- _ = . ` - ;_� - .: : , : . ��± ������� . _-
<br /> _- -- v � . . . � . . . ��.�
<br /> -- --_- _°-_-- upp2icuDIa taarraay spocaCy fo�eei�st�acent)6efssre sa3e�af t�Pcu,�rty pa�suaart tfl aay panrer of 5ate cuiUaa�ed�ia t3�is . -
<br /> sp
<br />_ __ --- �$ Security�Lostnuaeaz�.os tb>entr��af a judgmeni 4'�orciag this$�cty Iasmim�ad Those coa�itIoas mr�that�astowea: (a� ; --
<br /> i�Y�Lencb�r 811 sums cvbit�s the�.wuuld i�alue under t�a.s Sacuritgr tas�nL�std the N�te as i€no sccelerati�n had
<br />°--�—�-�----� �ae�:�a cu�amg defauitof'ang ai$c�r cavensnss br agt!�emsnts:Cc)F�Ys a!t expgnses iacune8 in enfozcIag this 5aauity
<br />- -- � � instnmse��i�eiadir�g,but aot liaitted to.reasonat�f��atfn�eys•fees;aad(d�t�es sucb.rictioa as i eadet may reasana�tly . -- .- -
<br /> - — requtte to assw'e tt�at the`llen af this�e�iuity�Fnsuvment,Lendet�s rights ir�the Fivperry aad$orcower's obligcuion eo pay the
<br /> -- s. � . SiIA7S BECLft.Q I3�►�tHLS SSCQ.[li�I IILSZCi21ffi.°IlE &�lfl�T COI1�4'. Lk1CI}Ll�l�. Upon aeinsiat�ment 6y Baicower,.ahis Secnrity , �_-_
<br />- Ias�am..at wd t�:oai�atiuns secured h�eby sHaIl�main,fu]Iy effective as if n�acceSemtiott had occarred. Hovsrever„tlris i��.�.
<br /> .�"��"�7, �4.>Y • rig$t ro cefnstate shalt not app3y in the case of acceIeratiaa under paragapb 1'�. , � . 7;
<br /> ��r S ;� ' . ..1��;Ss�k QY�Tote;C6�oi�.oau Serat� 114e Nate'or a�rtiai interest in the Aiote(wgether crit�tflis Secuaity , ' � :,
<br /> 3 �`�.�� _-_ . Tiosuurrieat)ma`y�be solii o�nr more ti�s without prIar aatio�ta Boma�rrer. A snte may resnh ia a cinage In iht entity .
<br /> o �
<br /> �� �' �� �: (t�cv6 as!�"I.4aa Seivicet"j that collects manthlY PaYmentS due n�der the NoYe aad this Sceurity Iasuument. 'Ihere also
<br /> �'I 'may be`oae er more changes of th�Laaa Serntcer unrel�ed t�a r,ale of the Note. If thene is a Cha..�uf the Laaa Servica '
<br /> � BoaowEr�srill be gven wnttea notice bf the cb�ge in accot+daa�e wit�parag4ag!►14 ahove and applicable taw. 14�e notice` ---_
<br />= vv�l sffite�te aame and addiess of the�aew Loan Servicer mtd tha addiess ta which payments shonW be mad� 'I�e nouce w�31 �.�
<br />- :aLso ounmiq artY otTser informatian reguit�d bY aPPtic�ble law. • � . '°'"`
<br />_ � 21D. ��ardous�abs�no�s. Baaower shall nat cause or pe�mit the pieseacx,os��sAosal,storage,ar telease of any ----
<br />_ ` Ha�daus Snbstarttes on ar iu the Pcoperty. Bmmwer saaU aot do.nor allow suyosre else ta do,anYthing affecting dae --
<br /> - - Ptopeity Btat is in viu3�tion of .F�vimmne�tal I:aw. 'l�e p�cading two secsoeaces shalt aat appIy m the preseace.use.or
<br /> - soosage aa t�e Propeitlr of s m a�qnantities of HaTardous Snbstances ihat ace generally recognized to ise appmpriate to norma! �:;
<br />- • " residemial ases aud tn wainGenauce of the Ptapetty. �''';
<br /> Bomswer.shalE promptty gi�ve Lender written notice of any iavestigation,cIaim.dema�ad.la�vsmt or aiher actiun by any �='
<br /> _=,�:�;�°'`0�- � . gov�mental or�egtilatory+ggeacY or private parey involving the Propeity and any Hazardons Substaace or Envimnmental ;1�:
<br /> r�..
<br />�-'-"'�'° '"'�. : La�t:uf w�ich Bo:iower has acu�al lmatpledge. 1f Boaower leams.or is noUfed by anY govecnmental or r�gnlatasry+ , -
<br />�a�g```�-'r .�` �, . auu4ority,tAat any remavaY,ar ot�er iemedia�on of any Ha�+dous Su6stance affestiag the Pkup�ty is necessary.Borro�ver •�",,'
<br />�..--*�,.r'�t �,
<br /> - -�;��,,E�:�'' � shatl promptly take alI aeceSSary�medial actions in accordam�e with F.avironmental Laat. �
<br /> �.- _ . ......,-. -=.,;:y';�as�in dris paragraph?A,"Hazardous Substances"ate those sabstances defiued as toxic or hasaidous substances by ` �
<br /> ---=�`"'i�� t. � �vi�ti?�nental Law��tlie t"oltoaiiing satistances:gaso7in�k"croseue�otlier�ttammabtt a��Co3��p�nr�l�m ;�Wuc----�-�--�---- ,
<br /> :�v-�- .���.�and herlsicides,votatile soIvents.mate�iaLs cantaining ashestos ar formaldebyde.and radipactive ma��'als. As
<br />������� ' t�r[i,s�this parag�agh 2(1."Environmental Law"means fed�al laws aad laws of the jmisdir,tion wheie tLe Praperry is tocated
<br /> �:;:�:.. tIaat te7atE w Ge�}s�.safety or enviionme�al protectiwn
<br />�'�--""`=. : s . NO�-UN37�RM GAVENANI�. Bom�wer and.Lender further covetiant aad agcee as foltnws: --
<br /> - %�._:,°�_'��` 2!. Acce[erattan;Remed�es. i.ender shaD gJve noitoe•w Bormwer prior to acceleratIan foHawing Borco�w�ds _ '-
<br /> . �._•- ��`Y:,,.. bneac6 of aqF covea�at or agceemeat in thts Secartty Inshvmeai(6nt nut prior ta acxete�atlon�der paragapA 17 :
<br /> a�; :
<br /> _.�._;'��,t . •-�__� t�3'ap�atiPe Law pirov�des athercvLse) The nottee shall sperify: (a)the defata�S:(6)the actIa�n Rqntred Lo cm�e 4Le -
<br /> r'j�,` ,,°i.l- �t;(c?a daOe,aat[�s i�3D days frum the date the notIce is�iven to Eorsowe�by whtch the defaatt mnst be
<br /> .�en��J'�_'_;�.. . � ��.�,r�,
<br /> • �i(�tl�s*_ta�nre to car+e the detan.tt on or before t�e date ed ia the noiEce mag.r�tt in acee2e�a�ton of �=-
<br /> ..,�,t�;::;.�- -.
<br /> • �; � _
<br /> `�:k::;;:�-:.,..•.�.:-:�{ : , t��cros'se�red h9 tNs SecnNt9 Ins�t and saIe of tlie Pruperts. The nottc�e shaIi�:f�form Bormwer ot ���t•':
<br /> ."�;�,�"_4�<'`r;.,:.".•�'�' cis�',.�� t to�einstate after acoe�era4�4:c�:" rigt►t to bring a conrt adtan to assert t�e aon�ace af a defaWt or
<br /> ,;;��'�„ . ;.,:..,-: ` a���tse�defemse aS Hm=ower ta�•�.�'a aad sa� IP 18e d�anit fs not ca�s„�or before the date speziSed iu
<br /> j ,t=.;>:.�_ � t�m�to�Leader at�ts opUto��y r�re.immedlate g�^y.ment In fnU of all sams s�d by thls Se�bty tnst�u�eat•
<br />- -x ' ,e� ��.. r •, .y�iu�rt fartAer dpma�qud�P invake t2ce power c��le an3 r�,ny ather isme.�ies pecmftied by aPPllcabie Iaw
<br />_. ,, .�+1.�., • , .
<br />° �'�f''�-�.�� , , , Leitder sI�aD Be entUted tm cp�ect all�6ncarrnd in pa�.�tIIs remedie�s prnvIded in this patagisp6 21,
<br /> :�� - ;.._,•r.:.:-�� . �
<br />_ �x�.'�,:� .;�..., inctadtng,6�IIat limited t�e+e��±aa6ie�rneys'fees ancl casts�id�r�videnae.
<br /> tx-.r•::•,-�,
<br /> ' ;x;'. �..-..�•;. ,;._ If the��er of saIe Is inva�Ce�,'ltrostee sLall cecoid a nottce aY�i'aWt in eac�county in�vb[ch any part of tbe ,.'.
<br /> S �" - , �[��Y is Ioatted and shaII�copies of sach notic�in ths manner prescrtbed IDv��fic�ble�aw to Bosrower antl to
<br /> , �`" � • tge other y�ersmns ps�FY�r a�plicabte taw Aiter We ttme reqairei4 by app➢3rs��law,llvstee shtill give pn6lic
<br /> ��` aai�c4 of ssiie to the persons&r�9 in the�ne�prescrlbed by appli�te[aw 7lvsbee,w[thout demaad an Borrnwer,
<br /> - shaU seII the Propesty at pnbl�a�t�1�di�rst 6idder at the.t�ne and pfaoe and ander tRe tesms destgnated tn
<br /> the aottee otsate in one or�ore p,9mei�s uac;��n any order'IY�ostee�"teriniues. 7Y�astec may�one sa4e of a�or any
<br /> p�+oe!at tbe Propei49 hY I��.��t at the thaa and piaee of anq prevIousty scheds�teal sa1� Lrader or itq
<br /> dt�1�s ma9 Pue�e�se tt�Pcugerty ai r�}'s�l� _ -• ,. .
<br /> t�
<br /> - '' Up�riceipt oi paymeut�t��aiCe bid,llros4r�c sha11 dellver w the pnrd�aser 7Yastee's deed cwnveyb�g We
<br />_ _�'��: 1�+oRertY• The rsc[taLs in the�CStee's dee�sLaD be prima fade evldeace oY the trath oY the statements made thereia. � .,
<br /> ;.. �: . � • 'trustee sbaR aPP�Y tha pmaee�aY tL"e��n tite foIIawing order: (a)¢�aD rnsta�d expeases of exerdst�g ttte power .
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