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<br /> S y ;<.., i{ _d ..�� � .'C� l " �>T t'�V' �`• k' . � . _ �S..�f.!C'5++�+!z �
<br /> ` k� t.i.�f~�`�f:ti�`-.. -�t'�t� � ` s t ,.� T. 4 { _�;p��,.i�5}. . . -
<br /> + � l. �� -. T. {- �i� .�: � 'f..�n -J!at- :;i. - � i���.
<br /> `. :'� #4�,k ��x -- . - . 'i'�?�a#�..��...�' —
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<br /> � •�.``- � -_
<br /> - �='?j �k...5'P..4��; . � .. • � ' . . . ��� � ���iJ�� ' . �`��`��-��-���'
<br /> � c.' r-.. ..� .
<br /> r ... t`'� . . ' . . , . . . . . . . - ' • k x � _
<br /> � ..-'._;..�— . �GElY�ER.WITH�I the' ement�aaw or�er�ftcr es�cted on the ; z��,,� �.'
<br /> ' � �.�r, �ta. • �mP� P�P��Y•and ali e�seutetm,aPP}�enanc�s, � ;_ w� � :
<br />-C �.-�, _ r' r- - �nd fixnt�aow or heseafter�part�f the pm�exty. All mplacemeats and.addiq�uas shall also 6e caveced by this Se�nty . ...T. ,�� _--- -
<br /> :_' � `�.� Tasuument All of the fo�going is referted to in this Secutlty tastrument as the"Pcoperty." _ � . ,� + ..s��� --
<br /> ,;�`���`t��,`�� , , ' $OItROFiSrER CQVENAN'd5 thai Boabwer is�aPrfiill9 seisod of the esWte h�reby coaveyed and has the.rigiit to gta{n4 4. .,�F:.;�.,�*s.;���-,
<br /> � and convey the Ftoperty aad tirat the P�peity is aneurufn6e�,exr,ept far encumbraases of recotd. Bottower warrants and,' �,�n;� �
<br /> i r�.��f �� `4� 1vili d�f�d g�tteiaUy the titte to the Fropecty agamst all ctaims aad demartds.sublect to en�i encmmbsances of reconl. • ' `"" ��:=-
<br /> - F�:-,���`�'..-.3.:�: . . .. o'..
<br /> ��` °•,: r . ' TIiiS S�CURITY tNSTRUMEN'f combines aniform cavenanLS for natianal us� and nan-uniform covenants with � • �•
<br /> ;t;�%� , � '. ' iimited vadations by jmisdiction to constitute a ttnifora►secuaty insnntment caveang�eal F��Y• ,
<br /> ,� `�E UNffORM COVENANTS. �ormwer aud Leader covenant and agtee as fol2ows: ' �. ,
<br /> _ - ' 1. Paym�i�YPr�!8ad lntet+�Prep�Ymeat�L�te�aeg�. Borrawer s6a11 promptiy pay whea due tixe ' " " -
<br /> *� �.�. Priacipal afaad izut�rest oa t�debt evidenced by the Note aad aay�epayment and�ate charges due under the Note.< f �
<br />-_ .:. 2 Phnds for Zhaes aa�Ynaasa�aoe. Sabject to appkcaht�hw or to a.wriuen vraiver by Leader,8mmwec shall pay to " � � .
<br /> -���~ ' .r,: Lender on the day mar�619 PaYmeats a�e dus under the Not�until the Note is paid in full,a swn!°FS�ads")for.(a)yearly .,�<,<" �;
<br /> - �:,-�i�,: ,: ._` � taxes aad acsessmenb a3�ich may attain Qrivsity over this Security Inst�t�eni as a tien oa the Property:(b)Yea�'lY iease�old �. . - �r-°r
<br /> : ,.�<� :. . r; payasents or gmund re�s an the P�ogerty, if auY;(�)I�Y bazard ur pruperty insurauce p�ums:(d) Yearly flaod � ''';•.
<br /> .�.
<br /> • .�1'h��k-.��. ,i� IIISIITdQCC QIC'IDIWIISs��Y; fe)Y�Y��8e insuraace ptemiums.i f arry;and(fl any sums p a y a ble by Bonmwer to �-�^�j•`". �::�.:..�,
<br /> �_���•, � ' Leud�r,in accandamce arith the provisions of pazagragh 8,in liev of the payment of mortgage insurance p�eaniwns. These ,_ . ..
<br />- �''-`''�•'� �';` items aie ca]Ied"Fscrow Items.` Leuder may,at any time,collect and hntd Fhnds in aa amoimt nnt to exceed the maxi�vm _ :��.•, °
<br /> - • amomat a tender fm a federally cetat�mortgage loaa may tequire for Borrower's escrow account uader tise federal Rea1 . �s.
<br /> _:,:;�. - '���: Estaie Setttemeni Pnocedtttes Aci of 1974 as amsnded fivm time W time.12 iJ S.C.§26U1 et seq.("RF5P.4"),�tess aauththter ::s;,.`_`.- _
<br /> f `;;' � . 1aw tbat es_ta the Aunds szts a lesser amouat Igso.Leadet may at any time,coltect and hold Fuads in an amoimt not tn =�t�`,<_ �=:°.:.::
<br /> '� �: �s ;:x� � 1-.,y�,,�..
<br /> � fc �, exceed th�lesser amount 1.Qnder may estimate the amount of Fuads due on the basis of curcent data and reasanab2e. � �= -
<br /> °'i ""`��' � esfimar�s af expeadinues of fa�tiue Esc�ow Item�or otkernise iu accordaace with applicable law. .
<br /> , - ,�,;,... . ..-,�.�--�.
<br /> ' ;:;;r��;.,;.,�:.� . . Tde Fuccds s�all be hetd in an institution whose deQosits ace ins�eci by a federat agensy,instrumentality,ar entity , . • :�.,
<br /> eQ
<br />_� , .; .. (includin�I.ender,if I.cader is su�an insutution)ar in any Fedeial Home Loan Bank. Lender shalt apply the Fimds to pay � " y. �
<br /> ...
<br /> � ` : .. ' the Esaaw Items. I.ender may not charge Bamawer for I�old'mg aad appiying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow �. - ;L�
<br /> . �.,�=�;-- _ • ,;
<br />.' c.�s '�.. ;r . ..-'----- ...,-'--'---- - ---� '- ' - --- - '-- -'
<br /> .r._�,.._�.- . . riccoum.oi verifying tbe ESCrovii Tfems:unless I:.eadei pays�-Bomower�n�st�b3��th��-Fi�ds-a�rd�ppli�tbl�latw..germitc ...- -� ------_. ,f ...:
<br /> t
<br /> - �:1'��_iC;`�-.: . . � _ ....1'.
<br />-- •.;-, _,. . �,�-_, ._, Leader'to make such a charge. However.I.eader may iequine Bomuwer w pay a ane-tirce charge for an in�epead�L�eai , • ���;:�.
<br /> ,� . _ estate tax reporting senrice used by I.ender in connectiwt with fhis loaa,unless applicabic(ew pmvides othernise Elnr�an ' � �.�;
<br /> � • , ,; agceemeut is made or applicable law requites interest to be paid.lxnder shall nat be�eqauied to pay Borrower any i�ae�si or • �
<br /> gc e
<br /> - -----,---..`_.,,.-. � eamings an the Fagds. Boirower,aud I'ender may agme ia writing,hnsrevu.Wai iutecest shall 6e paideg t�e,Funds. Lender ' _
<br /> . ,:�-��,•
<br /> • . , . - - shail give to Bo�wer,without charge;an-anaaal-accounting ofthe Funds;showing credits aad debits tr�:t5�Funds aad the - - . : F_�� ;;
<br /> < , � parpase for which eacb debit w the Fgmds was made. 7he Tvads aze p�edged as additional.gecurity for aI�seuns senu�d by .
<br /> '. . - :•.? • this �'-z 't�Instrunient. . �, . � . ;,; �,
<br /> � ,• a �
<br /> - �; �+�,x : :I��j£�e�upds hetd by L.ender excxed the amounts permitted to be held by applicaki�law, Lender s6ab1 accovrit ta �_,�rr��� : ;
<br /> �•.r� "�'' -' ' Bonv�tier'tor the•eacess Fands in actordance with the requirements of applicable law. if'the amo�t of the Funds held 6y � �':` �
<br /> �;''..��':�• • Lender�t any ritre is not sufiHcieni m pay the Fscrow Items when due.L�nder p�ay so naUfy Borrower in wri6ng,aad,in , `
<br /> • • , such case Bor��:i�xll pay to Lender tt�e amount necessary to make u�f�ie deficiency. Borrown shall make up the ' ,�� ••'�E��' ��:
<br /> ,�, , defcienCy in ao s�c�'than twelva montblY Paymeats.at Leuder s sote disc�3. � .. , ,.��;. ��,,:��.: �5'
<br />� ` �I�PdYtn�nt.ia full of a1J.�ms secured 6y tLis Secvaty Iastnuneut,l,ettder�.zIJ.'�is,mpily refund to Barra�any `'•'�;.,�ws���i�,#���::
<br /> �''� ' Fuuds.�.:.?�b.�i�uder. If,uader h 21,Lender shall tilre or sell the Pro , , .;o-�,r.: ,�f, :.,::
<br /> . Y F�S�P �9 perty,F�rder,prior to the acqcci�itiu�-�or ��,�r,r
<br /> sale of the ProFer�;;s6all apply aay Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisitton or saIe as a�credi��against the sums -,-f�� ;:
<br /> ,; . ' secured by this•�iy lnsmunem. , . : ;` ., t.`
<br /> . . . 3. App7I�oY Payment�• Unless"appiicabie law pmvides otherarise,all paymenu mceir-id:"6� Lendcr under . . � -
<br /> paragiaphs 1 aad 2�hall be applied:first,to any prtpayment d�arges due under the Note:second to amounts payable under . • �.':•�;'�f :-
<br /> ap §h r pa ' _
<br /> - : parapaph 2;ifiird,to interest due;fou�th,to priacipal due:and�L�s;to any latc charges d�e under the Nate: , , �� .';=�� '��`}%"
<br /> -"•�•'• , �. C6arges; Liens. Borrower sball pay all taxes, assessments. charges,fines and imposidons attributable to the „ � , =��^;
<br /> ::T:.;.:..:. . : �fi
<br /> .:.,�' . r Ruperty which ma��rin priority over this Secvriry Insuument,and Ieas�ald�paymeats or ground redts,if any. Borrower _ ;
<br /> :. ,. :..`1`=,' :`.' ' . . shall a these o6' ons in the manner vided in ara h Z,or if aut ''. m that maaner,Borrower shall a them on • ' �i :�- •,;'.
<br /> ;,.;�.},';�.. P Y � P� � P �P L� P Y
<br /> ��:�':.�:"s:��;;; '��'`::, time dinecily to t6e g�:rson owed paymen� Bomower shall promptly fumi�'i�R=d:ender all notices of amounu to be paid under .�
<br />- �'""� �'�'='�` this 6. If Botrower ma4ses tlieese a ents directl Bormwer strai�' rom d fumish to l.ender recei u evidencin '
<br /> 'r �s;;�'�a;ti'?,}�: ... P�P P Yn► Y� , P P Y P .. g . .. • .
<br /> �;:�;':•�.,,:�;r�'��t�i,�'��;r:� thepaymenis.
<br /> fi'y';';:;:��;��4`'.�� 1 Borrowei shall jabmpdy idi��arge any lien which Has pf��ty over this Sec�uiiy Instcument unless Borcower.(a)it��s , , . .. .,.`�
<br /> � ��` .. ��,.. � in writing ro the payi�ient of the obligatian sec�'�by the lien in a manner�'Pta6le to Lender,(b)coat�.-`ts in good�-s�n'the ':`.�;: '�� ;,.:,��
<br /> ` ,f�. .:...:.
<br /> ±""���.<:'. ''.�..: lien by,or defends against.eufo�+cement of the[itts�in,Iegal proceedings wiricia in the I,ender's opinioa a�..te to preveat the . . �; _: : ..?1
<br /> � • , ' enforcement of the tien;or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender saUrordinating the lien .. �
<br /> to this'Secarity InstrumenL If Lender detemoines tl�aat any part of the Pmperty is sublect to a lien whic8 may attain�iority ' - �
<br /> �.M' � ,1 : , over this Secauity Inst�umen4 Lender may give Bormwer a noace iden6fying the lien. Boaower shaU satisfy the lien ar take � : . �
<br /> - � . �,.,�� •� . . ` one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of tha giving of nodce. � • '
<br /> • 5. Aazard br.Eruperty Insvranc� Bormwer shall keep the impmve�ents aow existing or hereafter eiecied on the. .� • •� '
<br /> � Pnoperty i�Isured a�tii�`st loss by fire,hazards included within the tesm"e�d�:d coverage"and any other hazards,inclading � . • ' . '
<br /> ' � ' floods or flaodingr���r whicb I.ender requires insnrance. This ins�ance�'�all 6e maintained in the amoimts and for the ; _' . �
<br /> • :: y�tii;•,:.� ' :.. :. _ .
<br /> . .•,.,`,. . .
<br /> .� ,:r�:. Form30� 9/'90 lpag�2oj6page�) .
<br /> � �.i.�•.:: .. • � , � .
<br /> .1� .. � '• ' .
<br />-�'� '�� . . • ' . �
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