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<br /> -��li�lAi���` . ``. � t,' _ ` � ' �.. , E.. . , ��� .. ���j� 61, � ` _",_.
<br /> —--.�-W_.�.-- ' k, . : '��(��.�'(���..i�lOYE.��B L�fl:iE OI;If�.2'tr'�,�£f�14�4'A�AE Lt1$�7Y1�,1��&I�8�1 C'3.sCffi2E11TSi���LC��: ' . ----
<br /> --— ------ _,��1lI1f1Y�S;llflW 6y'�.�iSTE�� 3'�.'�kit 11f�IC ji2�ljSEZtjt. � l�71fi�EA#5•21'f�-&,T�t_f7i1S.S��I,�(T•�E�OVB�`�1j�' tT1t5 `S�CY{L� .. _
<br /> ---- Ia�n�:A�.I 8f the furcg�ting is ref�erc�d t,a in this Secuifty Jltysstr:ument as ths"Fta�sty.° = ' ° , . .: .,
<br /> �QRR�NWEFi CUVENAN'F5.�t Bou+a�c�r is tawfnlIg seis�ci bf zfae estate hereby com��eyad�nd ljas the r�ghs ta�ant aac� , �
<br />_- -- - ` :. comme�tTie�PrQp�sty�,thaC Ihe'Frap�rty is urtemcumbered,�e�rcePt foi�eucumbra�ces af recni�. B�zrau+cr urasrattis end��iiQ�.
<br /> � , defa�d�e�ily tls�titte ta t�e Progerty¢ inM aiI claims a�x�d�mands,snb}e�x to any encumbraac�s of rewrd. : �. �
<br /> - -- � . 'i'�IIS S�CURI�'Y I�F3TRUNi�tv'T•cambiII�.s an�iform cQveaams for nata'anai use aad no�uaifarm cov�tamfs�wit6�naite�. ,
<br /> _—� ---- � vari2tion�by jur.isdicaFon W canstitate a ufiiz`afm security i,���m�nr�vesing te�prag�rty. , �. � • ,
<br /> -- ___�.,=-„� ' UNdFQRIt�OU'I�NATSTS.•Eorrower an�Leadea cove�t sud�agr�es€olto�vs: �� � ' --
<br /> �-� _-�. . . __ • .._..i._Faym�ut..uf I�pdpai�and'Imie�t;Pre�yjmEnt and Y.aBe(�arges. Borrower sl�aIl P�D�Y PSY w6en dt�ehe �. . --
<br /> r. � �rinctpal of and inte�est an.the debt evislenced by tbe Note rind azry PrePa}'m�at aad late chaige�due�iaiier tfie Note:.:= , -
<br /> . .2.k'imds for Ta�es aad Tncma�5abject to apglicabie Iavr or to a v,iiuea waiver by L.ender.Bo�wer sha]I pay to
<br />= - �. Ltadvc aa ihe day taontl�IY PaYments are d¢e uader the.Note,nntil the Note is paid ia faU.a snm(°F�mds°}f�r:(a?yeaciy tax�s ,
<br /> ��u
<br /> an the Pr e�i tea�.oi@ � -_
<br /> v Instument as a lien :(b) Y .. . .. PaY� .
<br />__- ------ a�d assessnteats wlrit�ffiay�att�tt prtonty a er tius 5et�uifY aPeT�Y Y
<br /> -- . �I$YO�I�4d reats'on tf�P[og�ty.iP aIIY:=��)Y�Y h2Tard oz_PmFerty:inci..�n,.,.SP�Ums;(d)Yeastp ftoo��e P��s. � -
<br /> i�any,(e}yeariy mortgage insarancc Pte�tinms.if any;and(fl anY s�s PaYable by Borcowec ta:Letttle&+.'".�,,;,.�,.;�prdanoe wiG`�
<br /> the provisians of paragcap�S,in liea of the payment of martgage in�.+cq preminms.'Phese itenis`asec�i;t��°"'�t,r�taYr Items." .
<br /> �, L�1deT m3y.st IIuy time, ooUect and hold FuRds in 1n 2�t77uc9t ACY`-f13���EICCCP.�t�.'�'..�im�m��t a��i�$�e�Y, • .
<br /> ,�.
<br /> rr�d mostgaS,e loaa majr reqaire for Bosrawer's cccro�:.��the`f���al Estate Settiement,T. �����'. Aet�of
<br /> . - tY1`�as a�ended&am time to t�e>121U.S.C. Sectian 26i��.��s�e`�;,t"ZSESPA°),•unless anoiher law that m the�u�.s
<br /> sds a tessar r�vnt. If so,Leader may.at any tlme,,wliect anct�#'"�unds in an amount not to e�d�esser�naant: ,
<br /> �<'=�:�-. Lsnder may esiimate We atnoun4 af Funds due on the bas3s�f c�.data and reasonabte estunates�of expen�itiu�s nf fnture -___
<br /> ie �� _:� Escraw Items or atltertvise in acaordauce with applirabte law. ` ;-y, ,,. .
<br /> � TAe Funds shall be fleld ia an inseitutian arhose degosits are insured by a federal agency, insoiumsntality, or enrity
<br /> �` (iacluding lea�..Pr,if"I�nder.is sacb.an institudon).Q�in anY-Federal Home Loan.l3aak.Lender shall a�ty the Fun�s to pay 3he. . _ .
<br /> - ---- --- - - Fscro�r Items.I.ender may not charge Botro;wer for holding aad applying the Fuads.annusUy ar�vrang tlie escrow aCoount, or .
<br /> verifying tbe Escrow Items.ualess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable la�c?,�uis LendBr to make sucb
<br /> - a cUarge.However.I,eader tnay require Sorrower to pay a an�time ctiarge for,an independent re�,:c-�ta�t.��rtiug servic� -----
<br /> - used by Leader in connectioa ¢rith this i.oan. unless applica6le laat provides othe:Wise: Unl�ss;:ss°.�iro4t Is made or . �v_
<br /> - =�; agplicabie taw.requires intenst to be paid,I.ender shall nat 6e required to pay Bo:tower any inte�.��f.��s�on the Fun�ls. _
<br /> ,,��:�-•.. . Bomour�r and I.ender may agree in writing,however.that interest shall be paid on the F�nds.L�.�S(�;��g�ve to Borrower. _^
<br /> �;::'2'�- �,,.�=-
<br /> f��%�,; vvithout charge.'an anaual acoouuting of the Funds. showing ciediu aad debits to the Fands ard`.U"�:p�rpose for which eacb _
<br /> • '�;�.; debit W tI�Funds was�¢st�.��'ite Fund's are pte�ged as additaflnal security for all sums sewred by th'is Securit��."?stmmeni. _-_
<br /> *• '�'' ' If We Fands heid 6y;�t exceed the amounts pemutted to be held by applirable taN, L'ender shail acc�r�t to Borrower _
<br /> a �i:_�it,;,,.. ., - _N__.
<br /> : ;'.3:`;�;�.?a: � for the excess Funds in accc�nce wiih the requirements of applicable law. If the amount af the Fun3s hetd by Lender at a�ry ___
<br /> ,�f��" `_;,�.,��:��.« time is not sut�iicient 10 pay the Escrow items�vhen due.l�ender may so aorify Borrower in writing,and.in such case Borrower ' ����;;;
<br /> - 't;` =•=��;`�" s4aU pay to Lender the amourrt necessary�a make up the deficieacy. Soaower shaU make up the�eeficiency in no more ttaan j:',�:-
<br /> •�; ._.;;, i��u_
<br /> 3' twetve month[y paymeats,at I.end�r's soie discretion. --__
<br /> ,�; ��:..�
<br /> m ;3�;:;.:•;= Qpon paycaent in full uF�sutns secvred by this Security Insttt�meut. l.ender shafl pmmptly nfund'ra Borrower airy . �•:
<br /> � ��',i�."�;=:��>u' Funds hetd by i.ender.If.uad�r.pacagr�21.Lender sliall acquire or sell the PropeRy,Lendar,prior to the acquisition or sale r� .
<br /> -:.:�_.,:�,.r_ :,�;. ,n+°.
<br /> of the Property.shall apply anF��unds htid by I.ender at the time of acquisitioA ar sale as a credir against the sums secu�ed by �..'��
<br /> -`. �.�"x . . this 8ecuriry Inswment. ' �'`
<br /> _S� . ��,�.•.:
<br /> 3..Applfqtton of Fay�ts.Untess applicable law prvvides othe'rwise.alI payments received by Lender under para�rapl�s �--"'-�
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be lied:fi�.,to an a ment c es due under the Note;second to amounts a le under ara ph 2; ' �
<br /> aFP Y P�P Y �S P Y� P S� ��=,;_
<br /> third,to intetcst due:fourtf s;bs principal dae;and last,to any tate charges due under tl�e Note. ' ��,,..__
<br /> 4.�Ita�;Liiens.Bor�ower shall.�all taxes.assessmeras,charges. fines and imposirions attd6uta61e to the Propetty �:
<br />- which may a�;�ii�.priority over tfiis Se��•instrument,and leasehold Fayments or gcou� mr�if any. Borrower shali ysay -_- _
<br /> ,�.�:;,�.. . these obligar.a�in the manne,t provided i��paragraph 2.or if not paid in tAat manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directiy 'f�"'
<br /> • 4�JI'�"d.�F�• � �
<br /> ,,.:�,.� ,, to the person owed payment:Boaower shall prompdy furnisb to l.ender all notices of amousrts tabe paid under this paragraph. �_---°
<br /> • °=�'''�'=�- • If Borrvwer makes these payments direcd .Borrower shall rom 8 fumisb to Lender recei ts evidencin the a ments. �;f�:r,
<br /> . ,,,��;�K� Y P P Y P S P Y ��`,�
<br /> _ ----,;.._-=-,..::; gorroiv.er;sh�ll pmmpdy discharge znx lien which has priarity aver this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees�n .
<br /> :_ •;t.�`:;•;i• . writing W th��s�nent of the obli�ation 5«�red by the lien in a mantter acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in goad faith the[i�s'i�
<br /> ���-:���:; ' � ,�,;
<br /> ��. � by.or defer.d:�p��igainst enforceinent of d:e.1ien in, legal prooeedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to ptevent t�r„• •
<br /> i':c?6'r I.,
<br /> • ;.,,:���-r� gaforcement of the lien;ar t`c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement saszsfactory to Lender subordin�in�the liett to • ,'�'''
<br /> °'' ��.'.':--;- this S�curity�.�isuument.!:t>t4ender determines�that a.*►;.part of the Property is suirjr�;t to a lien which may attain prioriry over
<br /> . ,'-''''f�':' this Securicy In�niment.I.ehder may gi�•e£�rmwer a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall.satisfy che lierr or take aa.:ir ,
<br /> 5: , .
<br /> . cttore of the�i��s set forth above withirn!�'days of the giving of notice. , , •
<br /> � '. ' ' C�crtd 3028 9/9�• �
<br /> ,}. ' � vage 2 at 8 , . }';
<br /> .. � � �. . � '.
<br /> � . . � �'.. . 4�•. .
<br /> -i�. . . . �I.. .
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