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<br /> � TH[5 D£ED OF TRUSF(°Seeurity fasrruniant")is c�ads on . JULY 1 t, 199d� ' .The�stor is
<br /> . RA1�a4D R aL�XAt�F.� A1�3D tNIMVYE t..Ai.ExAEB�R. t�BAi� AhD wIFE,. , , � .
<br /> � ('Bo�rawer°).7'tis tYUStee is EARL Q. AHLSCNWEOE. ATTCANEY '
<br /> .� � t"T�").T���c�'�The Equitable Building and Lcan Association " ' —
<br /> ot tirrand islana= Nebraska, A Federal Sav�Engs �an[c , • . •
<br /> whichiS orgaai�d aud Pr�uader the taws of NEBRASKA . ' , ,�u1.wSdose
<br /> . �S�P. O. B�X 160, 1 13-11•5 N. LdCIlST 3T. GRANb I5LAND. �l E�A�SKq _:6��02 ',` °
<br /> . ' . �'Le�r").Borrower awes e prutc�paa sam of ,,.:°,:.;
<br /> SEVENTY FI1�E THOt1SAN0 DQLLARS & NO/CENTS ; ��:�o�.��.$ �. '
<br /> . 75 .0�0.Qp _
<br /> 1Y�is de6t is evidea�d tsy Borrower's aote datec! the same date as this Secmrity+_fa�rasxtt:ut("Note").wi'ucfi pmvzdes for . • .::
<br /> m�ntblY payinents,wii�&:�e fiill debt,if notpaid earlier,dae and payabls�amx as evid8rtce� by tfis note. . �:;:;.`::
<br /> This 5eauity Iat�seaires w Lender.(a)the cepaymeni of the debt evideasxQ by the Nate,wiW intcrest.aad�ll renewats. '�''
<br /> •exteasioas and mmdifcations of t6e Note;(b) the payment of all other sums. with interest, advanced aadar paragrap3i 7 to —
<br /> . . pmtect the sec�rity of this Security Insuvmea� aad(c) ihe performanoe of Borro�ver's covenants and agreemems.�o�this
<br /> Purposc, Botrowet�rzvocably gr.utts aad camreys to Tivstee. in tnut.with power of sale. the fallawing descri6ed Qira�ty . --
<br /> loccuated'w � , � HA L L County,Nebras3ca: .:.
<br /> ' � , �-.
<br /> . , �. ' . � �'
<br /> , ;,.:
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<br /> which has ihe address Qf � 4709 STONERI DQE PATH, (��AtVD I SLAND �svea.�.4.'.. .. ' _
<br /> Nebraak� 688C�?:l�u��e)` (�Property Address"D;� ��;;
<br /> �, , NE$RASlUt•Singte F.:�tUV•Y�YMAfFHIMC UN4FORfJ!INSTRUMENf .'�:
<br /> ��6RtNEl�es�m. •.• Fam3�289l90 I�������
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