_ _ . . . r • ' . � � � ������ � —---- --
<br /> � ..� ` ' �
<br /> --��...�-���� Tf3�rE�'fIEIt W!'�'�I�Il t�.e,it¢proveme�ts uaw an c�reaft�r.er�cted o�the prop:pty.aad•aI!eas�,agpiut� , .aad '
<br /> ;t•
<br /> --
<br /> -- - -- --_�..�,� . fiixmres.e�abv:or hs�fte�.�P�t of the.propestq. All repF3cem�rnts aad ad�ttons sl�ll aiso be cESVemtl_by t6is Seciuity • � -_-- ---
<br /> - --- - _ � 'Insttumenc.AI!af the forea�oing.ts ref�r�d tc�in this Secarity Instiu�nt ras the"Fco1��Y•"� '
<br /> =- - - . • ` B+aRRO�VER COVENANxS ti�at 8oaawer is tarifully seised of ths est�te hereby convey�aq8 has the ri�6Ltv gra�c�d � ----
<br />_---------_--= carnrep tfle�P�agerry�1 i�t t�PraPerty is iu�ascimlhre�.eRCepi for encvrnbranzes af recond. Bnrmwer wanants a�sd wilt _'�"__=_u`_—
<br /> - __ -_� defeas#�_It�r tir�tasls r�u�Froprrag�s��Lzims Btts!�ea�ads.s��,ject ta aay ear�mbiuu�s of recor�. ` ----�� -
<br /> --- � . . . TfIIS,SECiJRITX IN�'RUMFI�i'�combir.es cudform c{nea�nts for national use aad noa-uniform covu�tts with tia:ited
<br /> � � variacians by jnrisd'sc�ion to ,�arte a vaifarm s�cmriry �nc coverin real e • .
<br /> in ,rrt g ptitp rijt•
<br /> `��'���.�s�= UMFORM�.'OVENI�NTS.Bomawer arc�.Leadxr coveaani and agree as foitows: • � � ' _ --
<br /> �rrtL���`�� , 1. I'�y m ti u t of F r i u�p�1.aad IeEr�res3: �qiaya3e�3 aa�.Lste Ci�axg�a. Sorro�v�er shall P��P�Y P$Y wI�en due the � � _ _ .-___
<br /> �•-- z,,� ;, : - pru�ciyrai of a�interest on the det�t exid�c+ed 8}i tit�iVote aud anY Prep�mefft and Eate ci�r�sett�e u�dcr tM Nate.
<br /> ``.� �,�':.� �:Fuas�s fc►x'�aae,s�d Immi�ue�Subj�ct to agplicable Iaw or tQ a wriae�waiver b3v Lend�.Borro�vet shall pay to ' �'-"`� _-
<br /> •;�<Y-- E�ader on tht day mflnthiY Fayments are dsie eandsr the l�tote,uutil tIie Note is paid in fiill.a sum t"Fnads°)for.(a)year{Y t�xes ' . �; �,��_�-_----_-
<br /> � �. • �accaecm_e��c tV6iCh P�nY�Nf Y�r ly Ie�a5eho i d �'`�""""_----- _
<br /> 1� may atCain priarity over this S�curiry Iastn�ent as a lien on the Pro PaY►�� P.�,c�?�';w��-------
<br /> - or gronu�r�an the Pmperty,if affy;(c)YeaziY hazatd or property insurance premiums:td)Yea�rlP�ad insuiance pmmit�ms, �;:;;;:__--��___ _-
<br /> � � ��3';(E)YearIy mortgage insuraace premiums.if apy;aad tt}ac►Y sums PaYable by+Borrower to Lende�, in accordauoe with ---------
<br /> - the provisians of para.�P►8,in lieu of the gay�ent of mortgage insorance Premiums.These items�e calf�d"Escrow Items." _ =--_---__-_-:
<br /> Ixndee may> at a�r time, coll�t aad tiotd Funds in ar}araount not to�aceed the maaian►m amoum a Iender for a federalty � -� � _
<br /> _ telated mortgage toan ma}+reqaise fos Borrower's esctow aa:ouAt ander the fedeial Reai Fstate Settletnent Procedures Act of ;�s�� - --
<br /> � 1974 as amended fra�u time to time,12 U.S.C.Sedion 2bD1 et seq. (°R�SSPA°),unless aaother!aw thai appli�s tn die F�nds � -= -
<br /> sets a tesser amovIIt. If su.L�ander ma�. at any time.coltect and hold Faads in�aaaount nat to excaeed the le�er a;aouaY. "`:�--�-_-
<br /> �a
<br /> ` ,.��::.,.
<br /> IEII�r may �e tlte amouat of Fna�.sdue on tlie basis of cvrrent d�a a�d reaso�a.ble esumates of exgeaditures of fature '�'=��,`��
<br /> f�- e .
<br /> _ - ` �` : F�crucv Itetqs or otherwise in accarda¢rce with�plicable lav�. �. ' '•.� ' y` � -
<br />_ '4.. � .
<br /> - �" �+ `' The Fands shal�be Reld ia an institution whase its'are insureci b a f eral en instmm�ty, or endty
<br /> � Y ed �g a.7'• °�a-
<br /> � (including Lettder.if L.ender is such aa instihrtion)ar in azcy Federal Hnme I.oan BanY.l.e�der shaS!appiy the Fuad�to pay the .':: ••�-:i;`:�_`_�
<br />- _ �-;1•.�^-t••r•—_
<br /> . �'� �'- ^t,-• ..-----�Esciovv�iieu�s. --er ma��aoi- --�---B"oirovire�foPlioldia and plyu�g�Fu3�-anmratiq�aaratyang-the�scrowaccaimt:-ur --- �-�-: .•-_
<br /> ,���..v„., �� Y � 8_..... .�..-. .'-�-`r;:�
<br /> - "� .`.��.' verifying the Escrov�Iiems.ualer�s Lender pays Borrower inter�st on the Fands and applicablc law permits I.e.¢der to make such �r' 'J.',��--
<br /> L . � . �S:i r',l,'�.[..—_
<br /> �� , ' a charge.Hawever.Ixader may requae Borronrer to pay a oae-tiate c6arge for an iade�ensleni real estate tax�eporting sen�ce
<br /> '�`�-x���'�;;,'�''' used by Ixrcder in connecdon with thi's toan, untess applicable law provides otherarise. Unle§s an agreement is made or. , ,.:,•:` �-
<br /> ��ti;-:�;� �. applicable law requires int:ezest to be paid,LeIIder shall aot be required to pay Borrower.any.intcrest.or.earc}ings on.tbe FundS: _ "'"`" � .T
<br /> ' ;.:.,,.
<br /> � ";�:.x.:±��'� Boxmwer and Le�de�may agree en:�vriting.itoweve�,that inteiest shalt he paid on the`Funds.I.�sY�aU give to Borrovyer. '..` "', .,�;�
<br /> ;�.'�,�.�`��:`:�•: ' �vithuat charge.a�anmial accaanti��af the Funds, showiqg credits and debits to the Funds aad the purposc for which each � �y :
<br /> ��;,r�: �� debit to the Funds was urade.The;Fiznds ure piedged as addiaonal.securiry for all sums secured hy this Secu�rity Instrument. , dl�
<br /> ` ��".��Y�iY.t�.-. . A
<br /> _e�'� If the Funds heid by i.ender exceed the arnoants permitted to be held by appiirabte law.LendeF.�l�ll account to Borrower _ ,..-°.Y�
<br /> "qi' -�:1 'T��..FT�• ;- . .. .�y._�.
<br /> �:;:*y�••:,•,-::.,' • for the exoess Funds inacoordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Furnd�held 6y Lender at aay
<br /> • .;��r:•s.--:,:.r:,� :, ' .�.-`;
<br /> :.�.R^.•:, . �ae is not sut�cient t4 pa}the Escrow Items when dae,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,a.d;in such case Borrower .
<br /> ,,,v °�'' =�=f' ' ` snall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. 8orrower.shall make up the de�ciency in na more than `` �
<br /> = �-�`r';a?;<,�..,.. -
<br /> tir.,..;, . .,.. YPaY .. . .
<br /> �����;,.;.:�.:;, tivelve montbl meats,at Lerrdec's sole discretion. . ., � y,. � ��'
<br /> U n m fuli of al}:sams seture�b this Socuri Inspument. Lendec s.��all ro d refwed to 8a�+owet an ° ��
<br /> ._�„.��,,,�,-,:.'..�,.�_,:� Pa PaY�.� Y �Y P �P Y Y ,:..� 4 .
<br /> •�' '� � , , '. F u a d s h e l d b i.e n d e r.I f,u n d e r h 2 t.L e n d e r s h a U a u i r e o r s e l l t h e P r o e i,e n d e r, n o r t o t h e a c u i s i d o n o r s a t e • .� t• ":��'
<br /> ;t•;:��sz;�.; r:'i � ...._ Y P�P �1 P n Y•. P� 4 . •�:� �
<br /> ����"' •f � '- ' � of the Praperty,shall apply atty Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisitinn or sale.�s a credit agsinst the sums secured 6y �� -�:," ,
<br /> ..��.?d':`M``. [�11S.5L'C711'j({�jD5[I11IIIeAt. ., y�;r•.� _:i_
<br /> � .:} ��.ia1.l:!'t�' . I � �� ..r:'1;'.`:... ��..�.�c�.ii.
<br /> . ' ��•*•.�`.��'.,ar 3.Applleaifop of Paymeeits.Untess applicable Iaw prouicics othenvise.all paymenls c�ceived by Lender under paragraphs ;414;�fir�,..�,` �'.• ��,,
<br /> . �r.-,:,.. . �'.
<br /> =":;- �` 1 and 2 sball be applied: first,to any piepayment charges dL�:Under the Note;second,to amoants�yabte under paragraph 2; . . �„;��;.��r
<br /> r. :.' ,.;:.., �
<br /> third,to Interest dae:fourth.to�riitcipal due;and last,to any late charge�due under the Note. r , �i;_; �,,�,:;;:
<br /> 4.Eh�trges;Liws. Borrawet shalt pay all taxes.assess�ents.char�.�;:fines and impositions attril�utabie to the Property . *�� ?'�'�.t'
<br /> °, •,. ��.... � T:>�.�..�;:�'.`.
<br /> w�ieh may attain priority over thiS Secariry Insuumen� and leasehold pw�neats or ground rents. if any..Horrower sha11 pay � • '
<br /> - �:;�;-"'; �,a:`:. ,. ..,.
<br /> �f;;�r-'• : , �•• �
<br /> }f'�r}«„ these abligations in the manuer provided in paragraph 2,or ifnat paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them oq tiased'srectly . . . ":
<br /> �'�'�`�I�:�•=:!�i.
<br /> �}.;���` to the person ocved payment.Borrower shall promptly fumisb�to Lender,.Il notices of amounts to be paid undev thL��s�ragraph.. � ' �
<br /> �� . . ' �'
<br /> If Sormwer makes these payments direcUy.Bonower shall promQtly f�nii�Si�to l.ender receipts evidencing the payments: , .. .•:�:t:•v:.-:.:.
<br /> - ,r,r•r"�'-'�';.��- Borrower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Inshument unl.e$s Borrower:(a>agrees in , . ;:,;���:.
<br /> � ��.:�-'. ' � 'f.'••. .
<br /> � •.., writin�to ttte payment of the obSigation secured by the aien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)conLests in good faith the lien
<br /> 1" r-S•��:-±�:��7. by;•or defends aaa�t enforcerBent of the lien in. legal proceedings�vhich in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ,''„y;':�: � .:.. • '
<br /> \'��t:�:V��4 , i- �y�___• .
<br /> • .� ���;� ;N.�:: • enfor�ement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinadng the lien to •,;. �
<br /> ' ..4�_, ;,�,_ ;.; ; this Securiry lnatrument. If L.ender determirres that any part of the Property is subject to a lien whiclt rr�ay attain priority over " '.r,:_
<br /> ,•'.' -����.._ : :. • ,
<br /> . ' ��;.�,r! :. this Security Instrument. Len¢er may give Eotrower a notice identifying the lieo.Borrower shall satisty ehe lien or take orte or , �;;?:•, .`
<br /> ' ' more of the acdons set forth above within Ip days of the giving of notice. . • � -
<br /> '` Fomt 3028 9I9D
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