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<br />�� y� -" certa�u,€a�stentu=� of need af Trust an8/or Mortgage, dated o� AEC�IAEii �RD� 1991, _
<br />���4`.� ' giv�ea by RIKO�YHY J CSAPi.SW6RI. A SIhGLB PBR80N, tinstor• to ARI�ID 'R B�iCB• . -_--
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<br /> "'`��� of Deeds. �in and for NALL County, Nebrasica, on DECSMBSR 57.'H. ]991, in BooK of • , ., •
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<br /> ' I, the undereigned• a Nntary S'ublio, da hereby certiEy, tYaaE T R.`QAti'.�� � ' ' :
<br /> - • pereonally knovn to be the game•�pecaons �rhoae name(s) ere rea�ectively ao
<br /> - . BUPSRVISOR. MOATGAL38 ACQU28ITI�IB of PRYNCIPAL MUTUAL L1i+B Id5ilRt�bICI+ COMPAI�IYi � � . � • ' �• .:.:%`
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<br />_. ::,=;.;: .'.__;.;, ' this day in pereon, severally achnawledged that they, being tFse�eunto 8�1y .. • . � ,':`,; .;�'`
<br /> u;�=�t;�;��:�W�_ , authorized, signed� sealed wfth the cosporate seal, and de2ivesed the baia - � , �� .
<br /> :.;_•��,�;� _ instrunea�t ae the free ans voluatasy act oE aa�a corpor$t ion, for the� uses and • i,.,;;:;{.. •
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<br /> • ",:�:,:. Given unc2es my hand and seal Lhia JUNB 30TH, 1994. �� �
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<br /> ' �' ` ,.� � '`:n • �,.;.� �'bie inslrument is pt�pated b : TAMELA GA6T, BUkSl1VISOH, PAIKCYPFfL ILC5iUFSiT1Ab . .
<br /> Y �, '
<br /> _.. f •"__:, llaH�&.. INC.. 713 B�t3H STRE�`P.. DES ESOINES� IA, 50392 OU01. �: -;,� _
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