�_ .� ��:YU��..� ---- _
<br /> , -�. - , ;; ... . . . ;:
<br /> = _ _ � .� : : , �������ft�� .��=�.���. � �� -��.����. `` : .
<br /> —�-� ' ���89e�s£'te�f.�e P+tapp.i't3�mr�d�!Iniei�,in Sar.�er.`If a�f ar 3ny�;o��Psogerty`cu aay_inter`��st�at`. �<�
<br /> -- - - ---- � � 'is�snfd w tr�sPeu�tur i f a.b e u�fic u�i t�#�fit,i�t�orravr�t:�s:s�!d or t i t a n s f e r r e c i��8 a r r o w e r�i s n o t�riasusal p��c sn�:withaut . -
<br /> -- '. : ��der's prias��vritten wnser`+t; �.�nii..�r�na�, a#.It� 9ptiott,.��imz�ia�a�5ay�eat<ia�$pB�of all s�ss securc���t tkis, ,.`r'
<br />- -_—- --- .� Secuiin►.Instr�mnant.Rowevcr,Etiis option sltaalt nnt be exerc�sed g t,�n�rr`i�.e�2ercise is Arphit�atect b3r�'�es�l.la�a�f th�daxe.�. .
<br />_- -----_— of tt�is Sr,curity Ynstnunent. °� ' , • � . ` . � � ,�t - ; . `� � : . .
<br /> ,- � � tf Lcader execcises thi�oTstion;'Lkndec si�ai)"glve�uirmncer rsatice.of aa�I�ra�'co�.�e'�tace sffatE prb�rist�a pe�iod'of z� , ._ �
<br /> - t�s th�a 3Q dr��ts.kom the due fl��otioe is delivet�d ar m�iled arithia wtueti i3arru�er musE g�aY alt Sums se�isred�by.E� .•• , .
<br /> h
<br />- S�urity I��R»,c-if Sanmwer faits ta�say tkese s�zas pao�to ths expir.�aion of this p,sziad,L�r may:iavake s,ay c�m�d�LS s .
<br /> • pe�rmitxed by t�us S�uri wit�out fuMher c�ati4s or dem�nd an Bortawer: .� . -� .
<br />_- --- _ -- � l8. Bnrro�e�s � e. tf.Borrower m�ts aertairi c�undiaons. Borrourer�st}a13 6ave��tt� rig�t eo have
<br /> u
<br />_ �i . e�ment•of t�s S�Y�Smuneni�'dssr��d ai�any.Eim�grior Zo the�rlier of.(aj�days.(or such o4�Er ger��as�: > . �.
<br />- -- s�li�bf�ta�a t� �fc��+«��,���b�r�.s�j���_th��+��.��Y P�wer qf.sale so�ai�ed in this _ _ _
<br /> _=_—---_'
<br />- � -' �+ t 5�aritg.ynss�umeat:ar(b)enlry►oY a jndgmeni enfotr.inD 3his Security In�uurrrent.'i'kose consii6ons are tti�t 8afioyverr(a}pajrs
<br />` I.ender alt sums wisit�tAen wouid be cIue ct�der this Secu�ityInstr+�meut�aud th�Note as if no rsceier�tian i�2ad vcalrc�ti:fb}
<br /> i
<br /> cures aJry default of any olher.cavenants or agneements:f��PaYs aU expenses intutrai in enf�reing tbis��tuiry Inst�ume�t,
<br />- inciuding,6at not limited to,reasoAabie attomeys'fas;and(�ta&es such acuon as I,en�r may reass�nab3y requu+e�o assure
<br />" --- that the tie,n of this Sacutiry I�osuurment. L�er's�LS in die Froperty aad Boirower's obligaiion w pay ti�e s�s seWred 6y .
<br /> this Se�uiry Insuvmeai shall 'n„P a�hanged. Upan rei�tst�entet�bY Borcawer, this Sesuri2y �nstnm�en.t a�d Phe
<br />. obli�ions secured her�by shall remain fulty effe�ive as if no asceletatian had ac�rred.Hourever,this rigF►t to rejnsrate shail`.
<br />- ; nat ap�sly m We case of aaxte�arion undec paragiagh 17. • � , <;°: � ' "
<br /> 19. Sale of No3e;Cha�ge of�aan�vlces. The Note or a pa�iai intere�.i:r�;t,�e Note(Wgeilies srit�:ttz�s'Se�uiriiy •.
<br /> " ' Iusuument)may be sold oae ar.more tim$s viithout priar uotice to Bonrower.A sale m��oit ia a cl�aa��'in tl��i."�►(I�w� •
<br />� — as t6e"Loaa SeiYioec")ti�ai oolle�ts montfiIY Payments dus under the Aiot�anc!t�is 3�ry ins�umeni.The�atso`inay be v� � •
<br /> I�tt
<br /> or�nre c6amges of the IAan Se�vic�r nnre(�.w a sale of the Nate.If therc is a ci�akt�e'��ke ioan Servie�r,Sasawer wili b+�'. . �
<br />_ _�— givzn written�n�ece of th:ch�ge in acaoid�,.�r�te with garagra�h 14'abave and apptic�h�(��_T&e r�tiee.w'sll stat�fne name and
<br /> e
<br />- ���-="�.°t--' addtess of the.nec�I La�Ser�ricer a�d the address to whicH paymer!ts s�outd 6e mad.=:?�e�tic�will also cantaia twy a2her, '
<br />�`_,. . �tu�t 61±aPP �
<br />�.+�:.-a�s��� infmm�ation lica6le�taw. ' ' � ' ,
<br /> - - - � . ?d)._Ha�aus Subst�toes.Bt�tmwer sliall not cause or permit t�e pre.senc.�,nse,disposal, stonge;ar relea�of any .
<br />_ ���._�--. I�azardous S`ubsta�aces an;or in the Prope�tp. Horrower shall'not 8a; nor altaw anyaae eLse to dn. �ng affeaia�g d�' °.
<br /> � � ' Fruperty that is in vioivtion�of anyr Enviruiimental I:aiv:T1ie piscedin��wo senteas�shall aat a�gly to the ptesence,.nse,.ac,•';:.;
<br />�.,��.,..
<br /> swrage on the Pm�perty of small qaaniities of Hazudous Substances ti�at 2re.generaUy c�ecognize�tu be agpragriata to.n�it�;.t.�-.°_,f.
<br />= residemia!uses aad w cm�inztenance of t6e Prope�ty. � . � , .. •`�;'i•�;�`.
<br />� Botrower sball Pmmpttg give I.atder wriuen naotice of any investigation;elaia�,:'�d,lawsuit or aihet actiaU by atry`•",
<br /> � governmental oE regWatory agency.or private parry iavalving the Prnperty..a�.�y::�xdnus Substance or Emruonmcnial��aw
<br /> . of whlc8 So�rowef has actual lmowledge.If Bomuwer le�s,or.is noti.�.�3;�����,�;�,"ovemmeatal or tegulatory�utttority,t�ht
<br />" any removal os other�iation of any Hazardous Sabstance affecting�l��y is neressary,Borrower sha�ill pidmptly take
<br /> ' -;r�;�� .: ,;:� t all necess�ry remedial actions in accordance arith Envimnmental Iativ. ,;,:,;:,, .,, � • . , . .
<br /> ,-•.'� .'�,z , �:;• 1 As used in this P�S�A�Z0. "Haza�dous 5ubstanres"are those siibstanees�ned as to�uc or hazardaus;tiub�Uy�
<br /> x•,'��_
<br /> _ �,-...�. �,`••'::.:.�... :
<br /> a��;�,�k,�,• $rn+ironmental I.aw a�the faltowing substances: gasaline. keroseue, other fl "�`"` le or toxic peuole�m ,���tmqc�alS�s. toaic
<br /> ,.,;�,.r `� ' �';•: � g�ides and heibicides,volatils solvents,materrials oontaining asbestos or formaldeTi�+de.aar9 radioactive matea'v,R�:':�+S.used in '
<br /> ..:.�F`':..-. '•�•"ri ': •
<br /> _ .,,�.,..�;., .:.:.f.:'. � this paiagraph 20.. `Enviromnental Law"means federai Taws and laws of tlie jurisdic.t�ion whe�the Properry is`tacated ti�at. •
<br /> Y��� � , � , relate to health.safety or eaviroame�al protection. . � : ,=�
<br /> :..:�..:.P---,'��`'.:•.' f ' ' ,":.�
<br /> .�f:,.�-:.�::;�,�:•. NON-UNIFORM CO�IENANTS_Eomower and Lender furthercti�.°•aant and agree as follows: ,, �': ,
<br /> "��",``�`''"'"°' ' �' , 21.Aoceleration;Remedies.I,eudec shall give anttce to Bortower prEor to aceetee�tt€on following�oriawer's bteath '
<br />_ .�r„a�,s,�,.�r•,,_: .
<br /> �T-;��.���;•:,:�;�., off�qy caveaan! or�eat in tt�fis �ecurt3y I�stnut+eut (but nnt prdor to aoceteration �der�aragra�b 17 unless �
<br /> ',�, ?::.. . .' u�'sabte[aw provfdes other�vLse).The nniice sSaU specify: (a}t6e defaulh(b)the actton�sqairet�to ca�the defanit;
<br /> �.�"A"'��� (c)a date,aot Icss t6an 30 days frum tIIe date We aodtce Is g3vea to Borrower,bq whkls the defautt must tbe cure�;and
<br /> ,::,4'c.r� �--.�-.�.'��: . .
<br /> ':;;��::�:r.•�':`,:.` (�tLat taiimce to cure the defaait on or before the date speoified iu the uot�ce mnay resntt in ucceteration af the saa�s �
<br /> fi�`,=�.,:.':.'�.:1' : secare�by tHis Ses�uity Iusfirume�nt aad sate of the Ptuperty.The aottce s1ra11 farther fnfarna S�►rm�er nf the right to •
<br /> �-'�:i.' `'"' "�" m�tstate after scce�eratton aad the rtght to bring a coart adton to assert the Qoa-a�tea�'c of s defau�t:or a�+othc�
<br /> �j�*i��S=..;.�~�,.;"� .
<br /> ;;�,;?;,,,,: ...4� de�se of Borrower to a�celerallon amd sale. If the defaul!ts nat cared on or before the date spec[t'�i:E�a the noti�
<br /> �� I:�3er,at[ts option,may�re immediate payzaeat ia full of s�l awns secnred by t19Ls Secnrtty I�znt wIthnut
<br /> - �:• � . further demaii�cl:and may iavuke the power of saie aad any other t+emedtes permi3ted by apWwble Iaw.Y:ender sha116e
<br /> .. � ��,4,T.r'��.� - .
<br /> t� ^����'-t'-�' •''�. eatitled to coU�'�U expeases tncurred in pu�tng the remedtes pravi,r:ed ia this paragraph 2l;inciuding,6nt not limited
<br /> it�. J4:.H+V�:- �.::6�' �, � � . ' , � ` .;,
<br />_;r� ,,,.��.:�.:., to,reagonable a�r.t�mcys fees and costs of ntte evideace. ,,. . �
<br /> ''�f-��. �:���7 , tf the �er oY sate�S,invoked, Trarstee st�all record a notice of defaWt in�ach county in wTdcb any part of t�e��
<br /> ::.,x•,.,,:.. , • , •
<br /> �.�,_.�<_.�,-�.�:��� .' : property is �cated'and s�tl'mail copfes of sac6 notive in the manner prescrtbed by applicabte law to Bonrowe=and tu .
<br /> • •',� ' the other peisoas pr�c�I6ed Dy appfIca6le la�v.After tt�e time req�dred by applicable law,Trnst�sha0 gir��ubfic not�ce
<br /> of saie,to the persons.aad[n tde mann�r prescrtbed by applicable law,Trustee,withont dermaad on Borro�ver,sP�all sep
<br /> � ,`;'.i�ti� � the Pmperty ait�nb�c aucttoa to the hfghest bidder at the time an�place aud ander We terms r�esiguated in the aotice of -
<br /> j � � , ��`'" ' sale in ane ar unnre parcets and in any order Tn�stee determines.Trastee may postpoae sa�e��E all or any paraet of the
<br /> _ , . .._�,v,�, ;:
<br /> `�`�' � Paqperty by pnbtic announcement at the time and place of any prei+toasly sctfc�fr�[ed sate. ��ib desigaee may
<br /> _;�,,. ; , �,, .
<br />-- .�:;-. • ���. ; � �redase tice Property at uvsv sale. � . � -
<br /> _ �S,J� .r . � I . . . . . ' . -.
<br /> . ' ' 1 � ' ' . . • . •
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<br /> . . .,L.:�.�r��:J'�, . . ,' '_
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