c 4 r� . �:� t t t Vr� r^ E��rru�.._:._ � �, ,
<br /> �..� > ��,..f.; ' , -' k;n_ �` E�� � -.1;l{� '>,�f.t �'aYi�_ - _-— - --
<br /> , . = ,
<br /> �-°".` � •:• dY'�.c rz S. �a4K�4'qt _ .�. ��cn.sa�..< . -- - - -----
<br /> _ _.i' .3c�:c�� — - -- -_— e _�g��,�=�«_ _.
<br /> _- _'____ '_" ' __-__ - — _". :"..y^'_'._�..._�._ _
<br />_ � - .. — " �. p- •' ,' � . . . . �• . . . ._ _ __. .. . . - - .. ' .
<br /> < P� �
<br />�'�'�'��y..�� ' . t . .. . � . t� . . . �� ���� • • �( � ...y__-��_.__-
<br /> - - _ , .. � . � r . � . . y
<br />- _ _ - °- • � ` c
<br /> `�m����' � IT.'�er��n�'es c�f'�� s�y`Q�e Br:��t�'a"�,��'ia Bo��c�If al!or m� part of ti�Frog:rty or un�in+.�te�t!n�t. --- -----
<br />- e ----------
<br /> s -�- a�,� is so:d or trsnsfsn�(Ur if����iciJ.irti,c�t.i:���:. �S so�d.ar truasferred a�rl�umav,er�s no4 a sa!e�r.�E p�ason)�v�rittt�us ----- —
<br />= Le�der's priar rrriit�a cunscnt.�t.e�4c��my.;ai if�a���. immediate�}rmeni�ia.tL!!iif olt.sam3`s��cur�}'�r id�i� '
<br />-:��. Secfirity instrnrr�ra.Hovkver.tPi�S tlpf,iil,P»3�f��YtU1�C�CXCLCLS��t.ende�.ifex�seis pmhcMtt�by&:Qr,r,tl tatv tts of th:c�s►ts.
<br />� qf thls�ecurity Ir�trum�ns. � ' ` ' � . ' � . -
<br />' '" If E.£ffi�Y E%OICI.4G5 t�'3 i3�L����FZEi�I�'�iiSE.P'sG's`tftEL'C�iTiGi�C 8F.'.+�'�:�ti.T�fit1{i,CP 5I14��{+€avi�cie�p�swd of aat :
<br /> - -- � less th�30 days fratss tht d�i�th.n�Mat i�:a#��v.�red ur m�iteci vrlthin whi�h.Baso�vet must ptsy oll sums secarcd Esy tirls �. -�� --_-
<br /> --� � .St�urity InsWna:ni,tf iiaarnvtcc fu'��.to pa�t.att��s+t��.P�ar to t`he oapiratio�t�this peria�.l�ender c�ay invoke any remedi� �
<br /> s:�r ��:�:t,,r permictedby this S�urity Iasu'uinrtn withau�fua��T 1�t�t�,vr:�d�nri,c�n Sunawer. ,. _-----
<br /> �,�-r�:���.��.`';` 18. B��o•s�s,es's Ii�t tp Rc",r��t�Yta.�1f� :&r;t��r�r�: !,
<br /> rk3c; ��i �ei�sin�condltions. Borro�ver sht+ll have the righi to have
<br /> '�„ t a rr f�2_ CII�Z O�►�tIS���II1.StI�ISL����%Un��7f3�:t�:�,���z Prios to the earlier of: (�)S days (or such other per�a6 as - - _
<br /> —_�-,- ,_-.��.:,t.;= applicc�x!a� sas� �t�-fc�:�ei�'tW.�'r�);�e��'t�:r.��t�a��ihe.Frvg�rty.pursuans us a�r pnxrer of saie wnt,aic3eed in this = ___
<br /> S�uity I�+sn�enl;os fb)eatcy of niu�,�sa:n��,f:6�t�,�H��ecurity LLStniment.Thase oonditions are thax Bonat�rer:(a)PaYs -- -----
<br /> �A_ _.:• '�' ' Laen�er aIt sums which then tvaul�.be d�.w�t�#ifirti+. ,. .instnunent and the Note•as if no ssceleration fta�aceurred;@l --- -
<br /> {�-,: ��`
<br /> , -�`=_��:``.-. ° ' �._ .�uts,.(c)paY �,r�es incurred in enfarcin
<br /> .-��=r�:�;�;;� cures any default of any oth.r wvcnans mr s all e g tHis S�urity.Instnunent, ---
<br /> iaslud.in�,bu3 not limit�ta,reasonattlp at��p�eqts' fees;and(d)ta$es such sction as Lender may reasonabiy reqwre to assure _ _
<br /> - -- ° _�*�:�<: that the lien of.this 8�vrity I[sstruu�nt.rt�e,ts�r's rights in the Pbperty an�f Borrower's ohtiga3ion to pay the sums secared byf ---_,-__- __
<br /> ��:;f�x�:�. tius 5ecurity Iw-m�s,�nt shal� w�sti�e"t�rin:tt�g�. Upon reinstatement try B�rrower..tlus Securit�► Insh�t�.and th�
<br /> :,:.�t•,,.;��r,. abli�atiuns s$cnr�ct heieby shatl remain,fu�ty?�ff�ve as if na aaxleration had oocurr�.However.this rig6t to reinstate s�aU.
<br /> �ti•a�.�'+:,_�;�' not ap�piy in th�case of accetera*ioa uadEC�h 1�. :
<br /> �:i.�::;�;;;;J,:::. 19. Safe of No4�(��tge pf,Y.a���S�sc?i�:Ttie.Note or a partia! interest in the Note�(tv$ether with this Security• __-- -_-
<br />- k.:..:r:�::;': Insavm�at}uzay Ise sotd vQe or tnor�tim�wi�:�z�P�or notice to Bozrouret.A sale may result in a ehange in the entiey f�o�va =___-
<br /> �n�` as the•L.vari geNicer»y th3t ooIIects mat�''��p�s�tc due under the rTote and this Sec�ity Iastrumens.Thece also may 6e one
<br /> - �,,,.=�f� �;. oa moie cbandes of�$.Loan Seivicdc an,.�'at�3.a��t��te*of the Nate.If there is a change af the I.oanr Servicer,$orroiver will be
<br /> �--�«y�:�'-�:,.�.°-:=� given aritteu aatice of th:chan�e�a.c4w�R�{h�}�a�h 14 above aad applic�Dle la�v.l3ie norice wil!ssate the name aad
<br />�':__ addaess of tRe uevr Laan Servicer a�k th.:adu�;�&">i�nG&c�Payments should be made.The narice will also oomain any oiher --
<br />�'�^`-~ info�a�seqaiced by app�3b!�:la�u.:. . , �` --
<br /> —=': r;. _ ~<.H Z� �do�s.�.Ba��vap.sl�nit:rmt cause or pem�it the presence,use.disposal.storage. os release of atry � �` -
<br /> .; � �- -.---------.Hazardous St�&stances_on,.os_in d�:, .�...:;�aauocver st�aall aot do. nor allow anyone else W do.�yti�inS affecting the ��
<br />,�: �, �r r �p,�'l'. _
<br /> �OPertY that ts in viotsi�on„ofr`Any�nv�rb[�otal Y.aur.fihe piecedmg fwo senter�es st�all-doi appIy3oThe p�eisEe;use,�o�`-�---��---tt�,,E..
<br /> � ._.i.....<�:�r.; sEOtage on t6.�1'rapertTt:qf.atu7Jx.qi�at�fi3i�,of,Hazarduus Substances that are generally reoogniicd to be appropriate ta nortsia! . �i� .�`4-=
<br /> �` ..'`:. ';,, c�,sidenUa!ases aud ta m�iaa,'7�artc�n£:tts3��soP�Y• ' , �•��---'�
<br /> ' Bomaivec shall pma�tty�g�t?��ii.�tsde�written notice of any invesdgation.claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any �r�'��
<br />-� , overnm�ntaA or �to a aa �s rivate iavolvin the Pro and• Ha�dans Substance or Eavimnmental taw ^.. '�..'==•�_�-
<br />_ -- g � � � �• P P�Y � 8 P'ertY arry � �: ,
<br /> , ' . . - - nf whici�Bomaivec h�H acWa!-kct�wledge:If Bnrrower leams�or is-noY�fied by any govemmental or regulatory autlmrity,that - �,,�,,,. _ ;�
<br /> �H �
<br />- � ' ' . � a�y res�wvat a�t otker remediatiqnaf�any Hazardoics Substauce affecting the Propeity is necessary.Borrower shall prnmpUy take , "�z�'
<br /> edi " •..r..., ,
<br />- all necessa remGdial.actiRns ia;3cwidance with Envimauiental Law. ..":,,i�•-'.z
<br /> dan
<br /> •�J�M1�„ .
<br /> , . As.:�!•in.th'rs�Qaca�grap��i2qi�:"Hazardous Substanc�.s"are thase substances defined as toaic or hazardans substances by �t.;r
<br /> - ' , Envimna�etjfnt:.�z'w�,�nd•thz, o�vrri�g sq���tances: gasaline, keroserte, other flammable or toxic pemnleum.prodacts, toxic ��'
<br />- , . pesticides aqct h°rhu:ide�.:vo{atite�sofvent;,;.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.aa�r.a�:oactive matenals.As�sed-�n �"���"
<br /> ,this par�3xap#3,�20: ,'Emirawrcntal Isva°�eans fedetal laws and faia's of the jurisdidion���the Property is located+�:�r `':•
<br /> - � redatEtaheultL:�safety:aQ,uuuvironmen4al Pmtection. .f ~.���, `
<br />- ' „ • .1�TaN�iJNIRO:�hrf;CD�ENANTS.Boaawer and Lender further rnvenant�.a�e as follows: ' �'(y{S;?;.;';!,
<br /> '. �.2�.Aa^�Ieeation;RemedIes.LQnder shall gtve notice to Borrasves prior Ecr��ace[eratton foUo�vtng Borrower's brearh °rr:;,•'' ,'., '
<br /> .� ,,,,:?: : .�
<br /> :.'F:�':`;,�;` of:atap:�t or �ent i0 thLs Se�rity Lnstrame�nt ([��nt prfnr to acceleratioa �wder ParagraPh 1T � _ _:';._�;_,.
<br /> ' � a�pttrni�i��rr':provides otherwise).The aatice shaU sp�cify: (a)the defaWt;(b)the actIon required to care the det'�i; • :: u.�,.°:�•
<br /> • •_ ' ; %;,� (t�a c�,r�ccot iess than 30�ys from the date the noiice Ls given w Borrnwer,by whleb the defanit must 6e cure�and
<br />- (d1,thII�Eaiiare to cvre the default on or before the date specified in the aotice may ccsuit in acceteratiaa+of the s�ams , ; �,.,s.; _�; ;
<br /> . se�tmit�Tiy t6Ls Security Instrameut and sale oY the E�ers�r.rty. The noltce shall iurther inform Bo�we�4aY.ihe�6t to . .•��...:: •..;_.,�;._
<br />-_ - • � .reir�sCoci�aEtes acceterntinn and We rfght to bring s�urR action to pssErt the aon-existence of a defautt or an}��other �;. ,����r"
<br /> ,. .: � • ���;'��-°
<br /> ' ' •', defe�se.of t�erower to aoceteratton�ued sale:If the defaalt is�.4ured on or before the date speciGed in the notFce, �• ,;;���;.,:
<br /> ,���>r;,�<-:. . .. �;�!'.:,:� ,
<br /> �i;:x�i'�s��;�".;�,;'�;'�'"nr;d,�� Lender, at its opHon.may�eyui�imaie�iate payment in i'all d�'a�sums secured by thLs Secur�ty Inst�nent�vi��ut "•.';�i;�,�iM�r;..;�;•�
<br /> :;;,`�,r��'<.;r.,. ,.•:^,:;..,+ . fcutdes demand and may tavolce We pmier of sale and any ot6er t+e�edies pecmitted by aQplicable[aw.Lender st��ir : ,,.r:';•eK�.:•.::•:,,....
<br /> :tin
<br /> •..;:�!;a,.:.,...:r:, entitle�to oalled all exFea�s�ntau�red in pnrsuing the remedIes pmvided In tlt3s paragraph 21,[ttclu�ing,but not limited• . ... •;•�.��• .
<br /> .`.����;.;;. ��:i,- d�;reas�nabieattorneys'fePS and costsaf titte evIdence. . 'i,.�. ..;,:; •
<br /> ...,�..•:.';:..;,�` ..,, 'i;•�.,. �:. :�
<br /> • :�,�,�:,•.,..;:.;;. I!the power of sale is tnvoked,Trustee sball record a notice of defauit in each county in whicb any part o4 t3�e , , . ;2: ..-. , ;,
<br /> -`:r.`•`'"'•. •';•.:: �'toperty is lxated aad shall m�il copiea of suc6 notice in tbe ra�aer ps�cribed�y appltcable!aw to Borro�ver a:tif•co , � : .; � -.
<br /> '�4�� ��� � ' the other persons prc�cribed by applIcable law.After the time r�.�d by appiicabte law,Trustee shall give public¢n�ae � �' �~`'`�.,�.:::�,;'-�
<br /> ��' �a�i''r'..�,•�•. �`� a f s a i e t o t h e p e r s o n s a n d i n t h e m a n n e r p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p l i c a'�!��aw.�'r u s t e Q,without demand on�orrnwer,shaR se11 �:'` ;' '
<br /> � r=i��illl.'•.:.1_.:!".. . . . " .
<br /> , � ttae Property at pnbltc auction to the hlghest bidder at the time ans!p?ace a�d�nnder the terms desfgnated in the notice of `�� ��
<br /> � ��•x«� �`'f`"'�'1 �e in one or more arcets and tn an ordes Tn�st��etermi�es.Trustee raag• ne sale of all or any parcel of the ,4
<br /> � � ri<'��- : P Y P�Po , .
<br /> >��.;` •'�':.•:,�t. i�roperty by publlr annouacement at the time and p9ace of a�s�,eviousiy s�ieduted sale. Lender or its d�s�te may
<br /> '�'�' � . �,';;;��{� . pur+chase the Property at any saie. ... . .
<br /> ,},_ ``,`";,{.;��,�.;�r:�;'��'h!: , '.. . • ' _�
<br /> •1�:'i�. 'f,' . �
<br /> �i�}�'��' . `,'.;•, Farm3028 9/80 , .
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