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<br /> .'� �'�..���'� �eT►e�t�a► Five Pois►te Bank. a ��Dra�s1� Ccrpora4ion � ° ------
<br /> 4 %
<br /> :� ' ''< < ...,'. � ' I�.ds �Olt l.S87 13S3�1t'd �et18II9a HE �,69�02 . � _- __--
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<br /> �"'r Yla��O.t1�S� . , . r.�)� �ic5-r,�.
<br /> - ``� ';�, �:r��� � � ,� zeis �. Brc:drell �ira�na Ieleta..�, ss: c�z-is� �o��� —--==_ =-___.
<br /> ,'�.� ,' ;: � wno�Q mailins� e �`'i��' ---
<br /> - ;�{-;,�f�:.'-..,.;��'•�:�,z � � � � 1ti83fia�s $ II�. --- -
<br /> `-"�= .r`�, '�;.;,�.�'•-' FOA VALUABL�CONSIDS�ATION.tndirdfn�L,endst'a��danaton of credit i�anttBed harein iQ .. • -_-- -----
<br /> .�
<br /> ' �� ":t�`''�""�. � dnn�elle ![asBY�
<br /> � ;. . (pereia"Batrawer".whather ane or moc¢}umd�t�e trFaa�i fler�ir+ct���1d�.:.
<br /> "` � t � �, tha re�ei�i ot wQtich ts hereby scknowledged.Trustor hereby irrevoca�hl 9raMS.U�ansf�cortvsgrs�ar�t8ru��TfruaWei•f�l;
<br /> .. ,,- 7�.�.�";l� Tf�UST.NIRHPOtAfERCF&AL�forthsbertefitartOsecurfiyyo�Lender.underandsu�jecitathaterm��.cartdi9arrttheradaaH�rae�; �� - -
<br /> _ r'<�-�g'�'s[r1 r��i,''ti' _ d �S ' � - -
<br /> ..�r ; ,�,�.��u �t�'#�"'r��8er� �u�'�`viaion i n t ne C i ty a t G r a n d I e l a a d. �t a c�a y. _
<br /> !t;`�°�����,�,�� l��k�8. . � -- a
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<br /> s:,� �.-', . _ _
<br />`��-� '�: ._. � .• ;TageUter w�tt aU butitQrtgs,tmQrovemerds.ti�re�t�reets,al[eY�i��88�Y`'�►easemetno.►i4hin:Prl*iii�{�s en�WiRurt�- ���` ",—
<br /> C� f � c;�. - -._ .. -:,-::m�ncsslnc�bed8ter�t4orir�atlY!�isepstC3inirtgttteret�;and$tere?�txittesen4 nevaretot��r[d��tqtBO/.and -
<br /> - -�- . Art'if.�.
<br /> ���:� • : `.�ChRe��P��SPtt�[�t�at�chedWtheimpriove�►entssosstacons�t�sfl�ik3ti�,�iRduding.ti�t►otfir�il�i4�oaWt�sred---._.-- �e.�r�� .
<br />�,��`` • '� 5 r�., ••• :`'caotinge4�siPmer�andto3�li�ivoitAthehomesteadorma�ftalinterest�Sa.ny,�cL�ta3r��er�#�srd�lse3ee6�deucdurahte�ait ��'�-
<br /> - '•' •����;F�;���,;.: ' -
<br /> ,rr �{�� � :, ofwhich.inciudtngreplacemerrlsendaddtif�iathe�ate;iaherebydectar+edtobe�(���3G��afasecurndtfyL�aiilltcodit� �€r�-
<br />�,.°s������.i«n�a:�x�s�r� , ' .peed af Tnist an�a110!th�foreg4��+9����hereEn es the`�ro�►eR�' : � x� -
<br /> } f- .. ':. � �,Fa_����,
<br /> �i.��+��.s�����,�_} -. .. This Ceed ct Tnist shatl sscure(a)the�7n�t ci ii;�prirrCiQal eapn and L�i�,t��ra�G�ts7l g Ptamia�csy rtatE►ar c,�it .-.-- `� ? =—
<br /> TE► �e 3
<br /> i ,i4� ��fi �9,�sr , :� ' ., �; : . -
<br /> � ;`;S,{rr�,��` � agreemema2�a 8alp 9lta ig94. "h�r�t�vg� ., � . . d�rsE' , S�1.g�.���.ZPi�4 �� �'�- _
<br /> �.<i.;.�c��'�,�� 4{ .�s�nt ��,r�r� . . , �. . ; .: ; , i ��
<br /> G �`fi iY :�s S� �� � ' �r..:+c=1+w4+r1�9e�:,' �� '-
<br /> l,r�t,�,s��;� '�n the�r1g#�}pdncfpat amount o�S - ,and arry�c€�mod��s�,s�i�s��a3�ii� _�
<br /> `.., �X,'f�;�,,. 1tiEreo!or thereto and arry ared a1t tuflure advance�s ec�teadvances to eurtower f�r any of them if rflnrQ�f�stt rsnff�Aereunder �.,;,.�
<br /> ' pwsuant m o�or mone promtsanry notea ar credlC agr�camerns(herein calted"[Hote'�:(b)the payment.tri nthqr uuma advartced by ��„d==-�=
<br /> � " L:'•.q..
<br /> ;-,,,. . ' � LBrtdartoproLectthesecud4yolUarNot�:tc)thepertarm�encoofallcovenanlsanc�agreemontsofTtucitorsetlatcirherein:an�(�atl v..�:_„�„r---:
<br /> • � present Etrtd tulure(n4ebteQaess and obligaUons of Borrowet(or anY af tnem ff more than ono�ta Lendet�vhet4�er dlr�eeR IndiracR - -
<br /> trt ;�
<br />- ' •• ' '- ahsotuta ar contlngent and wiqether arising by aote.gua�anry.averdrats ar otherwfse.The tlate.Utiu IIeed of Trus!and arry a�td all �; __
<br /> � - �:''.:'"°' ctherdacuenssS�a�SecuretheNateorotherwiseexecutedtncunnectlonthere�ith.inctudingwithouttimitationgu�rar�ea,seeudry ;`�_',�':=—
<br /> � , . agreemer�and a�stgnments ot te�ses and renta.shatl be�eterred to hereln es the"Loan Oocumerns". � - " _ __
<br /> ° , Trusmr eovenanb and egrees wit�L�ender aa tollow¢ • ' ;`'-�-°_
<br /> . . �.x.
<br /> , � 1, paynHnt p/tttd�phdn�a.All indebiedness aeeured hereby ahail ba paid when dua � .>-��
<br /> • � - `��� 2.T�Tiu3tor Ia the owrrer of the Property.has the rfght and aut�oHty to convey the Properiy,and warrants t�at the tten • �, a�'ke+�x-
<br /> � ereated hereby is e 8rst end prtor Ifen on the PropeRy exeept for Ilens an0 encum6rances set foM by?rus4or In vrrtdrtg an0 °�;;;'"`�
<br /> . ,.•; . f,.:
<br /> � • dettveredtoLenderbeforeexecutionolth(sDeedotTrus�andtheexeeuUonanddaliveryotthisQeedotTrustdoesnotvfotateeny , � �-�-
<br /> � . • oartract or otAer odtlgaUan ta w0�icti Tn�scor is sublecL' . � , ,•'�'��'�
<br /> . • 9.Tuw,�.7o p3y befare del�nquancy all taxes.spec[a1 assessments and e!1 aUter cbarges agalnst the Properry ,.. .,�>;:.. ;?,:��.
<br /> � .,-.° �: now ar AereefGer tevleQ� E '- r� :•,'` `'
<br /> �. . � 4.InsteaneaTokeepthePto�ertyinsu�edagainstdamagebyftre.haiardsincludedwithirtthotertn"exten�edcaverage".and '���; . '"•` . �:.�' :
<br />- �� euch other AasBMs as Lender may requlre.in amounts and wiN companies aceepffibie m Lender.naminB lender as an addittonal ,,; ., �,;.�,��
<br /> . oamed Insu�.wNt►loss payahle to the Lender.in case of loss unQer suet�potieies�Ene LenQer is au4no�lzed to edJust colleat and �: �` �'; +
<br /> � • eompromfsa,aflelsimaUrereurMerendshailhavefhea�tionotepDtyfng.allorpartoftheinsurancePm�g(���5►indebtedness . : ` ::';:. .�. �'
<br /> �. � secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,(i�to the Trustor to de used tor the repairor restoraUon olthe Properry �'^� ' '�"� °""
<br /> ar(Ii�iara�yathBrpurpaseorobjectsattsfactoryWlenderwithautaftectingthel(enotth(s0eedolTrusitorthetullamountseCUred ::?'i1• .. �..i:�'i�r
<br /> " - ' hereby befare such paymern eves taok place.My appticaUon of proceEds to irtdebtedrtess shall rtet extend or pos�one the due _ � .
<br /> ,. , : Y`.
<br /> _ •. .:�;�;r,�, Qate o1 er►y paymsMs under tt�e Mote,ar eure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> , „�j- "•�:• '' S.Fiera�r.Upon written demand by LenQer.Trustor ahall pay to Lender.tn euch manner as Lender may destgnate.su�ctan,t � • ,. .-
<br /> sums to enabte Lender tn pay as they becoms due one or more o!the.fotiewing:(�all faxea,assessmenb and o�ter chargas against
<br /> � '" - 4he PropeRy.Q�the premtums on the property insurence required hereunder,and(ii7 the premiuma on eny�r[crOgago insurance . `� .�
<br /> r;., r � •
<br /> ;:;;,i,:��..;. �'�. �equis�0 by Lender. � .
<br /> - �t : , . 6.Matnt�anp.Rpair��Compp�nc�wH!►Lsrra.Trustor ahatl keep the Ptoperty tn Qr�nd CondiUon and repair,shall _ .
<br /> � ::�.;,.... .:
<br /> �, . promptly repalr.ar rc�lace any �mpravemen!whdch may be damaged or d8stroye�shatl nat aCmmit or permH arry w�s�ar .: �
<br /> ,�<::,. ° . � de�rtcrauon of the PropeKy,shatl not remove,demofisli or substanUatiy att�r any of the imprav�on tne Propertyr.shatl nat •
<br /> • �i°'°�� commilsuftercrpermttarryaatt�bedoneinoruponthePcapertyinvioiarianota�qlaw,ordinartce`orregulaUan;an0ahallpayand
<br /> • �fn,;,
<br /> �:i,M: pron:p9y Qlscharge at Tn+stor'e casi and expense ell ttens.encumbrartcss and chargea levisd,Impased or essessed against the ( .
<br /> ,��.,�� . . ' PrGDe+„i i'n t�ny►Ratt UteteoL .
<br /> ' _, : ' 7.Ee�nt Oom�n.Lander 8s dere�y asstgned aU campansatton.awarcls,dzmagea and other payme�rts or relief(herelnafter
<br /> :, � _. °P�ocbed�")in cannection witb cendemnation or other mking of N0 Pro�eRy or partthereoL ortar comeyance In iteu o!eon�emna- � �� •
<br /> - .. - ttan.trertder BhEt!b9 enUL'Ed a!ib opBon to cammsncs,appeps in 8n0 prosecute in ifs own name any actlon or precefldirtgsr and . ,.
<br /> • ' � ' ahalt afso be entltted to make a�ry compromfso or setttemer�t in connectton w1tt�sucb taking or damage.ln tha event arry portton ot .
<br /> the Praparty 1s so faken or damaged,Lender ehaU have the optlort.in ib sote and ebsotute discrerion,to appiy all sucb Proceeds, , � .
<br /> �r deductln�therefrom a11 casts and expenses tncurred 0y it in connectlon with sucA Proct�eda.upan any lndebtednes9 secured � .
<br /> ' � heieby and[n sueh arder e�Lender may determin�or to 8p'pty atl sucA Praceeds�after sucA Qeductlons�to the restoraUon o1 fhe � .
<br /> •' '' PmPeIHu�Onsss�hcandi@onse�Lsndermayde�rm�n9.MYaPPti�allonafProceedstofndaEtednessahatlnoteyRertdorpastAone . .
<br /> �f' . . �, , the due date aT arry paymen3s ur�deNhe No�.or cure any deiaWt thereunQer or hereunder.An�u»aDplled tunds shall ba pald ta .
<br /> . '.'•'���f'�' _.• TN3ZOl. •
<br /> .. ',� 6.�ec�try L�ttpon the oecurrerna ot art EveM of Qetautt hereuctQer.er iE an�r uc!19 taken or tegat proceeding • . ' .
<br /> ,..__,._._ : commenced rhich muteflffihl a�teeb Lendefs i�eeltA the Proaetty�Lendet may in.t�own di�ct�ison.Eut withoutobligatlan to do , �
<br /> • � sad and wiUtout rtatiee to or demand upon T�smr attd without retassing Trustor treret any nCJiga�fqn.do sn�t 8:et which Tnistinr has �.. , � �
<br /> . , :;;"i';�i. . egread but taiin to do and mayatso do sny other act it deems rtecsmaryto proteet ttie secartry huraot Tn,�or shall.lmmadiateiy .
<br /> '„"'`;° � u�andaflandthareterbyLender.OaYtoLsnder�lcosbandexpensesincurtedanesumsexpnnd�b]►LenCeriocanrtecttan��+lt� f '•�,, • •
<br /> _ ,.•'' :°;�� U�eexen�sebytBnderoftAataregotng�lghb.tagetheiwitAinterestfhereanattheQetauli►�tepca�kQedlntheNOte,whtehstml9be �� • •
<br /> •' • ,,., ' .
<br /> . ' •• . . •. . • ,� added to�:�(nde4t�ness secured RereEy.L�rtder shail eot it�c�u any liabilriy because ot anyNiittg it tnay do or omit t4 da � •
<br /> �.3_.--=— —�"°—'- {'.� ' . E..- --- -- — ---
<br /> _��` -=.--- '.. -� .� �-:, --_ - ._
<br /> ;, . . . .
<br />