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<br /> — - - � � S:_l�zsrci,ar�y���:u4rts�. t3am�A�r s�tali ��S tP�isr.s�,�vc�zte�ts n�a� �s��'n� c►r�a��t e�ed aa thc ` � _
<br /> Fra�e�t�lasured a�aiast te�s by.fIr�:P�a�tt1:�i�i�:4r��vsl�i��.o e�rm °esi�ad€d pavet�g�"�and.�sy ott�rr€�i�rds:inelc�dIeg � �
<br /> � �Pac�ds a�r`tl�odinr�,for wEich L�ncisr rrq�lres'ir�z*rance..T#�is ituur�u►ee sh�ti 6c�nta�rrd in aA�cvua��ts�ind.for:�h�p�xi�s .,. �:
<br /> � ahxt I,e�dcr re�aires.�inssr�ne�s��'ier�,z�rd�Iirig tltc i�urc:r►c���t b�:ch9s`�n b�y�rnuvve�gub��a to L�der��uppin�aT .
<br /> � �(�eh.slult`nM b�ua.�►sos�ty witI�et9: [P&�rros��rt�nits tn�ntaintaia�covcrag�describa#abaue.#.ec�r�ay.at�der's �
<br /> •, . og►t►�U.o�miu�ovarage c�o pi+ot�t Lendet`s�lrlghts.In the Propeaty in eccardanc�w31h[+�B�Pfl g. . . , ;` �
<br />-=_---------- --_ � , ' A!i tds-�tr�itsE pott�t�ss usr.�renetyafis sttai!be�iante to LertSer:�rtst sktail��nctud�n s�ttd m4��age cY�se. �er _�
<br /> -_ --- _ -_-- �, stu�fD h�ve th�tight m hot�i t,'�e�policies nnd senewJs.IF L.eader requ�es.�o�euwer ahs14 prmmptlY 8i�.e w L,eader nli rec�ipts aF , .
<br />-�����"°'�, . �:dd pr�mit�s��rnasva9�ttc�,[n sks avent of ioss,�urtower sDtatl givts prompt u�tice aa che i�ur,ttraa casrier an���d�r:.
<br /> - _�_- -- , ta,-�.�,�ay s����of a�Qms.i€no�z�depsair�r by�o,-:c:cv�e. � � - , � : _
<br /> ��� ' . � ` � u�e�9�.�a�E�a�Ne���+�e��o����,insuranse praceeds slta!!be appBied tn restorat�on or�p�ir af tlte
<br />- �ro�e�r datuaged.i�the r,�stmation or rcp�ir is esonomicalty feasible agd Lr.a�et's s�curity is not tesseried.[f the restatataon or
<br />=l repair is not eaonomicalty f�sibte or Ikn�r's security would be i�ssened.the*���.�.::_pmcaeds shall be appiied to the sums
<br />-- . s�re�f by tE�is Seasrity I�tstmment,Riteth:r or not then due, wi�anp e�cccss paid to Ba�rouou•er. If Bon�nwe:a6andons the
<br /> - _ Fmgerty,ur does rta�t aaswer eRthin 30 dags a aotice fram Lender t�thE insurance carrier�as offened to seute a ciaun,then
<br /> t,�nder may wllett the insivaQce prazr�ds. Leader may uss°,the proseeds to repair or restate the Pi+oper[y or ta pay �ums
<br /> = secair�by tE�is Serurity��;tcument.whether or nat then due.The 30-day pertod�+vill be�ia w6en the rtatioe is givea
<br />- UII�E`SS I.CII4EI BIIf�:L'�f1TN�iTCi d�II2IWISC 3gIL'C III WflhLl$+ 2IIY aPPIIC3LI0A Og(SIUOP,O�S[U prtl!lCIj1� Slf�� Q[lt CRtEtHI 07 �
<br /> .
<br /> _ , Dostpone dte due data a�t�te.ma�JY Payments referred to in ParagraPhs 1 an3 2 or drange ttie amannt of the payQSents: If .
<br />' Under paragtuph 21 the Pru�rert}�is acguired by LQader.Borrower's right w any iasumttre polic�es and p�ceads resuttiug.from..
<br /> � damage to t)na Property prior to the acquisition shalt gass to Lemdxr to the extent of the sums secured by ttiiis Security Instrument • �
<br /> _ ..�� �nnm�iatety prlor to ths acqaisition. -
<br />_ , 6•t�an�g,Fiese�atFoa,Mainieasuce and Pto4ectian oP tiae�perty,Saerower's Laan Applic�tIon;I.ea�el�alds. ,
<br /> _ , . Baaawer s6a11 ocivpy.esta�lish.aad use th$Fropzrty as 8oirower's priaapa!cesidence wiihin siary days aftet the�on of -
<br /> . .tivs Sea�ty.Jnstr�nt�tad.shall owi�anue t��o�ccup�y�tbe Pro�Cy as Eorruwer's prtncipal msidence for at least one ye�r aft:er ,
<br />- the date.afosxupattcy,aNess I.emIer atherwise agrees�n.writing,which wnsent shall not be unreasonably withheId,ar.uniess
<br />-- , eaten�atang cinaatsfances exist wb3ch an 6eyond Borrower's wntrol. Borrower shalt rwt destroy, damage or imp�ir the ,
<br />- . Pmpeny,aliow the Fmg�rty to deteriorate, or commit wasfe on the Property. Borrower sball be in default if azry fvrfeiture � --
<br />- ' acxinn or proeeeding,wiiether civil or�at,is begun that in Lender's good faith judg�sent could result in�forfeiture of fhe �
<br />- PmperE�r titatherwise matGrially impair the 6ien created by this Security Insuument or�.ender's seciuity intetest.Earra�+�r may ' ,
<br /> - cuie sucFi a�xfanIt and.reinstate,as provided in paragraph t8.�}r c�sing the action or procreding tu be di�ed witJt�a Euling
<br /> i� that, in�t:e��'s good..fgiih detemjination, precludes forfeiture of the Bormwrr's interest in the PnoFerty or othec material :
<br /> " impairment of t��;�i�.�eated by this 5eturity Insuc�meat or Lender's security imecest. Borrower s�i'a�be in defa�ilt if
<br /> �' ta , ` Borrower,dwin t�inr,�i lication rocess, y .
<br /> T:.,;,°�``•�: g._ apP P gave�teriall false or inaccurste iaformation or statermt��,�'Lender(or failed. ,:�.r.`�
<br /> �.�.fi�'"" •t4 pn�vide Lender with any material information?in"connection with the loan evidenced by thc Nata.ins�uding,bnt not limited •� �
<br /> .:�,. :... .. -
<br /> f'`� J' to.r+epresera�ons crontesning Bosb�ver's accupaacy of the Property as a priacipal resiQea��f`diis:Secarity Inst�me�is on a
<br /> ,.as .
<br /> ��x'��' leasehotd,.,tt�'�awer shall comply witb all the pmvisions of the lease. If Borrower ac�^�ix�..fee flde to.We Fropercy, the
<br /> Ieasel�old'a�tfie fer dtle s1�all not merge uWess Lender agrees to the merger ia:+writing:
<br /> - _ .,_,.`#.fA�� 7.Ptut�rE#om ot'�der's RT ts in the Pto If Borrower fails to giee -
<br /> ��,-�: ,::-'=° . �A �Y. perform the covenants and a ments containe�in .
<br /> � � �''"��� this S $tastr�ment, or there�is a I roceedin t y gni y g perty(sµch as a �
<br /> . �,.:...,..:��,:-::. ��Y �P S hat ma si ficaad affect Lender's ri hts in the Pro -
<br /> _ '' ptnceedi��i�b2nluuptcy,pmbate,for conQemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender ma}:,c�.tt;and •
<br /> ' pay for whatever is aecessary to pmiect the value of the Properr and Lender's rights in the Praperty. Lende='s actior.s rnay
<br /> ,- Inciude paying any �nus secured iry a lien which has priority over this Sen�riry Inswment, appearing�•in oourt. payin� ° �
<br /> � reasonable attoraeys'fees and entering on the Pto�tg to make repa'sre. Atthau�.�ender may take action undcr this paragraph � �
<br /> °'�•y,•Lenderdoes not have to do so. • -
<br /> A�.g ainounts disbursed by Leud�er under this paragraph 7 shall become addido�t�Ji dtebt of Borrower�secured by this .
<br /> ' .;, � Seciuit�.Lr..`trumen� Unless Borrower�d I.endes agrce to other terms of payrnent..these..a�qDnts shall bear ituerest�arn the
<br /> �:=`:-° date of c�i5'aursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. �as notice from Lender to Borrower reqites6ng '.
<br /> � `•`.is�;:i�:: PSYment- ' ', . ' ;
<br /> �'�' ..-;�s;<<,�;�_ S.��'art�ytge Insmanoe.If Ler.der required mortgage insurance as a eoru:i�oa of making the loan secured 6y this Sectuity --
<br />_''+ `����5�;;;�°�; inst�um�rrt�Borrower shall pay the premium4 required to�+���n the mar�age iasurans��n.effr.ct. If, for any reason. the -
<br />_ � ,__"�',.,,y�: ' mort��.i�urance coverage required by Leader tayses or ceases co 6e in eff�i,Boaouev fih.�1F pay the premiums.req,u�red to �r
<br /> �t�` ���' ge Y e�iuivalent to the mortgage insurance previovsly in effea.it a cast substanaally equiaralent to the ,;
<br /> ��,,.�"�.� ohtaitr cqveta substantial! ' E"-'
<br /> �;-:''1�.�'�;`,.'' cast W Eonocver of the mortgage insurance previausiy in effect.from an al.*�uc�:.e mo�age insurer�groved by Lender. If t
<br /> •-�;��`�`�� substamially_equivalent mqrtgage lr�surance coverage is not availabte�Borrower s�saS2�a},t��.ender each month a snm equal.to i��
<br /> "''•' r.` i��_:
<br /> ' ono-twelfih of the yeazly mortga�e insuranoe premium being paid by Borrotver when tt^.e i,;.�rrancx covGrage lapsed or�d to �:_
<br /> be in et�x.Le�er will accept.use and tetain these payments as a toss reserve in iieu of mortgage insurance. Loss �oeeetve� C=:.
<br /> • Form 3028�+9/90�� �:
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