�� :4+�'�, �t``--`'� ` ; . , �`i<��.�y -_- . -a�: � � ' r � _ _.______� -___ .
<br /> . y �+ s �y�,�c3ic�3- �-� " "`_ � � �.�'s.uc- — .
<br /> �-�� y ` �6 i��•�-� . f a v.� ' f^Cil�C��iyR�F'vt���i[y`fs'3�+k'��3" 'sY^� ��t
<br /> ^�iu+i1L.��: ±i?!i!.r�e� a ty{�� .d:��
<br /> ..�f - 1 ' yT �.� �x .J- _ �5--�.`_t..w--sns���faa.�a-a�, �fl7i — —
<br /> s .�'� ai9a#i�+f�.�:k,'� 3s'&9,`� '�'v" : t -��;'RTi�� '
<br /> �. , �
<br /> • � .r. • � —
<br /> _ ..
<br /> ,,.. . •
<br />�•'�� '}Y laf� . .,*Y .9 ... a. ..,- ..w1� rJ.: J.....It .5.:.. ii.'. __ _____
<br /> ltL,cRi:� - �-.f° . � . . -- -
<br /> �� .�.;"r` l�xx.r... ' . . • � . , • .
<br />'�., �' ��^�„Lr."�_`4� r , • � —
<br /> �� �`.�4- • T � ;; . , .. . . � /� B� , � � . � ' . _
<br /> .. {u u. ✓�.• . • - � �q�v�, ���' ��� . , —
<br />_s' _ -::.t,�'?; ���.t��iy' • , ` . .` . ' k3'T� � , ' . . ___�,--.----
<br /> �::_ r copdemnation ar o�ite�ts�king mf any part of the Pro�rty*or far canveyarc�un iieu of co�emmatiaa.are def+e6y�ssigr,ed an� , _— - --
<br /> p,���:..:,+� ' Shal1 dX+patd[O l+e�det. , , � •� . ---_
<br />_ _ 4 " �[.��y.:...J'... —___--__
<br /> _ _c� ;�� ,r:;:'�:. , . . . Lb ihe evettt of o toL33 talcing of she Ptopetty.ttie proceeds str�ll be agplied to tlte sums se�ted by Yhis 5�ct�tity . -----
<br /> ,°'��,2�.��s�.,= . . Insmu�tea�wit�ther or aot shen due.�nitb any excess paid.w Bcmaw�r. In the eveat Qf a pac�aI ta�in$af the P�mperty 3n ___._..��__
<br />_ � -��+�.`�"•-}=�-,- � sxhich tha fais mar�t vatue of th�Progerty immediately.befase the taking is oqual tp or greater than th8 aiaount of c��smns . __
<br /> F�``��',F�: � 'seciued�yr this Security Instmmetrt imarediatety�efor�the saktng,untess Barrower and Lender othenvise agree ii�w,ittag. - , � _-
<br /> ' -��`"' ' . � th�sums sea�d Dy obis Secwity Iastmmem st�tl be�reduced�y the amnuat�f the praveeds rmuitiplied�y.tfle foftor�iag � _ — ._..
<br /> `�� '°`�`4�v� .�.•'��`- fr.sctina: (a)ti�total aumuat of the stuns secured immediately i�ore dte taking.divided by(b)the lfair�aaricet va1t�of.the �� ;�;��' � -
<br /> ��` � ;. �i pr befor�t�e tsida An 6aIance shall be aid to Borra�ver._ In t�eveut of a ' takia of the ' � = e�7 � -
<br /> �; , R .. �P�Y�--�-Y g• Y P P� S , �� ,��
<br /> _ � F.,- _. �rty ia��hich t�te faii zuarket Yalue of th�Pcape�c�!immediatsiy before the tatcmg is I�than the sntount ef the sums . � .��,.�.�
<br /> stCUied'im—mediateiy.6efvle the 1a�i[tg.4�ess BoRacS+er and Lender otheta+ise agree in wriung or unteas apQffca62e tativ ,. ,�,s�,��: ��,
<br /> R, •
<br /> - ., . . othenvisr provides,ttce proceeds sAall be applied to t�e sams sec�ued Dji this Seruriry Iasuument whetheror not @ie sums afe , '4,3,'�....'�,'r�'�=eb �',�__
<br /> �. then due. �' ` s ' ��
<br /> r `• �� � .,���<��.
<br /> � _. If the prope�t}r is abandoned try Bormwer.or if.afcet notice by t,ender to Horrower that the condemanr affers ro m�ke . � ,. ��.�..
<br /> �' rL•�'
<br /> i' , an award ar seuIe a ciaim fos damages,Bmmwer fails to cespond to Lender within 30 days a8ar the date ttte norice is given,� �,�, �: �-�-
<br /> ` ,, -:�� L�tder is antharized to coltect aztd apply the proceeds,at iis optian,either m restoratioa or cepait of the Property or to the. __'�' _ -
<br /> . ..•.'•„:� ' sums s,ecuzed by this Security Instrumea�wheWer ar not then due. . • ���k=_
<br /> �`�.::�� :�,�•, Uniesg Lea�r and Boaower othecwise agree in�vriting,any agplicatims of pro�eds to princigat shall aot extend or . �,� �,-�,��"�`:
<br /> � � •, .. postpone the dtte date of t8e cuanthty payatents refemed W in ParagraPhs 1 and 2 a2 change the amaum of such paymee�ts. r # ' _ -
<br />° � 11. �orcower Nat 6� Fosbeasauce By Leadea.Not a Waiver_ Extension of the tan� for payment or ,r�',.� _��k� ---
<br /> �.
<br /> � s � madiScarioa of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Imm�ment granted by I.ender to azry successot in inte�st v �,.� 4 a__ L
<br /> . �`r; : of Bortower�shalt rtot a�eraie to reiease the liab�uy of the otiginal:Botmwer or Bmrower's successois m iaterest.i.eacder =�s;�� —_
<br />,.+} �!!:.' !./., . � :'rr.��.',F...f''(.:
<br />= shal!aot De ceq u i re d.to commence proe e e d i ngs a g a i n s t any s a c c e s s t�i n m t e re s t o r re f u s e t o e a t e a d t t's m e f a r p a y m e n i a r �`��'�°`"�
<br /> ' sac :>a;r�,—;—
<br /> `<;'` ' otherwise modify araoti�arion of the svms�rd by this Secarity InsC�ancent by�an�f any.d e m a n d m a�e F iy t h e ori g i n a l ,�-'�° ;
<br /> Bonower ar Somuwer's successois in intetess..M forbq.cance b Lender in ex an fi ar zemed shatl not 6e a '".v
<br /> :. � '.�:.,, .: . ,' Y Y �& Y S� Y '. r�t,�.���.
<br /> ..
<br /> : . ...
<br /> • . �- waiver of Cor...prec(ade the exercise of any rig6t rn remedy. , - --
<br /> • ' .✓.IL'�c, r -:`I v"'. __"'_' _'_' ''"'_•'_'�"311���.BO�;da3nt.and�eyeral.I.iat��7'itt!;_Ct�3gn.er_�::,Tiie covena�ts a�d agreemezrts of dus � � ''�:' � .:--_.
<br /> �. _ . Securiry Instmm�ent shall bind aar�6enefit the successors and assigns,of C.ender and Borrower,su6ject t�the praYts�ons o�-----�----- :, ���"
<br /> _ '��;;` paragra�h 17.Bmrtawer's coveoants and agieements,shall be joint and several. My Borro�fer who co-signs this See�uity �.•�. .,.�.��,�
<br /> ` �' �' ':�: ':t,�:� (an.,,me.�t bnt,does not e�ceeute the Idote: (a)is co-sigrting this Securiry Insuument only to mortgagc.eant artd convey that ' :� ` �
<br /> �' °�` �. • Bormwer's inteiest in the Ftas�erty uader the tertns of this Security lnstrument; (ir)is not preisonaIIy obligared to pay the sums
<br /> .
<br /> •_
<br /> .,
<br /> ,. �
<br /> - __-,w;4,:�� _. . - - S e c u�e d 6y t h i s Secar'sty I n s t r u menf;an d�c).agrees.W a t L:e c d er a n d a n y o t h e r B o r m w e r�a g re e m e�[e R d,m o d i f y f o r b e a r - - _ „�.1:. =�' - '`
<br /> �°f;;k."�. +,. or make any accommodatinns with regard to ihe terms of this Secuiity Instrament or tlte Note wittiain[tliat-Boriawer�s .,
<br /> '� � CORSCiIi `� 'w��-
<br /> • .���'. 13. Ld.�C� ff the loan secured by this Secruity�at is sublect to a taw which sets mauimum loan �•:�:.,;r:�; :.
<br /> j ,;�{�f�� "� . chaiges.aad ctar taw cs finaliy interpretect sa that che interest or oiher Iaan charges coliected os to be collected,in cannection '. •..�;� .
<br /> t, f��• J
<br /> .'" `=zsj:": . . witt�the loan exceed t5e pernriued!'uniss.tiiea: (a)any such loan charge shall be i��d by the amount necessary to i+educe ,::��'r`1;, '�:;� �
<br /> �f��'i��,�?� ' ,!"' the charge to the geemitted 1imik and(61 any sums already coflected from Boirowerr,s7iicb oxceeded pemiitted limits will be A'" � �° V
<br /> -. ;�:�::;1{���'> ; L u`t;s ~.j.
<br /> �.'n�q�.,'
<br /> '�,k�r'� . s� iefnnded co Bor[awer. l.enderma choose to make this refund b reducin the rin ttnwed underthe Nate osb makin a ;:�"•�''� ���• �
<br /> _ � A,:f.; .��,�,: y Y S P �#?? Y � ;�``vf��. �:
<br /> ..�. ��� dRect paYmen[to Bomnwer. If a refutid:�rnduces principal,the zedustinn will be u�i:.;�a partial piepayment without any ;��,�:;��rfi�:,°•t:��.`
<br /> ~.xr'� , � Pm�al'ment c6ar8e ar�der the Piot�. �: .- : . � •.•._4;�• ��-��-- ,—
<br /> ,f;, ;,. . ,,,-_:.
<br /> +•,.�
<br />- :.i:�:_ ��-�� lA� Nottees. Any noti�e.to Buaipwer provided for in.this Security lnstrumeat s�l�e�iiven by delivering it or by :�"�•�E". ��.( ye./-�,'��
<br /> .. ,.z.�.. >::G;•
<br /> ':�:,,,;:,,• �' mailing it by f�t class mail�n►r�a��icable law mquires use of another method.'fi�c�fltioe shall 6e dir�t�to the Property :�'�r��{,•,r:� �;�F
<br /> • ``z4% +�=� � Addmss or any.other add[��s�8�anaer designates by r.otice to Lender Any notic�"ra I.ender shall be given by�fi�st class '�'<�',��(�.`''�•��,.',`. `'-•Y
<br /> �:.;j��. ,,. : "oq r.°•: , • . -�:.•'.�_�
<br /> mail w l.eader's address ataz�herein or any other addtess[.ender designazes by norse to Borr�wer. Any notice provided for �� ..�1�"�".�,;t�#�
<br /> . in tttis Sec�uity�inuaent shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pravided in this . _
<br /> . . ;�.
<br /> . ` � • , p�� Governiicg.La�;$everabilit�. This Security Instrument shall be gaverrsed hy federal law and the taw of the , �,�.: .• . .���%�'�"'.
<br /> ; •' � •'� diction in afiich the is located. In the eveat that aay provision rn c�au�af this Securiry Insttument or the Note ���>,},,. ,' �'•'':"•r':
<br /> ' `���''�Y{'f"' �� . '�tm�fl9ets w{th applica6lc law,sach conflict shall not affezi other provisions of this Se{cuiity Instrument or the Note which can ','�;:�F;z)�,,:':-,:,�
<br /> �� �..• r ;�:;:,...
<br /> �' :,,��'%� ='� �'4r��;,� . .:,.,:;.
<br /> >iaj;.,'� .��i�,, n;'-:•:,;• r. .
<br /> . . , . �..�•be given effect withaut t}ie conflicting provision. To�.cs end t he provisions o f t t i'i s:&�..curity I nsmnment an d t h e No te aie r.���s.����-...., �••�i��°r.;;;; ','
<br />_ `.. •' . ' •,•t � deCiated W 6e sevetable. : . •... . . . .;1..",!: ;r,.,.��fY:,...
<br /> -�1 `� 16. Borrower's Copy. Bmiower sir.�sl�(oe giveoe drt�ronformed copy of the Note and of this Securi Insmirtient � . '� ��r"','�y .
<br /> :+: �,; � �=i:. �Y ''''. ,.>�. �:.�`,:�'�,"._�
<br />�', ' '• . ,. ,� . . 17. 'Iiranster oi the Propert�y or a Beaefaaf Int�st in Bosrower. If all or asry part of tt�e Prope�ty or any inrerest in : a ��;.:. . ..'.=;•,
<br /> ,,f,,�,4f: ..,::.;�;::.:. ;.::
<br /> i�is sotd or transfczred(or�f a bene6cia1 intemst 6n Bo�ower is sold or transfem�d and Borrower�s not a natural persan) '�;y,,:� ,
<br /> ii.'`s'y
<br /> ' ``��-�' � v.ithout Le n d e r's prior�vriuz�i consent,l.en der may,a t its op t ion,requue imme d i a t e�t a y m e nt in fu ll of all sums secured b y �;i��'+t�f'=�:,: , ' '' ,r
<br /> . �.., _ .
<br /> � '�.� � , ' this Sec�ity Instrumen� Ifo�vever.this option shall not 6e exercised by Lender if exec�ise is prohibited by federal law as of� ;'��'�� ° .
<br /> r�;'T�'. :. � . . tAe datc of this Securiry Inst�mnent . , . .
<br /> • _ , if Lender eaectises ihis optian,Lender shall give Borrower notice ai�u�crterarion. 7he notice shall provide a periad of �; . - °
<br /> �' . . not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within wiuch Borrower must pay all anms secuned by this • � • �
<br /> _ .. . Security lnstevmeat If Borrower fails to pay these sums prim'to the expiration of this period L.ender may invoke any : � . ,
<br /> .' . �emedies pc�nitted by this Security inswmen[without further natice or demand on Borrower. �'`'.�` .. �. . ,
<br /> �- •� � 18. Barrawer�Right to iteiagtat� If Bormwer mcets cermin conditions. Borrower shatl have the right to have. �t�.:..'�
<br /> ' • • , enfo�ment af this Security lnsuument discantine�ed at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such olher period as � �,;<°4`'�;±;��,
<br /> • •.t,a,,.
<br /> �_ . • ' ' ;..,,,,,,..:
<br /> • Single FrmilY-Fanrile[1laelllr reddie blac UNIFORM IhiSfRUI�lENT-Uni[mm Cm�en3nts 9J90 tPage 4 aj6 pagc�! ���':''�. . .
<br /> _ z= ., 1 � .
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