'repair is ecana�n3calIy feasi6le afid L`er�der�s seGtuity is ci�t te�d.` U the
<br />�;�: " ? -� tescaragfoa or teptisr is aot ecqmomi�atly�easibfe or I.eu�eas seciuity wouid be�e�eu�.the�ce pr�eects slt�fJ!se ,` . — _
<br /> ��... :,
<br />- -- -- -- - -- . '. -
<br /> � tr_.°��- ` ` agpliea ca t�e suiri�se�d i�y dv�s S�itp ti�ma�t;R+i�hes'nr.u�tu�r d�te;wi�irany-exce�s�sid.fa Bc��� s�,- - - —_
<br /> : Bo�vr+er a�dans the Pmgescy�,os dnes not gaswar within.30.days�unfcce from Lendea tFias t�e i�as�rance carrier h3s �
<br /> offeie�to senIe a�tai�.t�en Leitder may co}Ieet the.iasu�r,e piuc�cl,. t�a�r may use the pro��to rep,�ir or res06re • . '
<br />� � ` 8se�ta�crtY.or ta p�ay s�aas secured by this S«c�rity Ia�tm�eat,whet�iea or nmt then dna. 17te 3Q�ay penod will begin a�. ,`
<br />�- th�eo23ce isgi�re� - . . �
<br />- � . lFntrss Ilender amd Burmwer otherwise a�ee in writiag,,�sy agplicatima af praoeeds't��incigal s1�aiF nat ex�ad ar .
<br />_ ,_ pastgos�tts due+date af tIte montbJy gayriie�ss r�ferre�f W ia paragr�s 1 aa�2 ar c�adge t�e amar¢at of the payzaeats. 1f
<br /> � , aader ga:agrap�n 2t tI�PraPertY,is�ua�bY I�der.Bmrflwer's r�gi�t tn any msuance�policies aud pioceeds�ting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior w the acq�sition shall pas4 m I�ader to ttse ex�eat of ths sums sec.ased by tfiis 5e�auit�i
<br /> Insmanem imrnedateiy priar to t�e acq�sitioa. � �
<br /> . 6. � Pre�a4�, MaEateaaace aad Fr�on at tfte Prope�'ty; Bc�raWer's`l.a�a Ap�lieattan,
<br /> L�td�Horcawer shafl aaeapy,e.s�ab�is5,sua us�t�e Ptoperty as Bormta�r's psimCipal resideaee vinth.in sixty days after '
<br /> . = tI�exewtion of this s�`ecuaty Inshummt aad sh311 stia'n 1.W oD�aPY the�i3!��iG�y,asBo�o�irer's�uccipal�asEdence'for as
<br /> , 1eas�t ane gear aftes t�►e datei�;occuPancY, unless Lender otherarise a� in,�vritmg, aibic6 c�asEnt�s6ail aot be =--
<br /> :•`�:s��r� �asonably wi�hetd.bs ,i�.eanatiIIB�eaist which a�r�beyond Burmwds wnuoL Bo�wer shal�aot . —
<br /> '•-�-�,'"`�����,=_�- ,¢estroy,darn�e or impai�tt�< '_ ,allaw the PtoFesty to deYerio�aDe,orcrommit viaste ast tlte Pbgerty. Bosmwes shaJ1 ��__ _
<br /> �` . .. 6e m defantt if any fu�feittae �.�ii•�c pmc�edir�g,whe8ser civi}or criminal,is begun tLat in i,eader�goad faith jnd�i
<br /> - V�j��:,,�;;.;��,r�" - ----- ---- ca�,td aesult in fatfeinue of the �or os8etwis�materially-impa�r ufe tien �atea by th;s Sec�uiry rusttuYUent oi
<br />_ . `�;-��;_�4:��``: Leader�s securiry iuteresr. Boa+nwer may caie such a de�mlt and*p*^��-.as pmvided m pazagrapL lS..by�g die aaion .
<br /> - �..;�` . .�� or Pmc�edipS to be dismissed tv[th a rul'snp,thaII.m l.eni.ter�s good f�th d�tesminat►�;Q�Iudes forfeitu�e of the BonDwei'3
<br /> � `�` '�' intecest ia dte PtopPSty or other material impainneat.of t1�e liea created by tGis Seauity Instrument ar I,euder's sec�ity
<br /> �=;�r=,•.:< _�
<br /> :,�,-,a;,.�'�� ...`: 1;" mreceat. Smrower shall aiso t�e in defaWt if Bo:mwer,during the loaa.app2icatian ptoc�ss.gave materially fatse ar
<br /> ... �
<br /> „"'�::t�.::' ' ' �infomoation ot staLements to Lender(or failed to Rravide i.eader wit�azry material infom�iion)in comtei�an arittt ��-�--._
<br /> :�,;,,y., a'
<br /> . •�:,:::�;.':���:�'. - ttce!o�eviQenced by che Nate.inclu�ing, but t►ot limited to, �pnesentations conoezning Sarrawer�s accupancy of the .
<br /> :i': � • • . Ptopedty os a�rriacipalcesidenre. 1f this Secwiry Instnimsnt is on a[easehold.Bormwer shali comply witb all the pz»visions —
<br /> � . , ° ia ►
<br /> _,, '•� ;,.`,,;. .�; of ttm iease. If�arrouter acquiras fee 6tle to the Pk�nperty,the lease6old aad the fee ti�le shall not merge�miess l.e.ader ag�ees _
<br /> �" :;''`.:�' w the mezgetia writing. . r,:.
<br /> - •� • • 7. protectfon ot Leade�'s 8#g6ts In t@e Property. If Bmrower fails tq perfqt�.the covenants and ag�eemeats _
<br /> - ;.,�; _-....�...._
<br /> . . cuntaiaed in this Securiry Instiumeat,or there as a IeP,al Pioceeding that reiay si�'z,��n![" affect Lender�rigMs in the — —
<br /> . � �P�Y(sacD as a gtaca�eding in banlauptcy.pmbate.for conde�nation'r�fnrfeitiue or�:�o�e Iaws m�gulations).then ��:. -
<br />- :�:;'.'`- . � l.endet may do_aud��!(t�f..•for whatGyer is aecessary w prntect the value ot�ifie:S'roperty and i.ender�s ri�in the PkoPea3►- ,•:::• �-.--- _
<br /> en � _
<br /> .,. ' Leuder's actions c�u%y�iqtctude paying any sums serured by a lien which ha's�rity over t�s Security t�.stcument,agpearia� ' "�
<br /> - -� .. .• in caart,PaSm►S�uable attomeys'fees aud eate�ing on the Piopeity�ta ma�e mpait�:i?�lt�augh 1.ender may taice�. ����.�
<br /> . • ^' uttder d�is paragrdp�=�`,Leader does not have to do so. � �.'• •. ' ` , '., .,••;-'==s--
<br /> .. :, ' ' . My amoants_�bwsed by Lender under this P�S�Ph 7 shall become addivanat�i'r..�'t of Banvwer seciued iry dus ` �.,'�_,�,�:��
<br /> . . .-.r,a_�,
<br /> Securiry Inti-umnen'�:Umtess Borrower and Lender agre�to other tenns of paymeru.thae amounts shall beu interest fmm the ;-. ;�;.;:��
<br /> . ,.'�: .l ' date of disbutseme�x ai the Note rate and sttall be payable.with interest,upnn notice fmm Lender to Bmrower requesting � . ''�'�'�
<br /> ,`..:,!.�: ,' , Pa3rmem, . . ' • l�.G�s�z
<br /> : ;�-. . .� 8. Mortgage Ins�aaoe.;;I�.I.ender raqnired muagage insurance as a condirion of making the toan secured by t6is '::::: r �.,
<br /> � ��: �,: .° . Sec�riry Insuument,Borrower a''.r,�l� a the �ums w maintain the mo : �.-^:
<br /> - P Y P� �i� ttg�8e instuanae in effect. If.far any --�J":. '
<br /> �• :,-; :.. :. ceaso�'the m e.insaianre cavera Lender ! ses or ceases to 6e in effect. Botmwer shaIl the �-�-�'s`;%":''�_��---_
<br /> :�,.:,. • o�g Se' teqaited b3' aP F�3+ •'!�.-ar'-!� '
<br /> �� " premiums requi�ed to ohtain covecage su6srantia]Iy cqnivaLent to the mottgage insurance previously in efYec�. at a oosi '•::,��_• , .-.�s;'�=
<br /> ,,'�:` .� .. substantiaily equivalent to the cost to Sorrowcr of the mortgage insurance p►ev►ously in effect.from an altemate mortgage _ ,�-
<br /> . ' .• . insuter apQmved by Lender. If substantially eq�ivalent mortgage.insnrans��rsyeragL is not avaitable.8orrower shall pay to -;�°'. ' .��t
<br /> . � � Lender eac�montb a sum equal to ane-twelfth of the yearly cnb� ge insat�:oe pn�n►ium tseing paid by Bmrower when 1he . :'.:'.r... t�;j
<br /> • .�.;�•.. . . insvsntuie cove e la or ceased to be in effect. l.ender vrill� � •�,`.';��II.
<br /> �S P� wc�cept,use artd retain these paymencs a4 a loss reserve in Geu , ,�,: .
<br /> , _..�•.�•;':_ �� , � ....��,�..=
<br /> '',� , of inartgage insviance. l.ass reserve payments may no Iongei be reqaired„at the optian of Lender.if mongage u�surance • , -,.
<br /> � -.•� ' ,��• .�' � coverage(in fhs amount and for the pedad that Lender tequlres)provided by an insurer appmve�by Lender again becomes ' . �
<br /> '"� ':�� �._,..� : available and is o6Eained.Borrower shall a the `
<br /> p y premiums tequired to maintai��nortgage ursuiance in effec�or to provide a .
<br /> .`;� �"�'��" loss reserve,untit t�te mquinemem for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any wriuen agreement between Borro�ver .
<br /> • . . and l.ender ar a�plicab2e law. , `
<br /> . �: ' � . 9 Inspe�liatL Leader ar its ageat may make masanable entries upon and inspections of the Praperty. Lender sP�all : : .
<br />: �. , . give Bom�wer aotjc�at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying ceasonable cause for the inspection. •
<br />-t.r�'s � ' . • ' 10 Coad�nnnt�on 7'he ptoceeds of any award or claim for damages,dimct or consequential.in comtection with any � ' ;
<br />=,�.Y_: � ..
<br /> :`}t; • � . . � Singk F,unity—Fann�bf�N6'r�dk btac Uh'IIFORI�!Q1'S71t1J11lEN7'—Unifmm Covmanb 9190 IpaRe 3 aJ6 pagtsl ' � • . '
<br /> . •, G�n t�es�Fas�ma■ f.'. � L. .
<br /> '}";-'.� � , to�Qsfa4 680DS�U PA7[BI6T9Id131 . . • .
<br /> . � ..
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<br /> , . � �. . .
<br /> , . . ..
<br /> . . �. . . � . , . � • .ii�1i:. . .
<br /> :
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