_ t . �..;�,.. � �. t ���r.t�. .' '��,�,4 ���Yr�?:c .i.` r;;',�;��g� ��. �,�� ,Y L ��i•�� �__
<br /> t - i���.�� , �`�a'• z�s� �s�:. i<i_ ..� .���°�.�"}i r �i���,.%��:��-� -'r�--'��° ��s� -- - —
<br />- .S,` tr. . . - 3 - . 1; �_�;.:�°} . ` � �.4�,,..,ek"����.3��'.kh{s.'sru53�Y.�y.}t�1tY:_._�'�-� - ---�
<br /> r�� k.fa -
<br /> ', . ,.••y�'..1�,..ri.� T i i_ t_. � -�6��'T��"'"Ji }+'.r...Y �'SYF'$LL"'�"� ' _..+...+�a `- _ -
<br /> �}, '[: `� i � . . ' ` � . �. � ,���3�Xr�Tltp � - — _ —__
<br /> t�_��P .�' V{; �.; . , . . ' . . , .. � _ :a . .'. . — . —_
<br /> . <,�,_ �. 17:Tra�stbr a�f�te��'ra�s�ar a�as�'flcYai trater�s� 3e� Bs�rr�or. tt��ti ar e`r►y¢a:t a�t�a praputy cs' .. . ' < _
<br /> •`- ' " atry�irt�st ts�Et is sa'�as Ua�fe�ceQ tor it a�etid�l.�tn 6anow�ts satd or transf�re�enB Banovice�i�nat�nsBU� : �` :�
<br /> .. Q�.� �' i. _ -
<br /> ' ��.��i1 �.."`'_�..��ame.�
<br /> •.�-�:�:�:`�`':.,�� :•�.;,r , � R�"'.�)crYfioiaE tendds�.iar v+a@�ti eanser�I.endtf trmy�?fts opUan.!'�►se 6nm�ats paya�ien4 fn tU9'of a7�sums scottred�/ .� -
<br /> � . ,.,� '�:; ' �U��Yy�ns�m�Hawa�r�this op�i°n aSia�not,�e ezer�sed by L�endeF��e Ts pto�by�t�datal inir ss at.tha' . _ —
<br /> ':� F`�' : date o1 thia�etautiy/Irt3�ut�tertt. ` .. � . • -_-
<br /> � t �•E..�:, .: It Lender mc�rlses tlda a�Lton.Ler�3sr�a9.�give 6ar�we�nattce n!et�fe�ation. Tf�a natlr,s�aP.ag pratilds a psrtod at pot ` k
<br /> :� `, . ,�.,,,�.�,,. . .
<br /> -� ,. F: �•' �`tesa thats SQ �sys 6om 6ie deda tha notice t� dsWeeQ or nx�d wfth�n whi�► Bomnwer nerst pty a9 asun� aecurW by ttils � ,�
<br /> f� ` ; v:"� � ` Se�u�y U�sR�ua,�d.It B�rawer faHs to pay these armu piFar w the expkatton ot ehf�ptde�lender may.imrc�ie ac�/r�na�a� • :�.-:�� --�—__
<br /> 'F � ! � I
<br /> �� , e ' 4 :.:. pert�ls�i this&a��rdy�strument wftttout t�uther aatirs er demnrsd an�errower. � '` •- " ` ='�.'�-�„ -ti N ,
<br /> ^,� ' 98. 8oerowss°s 6itgtt4 to R69nstals. N gorrsvrer mzELS cesffitn cond'i`ilons.@crrovrer eha9 hpae the AgP►2 to htve • <�JS'z s -
<br />_ . . � ` . •," . ' entarcesnent a!Ws Sec��tty Ge3trument 6iscaMlnued et er�y ttmo prtor ta the ea1fl�of: (a)5 days (ar such ollSffi.paAod�ss ,,�':
<br /> '�F: °�`r�:����.��`�t
<br /> -- - -'.""-Y-=W,--�,-.: , ap�tr�bte taw may aD�N foi�s�i�nt)l�dera ea�a oT tAe Rtap�ty pulsusnt to a�ry Power ot�etc+cam�5�ed trr th�h�rily . ' -� „-�,- "_
<br /> .::��-f� �. . �►�ot ro���o�e cu�����„s��ay��ti�m�o�������ea��:taf�p�c��� . ; ;
<br /> �. ,"`' Eunu which tAerr woa�t�.ba dce urtds�thls Seec�@y►tnsfiimsrt rnd tha Nota aa N no acc��atian Md oee4ute� @)atres.eaY . . ' - "`..
<br /> ` � �. � QeteuR of any other eovenant or agia�nerrta: (e) Paya efl'es�r�ses t�cunad tn entoretng t�Eg Seart2y Irtstivmenf.'(nr,h��tg,bvt �` � ,; -• ,.��..
<br /> - °.>, di ,...,�,��'r•.�; ;.
<br /> � . not 6rt�ted to.reasoanb4e aUarPtrya'teea:an0.(�t�tes.euCh aa�ion ae Lx�nder may ressnn�Iy tequtre to eaaute tJu!tha�en of �` . �•,.";,.;.'.�,' '.
<br /> - � , . . . _ lhb Seauray fnatnunes[t.Leidar'd dghm tn tfle RroyeRy ertd 8artpwe�a oaUgat!an to pay t�e suma ssa�ued Cy i� 8e�ur�y► � '�.',' '-.-_;�.'iz''�:y�":'�: '
<br /> ,�:.:.
<br /> • � ` (ns�urt[eni shat ea�ue imefimge� Upnn �tsmtemmri by 6crrower thts 3e�ufty �n,►���,�,r and the obfigstlona seRxired .��kz,�,., -;.., ,+
<br />_ �� ` ,;•' hereby sh�9 rert�Ut Mty eRe�ra$s�no a�eteration had o�cum�. Ha�wavt�.Ws,dgtit to ranstato shaU not eippy tn ths�t+ ; �},,�;.,.�rr: _ ,
<br /> ,,.�i-:'. ' ot acceieratioai wder ptragr�/h 17. � � �,i,�� ,• . ' .
<br /> . .�t�:�;� �
<br /> 19. Sai� a�Nots;Change of Loan Se�vIc�r. The Note or e a parti�i t�erest tn the Kote(togethes wfth this ' i- �;,.:�:;��'.�
<br /> . :,:a. .: .�., :�
<br /> • �ecmfty Instrument)may be said ano ar more ttmes wZtl�out pdor na8ce ta Horrawer.A sate�r�y reste8[n ti chemge In the ertfiiy. ': ...,��_.�;_:==
<br /> '. (lmown as the'LQan S�vic�ry that ea4eets r�anthty paymeMs due unda the Note and th[s 3ec�niry tnstrunienG Tt�ere efso may `f :^1---��_3'-.-
<br /> ; �., �:a.xaau . .=
<br /> ' ', . be one ar mare changes o} the loan Senricer unretsted to e sate of the Note..it there �s a cAanga of the l.ean S�vvtcc� ""'•°' -
<br /> . ' , ��• 8ertewer v�l 6e.gi�en wrffie►natirs ot fhe ehange in eaxrdance w8h para�apb 14 abwe and�app4cahta imv The rtotice vrID �, ��'%`=; �::
<br /> � ' state tAe nams and adcfie.ss of the new Lo�Servtcer and Ma sd�a to wfiich paymarts shaul0 Da inad� Ttta nott�wID afso ��� :�` �:y.,,:.:�:.�
<br /> •t ' . ' • � _ '� ' ._
<br /> •;� ' ', �� cc m�atian requ�d b3l ePWcai�le t�v. ,�,.',�,
<br /> .. .
<br /> .:. . .:•�.o:.: ti• _ , �L.. _ . . :
<br /> IIt8fl1 BIIj/OY11Ct U11C
<br /> '� -^--==--�•---L'`-�� ----�-�-- �-----° .. - - ---- -- .. ..._ ....-� --° - - --- -- - --- ----._....._..-- - -
<br /> ;. _ •` .' . _ , . -- , -
<br /> Z� ��9[a0119�!`U�fIC69. QOiIOY[�S����9 OT��18_pf2S�ICAi U3B�.�{S�OSB�.S�01H�@.OT R�23SB Of !.: .,• �"� x:
<br /> atry H�ardous Substac�c8s on ar 6t the PropertY_ Bmrawer�not do nor allaw erryorte etse to do.e�ryth5t9�3 U►e :,;. '.° ". ;.°;,��;
<br /> • L ". � P r e�t y t h a t t s i n v t a k tl o n o f e t ry E n v i r o n m�l L a w.. T he R�'m 9.tw�sentenees sha11 aot a D G�Y ta the preseue..�or ;;<:rr?�::�>•" :',�v.,�'=-'
<br /> , sta�uge on the FruP�t of strnD qttat�6'U . S��Y �� BP�P A�,:`:�"�: ;g,. ,.- �"
<br /> i;;s. �.�- -
<br /> . .
<br /> � �� , es ol Haardoua�thffi are re d to be rfate Lo'rtarmat .,
<br /> ,.
<br /> _ :. ,:� ;..",�
<br />_ ;.. �. i�. _. .'. :.r..: . , / ,,,.-
<br /> ..:,.
<br /> ' •, �sid�tial�i elLd IO rtlaBrtert3fiCe of the Pro . i<'
<br />- ..�..., . ...... __,. ,..'.
<br /> P�Y
<br /> B�ower-sh�Si_Pi'Q�lI 9�-lendcf.wdtt�.nottca o1'arty��e►vesHg�fo». clatm. deman� fawsait or.other.ad.ton bY__enY _ ...:"�:°.�..:�
<br /> - --. -- -.� -- - -- gauesr'�erttal e►regutatmY$S��1I or prNate party Imrotvtng th�:Ir�FeAY and arry Hamr�dous�Subsmnce or Envtronm�m!Lmv af ' - -
<br /> '.''{�' � vihL�a Bortaw�has acNat i�awiedge. fl Bvtrower teams,�C�ciotiAed bll en3/Sovemmerttal or RgWaiory asMo�ity:.tls�Y 2�j► �
<br /> ., '• .,... ..
<br /> :::�;.•.t:. . .x
<br /> �'� �naual or othe rem�aHan of arry W�mrdous Substance.a'f�g'Property ts necessary►. Borrow� shaU pmr�t.►y t�v aIl ` V
<br /> . _, :, tt2�essatY.r�ne�al aetIons In accardance vyith 6►vironme�l iaw: _ � . ' �; �
<br /> • � <., , , ,;. ' � " As used tn ihts pate�apb 20. `Haandous Substaneea•are those substances defined as toxTc or ha�subsfances by , �
<br /> • `` • Emraortmerdal law and tl�e toQawing sumster�ces: gasoQne. kerosEne, other ftartunabte ar toxic petro;eei.r�s�proc�cds, twdc j ;. � �S
<br /> � ;;:�,_; :. � pc-sGi�Qes and Aerbictdes, vofat�e saiventa,materta1�coMafiing esbestos or fortnatdehyde,end raefloadNe matertals: lt�,u_2d fi 1 5`_�t,'�`�';,;��, � .
<br /> � ! -.: . , �ph 20. 'Emtronme�l L�rs`means tederai taws and taws ot the�urfs�d[on whece the Prop�tyr is focateA that iti�+,7�td :;:;;`f}���%;!1���:;•`��i�''.
<br /> �t' .� '1.j�....F.
<br /> �. ' , h�t�.safety or env(ronmental p�tIen. ' , ' �+' =i��%'��' -ji'��:
<br />- ?i -- ----°--=--._....._ � , ';;.^ ,,;;,�
<br /> ' I` � � '� 6VONd1NiFORM COVENAMS.,8ortower end Lender tuRher covertant an�a�ee as toQows: . ' -
<br /> . .�t, ,
<br /> .�_ . " '��. Acceteratton; Rac�adtae. L�nder ehafi ghre notlae to Bo�rower prtoa to acceter��a . , . `� ' ;
<br /> � . ' • :;�.�
<br /> - �� f�i(ac�ving Borrower'9 br��b of arry cavenant aa.agreament I�e 4hta Securi4y tnstrument Qtt�tt.a�c �. �' ;,.__
<br /> - �- � g�cUmT to acceleradton untf�i pa�agraph 17 unioss appticable taw provtdes otherwise). Tfns,t�• ` .... _ ;;;r';;;-,;}!:
<br /> � . sl�atl spacHy: (a) the defauf� (b) tha►�actJott ee�nired to cure the defaui� (c) a dais. �tat less f�iat� � ,�% ' ,
<br /> �„:;���:'�:,
<br /> .. - � � 30 days from the date the rmtice is gJta.�ss3 30�orrawer, by whtch the deiault mu�4r��sure�;_�d � . , � �.:. ��
<br /> : �s:�. : .>
<br /> • '' � (d�"that fafluro to cure the defauli m�n ar 1x� the data specffted tn the nottce r�ay ra��i dn ,. ;,,.,, -
<br /> ° �. ,,���'�',�,',`-:; • a�xateratiom of tha sumn r-�cured by this Sec�rT�j.InsWment and sala�the Property.The i�cd#�e ;;";<�;�•��;`'.� �
<br /> -:::6�,.'�;;';�.. -' '`:.�f;,:��� _ ..
<br />_. � :•�... sl�i turther fMorm Bo�r�ar o!tha RgM to r���tate after scteterall�n and the right to �c�i a :.:,;s�'.:� :,.%:�` .� 4.,
<br /> __ ,4; Y:`,��, ' ::.�� ,! court actton to asseR the non-extstence of a;��,a�elault ar any other d�afenso o} Bomow�r tm : �. , ,
<br /> ;: ... ac�ateratlon artd sate. tf ffie defautt is nat cuea8 an or ttratore the date specffted In the noflce. � ,�: .. _�� ���.;.�::;�:''�
<br /> . l�estder a! its op4ton may require immediate pa�gnt tn fu(! of all sums ssaured by thls Se�teQity � - • �� ��'� � '.
<br /> � �. , �. . � Ittst�ment w�thout further demand and may Saa�atce the power � sa[e and atay o4her rerRe�d'c�s �� ; �
<br /> � ��srrnitted by ap�licabte law. Lender shafl be�Rtted to coflect all oxpensea incurred in p�cc�du�g ���'�"'�,� . ,
<br /> � �. . �� ' � �++�.e remesiiea provlded In thls par��a�F� 21, �nc(uding, 6ut not limited to, reasonabie �ys' '�� � . • '
<br /> , �., .
<br /> . •- : : �es and costs at tft�e evidortce. f . ` . •
<br /> • if the power af s�te is imoke�, 4ca�tee shall record.a notice of dsiautt tn eaah ca� In �', �: . ,
<br /> f : . .. vn�.f�ch any pu! o! the P�operty Is H�a3e� su�di shall mafl copies of such natice in the �eac�ne�r � .
<br /> .:,s . , , - � ��scNbsd by apDlicahle law to Barae�ras ac�cs�8 flca tha other persona prescribed iry applicatale [a�r. � .
<br /> . . � �,t°ter the Ume required by applic�u'�r�aw,Tr�Lae shafl give publtc notice af eaie to the perscns � . _� . ��;: .
<br /> � �� in the manner prescribed by sg�C�xabte tativ Truste0,x�ithout demand on Boftowsr,a�al1 aell E .
<br /> � ifin�a Property mt public auc�lon �tlaa htghest �8dde�at the time and �taca and under t(ne 4orma
<br /> , da�dgnated tn the notias af sa'e t� one or m� paraols and In amr order Trustea determinoa � � � � � �
<br /> , .. :.,_. ._ . Trustee may pastpons s� at a!1 or aay parcel of the Proparty by puhifo announcsmeat at the ; ,
<br /> . : _ � tima and place ot any prevIousty scheduled sa�e. Lertdler ar its daslgnoa may purchaso tho •� �
<br />-..�;'. �* � � . Prop�rty a!any sato. ' �
<br /> i ��� Upon recofpt o!payment pf the p�ice btd, Tivatee sh�ll detiver to tha purchasar Trustee's �
<br /> � k� �. �� • � deod cemraytng th�Propeety.Tha recitafs In the Truataa's daad shail 6e prima tacle evidenae o! ��� � . -
<br /> ` � � � ths tnith oa tf�s stat�rnaMe made therstn. Tneatae shali appiy ths praceeda oi the sate tn tha � � �
<br /> ��". ... ' :.� - foffowing order. (a)to all costs and expeeses af e�cerctsing the power af sate� and the sg1e, � . . .
<br /> � ��"� �:..�.' . trtctuding tho psryment o}the Trustee's faes artualty tneurre�, not to e�caaad three •
<br />- �� i+,� __�.. � � 96 ai tha principy amourrt af tho ; '
<br /> aote at t�re time of tha dectaratton of dafaui�and reasonable attomoy's teas as permflted by law; ,
<br /> . ='�'•� ` . : (b)to all sunes sacured by thi�Security Mstrumer�and (c) arry ex�oss tv the person or po►sona � ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ' ' � : : . ¢agal�y antiUed to IL . , �
<br /> ; � ;. : ' ��� �
<br /> -'- � ',- °= _- ft3 geiW� =_ --- _-�.
<br /> SS.UJi&f�?133Y , •Fa � - ---, - .. -..
<br /> - - - .
<br /> _ � !;: ' ,
<br /> _- • 9�A35 �t .
<br /> . �'�.
<br />