•<: 's . . lc' p lc sc--�r ; - . .,.,. �. . '�'��.. _
<br /> . > ___
<br /> — ��. I
<br /> L' yy � 6- :{;y'r - � � y' t� n�r1.F� ��Fn :5 ' S. � t E.Yl 't� f ):��'r.ia�.ccc _ __ °
<br /> -'(��' •! i _.�. _ � t� — .._i.(: �C`.. �Y�i �' }.•' - �4. .� � � . � �.,,5.�4y�"C��N�- — — __� --_.. . _..
<br /> � � Y�f ti �y h��;` .� _ �. _ �='_t s.i.��a:.'ir:L�°iya !:�-.4.F s+< ��. <ti...3s-�.��
<br /> y F ti .,r � `-^_`:cS'.".�-i,.'+ u����r��.��'�j���+3���hf���}e�`iAa*H
<br />_ ,` � r,+- � :u � �_ � ;r h'. �'- ,�:. .��, .v-.,�h�'� xn-• v,_ +: r ::vr�v..,...��_-- - ---
<br /> 3!';��—` Y c . ' ��' . ` ' ' , . . � � ' _ � � •. �. •a�-� �, - ----
<br />. �� .�r r��'� � �. [ . � � , ' � ' � �, � •-� -- --.
<br /> Y� � 2. � ` •S.Urdaaae�?faa�tetewpm�?�esotls�rr�fx�.�llpsyptteirearec�IvedbylenQnrus�rtl�etdareea:dpua�iui�64�reoteF�t6sa�cdCyd.er�os � ~�`� �- -..
<br /> y`�
<br /> � �f� • 6st in�aya�m Q!amallRts psyaQt�'to Lendfr by B�ra�e�under�A 4 tusaol.thaa to IQissQat�naDf:ast tl�e t�ate.t!►zn to tiu prh�cTpd o�. ����- -
<br /> ' __ F.t�� tfu Not�,��nd.,�o Eo iM�tss't a�d prtncip�l an as}►'ft�rthatadvanc�es at bttus Inde6tsdsiess sa�srsd hor�bi/• . =�_�-------°-
<br /> ��: ; : . tsd - --- _
<br /> .- - �. LT.6l3fTS��e..=�_�
<br /> ' +, e. @criowes sf�l ke�tM Proparty In Qood royffir end eh6tl na�cartimia westu or pesmit fmptimsern ot datertarstion ot t4��Propeny. .. . �"'-,-=::-,�-�-�_-__—_
<br /> '��� ;.��' - - -_---
<br /> , '` ���s�" ,,� - -
<br /> �. �`• 'T:`If�M Bartown faIIs tos u tnaFn�n ar pay sM prdnd-ums for tRs roautrad Inaur�nae a!tiu PtcQariy.or b)pay tuus C�fore Qe�inqu�m,or a1 paq�amt
<br /> �3e �ount dw u��i�pdat mort�pr oran�tt deed hePoro�� �: cr�msintain th�Fra�a�ty in�ood cewt+.er al prdol¢n sny ot tM courn�b ar � _-
<br /> ': �•�'<.� �� . . ` . s�TSwn�r►is o4 Uds 4ntct lteed.tA�}(andar mayai itn oytlap DaY iucAinsu�nc�prami�ns.tuns.r.rortp�qs or truet Qaed pfiRnent�.orrtuke P�air� F; ;.�� „s
<br /> �!f��s 6�uch icy�ad L�s euah a¢dsn as it deesn�neqa�ary ta proteat its Inureat with¢�at vuatuin9 or affaatfnp ttn dpht to dbc�are or defeede. ; � r:�3 +�-_
<br /> i� . `- � aaCitereif ths Qt�t saeut�d Mroby,6acau�e o4 My sttad ta�rs e4 tlts Bvrmwee. Arry�eaunts so disbatsad by tAa tendv s}�U cdtrstTuiu � a .�-��:,
<br /> � - ' �Kona![ndebtadrtes�af.6ortower serurefl by tlds Truat Oeed ard oh.ffi Dsar(ntarast frcm ths date o!tTisBun�netsi at EAe rata pay�fe undar tha {as�,� �'�s -.
<br /> __ � ;r` � ote. NatNn�con�ed�n tdis pve�pre�b ehail requTre Landsr m crta&o any such dishutaemelus nr teks eay sc�an whetscevar. . - '�`'' : ,�.-
<br /> � . 4 �8.�Lasfdarmsym�ce or cratrb to 0e maQa ceaaonsLiseritrfa�upotr and incpeatIan of tfa Property. " ` � �.,y�,:f-,,�� �
<br /> .. � � r .. ` � ,. , . - Y 12... .
<br /> :� •� • .` 8. The roceddo of any sararQ or claim fot Q�.6irs�o►cor�ss�srttal.in�onneatIon w3th any cortdemnation or othsr t�c[n�ot tt+s Property. �� °.�;,>:�.;',..�.��..�
<br /> . � � . ,�4. ��,:�.�,��^.
<br /> ���;%i� ' o�pavt t�ercof,o�tor canveyance in H�of aoad�rrtnatFo»,ere hereby.asatp�9 m�d sh�l be pa:d to iendes w tht extart oi tha tuA�arnaaat Af the ' __a �
<br /> � 'f � �aninic�p asapaia indabteQnats pautacl�y tlfta Tnrst Q�ed. . -:.� .:�.•,:,a��t_g"�,��y�.
<br /> x.;`'; 8 D , ura . _ , .
<br /> . '._t, L L'�:1.^.',
<br /> ' . �, . }��-
<br /> �:� '�• ' • �e�� (t ths�rty is aDafadionb�d 4y�ttretower.or if,eRer no6cs Etl tander to Botrower that ths wrtdomnor offera to maics an eward or aat@a n c�sm fcr� ,i:S b,�.4' .�:'.
<br /> + �,/• dmneQes.Borrewsr�a2arsiy�CZedwLe�ar+v�in30daysaft�t4►edatesuchnoticetama8ed.teaGerfasuthorizedtoaoltaatandepptytfm�aeadu 4�. `r";�';T;'��j°'r�
<br /> " � . '; to tlts sirms stiCtU�ff 6y tt�a T1ust Qead. :.- . . ,,;c..
<br /> ' f
<br /> ._ �` '.. J���' . Got�em�tton pt�s os awuda chall 6e crad'it`.t�i.to tfia fast maturi�tnsta�ane�ot the indobtednes�ca�Red a�d eha6 not a:cae3 aa�oaie � ����4_-
<br /> ,`�; tlte due data o!Qie�retd6naMa raterted w ie�hs 1 and•4 hstaof or ehanss ttt�arttount at euch t�st�a�t+t. ,_';z -+z*
<br /> � � ,: ,, , . . . • ., ,.,a.+a5t�u''"'_'
<br /> � - ` . , , . . . tQ Lt fhs Lerdes issuea a peitf�l teleass oi thia Tnrct Deed,tha pra�raeds roeetved therefpr shnA be credited to ths tast rtut�rinp inse�mortts of the :. , _ —
<br /> �` " � . :�+dl�edneas seaumd hareby. ''r�;�;�•,--
<br /> �.�: `. .. . , . . • � . � � . . . � f.1�a��2ri:�
<br />_ , /,.:' ' . � 'c ..•, . t1�.�1!llSdQlE$�7W�U ���P; ,���.-�'"'''-,�- :,,.ri'_.
<br /> �rtarityi ar involuntanly becOmea a pafty�to any sult�lapal proce�np retstirtp to Ms Property,Note os tisis Tr,nt��csd,then � �
<br /> •s . �. . Eartower wiA t�usae tlte Ler�et tor atl eoste a�to ehe extent pem3ttad� taw.reatonabie stto ' "`°��-
<br /> ,:.•. ,'* . . �� Y msy fee;a inaurmd by the terxiar��ip to witt _.i;�'.,�_,w,,�-
<br /> :-' .�... .'.... .
<br /> . � .. •--.. ;. . .._ __....`as{aael�pmceedfnps end s�d ama shaU conatiNSe ad�ttonal inCebudnosa sewraA Ay,tNe Trust Oasa ared Dear interest at tRe rete psyaLte under tNe-------.� -���
<br />- � -- -� -�- ----_......--------� -,�----- . _ _ _ -..-
<br /> � :rtoce�umirpm�. � •�r
<br /> s : �.;�, . • . , : ,�:
<br />- �2, As tldrtiand securt Bortower does hereb essl transfat and set ovec to Lender,in cese of Qefault in the utorm�.�aE ary o!tAs terms or - .,:,F.:� ;t.— .
<br /> '�':; h Y �. 0 ��-� �.
<br /> �� cond'itions of tNs 7nsst Dead,the Note,or the temu ot 4ny i�et�ted�uss sewrod hnreby,aD of tht ranu,rovsrwea�,ac�y incoms ot arry typs
<br /> na
<br /> �r,, . '. • . whatsoevar ta Ee Qeitvad tram ths Property,inGudInp land contrnct paymarts. Lendar,in pewon,hy aQe.zi oc by�•;wi4iwut capard to tAe - ..�
<br /> -. ��^.: .'.° .`�•. °•.. 1 , sotvertcy o►irtsotvenay o!tAs�ormwer ot ths vatue ot�s PropeRy,st�atl be e;nigad to tafce pos3sssion of.m,}�r.�ent c�iz��naQs ths Propsrty and -- � -_ ��
<br /> _ _. .- - --- - -
<br /> -
<br /> � . � - to cotieni she rerib�revem��es�d tncems tAe�ram end i!may Dcry out of said i�come all expe�ea of iepatr and coss inaui�i¢i.�.teminp�id rtisnogtnp �� - s-
<br /> ;��. : : ,�. ths P�ertym�coQact[np renWs end tor payrmat of insurance premtums witb a�ry nmafninp batance w ba ayp�sd to.tlti�i(nat tnatu�irt0 DN�� .:;,`, � _
<br /> , �� °� ' of t�e debt sewrod hmaDq. ltpon pma�entina a copy ot thta Ynist Daed anddamand to eny tesaee,tenent or contraat pus�ae�ot.the Prapecty,auoA �
<br />_ �;: . ... .. perwn aMll pay a11 rents.DaymarKs and pmfita eccrued or tftereafto�eccntfng to ihe Lendar urrtil further�ot�ca iram the Ldtutar. � �F ��
<br /> F � .�I`
<br /> �l' � ' `�;�-:;, /8. If otl or eay part of Me Property o�ary interoat theroln ta deaded;aob8 by�ft�d conUact o►othemise comeysd,eGenatnd or turther e�r�eraf ��'�'
<br /> '1� ' � fi,f ' - . ... + `�. . :
<br /> "' :%:z: . eitM�votuntnnZy or imrcJurterIIy without Lender's prior written aonaea�orit tl�Truswr is eco oretion ec�tfiere is o efie e in owne • � �,
<br /> � ,::� . i rD �►Q �f�af 5a% •,.4 ,,. �
<br /> �.i'• �,y; or more oi tRe coryarstton'e stodc,or if the Tr�stqr ia a paRnersltip and th�r,a i9 a chango in the memberslJp or o d'issolution ot the puchsrcuaNp,
<br /> ^i; • - � '� exdu�n8(e)a transfer by operatlon ot taw t�oc�the deatfi of a joint tertant or�)the Qrant of any teesehafd intere�t not contdnirtp an rfit#on to : . , �`F.'��' `
<br /> � IIwcfiaraw+th.atsass tem�09 txro yaua ar teas,os ic)t6acreetion oi the purcfiese monay seaurity tntereat in househatd apptimces.than LeMer rmy; •" ':1.,,�{��r,; `
<br /> ��?;' . . . . , ��apdom.QnCtareraA ouma eeCUrod Dy tfUs Trtsi peed to tm¢vunadiataty due and payttble. tn the overt the Lendar conaerne to nny 6uaA ahenne 'j'•� • �,;�
<br /> �zy: . . ... .. en nwnersNp.contra!or.dirktoi¢tIon or trans?er afi r�o;any,,��a+P the Proporty,then lenQer may at its optEon adjust tke I�rte�eat rete to the prnvaiQr�p ', - ~;,;�
<br /> �,� . � rete ot interost tAat ia char{�e6 on new secured[:ems mf tho cype secared by thtn Trurt Deed et the time of thocf�nae in ownerofiip,aontrol,dlasolution ,' ';;: � �;';�+,;f�r n
<br /> ".;; . .. • . of trartstor and may charya e transfer fee. � ° �m.��4
<br /> - �; `��'��'i'�;�:�
<br /> . �� .
<br /> r� .. • t 4�Upon BoROwer'e Dreaet�of erry eovenant or a�eement of 6orrowor in thfa Trust Oeod,inc(udi�g the cotronaat�W pey vat�c'�e ury Qurm�secured '•�.!;, ._
<br /> � [t�titJa•Trust Oe�d,l.enQer at lts option may Qectare dl of the surtre socurcd by tNo Ttuet Q3ad to be immedietety dae ess.L�tsyaLte w[ttmut tutMer � . ' �•�:-;,���;��=.
<br /> ' } . � �d end may invake tfie power af sds andfor any otfinr�eme6ies pem�itted by opptioab�a�aw inctudinp Ms dpM to fora�leao B�i�Trust Qaed in �':;,���
<br /> '`, ; • • tisd menner prav[ded by lew for the foroctosuro o!moRgeiges on re�eatote. LenCer aho116e entitlad to coSleci all raasonebte costa ehd e�enses � . ;.:��"l.:
<br /> • incurted in pttrs¢idp such�rnedtes includinp.Eut not Umited to,and to the extent pemiltted Dy Iovi.reasonabte ettomey tees. {�, ,,:; •:-�.
<br /> � ' ' It the pOwer o!�at�f�invokad,Tnrstee shall raaord s noUce of detadt in eaoh county in whicb the Proyercy or sams part thamof te(uaited and pravfde . '� (� " .
<br /> _ n�2ice theroof in the rtunner pmsari6ed by e�ytieffife tew. After the lapse ot sucb tlme as may 6a reQuited by e�ptiaabte lew,Truatao ehdl pivs pubtio �
<br /> �" ��- � . . nai[�o of eate to ttie persona and tn the manner preacribed by eppliaable law. Tnistee,or the ettomey for ths Truates,without Qemand on Bortowe�, � � ' 's �•
<br /> � , -., • . a�l snU the Pmperty st pubUo auattan t+o Me htphsat b1Qde�et the tlme end ptace and unQer the tert�da3ipnaZed ta►the nou�e.of eate in ons ar moro , •��
<br /> ;� , .;,it? . �+atcNr end in sucA ordsr es Trostes may determine. Truatee may postpone oate of all or eny parcot o!the Proy�Ry by puElta ennounasmert et the � � . � `
<br /> . .. , : ;,���$ . timo ard ptace of arry previausly sched�ed sate. Le�Eer or Lendere deaignee may purohaae the property at arry eafe. �+«�,:.� :�,'
<br /> , '� ttpan raceipt of paymertt of the ptics bld,Truetee sha11 detIvar to the purchaser e Trustae'o Deed,without wartanty,comreytnp the PropeRy ao(d.The � � � � �
<br /> - ;;•�• � ��- �ar5tets in ths Trustas'8 Oeed ahatl be prFme feols avidenee o!the trutA o!tM atetartrorrte mada thereln. Tru�tee aliali suyp�y the proceeda of tAe�ats �-��' �� �- � •
<br /> in U"e btlowinD ordar: d to dt roasoero6t�coste er�expenssa ot the aeie,inctudlrtp,but not Gmltad to,T�uatee's teee of rtot moro then iive Hu�drod ' �• •
<br /> r'� , - eis��to1100 IOSOO.Q0/plus 1/Z ot 1%of Ne emount sacurad heraby and ramair�np uripd0,and coate of B8e evtdence;b)w rAl sums secured by thi9 . �
<br /> � ',• , � � • Tc�rst paed;atd cl the excosf,It eny.to tAe pereon or petsons legelty entitled thereta. � �
<br /> _ , •i.:,• . . .. . ,
<br /> • " � :�F;f, 15. Amr tordS�cnr�cs by LeMer in e:erclslnp er�Y�ipht ot rorrtedy hataunSar,or otherwfae aHorQad bV�9P<<a�le taw,eANI not be a�vdvar of or ' •
<br /> � ;.t � . ' ; prectuds the eaoercias of any such dpfit or ramady in the evenr c!eonUnuinp or Wture breaahee by tAe Bartower. ��� � .
<br /> ::#� , . � 1 Q.AD remedles provtded ln tNa T�uat Deed ere diatinat erid aaruimave to eny other rigttt or�artedy under thia Truat Qea�m aHorQed Dy faw ov eqidty. . . •
<br /> �i ;: r�dmaybeaxerdsed concurtantiy,indepeMentty or eucce�Ivrt�y:1!Borrowor has�ven Lender e afiattet rnortqa�,w sacurityaqteamern on persona�
<br /> - : , ,,;:, , pmDe�ty es addidonel saaurlty tor t�e dabt eacurad lr�reby.in Cfie e�arn of detautt�eroundor or thereundar.l.�»der shaCt heve the ripht end opt�on to • •,,,;,
<br /> , firot toroctoae o�odd person�I propeny without prc�jedice to tts rlght to theroette�eefl or forectoso tha Pea�ariy�or to pursue dl seaurtty at Me same "��:' '• '
<br /> , tims ar to pursita(tro peraond property etter tt�aafrs or fomctosure of Ne Froperty. , ,:"��;,r ; .
<br /> , . ' � • ,:s; ,,.
<br /> , � tT. tl�on par/rrases qf aU sutrtt aocured Oy tNa Trtrai Q�ar1..tarntrae oha0 requast Truatae to raaonvoy tAe Propetty artd sha(!wrrender tlda Tnist Qoad
<br /> ; _ • . ttsd t9 note9 evf@`..t:e,inD'udatt4d'r•esa securod by thf91'rttot Oauc!to Tntstee. Truatee af�l rmconvoy tbe Property wlthout wursanty to the persan or. .
<br />_ �� parrom Isp�Uy rc�fetad tl�eaar: Suefi penon or peraons eRelf prvy etl aoam of reaordatlnn.if mry. ' ..
<br /> � ' � • 18. Lande►,at lar�der'e •
<br /> optlon,rney irom timo ter time remove Trustae and eppolnt s sucaossor tntatee[o any T�uatee appolnted harounder by an
<br /> � � •. ' irtstrument raaot¢ed tn the Caunttit in whtch tRla Ttuat Oeed la rocordod. Withaut conveyence of the Propeny,the successoi trustoo sha0 euceead to �
<br /> . dl tlUe,power end�tles aonture�upon tAe Truates Aeroin enA by appltaa6le tsw. • . .
<br /> . '. • 18.Fscapt,faranynotlCea.damanQa.�equeatsorothercarsanurdaationsrequiredunderappllca6telawtobeQtveninanotAarmanner.wheneverl.enQer,
<br /> . . . Borrowet or Truates ptvea at serns eny nottce Uneiudinp, wtthaut lunim8an,notiaa o!default nnd rtotlee of eate).Qamanda,requeate or offier
<br /> � - cam�wNaeUan with�eaAent to d�ls Ttust Oeed,aaaA aueh noUco,demand.raqueat ar othar cammuNoadon ehdi be in hrritinp end n�at!6s effective . � •
<br /> ' . _ oNy if ths eame is Q�iwted(sy peroond sarv(cs o►vneiled by cenified mall,poatage prepeld,rowm roeeipt roqueatsd,edQraased M tAe aQQreas es set •
<br /> ' . tarth et the 6epinnlnp of ffie Trust Qeed. A copy ot eny rtoUce of dofault.any notlee of sete,tequlted or pemfittad to be pivan�ereunder.shdl�e �
<br /> =='`, .. .. msilsd to each petaun who is�pmty hereto et ths aQdress aet fortA ot the be�nnlnp of tNo 7ast Ooed. Any party may et eny time chaeQe its�dresa �
<br /> • , tar such notiaes Ey deIIvarinp or meiU�to tRe other psrtfoa hereto,os oforoaaid,e notice of sucM1 chanpa. Any notice heraurnle�efiali 6e demried to '
<br /> . . . have to Oeea Qiven to Borrower or Laeder,when ptven in the mennor doslpnated Aerein. f • �
<br /> T0.The covenenta ardapraemento horein lcont�ned shafl bind.and thn righta Aereundor eha11 inute to tho respeativo heiro,►eprasenteUves,euccessors � � �
<br /> --- ��. ..�;.._�.__-°_..-•�-;___-� .. . en!ess3pas o!ltstr�.-!!U eac�u-aud s;�ca�at tha Coaowe�sfiaiibe�oird e�enaeuil. YiiBe�ovor raferonco is msda to thv einpufar � -____-__-- -
<br /> L.--.
<br /> f . , , �erau�at,it shatl incluQe the pturel and tho pfural afieU includo tAa singWa. 4. � ' •
<br /> } ':!. , ' :. �• •
<br /> . �
<br /> . ' ,. ' � . 1 1 - — - - � . '. .. -
<br /> , �.
<br /> � . ... �
<br />