`,- _�� i� ' _ ����i�t� t � -
<br /> k .w..l �b — _— — _ _— —
<br /> Y _:y _ _ �
<br /> — — ____,_.,__� , . . _ `^ --- .. . .` _ . .. .�, t . .,.- — .
<br /> —- = R�1iE�� ��r°` ���`�- .. •. ��� ' ; .;.-
<br />-� --- �t?G�Pfd'TE'd a1�tYt�i.uipmve�tst��sw oY h:re�c�e�ed'ari Ahe prapaety'.�tt afl ie�� ���d t� ��. .
<br />_ -------__— •. fix�po�nr�ret!£t:r �:pat� af ths.praF�ttY=. �11 rePL�s�em�ats �! sQd�tlons skatI ats� E�e�ocever�d.b}! �s S�."ur�ty' ,
<br /> ` � insuuts��rit.Nlt of th�#'orPgoing is eeferrasi tu in,tfus�ea►rin+Ius�ent as she`°Fcopertyr." - �. �. ,., , : . .
<br /> - --__—__ � 33il1tRtD't�dER C��it�P�'1�ti�t�orraweu is t�wtblty se9sed.bf t8e estate tr�rehy.co�veyed�ti3s tI��ri�ss fa gc�t ar�d. ..
<br /> ---_------- -- cam�r c��pe�r i�t#tfaat the grQpert�is�n�red.�scpt far aa�br,�r.�a£rccs�rtl,Bmraw�warrants.uad c��nii , .
<br />_ defens�€genera4ly ehe 6c�e,to�the Property�gaiase alt ciaims a�d denban�ds.s��abjec�co mSy.encutt,�ranezs n�'rzcosd;� �. „ ' � , •:
<br />-- - -- -- — � Tl�IS SECURI'fY f1�S'TRtF�iEI�'combi�es wnifoim.c�avenanis•fat natiogai us�anc�aa¢unifarq�eove�anu�yIEh iisNt�d:
<br />-�;. ---_--_- v�riadons by jurisdictioa to constit�et�a utsifQnn s�iuity ir,�Litmreni c+�vt�g r�l proger�y. . . ' � ' -.
<br />_ �ti,---R�-°°_� L�1�9RM COVENAN'I'S.�3oraower and Isnder cwve�ti and agree as fpltou►s: ., .
<br />� ' t. Pe�yt?�af Prfnsv�ai�n�d�4c��: �Y��e��C��:�atmrrer�shaii pmmPsl� �ay ivhcn du�.t�ae ' .
<br /> =�� - '-�---- ,= f .
<br />-j ——.��+;.�_-_-- � principai.af ansl iuterest o�the dLbt�vi3�ce�bg ti��I�te m�anY P�P�Y��ig a�3�e.e�es du�ur�.^s t�l`:ut��.: _----_. _.__-._ . _ --
<br /> v
<br /> . `�Z.�rlt�ds for Tasea a�,I�..�ubject tu appiicable law o�to a writt�r►waiveF by,Lea�der;.$o�oUres�shall�F�3��o . � .
<br /> " Lea+der oa t6e day moniFilY�Ym�Ls�d�e uades the Notg.unte�the�Iote is gaid ia fuli.a rutn(°���.g"),far."�a)yearlY tax�s
<br />- aa�t essc��gn�s whicb may_attai�pliority aver this Secar�y Inshument as a lien oa the Ptoperty,(b)Ye�ty l�ufid PaY�eTim
<br />_ . as grauad.renLs an the ProFeny,if anl!;(�)Y�Y�ar P�rtY I��'P�mi�ims;(d)Y�ityr flvod i�suran�I�m�es>
<br />= if�y;(e�yea�r mortgage in.�uance premiums,if any;anid(�anY sams Payabie bp Ban+nwes to L,ender, in accordance'cvitt�
<br /> �! the p��-isi+ons of paragaph$,ia�li�u pf nhe,Palment of rno�tgaaQe insurance preiniuras.These irems aie calY!ed°�ow Items.' —
<br />- LeudeY may..at any ttm�, ooll�t and hold Feu�ds in an amnnnti noi to exc�the ma*��,�*amaunt a t�Ier for a fedeMlp '
<br /> reIat�d mnrtg�ge loan map�teqaice far Bormw�r's escauw accannt wtdex the feder�l�Real Pamie Setctemesi3 Praoedutes Ac�.af
<br /> � .. Q974 as ametttled from tim�ta tia�, IZ U.S.C.�eCtion 2601 et sey. (°RESPA�°),moless auather taw t�a�gp3ies to tit��itt�s
<br /> sets� tesser ama�nt.If sa, I ender�ey.at auy ri�e,colle�affi�nid Funds ia aa amanat not to•excee�.the tesser ap[mwu..
<br /> dy
<br /> Leades may est�e th:aznnaiu af Fuads dlae Qa the 6asis of aurent daLa an�1�souable esHmases af expenditures of fut�.,.
<br /> `:'�;:'�;��- �, - g.�otqw:Itews or otherwis$in accacd�.v�e witH agpticable faw. . • . .
<br /> ,� 1�� .��,, �- � 'IYie Funds sAaDt 6e hel�in an instihttion cvhose deposits are•iasured by a €ederai ugeacy,-insmrumeiu�tity. or entitg .
<br /> . --_ (i�tctuding L epder;if Lender is sach an institution)ar in any Fedeial Haase Loaa BanY.�.endet st�!apply the Funds W{�ap•jhe .. • .
<br /> Esrrow Item�s.Leud�may�nat ct�arge Borrower fos.holdin$a�td applying the Funds.anw�liY attalyziaa t�esccow act�t,or , '
<br />- verifj+ing the Es�cFow Itetn�,anless Lender pays Boamver imenest on the Faads and appIicabie iaw p�rriniit�L.��der w ataks sach .
<br /> a chac�e.�Hawever,Leade'r may retl+iire Borrowet ta gay a on�time chazge for an indepeadent rral e'sTace�c regott'ing s�rvice
<br /> - , ased bp I,eader ia connecxion with this loaa, antess applicabis !aw pmvides othetwise. U91ess en agreem� is m�de or .
<br /> _ • ,=rs;;���•�� J.�.'. ;;., . applicabte,la�v requires intsrest m be paid,l.ett¢ei'shall not 6e're�quired to pay Borrower au�t interest�r earniag,s aB ti�:funds:
<br /> p►
<br /> �+ `� �` �` Barrower and Lender may agree in wriring,hawever,ttiai intetest s�aU be paid on the F�nds. Lemder shall give to�otmwer,
<br /> � aU
<br /> er. _�'�
<br /> ���v`r;,:{_;:�`r. a+ithout charge, an annual accauntnng of the Funds..showing c�redits and debIts to the Fuads aad the purpnse fur wbich eacb � :.
<br /> " �'.�`� ^� �� debit to the Funds was rua�ie.'I�e Funds are pledged�s aCditional seruriry for a3D surns secured by this Suurity l�sm�eat.
<br /> �:�:�-;.;;:'';�'�-,:.,�:° .
<br /> _ ".�;��ys;�,�. r�,,-�F% If the Funds heid hy Leader exceed�e amounts pertnitted to be held by a�licable taw;Lender.shall account to Barmwer
<br /> F� : �,:
<br /> i����i��4 ltir2.�.��'; for the exoess Ftuids in accordance wittn-the requirements of applicablc law.If the amoun�.af.the Funds held By Lendei�.any � .
<br /> ��:.;;�.:"���•`"f::F-� , time is not suffrcient to pay the Fscrow Items ahen due.Lender may so notify Sorra�ver in wriring.�and,in such.case Evv�jaer
<br /> �;•�:,.•..
<br /> ,�.�i_��;;-��;':Y;="'�;'.: shaU pay'w I.ender Ne amaulrt nec,�ssary to make u�the deficiency. Borrower shalf matce up the deficieacy in no mote.thaa
<br /> . ,.,..�. } �i.-•' '� twelve aa�athly payments.at Lender's sate disctet:�c�:�
<br /> ��;.�i�,': ,=,.�.:•. . .
<br />- •;�;.,-z . :� :�•;:`.� �UtmR.PaYment in fuil af ali sums,seeured by this Secraty Iastrument. Lender shall PromAtty refi�d to Borm��'�t►y .
<br /> :'L:`::`_.: . � Funds t�et�t..fry Lender.If,under par,i�raph 21,Lender shall acq.�'t;e or sell the i'roperty,Lender,prior to the acquisitici*s:er sale
<br /> �.:,«.•. _ '. .`' of the Fr.,�cty,shaU.?pply any Fan2's held by I.cader at the rime of acquisition or sale as a c�edit against the sums secured by�.
<br /> y,,�'...�: • •••; . , t6is Security Instn�meiit.� �'
<br /> g�t;,�,�; . •.. '; ;
<br /> ,Lxr,f:.. ti .._.
<br /> •�.:,3,�.:t1�-_..,:.,:::" 3.Appltcation of�ymeatst Unless applicable law provides otherwis�,q17:�ayments received by L.eader underpaiagraphs
<br /> ' '�:�J�'��;�'''}`�''�:' �• 1 and 2 s5all be ued:fitst.to� a ment c es due under the Note:secand to amounu ayable under ara 6 2:
<br /> . r,,�,y���. - aPP� 1 Pi'pP Y � • P P, �P
<br /> ��•�'y�����S�'�•;a���: third.to interest due:faurth,arprir�al dae:and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> • ', r`:'� ,` • 4.Cl�arges-Saeos.Barrowes�Il pay all taxes,assessments,charges,fines and im�ositions uttributable to the Froperty
<br /> � -.�:a;:,r,f`?���?;�. � ..
<br />- ����1:�;::;r���`s.� ..: �,, w�ic4�may aitain priority aver this$ecvrity.In��snent. and leasehold payatet�ts or gmund rents, if any. flormwer sh,zll pay
<br /> tbese obligations in the manner providec�in paragir,�h 2.or if not paid in that rt�nner,Borrower shaU pay��a�on time directly
<br /> '';�_�,;�;:;;,,,L�:,,," � to the person owed payment.�Borrax�t shall promptiy fumish to Lender all nctiWes of amounts ta be pai��ric'er this paragraph.
<br /> '���� . '::.i�;:�.ti ' . If Borrower makes these payments diredly;Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipis.evidencing the payments.
<br /> -. '�'T ,�`•`{��. � Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien wtuch has priority over this.S�curity Instr,�ent unless Bonower.(a)a�r�es in
<br /> `'``' � writin to the a ent of the obli on secured b the lien in a manner a tat;ie to Lender:(b)contests in ood faith G`ce Inen
<br /> - ��ti��;���;;;":'::. . � P Ym P� Y �P � S .
<br /> ���+�-�• ` ,� ' ' by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings whfich in�the Lendet s opinion operate to prevent she , .
<br /> � t'"FF"�` •��'<' enforcement o€the.lien;or(c)securrs from the holder of the lied.ah agteernc�at satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to , �
<br /> ' ;"_�.: '; ,;:�`;�� t}us Securin� instrument.If Lender sl�m�ines that any part of,tfu:Property is subJect to a lien which�may attain priority over �
<br /> ''� • '� this Security lnstniment.Lender may�;ive Borrower a notice id9r�tifying the.l�_n.Boaower shfill satisfy the lien or talcee one or
<br /> - = more of the actions set forth above within 1Q days of the giving qf aotice. � • "
<br /> ' • .. , • Form 3029 9l90
<br /> ' :. ..� . '� ' � • . PCga7d8 �
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