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<br /> ' ���eY'. l_
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<br /> :���:y. • " � B�rrox��alndaDtednea�.Qesstn�fterretsrtedtoeatRq��IY�te"�tol40M�FED�I�Al.8�VINC�Sk�IDLqDANA�O�lATtBNa� - --
<br /> , '��,�����;_��.� �- GFUt�tft&QJtP�D,her�in�fter�starredtoa�tRe�'Len¢er'�otthesamedefeandaovarin�thaprapertydosc�iDafbint�e�ecurtty . . . -_ _____-
<br /> � r.-�`t'��:;. . . inetrumer►t�tacated a� . . � , ,. Y
<br /> Y 332` �AST S�UTFl.5Tq 6RAPdD ISLAND, IdEBRA5KA 688CFt . . Y ;�_
<br /> :. ' c.. :F. ,� . . ` :;e�� z.�. :
<br /> '� • 4: , '{i�r0yeltY Mdrass) , , • � ,,�, sr�.�r
<br /> � ,a " , W!�'NE&$�TH. , . , �.�
<br /> , �..._ . _ ' ` .. • . .3_..`J `�t�.,�<;—'�,.
<br /> � Wl9ER�S.�oircvrat t�8_lsnder have agresd that any rents a�0 proftta�ttrtbuta��a to the proAeriY$�oatd constltutfl } �`r f '-�- ��
<br /> ��:;;k � • ` �addttian�aflcud�r ta tde I.eridertor t4�e payment of tAo Note; � ' � � ` ' �'`_;;�`�`��'fi��
<br /> 4 . y �y{+..;�
<br /> `'� t - ` ' Yfb.a�Ct3.�l�" i..
<br /> �,� ,��.:, .: • - �I6W,TF{�q�Ft3R�,it ta egresd tha9 tho Sesu�tty tnstrumentshaU tie amended haresyand deemed to fnciade tRe toltowing�� *���, �-,�,4_ti
<br /> a< �. ....
<br /> �.�J.;�..; ,: • Provi�lOr+x . '�'�_-����'k"
<br /> .��� ```f� ''`� � 1. �.slr�n�r+tot Ranta and I.gnd s Ront�l_Coltection R�atsts_Bcutower hereby ahsolutety and uriaor►ditlonafiy asstgns 81t :i � •�i • �. �w"
<br /> •�L" ;, �; .'a�.t,7.''.`.::� . "��t ',�x. . �,r. _
<br /> renis. (aer�QS 8nd pr�ftte at tAe ptoyarty to Sensftclary:Lerttlsr shail hava the rfght; povrer end authority during the �=� ,. , ,. ��y
<br /> � r :,: ` ; '. • y
<br /> � conUnuanee af�he Sscurity tnstrument to coi[ect the rents,issues and prottto of the property and of any personal property r ' �-• 4�;r�,. �
<br /> ����:. `;�.•� '�'^:; .tocate0 tReraon with_cr without taking pasaesa[an of the pro�arty affected.harebY. tender,howsver.hsretry`consents to _ . �,;:i ' _ ` �_
<br /> `-� �' Bn�ow4YS coltect[oa and retention ot such rente�Easuea artd protita as they accrue and be�ama payabie.so topg a9 Barrower L `°a _ _
<br /> • " ,.�zt':•�:: .� is not,81 s�ch ttme,in default with�espect to payment ot any�ndebtadness secuc�d hsreby,or tn th�periarmanc�ni an�r �,'�=��'��;.f-•�__;��—--
<br /> ' ' , y agresmant hereunder. � J�-��;f�;"
<br /> .�. • � �. . ,..:�:: �;;� .
<br /> f'� '�� ` ;' �•` 2 .AcaofntmAnt o?E�tatver.tf any event ot dstau(t dn resFect to the Securlry Instrument shatt h�3ve ec�prred.and be _,s.`;��:'"�;���;�
<br /> �� .�.�.�•:.:_�.��:�� . coattnuing,I.enCer,as��;matter o!�ipht and wlihoat nottce tQ Borrower or anyane dtaimiag under Borrower.and w(thout ,��;;,;��:;
<br /> '' f' •� - reg�ard to ttse vaiue oi,4t�a truet eatata or ths i`i�tereat af the Bartawet therein,shall heve t�s�igA3 to_apply to ar►y court havtn '�
<br /> ; --- - - -g�-----�--- iT'�`�.
<br /> :�:,. ��yriadt�ttoa�Eo appofnt a�ece(ver of the property. . ' ` �1 ��=
<br /> 9. Fiiah Zo Pnssesston.tn case of def8utt M the ayment of the estd prtncipal No4e or Interest;or any part thereof,as It • �t ':.. �-
<br /> P ,, , ,:....,�.�
<br /> `' :��,, ��� � •� � s�atl mature,or In tP�e aasa of faiture ta keeD or peitomn any of the covenaMs or agreemants eonEalrted tnthe Security(nstru- .,,:,
<br /> � �=�•�---:�;;- mern;then the Lander, Its�saccessots ot ass[gas,_sAall�e tutd Is hereby authotiz+e4 ertd empoweied to take tmmedlate _°° _,-.:
<br /> • .�." po9aesatc�n of tRe aatd�prem0sea tAereln descdbed and to coitact tna rents tReretrom.andto applytRs procesds therea4 to the
<br /> ,- :��.�.,
<br /> �� payment of tAe Note. , � "�>:�� ��- - �=—
<br /> . ,:;,•�,.. —
<br /> � - 4. pocllaatton of ReMa.tsauea and Rro(It�.Ail rents cofle�ed by Lender or•Mereceiver shail be apptled firat to payment � ;: • � •---
<br /> °::`:•t`.::r. • 04 thecbsts of maa►ag��.ent ot the property andcaltectlon oi reMa�includin�,but not timited to,race{vaPS tees�premiums on .;` ;%,, r::�-�_:
<br /> � � ..';:;;, ` receNera borttla an��enabta attomey's tee�,�:an�!than to the suma s�aared by tha Sscurity tns�curnsnt Lender and the :;o::; `.::,�•�,r �$._
<br /> - . � �:��; recetver shail tis Ita�:�#'�ocount onty fcr tri��.wnta actually received. f"`-
<br /> ;�;f�:;,��-' ';; 5. �¢c±r^�.;;uctton ot P►ovistona Ea:..�l of the provtstons can�3�a,d In thts Aosignment o4 Rants R[der and the Security Inatru- :.` ��._'
<br /> :.�,,,;�C�:_
<br /> :<;�;'r�',��'���., , . rpeat�t•?'k;unfess otA�etwtse a��i�3SY required. b9 cons'I.tiqa3a tn accordanae with Ne�raska law,and in the event any r';�i,':-_
<br /> t �� �:.,.:.,,.�, ..;F=-
<br /> _ ' ' a;.,�„',�� ,l:•:;,:`�..; prcvision fierefn or tReretn contalne�tsitall be determUed Dy a couR af competent Jurisdtctdon to be unentorceabte,the same �.�;;. ;.. ... r�;,�
<br /> �• j•;, �� ahalt be canat�ad as tttough such unentorceable provtston weTe not e paR hereaf os thereot. . ��„�� _
<br /> . � . " 8. �fect of Rider.Except as eRecifiCaity mod�fled by.or inconsistent with thla Assignrrrent of Rents Rider or by any oiher ��� _
<br /> :' ,.:� ;, , eppllcabl�rlder�all ot the terms and provistons contafrted in the Security Inatruinent ahaQ continue In tull force and eHect. '• '~ , , ,_°
<br /> .. �,.. .. '=`%.�;.
<br /> " _ � � IN WITNESS�NHEREOF,8orrower ha9 executed tAle Asst nment ot Rents Rtder on the date tirat,not d above. _ . .•; ;�:;•f��=
<br /> �� � • �� .. .
<br /> . ,,;. �7.4h�� -�i�A i.[.7�' .�''��;��n
<br /> . . �:��;�,;.. ,:� GA It mORR S F�dtyi�a�AIL K PETERSEN � ,. ; •..":.,, �. �'•
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<br /> . ',�'•;-;. ' � . ; • , - er ,� , ,� ti fo;���'.:.. �.� ,
<br /> ',,.��L. `.. . , � • STATE OF NEBRASKA��' , , ; .. . . .. , ��:�,'.
<br /> °,. �� , (ss: ,, �.}'�; ,
<br /> F , . ,. . .j.7t���-.`..�.
<br /> �' �:<�rs.; � COUNTY OF POALL ) � , - • . ,��3�:...
<br /> .�;� �r :i{e,4}1.t� _ ',. � .
<br /> "1.;�����,''.`T . . . Onthls� 8TM dsyof Ju��:'.� _ _�a�9�r�°d��`�s�'•'�,��d'"��4�'.9?t`��-���'i�;"°ti�a�'�l�+�B"��g8�i�a�d � . �...
<br /> .�;•; qualifled tor satd county,persanai(y came . �- , ,
<br /> ���;': : �:;>�a��� .:� . to be the Identicaf Oersqn(s)whosa name(s)Islare subscribed •
<br /> . �..'.�F;'Z,S�,'.;s;�.. . . �
<br /> • � �:r;+ff:����;�_, '�.. to tha fcr�poing Instrument,and r.nJshefthey acknowledge the exeCUtion thereo!to t�lta:.?�erJthelr voluntary act and deed. �:���� �- •-:� ;
<br /> ,.,�����; ,..,, ,. - ,
<br /> � � �. . � � Witneas my hand�nd Notarial�7 at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 6�8�'G. ', , �
<br /> .��- ' ` • . � U sald c�u �the date aforesal�3. •.. ;, , ' �- . ,'.��;
<br /> ?`,�;"� : �: , , � M ral� . r y � ,,,�}�,.: , .:�.
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